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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 34 KB, 179x198, swixw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4054488 No.4054488 [Reply] [Original]

>being so fat that when you're heating up a frozen dinner you always take it out like a minute early and eat it half frozen

Embarassing things you do with food thread.

>> No.4054496

I have, on occasion, bought a loaf of french bread and the smallest tub of margarine available (two cups or so) and consumed the entire thing myself.

I fucking love margarine. I put enough of it on my toast that my mother has literally said "holy SHIT" upon seeing my toast before. The layer is like a quarter of an inch thick. I don't care, though. I fucking love it.

>> No.4054502

>get lunch meat such as turkey, ham, roast beef
>dip it straight into mayo jar

>> No.4054505

>be anorexic with cooking obsession
>cook meal for 4
>about to invite neighbors over
>taste the soup
>eat the whole thing myself
>spend the next 6 hours puking from stomach pain.

>> No.4054510

Well I have bulimia, so I could list plenty of shit that's embarassing and I'd never mention to anyone in real life due to fear and shame, but since it's an anonymous image board, I don't care.

I've eaten whole family size bags of cereal, those huge ass bags of m&ms, tubs of ice cream, washed down with milk so it comes up easier, etc.

>> No.4054512


Eating disorder mind

>> No.4054523

Sometimes when I'm really sad I'll go through a whole bag of sweets in one sitting.

I also still bite the heads off jelly babies before eating the rest of them.

>> No.4054529

I once spilled a carton of partially melted Reese's cup ice cream onto my dad's couch, and instead of wiping it up with a napkin I scooped it up with my hands and licked it off my fingers. Not my proudest moment.

>> No.4054540
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>I scooped it up with my hands and licked it off my fingers

>> No.4054549

>too lazy to make real mashed potatoes
>buy frozen pre-made container
>heating it up
>pull out to stir it
>liquid hot potatoes splash on hand when stirring
>lick hand instead of washing
>eat out of container

>> No.4054550
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Don't look at me like that, man. It was a moment of weakness.

>> No.4054556

>Hanging out with friends

Friend: Should we go to a pizza place,or get some hotdogs?

Me:How about...both?

>And that's how we invented pizza pigs in a blanket.

>> No.4054561
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>eat out of container

Is there any other way?

>> No.4054569

ever try not to do that will those pre-made pulled pork containers? I just can't seem to ever get one that I don't just scoop out chunks of it with bread.

>> No.4054578

licking the delicious meat saly and olive oil residue from a plate..

>> No.4054580

Get some fucking help.

>> No.4054608

I used to drink leftover marinara when we went out for pizza...

>> No.4054620 [DELETED] 

sometimes I eat food that's gone off just because I like the way diarrhea feels.

>> No.4054658

nothing wrong with that

>> No.4054682

>Drink pickle juice from jar with crazy straw.
>Ate a twix bar out of the trash can.
>Cashier spilled some guys popcorn on the counter at movies, while his back was turned I scooped into my shirt and kept walking.
>Ate a tray of brownies without using my hands.
>Ate pizza with my foot.

>> No.4054695

I work at starbutts and at the end of the night we throw away a ton of the pastries. I have eaten a lot from out of the garbage can.

>> No.4054707


That's not how anorexia works...

>> No.4054712

I don't see anything wrong with that, free coffee cakes.

>> No.4054733

Long periods of starvation often with strenuous exercise... Sometimes it really breaks your will and you go overboard. It's also common for anorexics to have obsessions with food and cooking.

>> No.4054738

>eat chocolate chips right out of the bag
>eat icing out of tub, not on cake
>eat lunchmeat and cheese rolled up without bread

>> No.4054757

>eat lunchmeat and cheese rolled up without bread

What the fuck? That's way healthier then eating it with bread you fuckin moron'

As a small child I used to eat straight up butter, stuck my finger in it globs at a time. Mother wasn't the happiest about it.

Fatass till grade 11. I've changed my ways.

>> No.4054761

>make kraft dinner
>hungry as fuck
>brother throws pillow at me
>falls in my kraft dinner
>disgusted and mad as fuck
>dump kraft dinner all over his bed

may have overreacted a little bit

>> No.4054763

I did that same exact thing with the butter, I would get in trouble because my mom would buy a brand new thing of butter, open it, and see a few finger tracks through the butter.

>> No.4054767

I ate three 8 oz. things of cookie dough. Raw.

>> No.4054776

Glad I'm not the only one.

The thought of it now makes me want to buck, I barely even touch butter anymore, and I hate the fact that whenever I visit for suppers my mom, and grandma insist that EVERYTHING needs butter. FUCKING BUTTER man, can't get away from it. Just leave my broccoli without butter dammit.

First world problems right?

>> No.4054783

Enjoy your salmonella.

>> No.4054809

This is bullshit, only .03 of a percent of eggs ever have salmonella. Most of those are in developing nations.

>> No.4054812

Yea that's really not a risk anymore. There was one small outbreak and all the parents freaked out for about 10 years

>> No.4054819

Spare me that shit, I've done that for years and haven't got sick once.
It was a hard habit to kick for me. I have a very addictive personality with food. And when I was young I had a good metabolism and actually was active but now I have the same eating habits but not the same metabolism. Shit sucks.

>> No.4054833

Is anyone here addicted to store bought mini blueberry muffins? I don't understand why they're so delicious.

>> No.4054837

only eating a decent meal so the mushrooms wont wonky your tummy

>> No.4054844

90% of the meat supply is contaminated with salmonella

>> No.4054850

developing nations are cleaner than the meat factory's
the meat has to take multiple chlorine baths to be safe to eat its that dirty
they have to shut down every 12 hours to remove the biofilm

>> No.4054852

you should use butter, dude. It tastes much better and is better for you. I prefer Kerrygold.

>> No.4054870


>citation needed

>> No.4054874


>> No.4054910


I belive it. Salmonella is everywhere. It's on your skin, your hair, the walls, the floor, etc, etc. It's one of the most common bacteria there is. And who gives a shit if it's in the meat supply? Millions upon millions of people are eating that meat every day. They aren't dropping dead from salmonella, therefore it isn't a problem at all.

>> No.4054915
File: 29 KB, 200x200, lloyds-bbq-original-sauce-110139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Man, I haven't had that shit in like 10 years. It was a staple growing up at home. But that was for our whole family (Dad, Mom, Me, Two siblings), so obviously that wasn't an option, lol.

Pic related was my favorite. I think I'll go buy some, and eat it out of the container and not give a single fuck.

>> No.4054922

>eat lunchmeat and cheese rolled up without bread

Ever eat Lunch meat, cream cheese, and a pickle rolled up? Shit's great.


I did that with Peanut Butter.

>> No.4054955

I can't open the baking supply cupboard without snagging a handful of semi-sweet chocolate chips.

>> No.4054956

If I've had an angry day, which is often I'm a very angry person
I'll go on a cheese binge, fucking love cheese
Eat multiple wheels of Camembert, Brie etc in one sitting
Don't really bother about crackers
Still cut it up though, I may be and angry cunt but I'm not going to just bite into it like a bear

>> No.4054966

>implying bears aren't majestic as fuck and a representation of the manliest anything could ever be

>> No.4054972

I feel like biting it like a bear could really improve your mood. Thanks for this image.

Must stock up on cheese for my next rage day.

>> No.4054975
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>majestic as fuck

>> No.4054985

>implying bears aren't majestic as fuck
>implying bears
>fat wheelchair bound human

>> No.4054993

>implying cheese exists in nature

>> No.4055042

Glad to be of service,
Could do but I feel the slicing and skewering with the knife is more calming lol
I have plastic knives in my car I've kept in case

>> No.4055077

that is bulimia.

>> No.4055086
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I drank an entire bottle of Thousand Island dressing as though it were a beverage.

>> No.4055094

i eat out of the trash, off the floor/ground. it's my nothing-goes-to-waste mentality and it will get me killed one day

>> No.4055113

That...Sounds glorious.

>> No.4055118

>most common bacteria

No. E. coli and S. aureus. Try again.

>> No.4055121


did you miss the part where I wrote "ONE OF the most common bacteria", or are you just stupid?

>> No.4055131

Did you miss the part where being vague doesn't mean you're right? It's not even in the top four most common.

>> No.4055142

Once or twice a week I buy a pint of ben and jerrys and eat the whole thing.

I hope to do this less now that Key Lime Pie is gone again.

>> No.4055143
File: 12 KB, 179x300, tumblr_mdwnndMxVN1r7wzobo2_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been drinking this stuff straight out of the bottle since I was a kid. That and apple cider vinegar.

>> No.4055151


so much autism.....

>> No.4055165

Actually, no. But thanks for playing. Your score was 0/2.

>> No.4055167

>calls someone autistic

>> No.4055174

>tfw i don't anything weird with my food
In grade school when I lost my juice box straws i cut a hole with my teeth and sucked the juice but that's what everyone does when they don't have a straw.
I don't belong here.

>> No.4055182


of course I saged, it was an off-topic post. Likewise I will sage this one as well...because...you guessed it! It's not part of the topic at hand.

>> No.4055194

Butter is disgusting. Yes, I'm the guy that posted that.

>> No.4055368

Oh man, I've done this. Worked at a deli over the summer, would get random food each week as bonuses - bread, cheese, whatever.
Once got a kilo wheel of D'Affinois and ate the whole thing in one sitting.

>> No.4055388

I have a few.
>Every Saturday when i was 14 i would eat two full tubs of Ben and Jerry's.
>i always put ranch on my pizza when i was 14 too.
>spoiler]i used to weigh 457ibs when i was 14 [/spoiler]

>> No.4055400

>>Ate a twix bar out of the trash can.

Oh my god that reminded me.

>be in primary school, not sure what grade maybe 5-6
>mum works as a cleaner at school after hours
>was often horribly hungry after school
>to the point where I'd sometimes look through the trash cans and carefully pick through, looking for something clean/unopened that had been thrown out
>felt bad man

But on the flip side:

>got to steal those giant freddo's from the staff room often late at night, because there was no one but me and mum there
>got to go into the opposite gender's bathrooms to see what was there
>got to explore many different classes when the whole school was empty, writing on chalk board etc.

It had its moments. It was fun, but often lonely.

>> No.4055408


Anyway, I used to make 2 Latinos and just sit and eat them with habenero peppers and Tony Chachere's seasoning.

All dat sodium.

>> No.4055411

>dipped my fingers in ranch/bbq sauce and ate it without anything else
>drank hot sauce straight out of the bottle
>ate an entire stick of butter
>ate prepackaged stuffing straight out of the box
>ate a packet of oatmeal without cooking it
>last night I was at a mexican restaurant with some friends and there was this super spicy bottle of habanero hot sauce, and I almost drank some straight out of the bottle just to see what it would feel like.

>> No.4055436

>this thread

God, I'm so normal

>> No.4055452

Oh shit. *Totinos. The pizzas.

>> No.4055471

Fryed my steak for 8 mins on each side on a hot pan then smothered in Heinz tomato ketchup.
Jesus wept with joy.

>> No.4055551
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Dude eat your dry oatmeal in milk it's the same fucking thing as dry cereal you moron

>> No.4055570

>last night I was at a mexican restaurant with some friends and there was this super spicy bottle of habanero hot sauce, and I almost drank some straight out of the bottle just to see what it would feel like


>> No.4055590

>kilo wheel of D'Affinois

Motherfucker I am so jealous I could kill you.

>> No.4055712

Eaten out of trash 10 to 15 times

>> No.4055739

Hey, ranch on pizza is good.

Just had some bleu cheese with some pizza recently

>> No.4055747

>college has a Chick-fil-a in one of its student centers
>they set out premade boxes of chicken nuggets and sandwiches
>waiting for a chicken sandwich
>one of the fry cookers accidentally knocks one of the boxes of chicken nuggets off and it opens
>one lands in front of me on the dirty counter
>grab it and then eat it
>eternal shame

>> No.4055756

>friend eating chocolate bar
>I kept bugging him to give me some
>he says, "ok, here you go."
>spits half-eating bit on the filthy cafeteria floor
>pick up chocolate and eat it
>everyone at the table stops and looks at me
>like I give a shit, still got some chocolate

>> No.4055794


Except that it's not.

>> No.4055803



>> No.4055810



>> No.4055811
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>catch myself blowing on spoonfuls of ice cream to cool it off.

>> No.4055821
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My embarassing stuff comes from being lazy. Like tonight...
>boil 1lb pasta
>canned tomato sauce
>nuke some raw ground beef for 3 minutes
>2 tbsp butter
>salt/pepper/garlic powder
The worst part is, it tastes pretty fuckin' good, and I ain't even drunk.

>> No.4055863

I'd eat bacon bits straight up when I was a kid. And lap up soysauce (Not /drink it/ but just lap it up out of the bottle)

I seldom flip burgers because I love the outside being coated in the red "blood" juice, ontop of eating them with pink in the middle. I'd also lap up said juice from steaks until I realized that's what bread is for.

I used to eat raw eggs straight up with a bit of olive oil or salt. But I was weened from that after parents scare me with salmonella and such. Poached tastes better anyway.

>> No.4055888

Oh god, I thought it said you spilled it on his crotch, not his couch.

>> No.4055914
File: 46 KB, 720x304, Shutter Island.2010.BdRip.Xvid {1337x}-Noir.avi_snapshot_00.08.55_[2011.09.25_22.59.24].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'll eat a lot of uncooked stuff, like pasta sauce -- i drink that. i remember during my teens i'd just casually vomit up food and continue strolling along much to the combined delight and disgust of whomever saw it. it feels really nice regurgitating ice cream

>> No.4055941
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Someone uploaded a video clip that contained bits of me talking to a microphone, and I suddenly realized I sound fat. Fatty McFatFat level fat. It was a disturbing and depressing realization.

But then I realized I AM fat, after which I let out a goodly santa-claus-esque guffaw.

>> No.4055950

>Square of cheddar cheese
>slice of ham inside
>squirt some mayo within
>roll up like a taco and eat


>Tuna, white rice, ranch dressing all mixed in a bowl

I don't give a FUCK it's goddamn delicious

>> No.4055961

> ate an entire pudding cup with my finger
> ate meat loaf by hand
> slices of dessert pie by hand
> even cake
> salad like chips n dip
> jello cups whole

>> No.4055964
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The other day I used Hidden Valley ranch w/bacon as a sauce for pasta. LOLCARBONARA. Two bites in I started clapping furiously.

>> No.4055966

I suck out the leftover ketchup out of a packet after I've squeezed a majority out.

>> No.4055970


>> No.4055985

sip pizza sauce out of the can
lick my plate off
cut into my steak before the meat has rested
`pick up whats left of my tbone and eat with hands ripping the meat off with my teeth
eat other food items with hands such as veg
eat soup directly out of the hot pot
dip boston cream donut in coffee
shovel popcorn into mouth
eat hot sauce right from the bottle
drink juice or milk from the carton
eat ketchup by the spoonful
mash up large amnts of food together and eat something that looks like a disgusting mush


>> No.4055986

When I was in kinder there was a teacher that would bring an empty tupperware and a ziplock bag full of ketchup every day to school. At lunch he'd ceremoniously open each packet, empty them into the tupperware and eat it with a spoon.

> I can't eat much ketchup on anything
> when a burger place smothers my burger in ketchup i'll wipe it all off with a napkin and re-apply a small amount and eat comfortably

>> No.4056028

What's wrong with eating with your hands?

>> No.4056030

>`pick up whats left of my tbone and eat with hands ripping the meat off with my teeth
That's weird? I thought everyone did this unless they were at a resturaunt or something

>> No.4056036

I slam my au jus like a shot of whiskey after I finish a French dip... Salty heaven..

>> No.4056047
File: 24 KB, 300x300, img-thing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Boyfriend asks for piece of paper
>Hand him paper
>Boyfriend immediately makes funnel with paper
>Opens bottle of water
>Pours Arnold Palmer Powder into the bottle using paper funnel
>Now he's drinking his watered down Arnold Palmer and eating stale pistachios..

>> No.4056052

Smear hellmans on any lunch meat... Roll up and consume.
Smear cream cheese on ham... Roll up and consume.

>> No.4056080

That's not that weird. 5/10 would eat stale pistachios and drink arnold palmer.

>make girlfriend first dinner together
>she asks for ketchup before she even tries the chicken
>I tell her what my internet community friends would think
>she doesn't use any
She is sweet.

>> No.4056098

My husband did the same fucking thing with hotsauce, one night I used 2 habenaros without him knowing on some chicken and he had bloody diarrhea for a night. Safe to say he tastes my stuff before he smothers it in hot sauce

>> No.4056109

A few years ago i couldn't get enough heat from eating my food with siracha sauce so i basically drank it. Word of advice if you are needing more heat you need step your pepper levels up son.
This shit will make your teeth look like a smoker.

>> No.4056148

you ate an entire cup of Jello? You sick fuck!

>> No.4056159
File: 60 KB, 450x597, fat-kitteh-naps_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>slice of cheese and a slice or two of bologna
>squirt some ketchup in between
>no bread needed
Its like a little meat rollup

>eating dry oatmeal from the container
>washing it down with coffee
I love the taste and texture

>make mac n' cheese
>no milk
>just use more butter

>violently shake a can of soda against my lips to make sure I got every last drop because i'm a cheap bastard

This thread. It was made for me.

>> No.4056168

>oh god i'm almost out of ketchup
>add water

>buy whole D milk
>gets down 3/4 full
>add water and make 2%
>that gets down to half
>add water and make skim

>$4 for coffee creamer? fuck that
>use powdered milk

>scratch ass/back/wherever with fork while cooking
>still use it later

>cook totinos pizzas in microwave

>> No.4056226

Eating entire choped carmelized oinon, by its self,

>> No.4056228

Eating raw onions, with mustard.
Fuck you I loved it.

>> No.4056369

No because those are spelled correctly.

>> No.4056406

None of those are more than slightly weird

You dip donuts in coffee? Someone call the police

compared to some of the shit in this thread this is smalltime

>> No.4056413
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>May have overreacted a bit

>> No.4056415

I agree those aren't that weird but they do sound really really annoying to your housemates unless you live alone in which case haha you're lonely

>> No.4056631
File: 54 KB, 320x135, 1U7Mn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Year of Our Lord 2012 Anno Domini
>has never been on a Wine, Cheese, and Nature Walk

>> No.4056653

>>make mac n' cheese
>>no milk
>>just use more butter

Next time use mayo, also.

>> No.4056657


I've eaten raw onions and hot sauce. I think some Dijon would taste pretty good, too, now that you mention it.

>> No.4057062



>> No.4057124


I wish to hear this clip.

>> No.4057133

eat peanut out of the jar

feels good mayn

>> No.4057143

>`pick up whats left of my tbone and eat with hands ripping the meat off with my teeth
>That's weird? I thought everyone did this unless they were at a resturaunt or something

Not the guy you responded to but I don't give a fuck, I do it at restaurants. I get to go out to eat so rarely that I'm not wasting the best part of the steak. No fucking way.

On the rare occasions that I go out, I find that I very rarely order steak. It's just so much better when I make it.

>season with seasalt/cracked pepper/Worcestershire/chopped garlic
>heat iron skillet in oven at 500 degrees
>remove from oven, place on stovetop on high
>sear steak for 30 seconds a side
>place steak in oven for 1 minute 30 seconds a side
>let rest

Goddamn. I will never cook a steak another way in my life.

>> No.4057172
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>have binge eating disorder
>eat pizza crust out of garbage
>steal pizza crust from whoever doesn't eat theres
>actual nickname: scavenger
>eat sticks of butter
>drink condiments
>put food in microwave
>eat everything in sight until food is done

Eh, I have more, but I'm too ashamed.

>> No.4057184

you are retarded.
if anything that behaviour would be classified as ednos. not strictly bulimia.

>> No.4057187


Holy fuck. I'm riveted to know what could shame you if you're cool with eating crust out of the garbage.

Please tell us. I must know. We can still be friends.

>> No.4057202
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>ate a foot-long sandwich
>an hour later, eating ramen with egg and dumplings
>recommended calorie intake: 800-1000/day
>currently full but still eating

>> No.4057203

i only just tasted real mayo, about 2 years ago. I love the tangy taste so much i'll sometimes i'll eat it like peanut butter, just one spoonful.
I don't buy mayo often, but when i do, i fatty-cherish it.

>> No.4057214


The mayo you can buy in most grocery stores is fucking digusting. I've always hated it with a passion.

Last year, I had the opportunity to try "good" mayonnaise. It was delicious. I won't ever eat any of the cheap stuff though. It has the consistency and taste of hand lotion to me.

>> No.4057215

Not cool with eating crust out of the garbage, but it's the least offensive thing I've done.

Basically this type of thing >>4054510 minus the purging.

>> No.4057220

I bought kewpie mayo once, i made an excuse to put it on everything.

>> No.4057223



I need them.

>> No.4057265

Whenever I cook with onions I eat some raw with cheese.
Have stopped caring if meat is cooked or not if its warm all the way through its done.

>> No.4057285

:D Me too!

I'm a male though so I have yet to be able to get help. Longest I've gone on my own is a year and a half before it jumps full gear and nothing else escapes my mind but the process. It is something I will have to deal with. The impulses.

>> No.4057324

>Dried onion bits
>Mixed and eaten with a spoon

Fuck I love it. And I'm not a lardass.

>> No.4057339

Ugh. At least eat it with potato chips!

>> No.4057340
File: 65 KB, 468x312, fat_dog_hound.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Whole boxes of pizza bagels, fuck I love pizza bagels
>Whole pints of Ben&Jerry's
>Campbells bean and bacon soup + tapatio + shredded cheese = spicy bean&cheese soup y'all
>Used to eat spoonfuls of sugar as a kid
>Shove handfuls of things like fries/popcorn into mouth

>Eat on bed often
>Food/sauce sometimes falls on bed
>Pick/wipe it up and eat it

>> No.4057345

I put a spicy kielbasa in my butt once and it made my rim burn for a few hours

>> No.4057365

Right at this moment in time, there's a pack of opened, 3 month out of date ham at the back of my communal fridge.

A few years ago I pulled a 2 year old half eaten pizza out from user my bed.

I eat about a kilo of blue cheese a week.

>> No.4057403
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>> No.4057407

Is this somehow out of the norm or something?

>> No.4057417

I used to make and eat dozens of cream cheese sandwiches....I substituted the bread for American cheese.

>> No.4057423

I'll try/eat almost anything(properly prepared)...
>BUT I'm picky as fuck! ... :(
>Always picking fat off of things and picking stuff out of my food.
>I feel bad about it, it's like OCD or something.

>> No.4057426

At least tell us you eat the fat and leave the rest for trash.. Right?

>> No.4057432

Fuck no. it's the fat. that's gross yo.
>even with bacon, I take that shit off, too chewy and slimy/gross

>> No.4057452
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> lots of posters eat a stick of margarine or butter

This is not unusual among the people I hang with. Go into the back country on a long backpacking or hunting trip, and everybody come back with unstoppable urge to eat fats. Margine, butter, damn-near-raw bacon. Why is that?

>> No.4057453

>Be average weight
>Go to McDonald's
>Always order double big mac meal
>Always ask for two extra patties and extra pickles

I suppose it isn't too embarrassing, but the looks I get and when new cashiers fumble a bit to add in the extras, make it so.

>> No.4057465

I think I vomited a little in my mouth.

>> No.4057467

Because they burned all their excess reserves and have an unconscious desire to replenish it?

>> No.4057469


Did you eat it afterwards?

>> No.4057475

When I had an eating disorder, I would "chew and spit", often, feeding the chewed food to my dog when no one was looking.

>> No.4057492

I'm not as strange as some people in this thread, but I like to eat coffee beans. I'll buy expensive bags of coffee just to eat it without turning it into liquid.

>> No.4057514

over here the media tells us to gobble up 1800-2000 kcal a day, and 1500kcal of it being the amount of energy used a day to keep basic body functions alive.

>> No.4057518

you know how people on food ads eat is not how actual people eat, right? this is pretty normal

>> No.4057573

I eat bananas sprinkled with cinnamon sugar on a plate with a fork and a knife.

>> No.4057591

I nuke the ever loving shit out of my microwave meals. I prefer my food cooked all the way through, and though it takes the taste and flavor down another peg. I just don't give a fuck.

>> No.4057597

why do you need a knife for that?

>> No.4057599

that's normal

>> No.4057603

>put half or more of my french fries on the cheeseburger,
sauce underneath(protects the top bun from the sauce
making it soggy, plus omfg yum)

>makes everything into a sandwhich including
sphagetti and pastas, pies, roasts, i just wrap that
shit up in garlic bread or regular white and chow

>> No.4057606
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I have a huge scar on my hip from pizza cheese. Dear friends, do not eat scalding pizza on your belly like an otter.

>> No.4057626

when i need a snack i eat 3 slices of bread with brown sugar and cream on them

i'm the lasiest fucker when it comes to food and want quick things so that I can make it eat it and be done with it i'm a chef

>> No.4057633

>eating while taking a shit
>eating raw ground beef while cooking
>finish everything on the plate every time
>load everything with cheese
>eat whole packs of bacon in one sitting
>cant let someone order a steak cooked over medium rare without saying something

>> No.4057702

I have eaten an entire steak raw once.

>> No.4057717


Why, you cunt!

>> No.4057746

'Murrica? 1200-1500/day is for an average woman, last I heard. But since I'm short as fuck, I have to adjust.

>> No.4057935

>Put ketchup on fries
>One fry has too much on it
>Give it to the dog

>> No.4058036

>eating while taking a shit
that is absolutely vile

>> No.4058053
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I eat them too fast and they form a fucking lump going down which causes pain all the way until it reaches my stomach. Milk or water may speed it up, but the pain sucks. I need to slow down when eating those little bitches.

Nobody. EVER. Eat these without a drink by your hand.

>> No.4058100

My average calorie intake is somewhere around 7000-8000
I eat mcdonalds at least 5 times a week

>> No.4058139

>I eat mcdonalds at least 5 times a week

Congrats on your failures.

>> No.4058196

I also have a binge eating disorder, used to be anorexic. On any night that I lose my self control I end up devouring anything in sight. Sometimes manage to go through an entire box of cereal in one sitting. If there's any cookies around I eat the whole packet. Any pie in the fridge? I'll eat about the entire thing. Been trying to control myself lately and have somewhat gotten better. Not quite yet though.

>> No.4058217

The fat is the best part. I take it off my bacon when it's still under cooked and chew it like meat gum till it turns to liquid.

>> No.4058232

My nigga I did the same shit. Except for the egg bit never tried that, but I did have to get taken to the hospital for fluids because I used to eat spoonfuls of salt.

>> No.4058287

Used to eat margarine sandwiches as a kid. Just white bread and a big ol' slather of margarine. I took them to school sometimes and once a kid made fun of me.

Would pour salt into a bowl and eat it by itself.

Ate dry Nesquik powder with a spoon.

Ate an entire box of Cosmic Brownies at once.

Ate popcorn that I found underneath a seat at a movie theater.

My lowest point was eating an entire bar cake that was like 16 servings in one sitting.

Desserts, man. Even now I still have dessert at least once a day, sometimes twice.

>> No.4058695
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>98% fat free Campbell Chicken Soup
>ate two servings with half a butter stick, random spices and two chicken bullion cubes
>alone NEET
>with diarrhea
>No. 4
>can't cook for shit
>shares this with /ck/

>> No.4058857

>Making any meal in the apartment.
>Roommates hoard every plate and piece of silverware.
>Look in dishwasher in hope of finding a spoon or a fork depending on the meal, or a pan to cook on.
>Grab sometimes a single dirtied fork or pans and just clean them off with water then cook my meal.
>At several points I ate soup with measuring cups and out of the bowl I cooked it in.

Reeeeally wish they got their dishes out so I didn't have to run the collective two dishes, one bowl and several pots pans and tupperware through the dishwasher every week.

>> No.4058921

Still remember the most disgusting shit I ever did with food that wasn't sexual.

>18 and Buzzed/High
>No food that was ready to eat
>Don't wana wake up my mom
>Turkey Bacon
>Hawaiin sweet rolls
>Proceed to wrap sweet rolls in uncooked turkey bacon and dip them into the jar of mayo

I don't know how many I ate and I also definitely did a few slices without bread and just lots of mayo. Still sick thinking about it.

>> No.4058941

I buy whole boxes of pork scratchings off amazon and scarf them in my room. Sometimes as a lazy late night snack I microwave the fuck out of a few slices of bacon and eat them straight up. Another good snack is a barely cooked egg (more liquid than softboiled but albumen not completely transparent) with soy sauce and pepper.

>> No.4058951


Ate dry Nesquik powder with a spoon.

I do this all the time.

>> No.4059019

The only thing I prefer margarine is Hawaiin Sweet Rolls, the only thing.

>> No.4059025

Cant stop imagining eating lations with hot sauce now

>> No.4059064
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Never been on this board before... Surprised to see all of these faggots with eating disorders

When I was 15-16, I struggled with mild anorexia as well as bulimia. A sample of my eating schedule:

>Wake up
>Eat nothing
>Lunch time
>Eat nothing
>Be in a culinary class as well
>Convincing myself not to indulge was nearly impossible
>Still managed somehow
>So hungry...
>Grades were shit because aside from the lack of proper nutrition, all I could think about was food
>"Why aren't you eating, anon?"
>"Not hungry"
>Get home
>House full of food
>Supper time
>Eat something like 3 servings of fried chicken, qt. mashed taters swimming in gravy, mac and cheese, a half-gallon of ice-cream, small cake, Hershey's chocolate bars, whatever sweets I could find
>Eat until I was in physical pain
>Still felt good as fuck
>3 hours later
>Doubled over toilet for 20 minutes
>Bye bye food
>Initial happiness from purging is quickly dashed
>Feel guilty
>Go to bed miserable
>Mind starts racing
>My life has gone to shit because I let myself get put of control
>Stare at the ceiling for a couple of hours
>Finally close my eyes
>Stomach starts to rumble
>Still hungry
>I won't let myself eat...
>Lie in bed crying from from all the emotional and physical pain

All I wanted was to be happy...

>> No.4059065
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>> No.4059066

I do this too! And I drink so much tea that when I have a cold drink I end up blowing on it too.

>> No.4059082

props for the pic, but honestly, nobody cares.

>> No.4060542
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r u mad fatty?

I used to drink a 6 pack of these in a day no sweat

>> No.4060640

This morning I had a Poptart instead of oats.

>> No.4061086

Whenever I eat a chocolate bar, I bite the chocolate off from around the sides, eat the top and bottom until I'm left with only the centre bit.
When I eat a picnic bar, I chew all the chocolate off form around the outside, then pull the caramel bit off from the wafer, eat the wafer and then the caramel.

>> No.4061133

When I was a freshman in highschool, I was hanging out under the bleachers at a football game when I saw a Pizza Hut personal pan pizza box fall from above. It was half eaten. I looked around to make sure nobody was watching, then picked it up and ate it.

I sometimes visit my brother and sister-in-law. They eat out a lot and often have to go boxes on top of the trash can. I may have eaten the remaining contents once or twice.

>> No.4061145

i've eaten food thats been thrown in the garbage while at work, worked at a pizza place....sometimes assholes would fuck up orders and instead of leaving it for employees to have theyd just throw the whole thing in the trash (in the box), so i'd act like i was taking out the trash and eat that shit myself.

also, i often eat steak with my bare hands and just tear at it like an animal.

>> No.4061194

Thank you, /ck/, for making me feel so much better about my eating habits.

I think literally the strangest thing I've ever done is when I get Chinese food, I'll get an eggroll and eat the contents out of it with a fork, then stuff it with fried rice and orange chicken and eat it like that.

>> No.4061214

I once poured milk in my rice and just stuff myself til the bowl is empty
about 250g of brown rice and 330g chicken tits was in it. Held my nose the entire time, I can't be arsed to eat boring food slowly anymore

>> No.4061233
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I eat canned sweet corn out of the can, after I drink the juices like gatorade

Same deal with canned beans

I scrape the bottoms of cake platters with forks and eat it, this includes the leftover frostings

>> No.4061236

I hope to god you burn off those calories anon. You might get diabetes..

>> No.4061244

I put ketchup on tuna salad sandwiches

It goes back to a restaurant I used to work at when I was in high school. One of the things the owner would allow us to eat without having to pay was tuna fish (they made a big batch every morning, and threw it out at the end of the day if it wasn't eaten - same with the egg salad, but I fucking HATE egg salad)

Anyhow, the tuna fish was free, but it was very bland. They must have used cheap tuna, or cheap mayo, or both. And that's all it was - tuna and mayo.

So, I would put ketchup on my tuna fish to give it some flavor. I would get a tuna sandwich with cheddar cheese with a plate of fries (also free) and dip the sandwich in the same ketchup I used for the fries. Eventually I just started putting the ketchup right on the sandwich. I still do it to this day, but I'm always too embarassed to order it that way when I get a sandwich at a restaurant.

>> No.4061476
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> dat blandness feel

Put ketcsup on toast. Sad but true.

>> No.4061478


>> No.4061480

pour boiling water on your oats.

>> No.4061482


>> No.4061484

and enjoyable.
no shame.

>> No.4061485

carb sandwiches used to be a staple.
time travel time. but not rly time travel.
not yet.

>> No.4061486

>one strawberry is really mushy
>another has some fungus growing on it
>rinse under tap water

and for just about any fruit or veggie

>> No.4061487

is it a good idea to put only cinnamon on your oats?

>> No.4061488


>> No.4061490

My breakfast everyday for the past two years:

1 cup of oats (in a saucepot)
2 cups of water
1 tablespoon of cinnamon

sometimes I spice it up by adding two spoons of cinnamon

>> No.4061493

why so consistent?

considered fruitz on ur oatz?

>> No.4061496
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Not exactly embarrassing, but op reminded me of it. When I used to microwave these, I'd eat the cold, but not quite frozen, brownie while waiting. It was quite tasty that way.

>> No.4061500

oh god those blue trays

>> No.4061501

For the past two years I get anal orgasms from my god tier oatmeal shits every day around 8 pm.

>considered fruitz on ur oatz?
cinnamon is a fruitz

>> No.4061503

cinnamon is a bark.

>> No.4061507

bark bark bark
woof woof woof
fruit fruit fruit
what's the difference

>> No.4061513

Well to be honest I think the fruit might change the consistency of my shits. Why do I need to change something that's already good? Faggots don't even know how good these anal orgasms are.

>> No.4061530


Ah, my negro. I do that too. The amount of time they tell you to nuke it on the box almost always leaves half of it ice-cold. That's fucked up. I just triple it by default and even then I might nuke it some more.

>> No.4061536

Im poor and try like hell to save money now. I feel guilty/angry when I break down and buy a redbull or something I dont really need on occasion. Work at an italian joint, eat extra or fucked up food orders every fucking day. Eat free frozen desserts a few times a week. Stomach growls from hunger though night usually as nothing is open except fucking fast food which I cant stand (unless it were free) so i usually have no dinner. Losing weight rapidly as I probably intake 1000 cal a day, work 12 hours a day, only drink water, no booze for 5 months. Even as i type this my stomach is growling, feels painfully empty. When I drive by a mcdonalds and see the huge line of cars im so disgusted by them the pain mostly goes away. Waiting in line, wasting your own fuel and time just to get your fat ass up there to order some of the worst food you can buy, and its overpriced...i sound like a fucking jew though.

>> No.4061537

>when I get Chinese food, I'll get an eggroll and eat the contents out of it with a fork, then stuff it with fried rice and orange chicken and eat it like that.

Oh my God...you brilliant bastard. I will now do this forever. Thank you sir.

>> No.4061549

Incoming hepatic problems and foreseeable ulcers