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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4061596 No.4061596[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>people who don't eat pizza crusts
>people who don't drink soup broth (especially those faggots that make ramen and DRAIN IT so they only have noodles left)
>people who cut crusts off sandwiches
>people who overload salads with dressing because they don't like "the lettuce taste"
>people who don't eat the skin when eating an apple, pear, etc.
>people who basically just nibble on chicken wings or ribs and leave them covered in perfectly good meat

>> No.4061601

I don't like eating chicken wings to the bone, come at me bra

>> No.4061606

What about people who pour a bowl of cereal, pour milk over it, then eat the cereal and dump the milk down the drain?

>> No.4061612

That last one is the one that makes me most mad.

>eating pizza or sushi with a fork and knife
>drinking decaf coffee (what the fuck is the point?)
>drenching everything you eat in disgusting mayo or ranch

>> No.4061614

Oh god I've never heard of this.

>> No.4061616


op here. i can make an exception for knife/fork pizza if you're wearing something you really don't want to risk getting a dribble on or you can't get your hands greasy.

but in most circumstances, yeah, that's annoying. and sushi with a fork is just absurd.

>> No.4061617

my roommate's girlfriend puts soy sauce on everything, she's not even asian or anything, she just always puts soy sauce on everything she eats. I don't understand

>> No.4061619

Oh God all of these piss me off. Live with people who do those bar the soup thing.

They also, but are not limited to being/doing these

>people who put ketchup on everything (including carbonara)
>people who don't give any given food a try
>people who top up perfectly good wine with lemonade
>people who burn everything because they turn the flame up to the highest as "it cooks it faster and better"
>people who don't put lots of black pepper on eggs

>> No.4061620

>people who don't eat pizza crusts
I spend much time making my pizza doughs and the crusts are small and crispy and taste really delicious. Yet some people cut it off without even tasting and "I don't like crusts"

This is really what irritates me the most, spending loads of time preparing a good meal for my family and friends and people not even bothering to taste because "They just don't like it"

>> No.4061622
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>people who just know they won't like something before even trying it, and then proceeds taking the smallest nibble of it barely touching their lips before they spit it out, saying it was the worst thing they have ever eaten.

>> No.4061624


haha, my room mate in college was from canada and he ate mac and cheese almost daily with tons of ketchup in it.

absolutely disgusting.jpg

>> No.4061628
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>high class restaurant
>someone orders chicken fingers

>> No.4061633

Pretty much anyone who is picky or prejudiced about what they eat pisses me off, broaden your horizons people. Like my faggot ass friend who won't eat tomato or egg.

>> No.4061634

I used to do that when I was little and didn't know better. Now I don't waste a drop. Dat delicious cerealmilk

>> No.4061640


tomato is iffy, i feel that people will have a bad tomato (like the fast food shit that is sometimes bright white, hard and bitter in the middle) and then write off the entire fruit.

>> No.4061641


>(including carbonara)

Dear god... why?

>> No.4061643

>That ramen thing
Yeah, I can't have MSG, so the soup packet is out for me.

Usually, I just stir fry it with sesame oil and some onions.

>> No.4061646

This thread makes me feel so bad, oh god, that feeling.

>> No.4061649

>>4061612>drinking decaf coffee (what the fuck is the point?)

I enjoy coffee, but sometimes I don't want the effects of caffeine. Honestly, coffee has really been fucking with my sleep cycle.

>> No.4061650

shit my guttersnipe housemates do

>have not changed the oil in their deep fryer in well over a year. they use it everyday.
>So much fucking salt in everything.
>Buy a shit ton of stupid gimmicky kitchen appliances that have a single function.
>Leave leftovers including meat in and around the sink for days.
>Eat some sort of fast food every second night.
>Never eat vegetables ever. The few times i have cooked for them they have left the veggies on their plates like fucking children.
>Bacon with everything.
>Deep fried everything.
>They think i'm strange for eating well.

I am actually able to watch them getting fatter. Can't wait to see them in a couple of years when they have diabetes. I really need to find a new place.

>> No.4061653

do you live with the cast of Epic Meal Time?

>> No.4061658

I know. It was a real kick in the teeth as I took the time to make it perfectly. She was also gonna do the same to my mushroom gnocchi before I took it out her hand and urged her to try it. She went and got it anyways later.


>> No.4061659

Nope, just fucking idiots who here never taught how to look after themselves.

>> No.4061667

I fucking love knife and fork pizza. Why should I have to eat like a caveman?

>> No.4061668

Kraft no doubt. Tried the stuff while I was out there recently since it's pretty much their national dish. Honestly I didn't know you could fuck up pasta and cheese but Kraft did it

>> No.4061669

I fucking hate soup style ramen. I eat mine with enough water to make a sauce

>> No.4061674


This was my college roommates in a nutshell. Like the third day in one of them bought a deep fryer and they became their staple cooking method, they would just buy cheap frozen stuff in bulk from Sam's Club, we once had a 10 pound bag of frozen fish sticks in the freezer...

>> No.4061675

you know the show doesn't reflect them right?

>> No.4061678

I once saw someone eat only the skin of an apple, and then throw away the rest

>> No.4061679

I am guilty of that. Me and a bro used to be no good neet pot smokers eating deep fry shit all day every day.

>> No.4061682

Why the fuck do you care about what others do with THEIR food?

>> No.4061684

>people who don't drink soup broth (especially those faggots that make ramen and DRAIN IT so they only have noodles left)
Are you... upset?

>> No.4061695
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>> No.4061697

Eating pizza with knife and fork is fine. If its straight out of the oven or just reheated when you bite into it it'll burn the fuck out of the roof of your mouth. Cutlery saves you the pain

>> No.4061701

>>people who don't drink soup broth (especially those faggots that make ramen and DRAIN IT so they only have noodles left)

>implying ramen soup is edible

I'd slurp the shit out of some home-made ham and bean soup, but why would I willingly make and then ingest pure salt water?

I'm now craving some chicken fried ramen, goddamn.

>> No.4061710

Because It's tasty
>inb4 it's not

>> No.4061713

>muh blood pressure

>> No.4061715

> holding knife or fork like a fucking pen
> not putting knife and fork together after meal
> if you can't microwave or oven heat it I won't eat it
> 'does it come with fries' in swanky restaurants
> ketchup on all of the foods
> not eating butter
> being narrowminded about food

fuck I hate some people and their food AIDS

>> No.4061718


I have nerd braces so knife and fork is essential

>> No.4061722

another thing. ramen broth contains most if not all of the msg and sodium.

>> No.4061725

>whining about how people hold their silverware
How many companies have you forced into liquidation so far?

>> No.4061738


just being well brought up, bro. Sorry if that's too real for you. You carry on cutting everything up then putting down your knife and eating with your like it's a spoon. I'll go be well mannered somewhere else.

>> No.4061739

Mgs? All of it?

>> No.4061776

depending on the fruit and even the type of apple the skin can make people's mouths itch you fucking asswipe.

>> No.4061790

> Insisting all eggs be cooked hard. Refusing to enjoy a proper creamy omelette. Refusing to eat runny yolks.
> Not adding salt to food because then you can supposedly 'taste the food better'

My mom does the latter because she spent a shitload of money to see a nutritionist that brainwashed her into thinking that all salt is bad.

>> No.4061796

>people who overload salads with dressing because they don't like "the lettuce taste"
I do that as well as adding boiled eggs and whatnot.

>> No.4061798

>dump the milk down the drain?
Those fiends!

>> No.4061799

Uh, you shouldn't be eating anything that gives you an allergic reaction AT ALL you idiot.

>> No.4061861
File: 36 KB, 358x450, WTFharpo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>people who top up perfectly good wine with lemonade

>> No.4061867

>people who don't eat pizza crusts
>that guy who starts gathering all the pizza crusts on the table and eats them after everyone left the table
>in public

I would never waste food, but some things are only acceptable if you are alone at home

>> No.4061900

>eating pizza with a fork and knife

It all depends on where you eat.

>in a nice italian restaurant
>people at the next table order pizza
>the waiter brings them a fork and a knife
>eats with his hands like a hobo

>> No.4061903

My highschool girlfriend in a nutshell

>> No.4061908

I used to love tomatoes as a child, would eat whole plates of them sliced. Kept getting bad cherry tomatoes at a buffet my parents insisted going to. PTSD on tomatoes, I'm slowly recovering more than 20 years later.

>> No.4061909

Vinegar and lemon on salads. Fuck that shit, only olive oil and salt for me.
Classy restaurants in general.

>wine with lemonade
That sounds nice actually, would do it with a decent white wine.
What's your opinion on Sangría, by the way?

>> No.4061916

Oh god this so fucking much
I feel like punching them in their fucking face so hard

>> No.4061917

>people who drink gatorade because they are/were sweating

You're not in the fucking NBA, son. I mean if you're going to drink it, whatever, but don't act like Gatorade is beneficial in any way for the average person.

>> No.4061918

>Vinegar and lemon on salads

>> No.4061922


anyone who sweats for very long benefits from gatorade. such as people who work outside in the heat or direct sunlight all day long, or even for a few hot hours.

gatorade is not a gimick, like energy drinks.

>> No.4061925

>people who don't eat the skin when eating an apple, pear, etc.

sometimes they have a reason to do this, sensitive child

>> No.4061928

weaboo cunt

>> No.4061936

The people you are described aren't the people I'm talking about. You should really be sweating your ass off to actually have a need for it. If you're hydrating properly instead of waiting until it's hot as hell out and you're already feeling the symptoms of a heat injury, you shouldn't need to be pounding Gatorade.

>> No.4061943

>"making ramen" by throwing the contents of a bag in boiling water
>hardly any toppings, usually some meat/no toppings at all
>think all ramen is a shitty, greasy, salty mess you dunk your noodles in

i hate you guys

>> No.4061954
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>texas chili nazis
>putting ketchup on pizza
>putting ketchup on pasta
>draining the pan after making meat in it instead of using the meat taste laden grease to make the sauce
>restaurants where the waiter doesn't ask you how you prefer your steak
>people who confirm a dinner invitation weeks in advance just to turn up and reveal that they're vegetarians
>people insisting on being served soda or energy drinks at your place and flat out refuse to drink high quality juice or mineral water

>> No.4061956
File: 3 KB, 101x121, oh sh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people who eat cereal and then pour away the leftover milk

>> No.4061958

>people insisting on being served soda or energy drinks at your place and flat out refuse to drink high quality juice or mineral water
Kill them
Kill them all

>> No.4061960

>people who eat rice with a spoon
>sporks in general

>> No.4061961
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>people who don't eat pizza crusts

if i could explain the pure unfiltered hatred and rage this fills me with the blackest pits of the earth would overflow from pure horror. ALL of my friends do this, they leave the crust. It's like they are afraid of eating that bit of deliciously crispy bread.

People who don't eat the crust of their pizza should eat pizza with a spoon, that way they will get no excess bread and only their beloved fucking filling.

>> No.4061967

Eating sounds.

>smacking while eating
>talking while eating
>opening your mouth for any reason other than to put more food in

I can't handle it. Just one accidental smack will set me off.

>> No.4061971
File: 321 KB, 515x825, DontfuckwithTexaschiliyoufuckingmonkey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4061972

>at restaurant
>family with children at next table
>children get their drinks with straws
>they continue to make endless loud sucking noises out of boredom even when the drink is long empty

>> No.4061973

Texans didn't even invent the damn stuff.

>> No.4061975

>people who overload salads with dressing because they don't like "the lettuce taste"
this so much, I've seen people who rave about their salad dressing that has been "passed down generation to generation" only to practically be washing the salad in dressing.

Working at a candy store I've seen some really horrible people though.
>buying a candy apple then not eating the apple
>people who only eat the bite sized versions of chocolate bars
there's so much more but am too tired to remember

>> No.4061982

>people who burn everything because they turn the flame up to the highest as "it cooks it faster and better"
Oh god, my roommate does this and he complains to me about how the surface of the chicken is burnt and the inside is still raw. So he never bought chicken to cook again.

>> No.4061986

This is why on /ck/ I always tell people to brown the outside and then cook it through in the oven.

Why won't they listen ;_;

>> No.4061988

>people who only eat the bite sized versions of chocolate bars


>> No.4061992

>buy my mom better quality half sheet pans to replace her cheap nonstick ones
>she complains that they don't cook fast enough

>> No.4061995


I'll agree that this is damn annoying.
It's equally annoying when people refuse to ever use high heat and therefore don't brown their food and wonder why it tastes bland.

>> No.4062002

People do this? I have a new mission in life. They shall call me: The Milky Avenger.

>> No.4062006


So what, you gonna break into people's houses and jack off onto their faces while they sleep?

>> No.4062032

i do that, because i want milk on my cereal. but i just use enough to wet it so only a couple tablespoons goes down the drain. if this honestly makes someone mad, i just don't know what to say. how someone could muster the energy to give a fuck is beyond me.

>> No.4062038

I did not think that name through very well. It sprung in my mind in the heat of anger. Also I lack a penis, rendering that impossible. I'll just go in as they're about to dump the milk down the sink and slap the plate from their hands for it to smack them in the face. Every single time, until they learn that they better drink that milk or they'll get black eyes from their bowls.

>> No.4062040
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>Jackass that knows Someone doesn't like one particular vegetable
>Jackass makes a meal for Someone using it anyway
>Jackass flips out when Someone doesn't eat it


>Putting butter on steamed blue crabs and then claiming to be a "Proud Marylander"

>> No.4062043

It makes people mad because you're willfully ignorant. If you honestly don't understand that, you're a certified moron.

>> No.4062046

ignorant of what?
>inb4 see this is what i mean

>> No.4062047

freezer burned frys

>> No.4062050
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>> No.4062057

I don't eat the crust on pizzas. I never understood why that is the "best" part. Nigga, I just ate a delicious combo of bread, sauce, cheese and toppings and now you are telling my some fucking bread is the best part of the fucking pizza?

You are the retarded ones.

>> No.4062058

What's the matter, can't enjoy a good crust?

>> No.4062061

>getting mad because strangers pour milk down the sink

lol okay

>> No.4062066

Some assholes pour damn near a gallon of mammary sauce on their cereal, eat the cereal and then dump the damn-near-a-gallon of remaining milk down the drain.

Enough milk that could have gone towards multiple future bowls of cereal. Some people do this repeatedly, even after being told that it's a waste. Some folks are stubborn, others are so stupid they can't grasp the idea of language.

>> No.4062067

Someone is mad at his roommate...


>> No.4062070

>palates of a little kid

Way to go.

>> No.4062071

Ah. Google "misophonia", my friend. Fellow sufferer here.

>> No.4062078

i cant even get mad at people for wasting food anymore. It used to be people had harder jobs like farming and less food in general. but now its like everything is fukin fried in grease callorie and carb laden crap. I still get angry if somebody waste a steak or meat but most of the stuff now is turning into the lowest bidder commercialized food crap.

>> No.4062079

If it is really good crust, sure, but most crust is very bland/WAY too much of it in the US. It's like eating a fucking roll at that point.

I did eat the crust when I was studying abroad in Italy because that shit was good. But from some pizza joint in the US? Fuck no, most boring part of the pizza.

>> No.4062081
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I would kill for less than that anon.
I have a hard time believing anyone actually did that ever.
Oh my jimmies.

>> No.4062082

I believe you mean "palate of a little kid", not "palates of a little kid". While one could use the plural form in an anatomical reference, you are using the word, "palate" with respect to a sense of taste.

With respect to the context of your post, I cannot imagine refraining from eating pizza crust has any connotation of the subject's size, age, or maturity.

Why would you think this? Please describe your thought process.

>> No.4062084

And thats why pizza in the US always comes with a serving of thick cream sauce to dip the crust in.

>> No.4062085


traditionally pizza is eaten with your hands, maybe that's why? here in italy only foreigners eat their pizza with a knife and fork

>> No.4062086

I don't get this either. The worst was one of my roommates in college would fucking just leave the milk in the bowl and put it in the sink. The smell was so bad.

So fucking glad I am living on my own now. Roommates suck.

>> No.4062089

i find it very hard to believe anyone puts near a gallon of milk on their cereal then pours it down the drain. can you make an argument without ridiculous exaggerations?

>> No.4062090

>pointing out spelling mistakes
>hoping to be taken seriously

>> No.4062091

If I can afford the milk I buy, I'm gonna do what I want with it. I don't eat cereal often, but the leftover milk is fucking nasty.

I hope it also pisses you off to know that if my cereal gets too soggy, I won't eat it. How mad are you?

>> No.4062092

>people who confirm a dinner invitation weeks in advance just to turn up and reveal that they're vegetarians

Holy fuck so much this. Someone did that to me recently, then got mad that I hadn't made a vegetarian option as if I should somehow have magically known they didn't eat meat.

>> No.4062097

this. this is the only thing i can think of regarding food that drives me up the wall. i know i am ridiculous about it. i can't be near my dad if he is eating because he's over the top loud with food flying everywhere, but even with other people just one noise will start to make my skin crawl.

>> No.4062099

Dads are gross eaters. Can you blame them though?

>> No.4062100

>make awesome lamb stew
>eat for dinner and the following lunch
>make a pot pie with leftovers for dinner
>lots leftover, so sick of it that I just threw it out instead of freezing it

I wish I saw this thread before I took the garbage out... I would have taken a pic for you guys to cry about.

I throw food out all the time. I can afford it and if I don't want to to eat it then I'll throw it out. I'm not going to force myself to eat it, that is retarded.

>> No.4062104

You are either german or an aspie.
Lrn2 hyperbole

>> No.4062106
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>being proud of wasting food

>> No.4062108

>roommate makes big batch of food to have leftovers
>doesn't eat leftovers
>throws away

Why didn't you tell me you weren't going to eat it. I would have eaten it ;_;

>> No.4062113

I don't have a roommate. I've heard stories about this kind of shit, though and I lived through similar shit as a kid with a big sister, so I can relate.

Your post made me laugh, thank you.

>> No.4062116

How is it a waste?

You can't "waste food". It will end up feeding something in the end. Just because a human doesn't eat it doesn't mean it is a travesty and you should get sad and butthurt about it.

If you are poor then you won't throw out food. If you can afford to do so then what is the issue?

>> No.4062119

>Couple invites us over for dinner next weekend
>Sure, what can we bring?
>Beer, can grill out without beer right?
>This is going to be great!
>Only protein is grilled shrimp you have to peel and de-vein and shit

>> No.4062123

yeah i like you, i agree with this

>> No.4062126

The only thing I disagree with is ramen water.

Shit is pure sodium, I'm not drinking that.

>> No.4062127

You have to be autismal as fuck.
He exaggerated to point out that the culprit used (or uses) an amount of milk that's far in excess of what's actually needed for cereal and is then poured down the drain afterward. It's a somewhat-humorous aspect of language to exaggerate in the manner he did.

I thought /ck/ citizens were better than this, really.

>> No.4062128
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Pretty fucking mad actually. I would slit your throat in the night if I knew where you slept.

>> No.4062129
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>acting like you've never wasted food ever and still don't
Yeah anon, I'm sure your carbon print is so small you're like no-impact man or some shit.

>> No.4062130

>You can't "waste food".


>> No.4062134

>Wasting food when rich
>Not conserving food to save money in order to become richer
>I wiggleurpigglescoobilydoobilyshammalammadingdong

>> No.4062136
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>You can't "waste food". It will end up feeding something in the end.

>Yeah anon, I'm sure your carbon print is so small you're like no-impact man or some shit.

So edgy.

>> No.4062137

reminds me of all the grackels outside mcdonalds picking at half eaten burgers.

>> No.4062141
File: 58 KB, 600x808, proud-native-american1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't use every part of the animal
>thinks he isn't being wasteful

Typical white man scum. Check your privilege!

>> No.4062142


Indians were wasteful as fuck

>> No.4062143

no, that's not what he meant.

>> No.4062146

What did he mean, then?

>> No.4062150

That is exactly what he meant.

>> No.4062152

when i order a burger or frys from McDonalds and its fuckin cold

>> No.4062155

Don't even go there breh.

>> No.4062156

Indians drove thousands of buffalo of a cliff just to get the best hide.I don't know why every one thinks Indians were some useful people.Indians were more wasteful than the white man.

>> No.4062157

their burgers are kinda good when warm but when they get cold its looses its flavor and the frys taste freeze rburned or something when they get cold they taste like absolute crap when they are cold.

>> No.4062159

We don't actually know how traditional natives really lived day-to-day before contact with colonialists. If they did use every part of the animal, it was out of necessity.

A grizzly bear will only eat the heads of salmon when they are running heavily. They just discard the bodies at the edge of the river, where they are eaten by other animals and contribute to the ecosystem.

>> No.4062161

Man that raw piece of Buffalo meat in dances with wolves looked yummy.

>> No.4062162

What an amzing conflation!
My sides!

>> No.4062163

>Indians were more wasteful than the white man.
I guess that is why they depleted and disrupted all their important resources (like buffalo and beaver) before the white man came.

Oh wait...

>> No.4062164

seriously but thats not even the yummy part.

>> No.4062170

You know that this was how a lot of European races hunted large mammals too, before horses were domesticated?

>> No.4062187

Mfw I do all of this and don't give a shit

Maybe if it wasn't rock hard and tasteless, I'd eat the fucking crust.
I don't drink instant ramen broth, shits gross.
Sometimes I like the taste of crust sometimes I don't, it depends on the ingredients I put on.
I don't eat lettuce because of its taste but if someone made me eat lettuce I would do exactly that.
I don't eat meat anymore, but when I used to, I fucking hated eating meat with bones in them.

>> No.4062201

>people who don't drink soup broth (especially those faggots that make ramen and DRAIN IT so they only have noodles left)
but.....all the sodium is in the broth...

>> No.4062208

Man you some niggers I'm gonna put my orange juice in your panties and put some uh dat weed u bums been smokin up in heeya food is awesome in errray and it don't matter what you do or don't do to it cuz it all goin down yo essofogaaaaaaase anyway in yo butt and it gonna come out bro AND I AIN'T GOIN BACK TO /B/ yo cuz I an independent potatoe and ain't need'in no man brah so get in my house and fry me some chikin WITH AAAALLLLL DA KETCHUP NIGGER!!

>> No.4062210

Either American or little kid.

>> No.4062219

I will eat the skins on apples and pears when they are in season and pick them myself, but when I buy them at the grocery store the wax that is on them bothers my gums and makes them itchy, its weird and tolerable but annoying so sometimes I peel them.

>> No.4062223

Yeah that could get annoying,
>at nice quiet Thai restaurant
>two women bring in about five children
>"Muuuum! What's seafood! I want seafood one!"

The meals there are pretty large plus even the mildest curries have some good heat that a childs palate just isn't prepared for

That's just a fucking annoying waste.

>> No.4062228

Asian here, nothing wrong with that.

>> No.4062244
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>People who refuse to eat a type of food because 'it looks nasty.'

I hate them, /ck/. I want to strangle them.

>> No.4062247
File: 225 KB, 724x999, 1331777283959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Eating pringles in break room
>Table all to myself
>Room all to myself
>Suddenly a fine-ass girl sits next to me
>Begin chewing manually
>Allow each crisp to dissolve for 1 minute in my caustic saliva
>Fingers drenched in grease
>Reach to wipe it off on my jeans
>She's looking at me, smiling
>Go back to reaching into can
>Hand is stuck
>Lift entire can with arm and separate it by force
>Adjust posture to make my stomach appear flatter
>It gets caught under my moobs
>Turn pale
>Sweating profusely
>She tries to talk to me
>Food still in my mouth
>Respond anyway to keep the conversation alive
>Yellow crumbs and partially-chewed crisp lands on her white panties
>She hasn't noticed yet she'll blame it on someone else
>She gets up to walk away
>Stops because she smells fear
>Urine is pooling in my plastic chair
>She reassures that it's okay because her brother does it too
>Tell her I love her
>"I love you too Anon, but as a friend. Hey, do you want to come to a party at my house tonight?"
>"N-no thanks I have to hang out with my friends at my house tonight w-we're going to play Deathsmiles"
>"What are their names? This is a small town, maybe we have mutual friends!"
>"Tsumugi and Kaiji"
>"Tsumugi's a girl's name! Is that your girlfriend? I'm so happy for you!"
>"Okay Anon, see you tomorrow!"
>She leaves
>Quickly stand up, remove my pants and switch to my work diaper
>Back to the old grind

>> No.4062257

>people who don't drink soup broth (especially those faggots that make ramen and DRAIN IT so they only have noodles left)

I agree with everything but THAT, OP. That "broth" with ramen isn't really broth, it's shitty, salty, msg filled seasoning. Instant ramen doesn't even qualify as a soup IMO. Now, if someone were picking all the good bits out of a bowl of minestrone or chicken noodle soup, or some nice homemade cream of mushroom, THEN I'd be pissed.
tl;dr don't use instant ramen as your soup example, because that's just...NO.

>> No.4062259

milk gets too warm it has to go
milk is only good for drinking when ice cold out of fridge faggots

>> No.4062261
File: 768 KB, 500x282, 1330156293715.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugh. You...are the worst sort of person.

>> No.4062266

Lies, all fucking lies!

>> No.4062309

>people that add salt to dishes
My grandma doesn't even taste things before she sprinkles salt on them.

She salts fucking Chinese take-out.

When I cook something, I only put in as much salt is needed to make something taste good, not what is necessary to induce hypertension.

>> No.4062315

people do this?

>> No.4062316


agreed. I usually just make a broth with some cheap lager - I usually cook food at my gf's who is close to the college that we go to, and they have parties there so the fridge usually has some shit like stella, laker, carling, and bud - I just make an improvised soup using the noodles and with whatever meat and vegetables are in the fridge, with equal parts water and beer, scaled to size, if it's for four or more people I put a packet or two in.

>> No.4062327

People who don't finish their leftovers before making/buying new stuff

My roommate has a large amount of chicken alfredo, a couple slices of pizza, and leftover buffalo wings in the fridge. Yet, he continues to go out and buy more shit. He'll probably throw all that stuff out because "ew, it's so old now!" Motherfucker doesn't even put the stuff in ziplock bags; it gets all withered and dried out from being left exposed in the fridge.

>> No.4062338

10000X this.
I fucking hate people who don't eat leftovers. What a goddamn waste of food and money. That's probably my top food rage. That and people who refuse to taste new foods.

>> No.4062371

So you hate people who spend their OWN money how they like? And you also hate people who don't want to eat new foods?

lol stop living vicariously through strangers bro. That is just retarded.

>hurrrr I hate people that don't drive the shortest routes at the most efficient speed because they are wasting their money and gas

>> No.4062373

I know this is the right way to do it, but I won't fire up the oven for a piece of meat (unless I make a roast or a whole chicken, which happens about twice a year max.) and I guess thats the reason why a good amount of people don't do that.
and no, I'm neither poor nor living in a 3rd world shithole, energy costs are just fucking high and their going to be raised even more next year, because "hurr fukufuckingshima blabla nuclear energy is the devil and power plants the antichrist"

>> No.4062375

Drinking only water while doing lots of endurance exercise or otherwise sweating a lot can lead to death my water toxicity. Drinking gatorade prevents that by keeping your electrolyte levels up.

>> No.4062378

wasting money, yes
wasting food, no
SOMETHING will eat it, no food ever truly goes to waste

>> No.4062390

Now, that's just not true. If you are putting it in the garbage, and it's going to a landfill, that shit is being buried and then the small amount of bacteria that is able to get to it doesn't count as being eaten.

>> No.4062398

>Throwing away any leftovers
That could make a perfectly good meal later on or offer it to someone else!

>Not recycling
It's literally next to the main bin, what the fuck are you doing? It requires more effort lifting the bin lid

>Leaving food in the fridge to go weeks off

>> No.4062402

>the small amount of bacteria that is able to get to it doesn't count as being eaten.
How is this logical to you?

>> No.4062405

>people who only eat the bite sized versions of chocolate bars
hurrr people who don't eat as much sugar and calories as they can are little kids durrr

>> No.4062409

How does it not count? I said "SOMETHING will eat it". Are you saying that bacteria don't eat?

>> No.4062417

peeled fruit has superior texture

>> No.4062433

>>Not recycling
>It's literally next to the main bin, what the fuck are you doing? It requires more effort lifting the bin lid

In our area there is no recycling program. Have to drive an hour to the nearest center. Fuck it. If it dont burn it's going in the trash

>> No.4062441

> not putting knife and fork together after meal
autism general

>> No.4062447

Your attitude is that 'I POUR MY MILK DOWN THE DRAIN, I DON'T GIVE A FUCK'. This is willfully ignorant because you know you're wasting food and you're proud of that fact. Why do I have to explain this?

>> No.4062457
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>> No.4062545

I eat my food the way I want and I don't really give a fuck what others do with their food. Looking at this thread I feel like my attitude is saving me a lot of rage better spent elsewhere.

>> No.4062559

Do some research on landfills. The stuff that's being put in there isn't breaking down, including food. There are mass studies being done on this. Use your googlefu, I'm not your research dept.

>> No.4062569

You research landfills in your spare time and then post about them on 4chan like the landfill expert?

>> No.4062571

No, I research lots of things and am an educated individual who can retain knowledge. Is that a hard concept for you?

>> No.4062572

>Eating an apple
>Carefully eat just the skin all around the apple
>Eat the now skinless apple

>> No.4062574

yo ever heard of a peeler

>> No.4062576


>Peeling an apple just to eat the skin then the apple

Stfu I've been doing this for over 20 years.

>> No.4062577

>landfills are sterile


>> No.4062579

Then why is methane generated in landfills?

>> No.4062590

It is, but not in the amounts they thought it would be. Good god, go read something.

>> No.4062594

I'm not even going to get into it with you.
Like I said, do the research yourself. I'm sure you can't be bothered, but it's there. It's not worth my time to argue with people here. I have more interesting things to post in other threads. Besides, I think we all know that there's no point arguing with people on 4chan, because even the dumbest of the dumb will always think they're right.

>> No.4062597

>People who don't finish their leftovers before making/buying new stuff

Now, I understand what your roommate does is gross/wasteful.
But if I have leftovers, I usually don't eat the same meal twice unless I'm running out of food.

>> No.4062633

I hope they burn in hell.

>> No.4062634

I even rage when people leave the gristle on.

>> No.4062646

Are you having a stroke or are you just an edgy 12 year old?

>> No.4062656

>(especially those faggots that make ramen and DRAIN IT so they only have noodles left)
I'm not sorry that I don't want to drink noodle water.

>> No.4062660
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I will fucking rape you with noodle water missy.

>> No.4062661

>i'm not going tell you why but trust me, i'm right


>> No.4062663

>People who loudly complain when they eat a food they don't like
>People who taste something they dislike and spit it into a napkin instead of taking a couple more seconds to swallow it down.

My mom does both of these things constantly. She fucking bitched and moaned and made a huge disrespectful scene the first time she tried sushi. So much secondhand embarrassment.

>> No.4062675

Caffeine gives me anxiety so caffeine free is pretty much my only option. It's a strange thing, I still feel a boost of energy whenever I drink caffeine free tea or coffee. Must be a placebo effect.

>> No.4062676

When I was a child I was irrationally afraid of the dried up tomato sauce visible at the edge of the crust.

And then I grew up and realized shit's delicious.

>> No.4062682

I never said trust me, I said do your own research. There's a difference. In no way did I imply that you should accept everything I say as truth. I know what I've learned, but I'm not going to sit here and type out a report for you. I have better things to do.
tl;dr stop generalizing people's posts.

>> No.4062686

>>people who don't drink soup broth (especially those faggots that make ramen and DRAIN IT so they only have noodles left)

Artificially flavored saltwater hardly fucking counts as "broth". I eat broth. I drain ramen. The exception is if it's "high quality" ramen from the asian market and the liquid actually tastes good.

But drinking saltwater that tastes like artificial chicken or beef bouillon? Yeah, no.

>> No.4062727

>insisting all eggs be cooked hard

I cannot eat hard cooked eggs. I can eat stuff where the yolk has been mixed into the egg white like an omelette or whatever, but if the yolk is hard in a boiled or fried egg I cannot eat it. I don't know why, but it makes me wretch. I can ONLY eat egg yolk if it's runny as fuck.

Is there something wrong with me?

>> No.4062733


It's not a case of wine with lemon its more any wine they've had. Be it horse piss level cheap or ambrosia level great they will take a small sip and then dump lemonade in it. Bearing in mind that if I buy for/with them it's red or nothing. Watching my gorgeous merlot getting the same butchering as box wine takes a lot of personal control I'll tell you

Sangria is great and I love the stuff. Need to find a decent recipe for it as I have some of the horse-piss red left

>> No.4062743

Actually, no! There is some legitimate science behind why hard-cooked eggs do not taste as good as softer cooked eggs. Apparently the proteins denature in such a way that harms the flavor and texture. This is especially evident in the sulfurous green layer that forms in overcooked boiled eggs. Overcooked eggs also propagate sulfur which is not a compound that is known for being delicious.

>> No.4062746

The worst is you try and help them without coming off as judgemental or domineering. Then they don't take your advice and complain their meals aren't good. I told you about heat bro

No scratch the worst is when they offer to cook for you and you cant refuse. Yum, yum incinerated pork chops and over cooked potatoes again. T-t-thanks

>> No.4062748
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>> No.4062763

Is it time for a weber cooks thread?
Should it start "Hello Wildcats" ?

>> No.4062768


Just mention how you made plans or already ate. Delivery is key.

>> No.4062773

>I'll just go in as they're about to dump the milk down the sink and slap the plate from their hands

>> No.4062802

What pisses me off? Assholes who won't mind their own business and let other people enjoy food however the hell they like it.

>> No.4062810



>> No.4062811

You keep saying "people".
But what follows describes the behavior of sentient monkeys. I don't consider them people.

>> No.4062812

Picky piece of shit faggot detected.

>> No.4062816

Nice discourse bro.

You are still wrong and depending on "something you heard" instead of something that is confirmed via p.r. research.

>> No.4062817

This normally happens when I say that I've run out of X or don't want to shop for Y and they offer. They are great people and my good friends so I don't want to hurt their feelings.

Particularly since they are keen to show of the cooking skills I taught them, like the real complex, how to dice an onion. Which they manage sometimes and not others. I want them to get better so don't want to damage their confidence

Screwed if I do, screwed if I don't

>> No.4062824

I used to work waste management so I actually looked into landfill out of interest and spare time, at least initially just local landfill issues.

>> 4062571
aside, I believe there's nothing wrong with having passing interest in random shit.

>> No.4062840

Other anon with too much time, worked in waste disposal before (because my life is shitty and university degree means shit if I can't apply myself and I am a hopeless NEET that deserves to die),


Not scientific research? Meh, you can make an counterargument with a peer reviewed research article if you can quote one. I am pretty sure, however, there's only ones that mention biodegradable shit don't really degrade, not "The world is a happy place and we can all rot happily ever after."

>> No.4062863


To follow up, feel free to buy the following (Because I am not in university anymore and is poor and useless), which range from relevant to semi-relevant:


But generally, anaerobic compounds don't go away in landfills because landfills are too tightly packed. And where did you think those decomposed stuff is gonna go, beside for sitting in that same landfill for next few centuries until we find a solution for it beside for making pretty little islands out of them?

>> also I am confirmed for butthurt autistic NEET, I know.

>> No.4062952

How long does a lifetime ban from Cracker Barrel REALLY last? They can't really enforce something like that, can they?

A year ago, long story short, my kids were playing around on Heelys (those roller skate shoes) and accidentally knocked over some stuff in the store part. Then, they said I also raised my voice to a waitress and made her cry (she didn't put the gravy on the side like I asked her to but I did NOT raise my voice) and so my family was banned. I've waited this entire year, do you think its safe to go back now? Its my favorite restaurant.

>> No.4062977
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>> No.4063032

>Cracker Barrel
>my favorite restaurant
>poorly behaved children

>> No.4063042


Also, Cracker Barrel retail products are cheaply-made Chinese/Indonesian cancer traps.

I mean, literally. We just got a notice about the chemicals they use last week.

>> No.4063046

You're an idiot for buying your kids those shoes and allowing them to use them in an establishment. You are also an idiot for liking Cracker Barrel that much. It's not a bad chain, especially for breakfast, but it's not a 'good' restaurant. Learn how to not be a shitty parent.

>> No.4063057

>thread about actually getting angry about the way people eat food being different than you
>only 2 results

Step it up 4chan. This is autism general, right here, right now.

>> No.4063070


Why the fuck would you let your kids wear shoes with wheels in a restaurant at all, much less one that has a store that sells tons of breakable shit?

>> No.4063075

You are exceptionally witty. I am amazed at your subtle word play.

>> No.4063079
File: 77 KB, 173x205, fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

White people who refuse to eat shrimp that has the tail or the head on it, or just generally have a problem with seafood that isn't breaded and deep fried.

>> No.4063083

>being part of the problem

>> No.4063116

I don't think you know what autism means.

>> No.4063145

I think you don't know you're autistic.

>> No.4063152

Y-you just typed "food decomposition landfill" into Google Scholar and posted the first 2 papers that did not actually support the hypothesis...

>> No.4063207
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I don't refuse but peeling shrimp can be incredibly time consuming and messy especially if I'm trying to eat paella. I don't want to spend all that time taking it apart for the little bit of meat inside.

>> No.4063216
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> but I need to peel it first!

This is what white people actually believe.

>> No.4063219


I have seen countless Asians in Asia peeling their shrimp.

>> No.4063226


Depends on the shrimp and the dish. Most of the time if you get shrimp that isn't peeled served to you, it's served that way intentionally. Peeling it in the kitchen is another matter.

>> No.4063242
File: 26 KB, 322x392, dom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have a problem with classy restaurants? You must be an uncultured hayseed. Do not hate what you don't understand and cannot appreciate.

>> No.4063271

That' because some of the shrimp have harder shells and would shank your mouth if were to eat the shells too.

>> No.4063303

You do not eat the whole shrimp like that.

>> No.4063374
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>people who order good steaks medium well/well done
>mfw when my father ordered well done near me

>> No.4063434

... Ok, I'll admit it. I actually just want some guy to buy the papers, then find out that it contains nothing relevant to the discussions pertaining to this thread about food habits that people do that pisses them off. I probably put too much effort into that.

>> No.4063456

> buy whole milk
> people look at me, then my milk, and make a surprised face
> "Omfg you drink whole milk? How are you not fat?"
> watch them go buy a gallon of skim milk
> go home
> take the cap off my milk
> funnel half of it into an empty gallon jug
> fill it 30% of the rest of the way with water
> shake
> test
> add more water if necessary

And that's hoe I get 2 gallons of skim milk with markedly less sodium and hormones.

Worst part is when I tell people I just water it down and they look at me like I suddenly grew a second head. Watered down whole milk tastes better than skim, IMO.

>> No.4063459

>any restaurant above shit tier
>has chicken fingers on the menu

>> No.4063460

just drink whole milk, for pete´s sake..

>> No.4063473 [DELETED] 

> buy whole milk
> people look at me, then my milk, and make a surprised face
> "Omfg you drink whole milk? How are you not fat?"
> watch them go buy a gallon of skim milk
> go home
> take the cap off my milk
> funnel half of it into an empty gallon jug
> fill it 30% of the rest of the way with water
> shake
> test
> add more water if necessary

And that's hoe I get 2 gallons of skim milk with markedly less sodium and hormones.

Worst part is when I tell people I just water it down and they look at me like I suddenly grew a second head. Watered down whole milk tastes better than skim, IMO.

>> No.4063478

But it's too fatty and creamy, and I really like milk. It lasts longer this way.

>> No.4063479

if you liked milk you wouldn´t water it down...

do you even eat butter?

>> No.4063482

we have hit a special area in history where we have both people who water down their milk because it is too fatty and people who eat double downs on the same Internet. Remember theses times fondly.

>> No.4063484


Let the fucking guy do what he wants to, faggot.
His way of getting two for one is good.

>> No.4063486

i bet i know what kind of milk YOU prefer..

>> No.4063493

I'm certain you don't.

>> No.4063543

I like making fresh butter with cream and using the whey to make ricotta cheese.

I am dieting though and have a bad relationship with buttered toast, so I try to not to make or buy much butter.

>> No.4063564

no it doesn't mostly it comes with nothing. Unless you're paying an extra five bucks for the words papa johns on the box.

>> No.4063684

>People who eat with their mouth open
>People who don't try anything

My fucking friend every fucking bite he takes when he's chewing sounds like you're fingering the wettest pussy on earth. You tell him to stop over 5 times and keeps fucking do it. My biggest eating pet peeve.

>> No.4063687

>people who take leftover milk from cereal and put it back in the milk jug

>> No.4063708


>people who don't drink soup broth (especially those faggots that make ramen and DRAIN IT

Enjoy your retarded levels of sodium. I make the ramen, eat the ramen slurp some broth and dump the rest. That packet of salt and msg isn't "broth".

>> No.4063746

I think you're misunderstanding how to eat ramen. You're supposed to eat the whole thing, liquid component included. Otherwise people would just boil the noodles in water.

>> No.4063751

She's gonna die of hypertension.
Most soy sauces are pure liquid sodium. Sprinkling salt on everything would be accepted, but fucking soy sauce? I hope she dies of a heart attack.

>> No.4063758

Oh fuck, this really irritates me because my mother's friend had a kid that was a chicken nugget child.
Yet, when the kids dad died from an accident, her mom gets a big settlement and she takes the brat out to very expensive resturaunts. (mostly steak houses and high end mexican places, but still) Every single time we would meet them both for lunch the kid would get some fried chicken nuggets. After I witnessed that I made a vow to never eat normal foods at a restaurant.

>> No.4063769

>paying for a buffet in a nice restaurant and then just eating oranges
(my boyfriend did that and I had to force feed him but he wasn't having that, but later I pushed him into eating a dish that he now likes a lot and will go to the place and eat it on his own sometimes. Mind you that he is 7 years older than I am.)

>> No.4063778


I know enough about tastes to know I won't like something. People like you are arrogant enough to think someone does not know his/her taste buds. Ever have mustard and chocolate cake, or ketchup on carbonara. How do you know you won't like it before you try it?

>> No.4063784

This is delicious. Literally the only thing I like ketchup on.

>> No.4063793

I do this on purpose. My brother has all these weird food hangups, so when I cook for him I always sneak said item into the meal and don't tell him til he's finished.

>> No.4063798

Ha, there was actually a Kids In The Hall skit about two people getting tape worm from eating nothing but mac and cheese and ketchup.

>> No.4063845

Most pizza crust isn't very good, so I usually wont eat it. Although having a garlic/pepper olive oil dip turns any bad crust delicious.

Except little Caesars.

>> No.4063860


Housemates pretty much the same

> cook maybe once a month, even then bland as fuck slow cooker cos cooking is too much effort
> rest either takeout or packets/canned
> learning is hard

I gotta move

>> No.4063918

That makes no sense.

>> No.4063925

>people who don't like certain ingredients.

Maybe I'm just a garbage disposal but I hate it when someone doesn't like onions, garlic, mushrooms and flips out whenever you are eating at a resturant and half way through eating they discover that there are little tiny diced up and cooked onions in their food and has to let everyone on the table know how disgusted they are that onions are in their food.

>> No.4063929
File: 23 KB, 400x315, milhouse distraut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The few times i have cooked for them they have left the veggies on their plates like fucking children.

>that feel when they were the best tasting part of your dinner and they are ignored.

>> No.4063938

>people who eat bad pizza and slather the crust in garlic olive oil dip.

>> No.4063944
File: 21 KB, 408x333, 1255326445981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I a pleb if I don't like lettuce so I just don't eat salads? I tried the dressing drowning one time, didn't work. So I just don't eat salads.

That is the one veggie I am picky with. Well that and olives. Other than that, I will eat all my fucking greens; and eat tomatoes (i know its a fruit) on everything. I put diced tomatoes in my chili cheese fries. I like replacing the mass of lettuce on my burgers with extra tomatoes.

>> No.4063955

>roommate asks if he can have a slice of pizza
>"Sure mate"
>eats rest of pizza
>leaves crusts sitting there

He's taunting me.

>> No.4063957

That is my roommate and he leaves it in the sink to turn into yogurt.

>> No.4063958

>Straight cougar picture

My fuckin nigga

>> No.4063959

Many vegan dishes really pisses me.

They whine "I hate meat taste" and them proceed to make meat based dishes with shitty vegetal meats as substitute... FUCK!!! VEGETALS ARE TASTY TOO!!! Indians are one of the few that manage to make good use of vegetal flavors making tasty filling food without the faggotry of eating unsalted cardboard and claiming that it is better than beef.

If they really dislike meat why so many soya burger, soya kebab, soya turkey? If you don't want meat at least learn to cook vegetables!

>> No.4063963

>all those complaints
>" if you can't microwave or oven heat it I won't eat it"
>" 'does it come with fries' in swanky restaurants"
>"ketchup on all of the foods"

>has the nerve to say ">being narrowminded about food"

>> No.4063968

>people who insist that ANYTHING made in the microwave is just lazy and can never taste good
(its like you people dont know the science behind how it works, that that it actually cooks some things better than a stove top, like rice for instance)

>> No.4063980

>has issues with eating the same thing 2 nights in a row

This is more autismal than 50% of the things in this thread; if you like it, eat it. Who the fuck cares if "oh no I had this last night why would I have it again! OCD TIME."

>> No.4064039

People do this?

>> No.4064057
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Not everyone's hobby is food. Stop being a dick to someone who doesn't care about trying every dish the world has to offer.

>> No.4064084

You don't. You fucking try it.
Who knows, you might actually like it.

>> No.4064091

To be fair, I can't fucking stand mineral water.

>> No.4064092

>First day at the job in some restaurant
>Some company books a party with us
>80 people
>Owner is so cool that he made the chefs whip up a batch of sample plates for the staff to try
>They were all very delicious
>Later, when the apps were finished
>I haul the dishes back
>Some apps were not even touched
>Main course
>Steaks and chicken were barely touched
>Plate of pastas barely touched
>Seafood barely touched
>All dat deliciousness going down the garbage
>Feel bad for the chef because he skipped his day off so that he can hand make all the pastas and appetizers

>> No.4064093

I have to agree with you.

Two things that smelled awfull (like ammonia) but wasn't bad

Some cheeses and that chinese egg that is buried in caustic mud until the whites are black and the yolk is grey.

The cheese was nice and the egg wasn't bad. And there are some crazy combinations that I liked too, even if they sounded absurd at first.

>> No.4064101

Agreed. Now you've made me really want a vegetable samosa.

>> No.4064103

>eating sushi with chopsticks
you got your fingers

>> No.4064114

>what are pesticides

>> No.4064116

I can eat it,
doesn't mean I like it.
I can eat the yolk raw, but something about raw egg white just bugs me.

>> No.4064128

Not only Indian food. I can make a meal just with cooked rice and styr-fried beansprout with garlic, onions and soy sauce and a Russian friend make meals with cooked potatoes and a styr fry with mushrooms, garlic, onions and any vegetables he have and both of them are over 9000 better than those vegetarian burgers.

And none of us are vegetarians.

If you don't want to eat meat at least learn to cook more than just make meat dishes with soya sponges in the place of the meat.

>> No.4064152

serious question

>> No.4064154

OP is a glorious-winged faggot, this thread sucks, and you should feel bad

>> No.4064157

Apples emit wax. Sometimes additional wax is added post-harvet to increase temperature resistance and resistance to insects. What itches is probably pesticides though, wax is generallly quite inert.

>> No.4064167

>people who overload salads with dressing because they don't like "the lettuce taste"

I hate lettuce taste but my solution is to not eat salad.

>> No.4064185


There's more than iceburg out there. Iceburg is the worst thing to use for a salad.

Good romaine is deliciously sweet, arugula is peppery and savory, baby spinach is tangy and slightly bitter. Not to mention adding things like shredded carrots, diced red onion, some olive, etc.

The problem with salads in most countries these days is we've come to this point where we think putting bland vegetables in a bowl is a salad and then the solution is to make them swimming in dressing. Dressing should be a compliment to the salad and if you build a good salad, it becomes just that.

>> No.4064187

>That makes no sense.

You obviously haven't seen Kids In The Hall then.

>> No.4064204

>buying packed artificial flavoured ramen
>bitching about the artificial tasting broth

you serious?
if you buy crap, eat it.
if you don't want to eat it, make something you do want.

>> No.4064213

One of the first friends I made upon leaving my parents' place and finding one of my own in the US invited me over to his place for a meal since he'd always come to mine for biscuits/cookies and tea or coffee or for meals.
Here's what he served:
Instant rice baked in the oven with soured cream, shredded cheese of some type and snipped scallion/spring onion greens. There was no additional liquid besides the soured cream.
Frozen chicken boiled in barbecue sauce and water.
Salad of mixed greens with a goat cheese vinaigrette.
Instant cake mix cooked on the hob rather than in the oven.
Percolated coffee.

The rice was undercooked/raw and crunchy and tasted awful besides. Even if it was properly cooked, it would still taste bad.
The chicken was frozen and still raw on the inside. An hour later, the chicken was cooked through, but had all semblance of its once chickeny goodness boiled out of it.
The vinaigrette was delicious, actually, but vinaigrettes are easy to not fuck up. I've been making them, with help, of course, since I was three and by myself since five.
The cake was burnt on the bottom, but otherwise fine.
The coffee was overextracted and sour-tasting.

All-in-all, nothing was edible. I told him so. He nearly cried. A grown-ass man that upset that he couldn't cook a simple meal. Ugh.
I later met another person who also knew him and he had me over his place to hang out with his roommates while he cooked dinner for everyone. Overcooked broken-in-half spaghetti ("it won't fit in the pot otherwise!") tossed with tomato paste and "Italian seasoning," whatever that is. Awful.
He thought our friend-in-common could cook pretty well. Ugh.
After these two experiences, it took me a while to realise that Americans /can/, in fact, cook and have a great culinary tradition... just that this area and its people have exactly zero traditional knowledge of home cookery.

>> No.4064221


sage for /tv/

>> No.4064482

Man I hope you at least said it in a tactful way...plenty of people I know aren't master chefs but I never really outright say their food is inedible. Where are you from originally?

>> No.4064493
File: 95 KB, 1118x267, picky eaters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picky eaters in general. They're all a bunch of dumb, spoiled and whiny babies. What's weird about them is the fact that 99,9% of picky eaters only eat shit tier food. A nice piece of chicken seasoned and cooked to perfection? Oh hell naw, only ground up and deep fried chicken guts are good enough for the picky eater!

>> No.4064500

>People who eat skin from fried / baked chicken

>> No.4064503

>hurrr eat everything because people are poor somewhere

lol okay

>> No.4064505

Yup being picky can't be justified by anything but allergies/other medically related intolerance.
I don't care what they cook for themselves, by themselves, but when they're somewhere else they'd better eat what the fuck is being served.

>> No.4064515
File: 8 KB, 126x113, 1249113668217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The amount of childish eating&food behavior in this thread is incredible. Makes me wonder if this is the genuine /ck/ people responding or just random jerkoffs from other boards.

>> No.4064517

certainly you meant "people who DON'T eat chicken skin"

>> No.4064529
File: 1.37 MB, 224x178, 1355088955331.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Forced to live with my brother
>He eats nothing but pizza and canned shit
>He complains to our mom when I don't let him have the shit I've bought and made myself
>My mom calls me selfish
>My brother's 3 years older than me

>> No.4064532

>Forced to live with my brother

Who is forcing you to live with him? The police?

>> No.4064539

It's a long story but basically I have to support my borderline retarded mom and brother or just skip out (I'm paying half the rent so they'd be fucked) and completely burn the bridges with the only family I have. I'd also have to leave without them knowing because they're crazy as shit and may literally kill me

>> No.4064547

The most obvious solution is to dip the pizza and sandwich crusts in the soup broth.

>> No.4064551

then just get the fuck out. if their insane, then not much lost there.

>> No.4064554

I would skip out man. Sounds like a toxic relationship that can only bring you down.

>> No.4064560

No money
No friends
>Final destination
I'm stuck
And I'd have to pretty much go into hiding, so that'd suck

>> No.4064565

I was as tactful as I could be, but he kept insisting on my honest opinion.
I'd never be so calloused and rude as to be so unpleasant to a friend or even a stranger, for that matter, but the whole meal was befuddingly and hilariously wrong. Even the cake (which he didn't cook in the oven because he didn't have enough space in it to bake the rice and the cake simultaneously) was irrepairably fucked: the burnt taste from the bottom permeated even the topmost bits of what would have otherwise been a decent-enough, albeit ready-mix, cake.
He took it badly because he talked himself up about his cooking abilities and when he persisted on know what I though, I said that I felt he misrepresented himself and his abilities considering that he made elementary mistake after elementary mistake and used bottled barbecue sauce, boxed cake mix and instant rice.
I'm from Italy, but my mom is Swiss and I grew in southeast Asia.

>> No.4064572

only if its thick crust, with a shit load of toppings, its its not at least an inch.5 you're doing it wrong.

>> No.4064573

>me and a couple friends staying at a house for a few days
>we cook a bunch of spagehtti, theres a bunch left
>one friend just dumps the entire thing in the garbage when we could have used that for leftovers for like 2-3 days

what the fuck

>> No.4064576

people who use a shitload of cold cuts and sandwich stuff

like with the cheese. one slice is enough, two if you must. but i see some people use almost the whole block for one sandwich. and like 2-4 slices of meat is enough, some take like 10 because they think it tastes that much better, and you have to buy more in like 2 days

>> No.4064581
File: 25 KB, 335x352, fdgds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off healthyfag. Huge sandwiches are fucking glorious.

>mountain of thin sliced ham
>mountain of pastrami
>bit of turkey
>liberal amounts of brown mustard on the bread
>salt and pepper on top of that mustard
>hold the lettuce, fuck lettuce
>TONS of tomatoes
>TONS of sliced cheddar

Deal with it.

>> No.4064620

>>4064581This. Fuck lettuce.

>> No.4064745

>not eating raw onions and only raw onions
Vegans are low tier