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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4050484 No.4050484 [Reply] [Original]

How does /ck/ like their pancakes?

I personally love them a little crispier than most, then I spread a thin layer of Nutella on top, and add a little pure maple syrup.


>> No.4050492

no syrup or butter. Jelly. Apple or strawberry

>> No.4050511

I'm not a fan of pancakes, crepes, waffles, or any kind of sweet food for breakfast.

I like buttermilk biscuits, toast, English muffin (savory toppings), etc.

>> No.4050517

Either thin and a little crispy around the edges or huge and fluffy, nothing in between please. Butter and legit maple syrup or sometimes just powdered sugar in a pinch.

>> No.4050519

I eat them with a chunky apple mousse my grandma taught me how to make.

>> No.4050545

Same here. But I just maple syrup on the bottom of the plate, not on the actual pancakes.

>> No.4050549

This is a pancake thread. If you are not a fan then why are you posting here? The OP asked how you liked your pancakes, not what you liked for breakfast.

I will never understand why people feel the need to post negative shit instead of just not posting and finding something they DO like.

>> No.4050550

That... is a very good idea. Ima try that.

>> No.4050552

The question was "How does /ck/ like their pancakes?" and I answered that I don't like them.

>> No.4050574

i'm a bad man but i love cheap breakfast place pancakes

ihop, ol' south.. yeah. i put a little butter on each pancake and let it soak in while i eat my salty/savory breakfast components, and then drizzle a very small amount of maple syrup on it -- just enough to get the flavor on there.

ihop is the best though because that fucking pat of butter sits on the top for long enough to make a small, fatty crater of deliciousness. i usually don't eat the entire stack of pancakes, but i sure as hell will eat the soft, fluffy, butter-soaked center.

>> No.4050584

>how do you like your pancakes
>how do you like YOUR pancakes
If you don't LIKE pancakes then you don't HAVE ANY.
so fuck you.

>> No.4050596

Very large amount of crispy edge depth, with the inner portion cooked fluffy. high heat & a lot of fat to fry in.

Syrup ? almost completely soaked. never dry.
Jam/Jelly? on the side, to be consumed per bite.
butter ? see syrup

Pro tier = Concorde pears diced, either baked in or on top.

>> No.4050603

I'm a waffle man myself. I make the goddamn best waffles you'll ever put in your mouth. I actually own two pro rotating waffle makers. When people come to visit us, they beg me to make waffle for breakfast. (or dinner, sometimes, lol)
That said, I don't normally eat pancakes, but sometimes you need pancakes. Now, here's the weird thing about me. While everyone knows waffles should be crisp and light and delicious, I'm a freak who likes my pancakes, when I do eat them, undercooked. I like pancakes just cooked enough to be lightly golden on both side, and still soft in the middle. Yeah. I'm a freak. Also, I hate syrup on pancakes. Butter (real sweet cream butter) and honey only. That is all.

>> No.4050642
File: 84 KB, 594x520, 2008l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like oatmeal pancakes.

1/Cup of original oatmeal

Olive oil pan
Drop the mix in
As it cooks, slice some banana pieces and place them on top

Enjoy :)

>> No.4050645

You're being a little pedantic.

>> No.4050671

you're being a little ASSHOLE

>> No.4050676

Just because I don't like them doesn't mean that I don't find myself in situations where I'm eating them.

I don't live in the perfect world you pretend exists.

>> No.4050684

>use egg nog instead of milk

>> No.4050817

>olive oil
doesn't sound great but eh
it also sounds like it'd be dry

>> No.4050855

I detect no liquid in your recipe. I assume you use milk or water?

>> No.4050874

A couple slices of butter. I hate syrup.

>> No.4050876
File: 2.08 MB, 2555x1778, STACKED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related

This company from San Francisco makes THE BEST pancake mix I've had (and I've tried a lot of them). The've got a shit website, but def worth checking out if you're in/around the Bay Area.

Incidentally, has anyone /ck/ tried these...?

>> No.4050897

I do like that delightful little crunch that good hotcakes get when cooked evenly.

>> No.4050898
File: 927 KB, 1184x2932, 1343031017338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oatmeal pancake master race reporting in

>> No.4050906
File: 9 KB, 177x278, obaybee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this recipe is legit
good stuff, /fit/
>made with oatmeal and whole wheat
>pic related

>> No.4050907

FUCK, that looks good right now.

>> No.4050912

Not too into crisp pancakes. I like fluffy and moist. But it's pretty inevitable when I make and freeze some and pop them in the toaster that they get crispy. I don't mind so much then because I would put blueberries in the ones I save and just eat them like that from the toaster. No need for syrup, unless you want it.

>> No.4050913

These are fucking delicious, man. Moist and tasty

>> No.4050966


now i want some pancakes can you only get them in san francisco

>> No.4051010
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Buttermilk pancakes for me are the fluffiest and most delicious ones to make, I like it best with chantilly cream and fresh strawberries

>> No.4051079

Oh shit, I've seen this stuff at Whole Foods. Usually go the homemade route with pancakes, but think I'll pick some of this up next time I'm out.

>> No.4051109

Two ways:
1. My Grandma made hearty homemade sourdough pancakes with semi-sweet chocolate chips
2. My Grandpa made them them with pancake mix, but thin and eggy like crepes.
Both good.

>> No.4051401

Thick, with a crisp outside, but fluffy center. Wth chocolate chips if possible, and ocvered in peanut butter and syurp