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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.22 MB, 922x605, 1 Ingredients.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4037489 No.4037489 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /ck/! Zed from /k/ here.

How many of you guys threw out your turkey carcass after Thanksgiving? FOOLS! How many of you still have the meat-covered carcass still sitting in your fridge, neglected and suspected? Good. I'm making this thread is for you, because there's something wonderful to be done with it: Turn that pile of bones, connective tissue, and meat into some classic winter comfort food-- TURKEY AND DUMPLINGS FUCK YEAR!

I have pics of the way I do it. It's just one guy's method, but it seems to get good responses from people. This pic is (nearly) everything you'll need: Carrot, Onion, Celery, Bundle of Rosemary and Thyme (2 sprigs each), Garlic Cloves (about 4, more if they're smallish), AP Flour, Milk, Baking Powder, 1qt. Vegetable stock, 3qts. Turkey (or chicken) Stock, and, of course, the Turkey Carcass!

(oh no! that's a chicken carcass in the pic! thread ruined! no, dumbass, it's the same recipe im just using a different bird. now shut up)

>> No.4037490

Are you seriously trying to lecture a cooking board? Come up with something original.


>> No.4037500

>using chef's knife
>not using nugget bayonet

Zed, I am disssapoint.

>> No.4037501

go back to /k/ and argue some more over Vietnam being a technical victory for the US.

Fuck off

>> No.4037504

Why do you need chicken stock/broth if you have those vegetables and a carcass, you make it yourself.

>> No.4037505
File: 1.28 MB, 922x692, 2. Stock simmer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, step one is to liven up that boring box-stock and loosen all that delicious clingy meat from the bones of the bird. Quarter an onion and rough-chop 2 medium carrots and a sizeable lump of celery. All of this veg is going to be removed, so don't worry about peeling the onion or making anything look nice. I used the celery top and bottom, rather than throw it out. Stockmaking 101, basically.

Throw all of that along with the carcass (and any leftover meat, legs, wings, whatever) into a 5 qt. saucepan. Put the garlic and herb bundle in there, and cover the whole thing with the 1qt. of vegetable stock and as many quarts of the chicken (or turkey) stock as will cover it. You may need to half or quarter the carcass (or just crush it down) to get it all in the pot. No biggie. Just get that shit covered in stock.

Oh, here's something I almost forgot: DON'T ADD ANY SALT TO THIS FUCKER, EVER. Just don't. There's PLENTY of salt in the broth and stock, and even more in the bird. Hell, I even used unsalted veg stock and low-salt chicken stock just to keep the sodium level in check. This is one recipe that really, really doesn't need any extra salt.

Bring all to a boil, cover, and simmer on low for about 2-3 hours.

>> No.4037510

Because he's stupid and doesn't know how to cook.

>> No.4037523
File: 1.28 MB, 906x607, 3. Straining the stock.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Step 3 is to take the now much-improved stock off heat and remove the bones and now-spent veg. The vegetables are now mushy and... not very nice. Throw them out. I compost mine. Perfect for that.

With the meat, allow it to cool and then piece the meat off the bones. Toss the bones, keep the meat!

>> No.4037525


the digital revelation call and they want to talk to your stove.

>> No.4037526

hi zed. escaping day /k/are? me too.

>> No.4037529


Do they really believe this?

>> No.4037533


>> No.4037535

Ugh. Look at all that fat.

>> No.4037537
File: 1.39 MB, 922x692, 4. Deboned meat and fresh veg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Step 4: Return the meat to the pot, with fresh mirepoix (about 1/2" dice all around) and bring back to a simmer. I like to use fresh veggies because they not only add more flavor to the broth, but they'll also add better color and texture, and will have enough 'life' to stand out as individual pieces of carrot, celery and onion instead of being homogenized, mushy yuckynes like was just sent to the compost pile.

>> No.4037541


what....merica totally got their ass handed to them.

>> No.4037543

Hey Squid!
Yeah, I just thought I'd pop over and put a little /k/ flavor into /ck/'s day. They seem to be really enjoying it. I didn't know you cooked! Hooray!

>> No.4037545

It's a little less black and white than that. We won the battles, but lost the war.

>> No.4037549

Turn the back left burner on high.

>> No.4037550

Incorrect. America won practically every major battle. NV "won" only after the US had pulled out completely.

>> No.4037555

>implying squid goes to /ck/
>implying i'm squid
>implying i'm not just pretending to be him as a joke.
i dont.
squid in all feilds

>> No.4037558


that sounds like, when you want to hook your boy up with a fat chick and say she has a nice personality.

>> No.4037559
File: 1.30 MB, 922x692, 5. Dumpling dough.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Step 5 is making the dumplings.

Now, the way I like to do it is to put 2 cups AP flour in a large bowl with 1 1/2 teaspoons of baking powder. Add milk until you have a large ball of dough, then turn out on to a floured cutting board. Flour your hands, flour the ball, and knead until you have the consistency of pizza dough, adding flour as needed.

Flour your rolling pin and roll the ball to about 1/2", in a rough retangular form. From here I like to just take a pizza cutter and cut 1/2" squares, which will plump up in the pot to 1" delicious pillows.

Put the dumplings into the pot two or three at a time to prevent sticking, and then stir well. Simmer for 10 minutes, or until the dumplings are plump and floating.

>> No.4037560
File: 124 KB, 627x531, littlekissbeforebed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw the people from /k/ aren't the biggest retards in this thread

>> No.4037562

god we need a janitor.

if we really do have two "visitors" from /k/ who disagree on vietnam, this thread will never leave the front page.

>> No.4037567

Well, whatever. Good to see a /k/ooking /k/ommando here all the same.

>> No.4037569


>honey I'm pregnant

b..b...but I pulled out completely

>> No.4037570

how much cosmoline do you add to the mix?

>> No.4037576

>implying /k/ actually believes we won vietnam
>implying there aren't at least 3 people from every board on here.

>> No.4037587
File: 1.08 MB, 922x655, 6. Fit for a king.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All that's left now is just to cream and thicken! I used about 3 cups of whole milk, and 3 tbs. of flour, and brought it all to a boil, then back down to simmer. If things still aren't thickening up the way you want, you can simmer to reduce or use a tbs. of corn starch mixed with some milk. Go ahead. I won't tell! (and no one will ever know, either)

This recipe pairs well with a strong full-bodied white like a basic California Chardonnay, but would also do well with a Sauvignion Blanc or even a merlot if you're into the whole non-traditional wine pairing thing. I'm not. For beers, a cold IPA would be delicious, as would a Porter or Stout. I think a lager or wheatbeer would get lost in all the sauce, but to each their own.

Well, that's about all! It was a pleasure visiting with you, and thanks for having me!

>> No.4037593

Oh... whatever's just naturally on my fingers I guess. :3

>> No.4037601

Needs more hoppes 9

>> No.4037609

Actually, there isn't as much fat as it looks like. There's just a VERY thin layer of droplets on the top, and it's reflecting off the camera flash. Honestly, there's about as much fat in the stock as you would expect from normal stock-making (if you've ever done that), and if you don't want it it's easy enough to skim off.

For me, I felt that the small amount of fat there would be just enough to emulsify the flour and broth for thickening later on, so I left it all in. It's really not that much, even though it looks like it.

>> No.4037612

>/k/ here

it's kinda funny becuase if someone says "/fit/ here" you instantly know that they are cooking plebs.
but it seems to me that /k/ has quite a lot of people who actually kill the animals they want to eat which is something i respect.

i think these people respect the meat they ate.

>> No.4037633

/k/ and /ck/ are bros. Hunting and survivalism has a lot in common with cooking. Nothing like making a meal out of fresh slaughtered/hunted meat and homegrown veggies.

>> No.4037635

We really do. You know, it's suprising how many people on /k/ like to cook-- are there people on /ck/ who enjoy hunting and shooting?

>> No.4037637
File: 310 KB, 962x721, glockncheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zed goback to /k/ where you belong!

srry /ck/. Zed has always been a problem child.

>> No.4037644


and /fit/ doesn't have much to do with cooking other than their stupid diets and questions about what has the most protein.

i live in a city, so no.
never tried hunting not sure if i would if i get the chance to.

i am interested in weapons though because videogames(it's kinda like some people know some stuff about cars. i know some stuff about weapons).
haven't yet the chance yet to shoot one though. but it's something i def. wanna do some day

>> No.4037645

OP is the worst shitposting tripfag of any board

>> No.4037646
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>> No.4037655
File: 118 KB, 272x267, 1351474727110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zed, pls stay on /ck/

>> No.4037656

zed, don't embarass the rest of us, please.

>> No.4037658

oh gosh :3

Anyway, the first hard frost in our area happened this week. Can't wait for some fresh rabbit stew.

>> No.4037659

Protip: 99% of games are inaccurate about guns as fuck

>> No.4037660


I didn't know you still had your k98, SHEIT SON, thought you sold that.

>> No.4037664

c'mon /k/ommandos dont raid the fucking thread. Leave Zed to skull fuck it himself.

>> No.4037665

obviously they are.
i am not some delusional 12 year old.

>> No.4037668

so... did you decide nobody here knows how to make one of the simplest recipes known to man before or after you wanted to take pictures of your guns with food?

>> No.4037669

brb making dumblings
> not making stock from animal carcasses
> ishiggiddy diggady doooo

>> No.4037672
File: 199 KB, 768x576, Top View Reciever Forum Size.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell no!
I'll never be able to replace it! It's a vet bringback from WWII for Pete's sake!! All matching! No import mark! Intact waffenampts! Sniper variant! Etc.! Etc.!

No, that's a never-sell thing right there.

>> No.4037678

if thats a sniper variant why does it have the standard safety lever?

>> No.4037680
File: 17 KB, 640x480, zf41scope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because the ZF41 scope didn't interfere with the operation of the safety.

>> No.4037681

i got jelly on the pasta thats flowing forth from my pockets.

>> No.4037683

Could have had the bolt bent post production

>> No.4037684

Aw man, /fit/ is one of my main boards, and I started lurking here to see if I could learn to cook delicious high protein meals. It's too bad we're looked down on here. There's a lot we could learn from each other I think.

It would be great to have an "Outdoors" board or something like that. Hunting, fishing, hiking, camping and shit. I love that stuff and there's really no discussion about it on the boards. A little bit on /an/ maybe, but I don't particularly enjoy that board, it's all pet stuff.

>> No.4037685

im just going to point out that these two people are generally disliked on /k/ outside of other annoying tripfags.

>> No.4037688

what about that travel board?
i am pretty sure they talk about "into the wil" kind of stuff

>> No.4037692

ITT...who put the /k/ in my /ck/ ?

>> No.4037694

>It would be great to have an "Outdoors" board or something like that. Hunting, fishing, hiking, camping and shit.
/k/ is very much into that kind of thing, so feel free to post any wildlife stuff you have over there.

Granted, we tend to take thermite grenades on nature walks and construct elaborate tripwire traps around our campsites... but the ENTHUSIASM FOR NATURE is still very much there.


>> No.4037696

Retard alert.

>> No.4037698

uh... i guess /k/ has innawoods, /an/ does that too sometimes, /x/ has a boner for creepy late night woods stuff, and possibly /trv/ but they are more into long distance hiking than just camping.

>> No.4037700

>thermite grenades

no fucking way.
i don't even know if they are legal(i guess grenades in general aren't).

isn't thermite that shit that gets ultra hot and burns through everything?

>> No.4037706

/an/ is gonna have a fit.

>> No.4037709

thermite is easy as fuck to make. grenade fuses aren't that complex either.
Or you could use a strip of magnesium.

>> No.4037711

Cool, I'll have to stop by more often. I'm Canadian and have never fired a gun and to be honest it's only a passing interest of mine, so usually the only threads I get a kick out of are the pimp your gun threads.

I never really go on there, I just took a look. One thread about backpacking gear in 4 pages, looked like an OK thread though.

>> No.4037722

No kidding. I have never even heard of someone bending a bolt or modifying it to accommodate a scope. That guys is a moron

>> No.4037733


>/fit/ doesn't have much to do with cooking other than their stupid diets and questions about what has the most protein.
>stupid diets

mad jealous fatty detected

its ok to feel jelly and anger because you dont have the discipline to cook wholesome, delicious, but most importantly nutritious meals to fuel a /fit/izen such as myself


>> No.4037740

Go back to /k/ faggot. /ck/ doesn't want you either.

>> No.4037741
File: 9 KB, 275x183, kuisine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bumping for more /k/uisine.

>> No.4037743

Why is everyone hatin' on a /k/ommando? He's just showing us cooking stuff.

>> No.4037751

i am not fat.
and i think you are pretty butthurt.
stay pleb.
it's the truth.
obviously you can't deal with it

>> No.4037753
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>> No.4037756

/an/ is /k/'s waifu. /ck/ is /k/'s drinking buddy.

>> No.4037757

>be fairly new to /ck/
>oh look a thread where someone demonstrates a useful kitchen skill a lot of people don't know
>open thread
>'oh so /this/ is why /ck/ is nowhere near as interesting as I'd hoped it'd be.

Seriously, I am disappoint. Have saved this thread for when I next have a carcass spare.

>> No.4037763
File: 64 KB, 966x577, 1338929619210.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamnit Zed. Everyone knows you stuff a Turkey with MREs

>> No.4037767

/ck/ doesn't hate fitness, but whenever a thread starts with, "/fit/izen here," the thread is a complete shitfest.

>> No.4037769

I still havent cleaned that cheese off my glock.

>> No.4037773
File: 41 KB, 487x344, beans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree.
4chan is an odd place,I posted some stuff on /tv/ about homeland and got pounced on. I wonder what the hell is okay to post on /ck/ since you can't post cooking methods or recipies?

>> No.4037775

$20 right now

>> No.4037776

because /ck/ hates /fit/.

they are utter plebs who don't know shit about food.
they don't care as long as the shit has enough protein.

>> No.4037778

There was probably only like one or two people hating on Zed in this thread.

But yeah, if you come to /ck/ and say to not throw out a carcass, it's like going to /k/ and saying don't clean your gun with WD40. Other than that, being a /ck/ommando, I enjoyed this thread.

>> No.4037783

Things I learned in this thread:

>a nice turkey dumpling recipe
>thermite grenades are fairly easy to make
>/ck/ is a horrible board

>> No.4037784

I dont get your analogy. Please to be explaining

>> No.4037785

Just don't say you like sriracha on here they have a hissy fit. Elitist tools really.

>I put garlic infused sriracha on everything

>> No.4037788

You dont clean a gun with wd40

>> No.4037790

/ck/ can be good from time to time.

but i am surprised what a bunch of assholes we have on this board.

for example fi someone cooks something and takes pics of it he gets insulted just because.

like they don't even have a reason to insult him they just fucking do it.
and i am not talking about this thread

>> No.4037791


WD40 is acceptable, only splergs splerg about that shit

>> No.4037793

I didn't even know hotsauce could be raged over.
Does this imply anything about me as I'm a fan of tabasco and cholula? Shit guys.
>stop liking whut I don't like, stop it.

>> No.4037795

>Not using glorious spray Crisco to lube your guns and cooking pan.

>> No.4037800

That's every 4chan board, it's just part of the atmosphere. You either learn to deal with it or you go to a hand-holding website that will coddle you.

>> No.4037801

Pretty much. I can cook I know whats good, and I can accommodate everyone. But I never bash people's things. Variety is the spice of life and in cooking it is most important

>> No.4037803
File: 314 KB, 1270x507, Fuckyear anglosphere.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inb4 MRE horror stories

>> No.4037804

i am used to this kind of behavior on /b/ but i think it wouldn't be unreasonable to not expect it on other boards.

like they are just being assholes because they can and i don't understand that,

on the other hand these are the same fags that complain about not enough OC being posted on /ck/

>> No.4037806


>> No.4037810
File: 92 KB, 720x441, 1296864877873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying fat is bad for you

>> No.4037811

You are a fucking legend fellow /K/omrade!

>> No.4037814

I wonder what the version 5.45 v 5.56 argument is on /ck/.............

>> No.4037818
File: 7 KB, 191x234, delighted reaction.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am so pleased with the outcome of this thread!

I really must visit /ck/ more often.

>> No.4037820

I hunt with my father a bit. less since I've went to college. miss shooting the old 30-30. I lurk /ck/ /n/ /k/ /diy/ and /lit/. feels good man

>> No.4037825
File: 30 KB, 460x360, 1330913352721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you go running to mommy when some anon on 4chan called sriracha "spicy ketchup"?

>> No.4037829
File: 29 KB, 456x461, 1331602018027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But muh Gainzcakes....

>> No.4037835

seriously guys? /diy/ is the go to board for innawoods shit. all the outdoor enthusiasts who graduated from day/k/are chill there

>> No.4037838

No I just doused my fries more in it and enjoyed life

>> No.4037841

/ck/ hating on Zed?

>but cee kay, who's thread is this?
>Zeds thread baby, Zeds thread

and why havent you guys taught us to cook local flora yet?

>> No.4037843

you have to post stories about blasting techno

>> No.4037849

since we are already talking about other boards being on /ck/.

d/ic/k here.
you probably don't know but it's the drawing board and one of the slowest on 4chan.

/ck/ and /ic/ are my 2 main boards.

>> No.4037854

that was a good night

>> No.4037859

If you're going to call the box-stock boring, why use it at all? Why are you even using box-stock when you're... making stock? Have you ever considered having a master stock?

>> No.4037862

All k98ks have bent bolts, you muppet.

>> No.4037869

I enjoyed this thread, zed you've joined my list of bearable (read: not filtered) trips

>> No.4037874

>bending a bolt

are you fucking serious? its bent to lay flush against the rifle, then sticks out when you lift it up to pull it back and discharge the spent cartridge and load a fresh round

>> No.4037896

Zeds dead baby....Zeds dead

>> No.4037906

what we have here is a failure of communication

>> No.4037917


>> No.4037920

I'm surprised 9mm hasn't shown up yet. Stay that way pls

>> No.4037925

Because making stock with box stock instead of just water leads to... even MORE flavorful stock.

I mean, duh.


>> No.4037940

But homemade stock is better than boxed stock.

You should replace the boxed stock with homemade stock for that double stock flava.

>> No.4037944

>but chickens come from eggs
>and eggs come from chickens
>so how do i start?!

>> No.4037977

I like the way you think, OP. But I've already used my carcass to make some rich, luscious stock.

>> No.4037993
File: 15 KB, 259x306, teen--13_laughing_boy_soft_2---gutsforteens.org.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4038043

we are happy to have you! great recipe

>> No.4038152

It was a great pleasure, and thank you.

>> No.4038181

Hey Z here from /k/
Great recipe
> too many /ck/ faggots butthurt

>> No.4038198

Don't be a pleb, /k/id

>> No.4038216

There was actually a cross-thread posted on /k/ about this. There was much mention made of how "Wow! Other boards have faggots just as faggoty as the faggots we have on our board!"

Yes, the faggots on 4chan are all pretty homogenous, regardless of board. And yes, as always, the answer to them is just to ignore anything they say.

>> No.4038217

Pretty sure the butthurt was on /k/'s side after being rejected. All those guns and COD hours to make up for your tiny dicks don't work too well in the kitchen.

>> No.4038224

i go on /k/ all the damn time, and i used to think you were a faggot.

While i'm still pretty sure you're a faggot, at least you're a faggot that contributes good OC to another one of my favorite boards.

good on you, Zed

>> No.4038231
File: 703 KB, 2000x1325, DSC_0024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>projects his sexual inadequacy on others

Not all of us suffer the same. I for one compensate for my perceived lack of personality by owning a large number of guns; they make me seem more interesting then I really am.

>> No.4038233

Hey thanks!

>> No.4038301

damn that stew looks good, whats in it?

>> No.4038312
File: 1.66 MB, 2464x4896, steak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

potato goulash
>green pepper
>sweet onion
>peeled and chopped tomato
>hungarian paprika and normal paprika or whatever it's called
>good kielbasa

serve with a dollop of sour cream and bread

>> No.4038345
File: 33 KB, 400x300, jiffy3[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, they work great with jiffy pops.

>> No.4038379

Those aren't good for composting, right? Don't they have oils in them now?

>> No.4038431
File: 106 KB, 540x720, 1346366794329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol this. tbh I don't really dislike anyone unless he proves to be a stupid asshole, but I've had doubts about you zed. This helps go to show that you're a bit more well-rounded than I had thought. You're still a bit arrogant/conceited, but everyone is to some extent

>> No.4039030

the worst tripfags i encountered had been on /r9k/.

that board is a mysogynist shithole now.
thank god i am outta there

>> No.4039062

We could be friends irl
Two funniest images I've seen ever

>> No.4039604


>> No.4039618

I personally thought your soup looked bloody incredible. The several hundred guns were slightly creepy but I could grow acquainted to the thought of preparing for World War 3 if it meant all that good homey American food.

>> No.4039627

Thank you! Chicken (or turkey) and Dumplings are kind of a staple of Southern American cuisine. It's the kind of thing grandma would make for supper on a cold day, so it has that kind of emotional evocation for a lot of us.

I suppose a lot of cultures have some variation on balls-of-dough-in-meat-soup/stew. This is just ours.

>> No.4039668

Awwww sheeeit. I know what I'm cooking tonight.

A+ thread, Zed.

>> No.4039708


>> No.4039721

A++ thread. Although I'm a /lit/-/tg/ kind of guy, I lurk /ck/ and /k/ a lot, and I have to say this is among the top 5 threads I've seen on /ck/ about actually cooking things.

>> No.4039792

I appreciate it Anon... but is /ck/ really so bad that a common recipe with pictures is really so rare? I honestly thought I really had to step up my game to make something nice for you guys.

This board looks like it needs moderation/janitors worse than /k/ does...and that's no small feat!

>> No.4039805

I bet every on /k/ has small feet... it would explain a lot.

>> No.4039857

Look another puerile insult insinuating that gun owners have small penises.

>> No.4039859

I didn't say gun owners, I said /k/.

>> No.4039864

See, this is the kind of thing I mean. It's been said that /k/ is basically /b/ but with guns. It seems that /ck/ is just /fa/ but with food.

I think there's too many 15 year old girls on this board. It's a shame, really. I had better expectations.

>> No.4039865

Now why would you think that? In my experience /k/ is one of the few boards on this website populated by adults with actual jobs, this is because it costs a lot of money to have a hobby of gun ownership. Whereas places like /ck/ and /v/ have children or NEETs as almost the entire population of the board.

>> No.4039884

>it costs a lot of money to have a hobby of gun ownership.
That's very true, and because of that it seems that we have more upper-earners and degrees than other boards.

I can see how /ck/ would attract more young girls, because "OMG TEE HEE PRETTY FOODZ!", but then, it's 15 year old girls on 4chan. That's as bad as it can get. What do you guys do about it? Or has it become so bad that it's just normalized now?

>> No.4039888


>> No.4039889

>/k/ is full of small dick fags
>hurrrrrr we have jobs

Stellar logic, friend.

>> No.4040304

was that a skirt steak?

>> No.4040456

I think /k/ is pretty cool guy - he makes turkey and dumplings with leftover thanksgiving carcass and doesn't afraid of anything

>> No.4040578

Came here to say exactly this. What a fucking retard.

>> No.4040640
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>> No.4040674


lol fucking retard

>> No.4040682
File: 26 KB, 299x432, ubertroll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Doesn't read the thread
>Says I'm the retard.
Jesus, /ck/. Get your shit together for god's sake. It's like junior high recess at an all-girls school on this board.

>> No.4040684


>> No.4040701

>implying /k/ isn't the same exact way, kid
>implying you're not a shitcunt

Seriously though, saved and will be using after I cook the chicken I have in the freezer.

>> No.4040705

Make sure you buy chicken stock before making your own chicken stock

>> No.4040711

that was what I thought originally but the grain seemd to look like skirt steak to me for some reason

boars head wanted 12$/lb for that meat in deli form so I just got miy own and cooked/sliced it like yours for 3$/lb

>> No.4040722

Why didn't you just simmer the turkey carcass in water with the vegetables and spices? That is how you make broth (which can be used for soup). Don't actually use store-bought broth when you have a whole turkey carcass lol

>> No.4040853

>Make sure you buy chicken stock before making your own chicken stock
lol this

nice try OP, nice try.

>> No.4040858

Just in case that's not clear, I'll reiterate: OF COURSE you can make stock with just water, meat and veg. The point of replacing the water with box stock is to make MORE flavorful stock, seasoned with the same seasonings you used for the carcass. It's like making bare-bones stock and then reducing it. Further, since you're using a carcass rather than a raw bird, it helps to make up for what you lose roasting the thing in the first place.

I'm honestly suprised that someone from /k/ has to come teach /ck/ common-sense kitchen knowledge like this.

>> No.4040868


Is that mushroom gravy? Post recipe please.

>> No.4041067

>Further, since you're using a carcass rather than a raw bird, it helps to make up for what you lose roasting the thing in the first place.

First of all, you should be roasting your carcass and then making stock. WITH WATER.

No one makes turkey stock with store-bought turkey stock. Why? Because it makes no sense.

>> No.4041080

>I'm honestly suprised that someone from /k/ has to come teach /ck/ common-sense kitchen knowledge like this.
No. Just no.

Find a recipe from a reputable chef - nay ANY recipe - that involves making broth with premade broth.

You are a little dense and when called out on your redundant efforts you start getting defensive. Good stuff.

>> No.4041143

Don't worry Zed, it's the board culture. Purists will be purists. Anything unconventional will be referred to as a pleb method, just as thinking that bucks the norm on /k/ will be called kids.

That being said, I don't really like store-bought stock because it's pretty much bullion and water. I'd rather use some beer/water/wine/whiskey mixture with spices personally.

>> No.4041146

>Purists will be purists
It isn't about purity, it is about non-redundant cooking and a rational thought process.

>buy McDonald's hamburger and add to your ground beef to make homemade burger

>> No.4041150

to be fair he was being a dick about it by saying /ck/ needed to be taught common sense when he obviously did something that is by no means a common (or logical) thing

>> No.4041163
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>> No.4041240

I smiled.

>> No.4041241

Such consternation!

Look, I've been very, very clear about the logic and reasoning behind using stock from a box to make more stock. If you can't understand it by now, I just don't think there's anything I can do to help you further.

Honestly, I thought this was an actual cooking board, not a Food Network autism circlejerk. You guys really need to think more before you post. It would improve your board considerably!

>> No.4041246

Sensitive Zed is sensitive.

You do realize this is 4chan, right?

>> No.4041248

> thought this was an actual cooking board, not a Food Network autism circlejerk

DUDE. I feel your pain. I'm a longtime co/ck/, and believe me, I've tried...I've watched as this board has degenerated into fast food threads and like you mentioned, Food Network circle jerking, and I still try to remain stoic and post my OC and recipes and pics, and give advice, but I feel like I'm fighting a hopeless battle. People are stupid, and they actually believe that what Alton Brown or Guy Feiri say is the absolute truth and no one could know more than those guys, right? FUCK. Don't get me started.

>> No.4041250

Oh, please do go on...

(I'm not being sarcastic, I just love good criticism of things I use)

>> No.4041251


All boards on 4Chan are an _______ autism circle jerk. Don't be surprised you're being laughed out of here, a huge number of the people on this board are super talented cooks and I know we have some chefs and variously impressively titled and trained people. Your skill doesn't merit your attitude.

Also, I'm pretty sure you're misusing "consternation".

>> No.4041257

If there's a chef or professional cook on this board who would laugh someone out for posting real OC, then they don't deserve their job/title/or to even be here.
Real chefs and cooks are interesting in always learning new techniques and tricks and would never just dismiss someone because they aren't a professional. You, sir, are no professional. And yes, I am. I was a chef and baker's apprentice for years, have been a master baker, a chef, a line cook, a dishwasher, a food journalist and recipe author, and I never, ever dismiss someone with good ideas about food. Or even mediocre ideas about food, because you never know where something interesting is going to pop out.

>> No.4041268

>not expecting criticism

I liked the thread, but seriously if you go in with a (albeit jokingly) pompous attitude and state the obvious (like don't throw away carcasses), then expect some flack from /ck/. Damn, grow some thicker skin.

>> No.4041272

My GOODNESS, I had no idea that such a basic recipe with such basic concepts was going to get so many people here so upset. Is it always like this here?

>> No.4041273


>> No.4041275 [DELETED] 

>Let's make a thread on a cooking board telling folks how to make a basic stock and/or soup presuming the general population is that inept. Then let's expect them to cheer for me.

As you were told before, go back to playing COD, faggot.

>> No.4041285
File: 21 KB, 632x468, Brink23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you forget you were on 4chan? Did you expect a fucking medal? Did you really think coming to a board frequented by cooks to actually give a shit about your super duper (and arrogantly worded) method of making chicken and fucking dumplings?

It's ok. Go back to your Mormon-esque basement, sit around your shitty Russian rifles, canned corned beef, and think about the next thing you post.

>> No.4041293

Hey, you take that back.

Those rifles were pretty damn good.

>> No.4041296

You do realize this board is at least 50% cooking noobs who can barely boil water, right? You should always give complete instructions, up to and including "don't throw away carcasses". No one should be getting butthurt because some anonymous person over the internet can't tell what a whiz you are in the kitchen.

>> No.4041299

People on this board live in cramped one bedroom apartments and the concept of owning a chicken frame let alone a turkey frame is a bewildering prospect.
All we care about is what is on the McDonalds menu and what cheap booze we are drinking to try and suppress the misery of our lives.

You did well though most posts that have a recipe submitted make it to page 10 without a single reply.

>> No.4041300

I do realize that, but the noobs restrict themselves to "what should I get from taco bell tonight?" rather than actual cooking techniques.

I'm not gonna go to /k/ and say, "don't throw out your brass, you can reload it!" despite the fact that probably the majority of them don't reload.

>> No.4041301

Those type of people should not have to ask the internet. They should ask anyone they come into contact with (i.e. their parents).

>> No.4041326

Gee whiz what a mess. I don't know what to make of it. I really don't.

If this thread were a turkey carcass, I would put it in a stock pot with about 4 quarts of Great Value chicken broth and just boil the hell out of it. Maybe something of value would result. Probably not a great value, but still.

>> No.4041331
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>> No.4041334

hey op it's nice to see oc instead of the same old "ham and cheese surprise" instructables that show up. also I love chicken and dumplings

>> No.4041337

Oh please. You're talking about people who spend a majority of time on 4chan. They don't ask real people anything. You're just arguing to argue, and you know it.

>> No.4041341
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You sound more intoxicated (and more like an emotional pussy) than we are. Fuck off and forget about /ck/. We'll all be better off.

>> No.4041349

You first.
At least he actually contributed something. You're just prancing around with your diarrhea of the keyboard.

>> No.4041351
File: 23 KB, 650x278, 1350536045213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're so cute. Wanna keep bickering for a bit before I go to bed?

>> No.4041355

Oh gosh. I've really upset the Anons trying to troll. Are you guys going to be OK?

>> No.4041358

It just seems like you're bumping for sport at this point, now.

/ck/ is a slow board compared to /k/, but that doesn't mean that you should bump it for days if no one else is posting

>> No.4041361

I'm already in bed. I should have been asleep by now. So no, my bickering is just about done for the night, I have to be up in just a few hours. But I'm sure most of you assclowns will be around tomorrow for more fun and games.

>> No.4041375

Never start a land war in Asia, but more importantly, never start a discussion with the A1-steaksauce trailer-trash on /ck/.

>> No.4041465

solid reference, glad to see somebody remembers characters other than the main three

>> No.4041491

its inconceivable for someone to want to do so

>> No.4041777
File: 574 KB, 2000x1325, DSC_0077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes, my gf uses this recipe.


Just match the stock with whatever meat you're using obviously, we put it on chicken as well as pork schnitzel. Pork schnitzel + mushroom gravy + egg noodle = jager schnitzel.

>> No.4041851

faggotry 1.01

>> No.4041877

Well, I'm glad to see that things have calmed down a little bit. It seemed like /ck/ was going to pop there for a little while.

>> No.4042142

hahaha good one

>> No.4042147

>basic concepts
l-like making stock with stock?

>> No.4042639

Well, like WHY you would go through the stock-making steps with box stock, but in essence, yes. Making stock with stock.

Look, I've patiently explained it twice now. If you can't get it, then I just can't be responsible for your reading comprehension problems. I hope that doesn't upset you overmuch.