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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4046474 No.4046474 [Reply] [Original]

Sup /ck/, had an epiphany that i really should eat healthier and lose some weight so ive started doing some HIIT running, im not in the best shape to begin with so im combining it with a diet thats hopefully good for me.
Whats a nice healthy lunch i can make the night before going to work? Pasta and chicken? rice and tuna? naturally im assuming bread is off the menu.

>> No.4046477

Why is bread off the menu but rice and pasta aren't? Either go keto or don't.

Go to /fit/ and read the sticky.

>> No.4046525


stumbled over here from fit

feels pretty good to see this post

were all gonna make it bro

>> No.4046527

>go to /fit/ for nutritional information
I'd sooner bang my face into a brick wall until the answer comes to me in a foggy daze.

>> No.4046551


yeah those idiots over there have no idea how to take care of themselfs

i bet they dont even lift

>> No.4046556

Eat a whole grain bread if you are going to eat bread.

>> No.4046560

If you're just trying to lose weight worry more about calories than anything.

>> No.4046562

>not drinking a gallon of milk a day
>not consuming unholy amounts of oatz daily
>expecting gainz

>> No.4046566

Read the sticky fag. You should bulk at first

>> No.4046568
File: 963 KB, 500x220, Pleaseletushelpyouhelpyourself.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fit/ here that isn't true

That sticky is all you need for a beginner to start seeing incredible gains in whatever he wants. The problem isn't our information. The problem is that we have a bunch of anime loving kiddies that aren't ready to commit to a program that requires the maturity and commitment of a successful adult in order to see measurable progress. So yes, many kids lurk there and get nothing done.

If you have the level of maturity for this though, you can greatly benefit from /fit/s information.

>> No.4046572

N-no, worry about exercise and eating healthy.

>> No.4046574


>> No.4046581

Don't let this or any person mislead you into disagreeing with the sticky based on their limited regurgitated information. Read it for yourself. The information there is plentiful and more than enough for any beginner to start from with a solid base of information.

You don't even have to go to /fit/.


>> No.4046586

>eating healthy

What does that mean?

>> No.4046592

I am not going to try to educate you about nutrition.

Just keep thinking food is simply about calories.

>> No.4046594

>want to lose weight and do cardio?

That is why I called him a retard.

>> No.4046604

Where did I say food is just about calories?

Losing weight is pretty much as simple as calories in calories out.

>> No.4046606

bulking is /fit/'s version of a fatty's last gorge fest before starting a diet.

>> No.4046608
File: 17 KB, 250x250, 1334553081144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am not going to try to educate you about nutrition.
>teaching a /fit/ trip about nutrition.

>> No.4046609

OP said eat healthier and be more active, he didn't say he wanted to simply restrict his calorie intake and lose weight.

>> No.4046618
File: 64 KB, 538x482, 1354129066491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> he still thinks that he can grow muscles in a deficit

>> No.4046620

>implying "/fit/ trip" is actually a credential

Post pics or GTFO.

>> No.4046631

>implying you can't

>> No.4046637


>should've read the sticky

>> No.4046644

Do resistance training with cardio to have a solid foundation. If you cardio alone you will look like floppy sack of skin.

Meats and Veggies as foundation for every meal. Count your calories, there's tons of easy calorie counters online so you don't even have to put forth all the effort.

I'm assuming you want to cut, so maximize veggies. They have barely any calories and fill you up.

>> No.4046645

>That is why I called him a retard
not bad you really hurt my feeling on that one

>> No.4046648

Ive read the info and must say it is quite helpful for a beginner, i just need some recipes of chicken salads or something i can stick in a lunch box and eat at work.
Also turns out im better off doing cardio according to that info rather than HIIT.

>> No.4046654

Sorry dude.

>> No.4046696

>Implying HIIT isn't cardio

>> No.4046702
File: 18 KB, 313x286, wutdog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is cardio, it's just not better than any other cardio which is contrary to the claims of HIIT advocates.

>> No.4046735

exactly what harshs guide said.

Still though, anyone got any ideas for healthy low carb-cal lunches?

>> No.4046738

Not really sure but would an egg salad sandwich be good?

>> No.4046743

Okay, bring a salad (with some meat in it if you're down for that) and a piece of fruit or two for snacks. Vary up the dressings and the toppings, maybe bring some veggies with dip, and you'll be totally satisfied.

>> No.4046755

Bread are carb monsters.

Generally you stop bringing sandwiches and go for more dense, meaty salads with raw veggies and fruits as sides.

Chicken salad rules.

>> No.4046770
File: 82 KB, 400x515, 25966135322464437_HUO0SV8B_c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What this guy said,
you can even make them in advance as long as you make sure your greens and dressing don't touch.

>> No.4046783

defo meat, so perhaps a tuna salad one day and chicken the next? what sort of dressings can i drizzle on to liven it up without adding too many carbs/cals?

what sort of veg should i put in? Celery, lettuce and spinach as a base? not keen on tomatos or mushrooms btw.

>> No.4046790

im defo looking to make them in advance, i assume the greens and dressing touching will turn them to mulch?
Does the salad in a jar work, certainly looks like a good idea.

>> No.4046792

>the greens and dressing touching will turn them to mulch?
No, I think they would just get a bit soggy.

>> No.4046795

You could go for sprouts, peppers, avocados, carrots, olives, basically any fresh veggie, any type of bean, maybe some dried fruit if you wanted a bit of sweetness (not too much! Sugars and whatnot).

I generally stick to a homemade vinegrette or just vinegar, but low-cal dressings are sold basically everywhere. Also, diet bitch tip, put your dressing on the side and dip your fork in it. You can still taste the dressing without drowning in calories.

>> No.4046873

Awesome, great bitch tip!

where abouts would meat like chicken or tuna sit in that jar? with the carrots?