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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 69 KB, 640x426, Photo on 1-12-12 at 10.17 AM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4040727 No.4040727 [Reply] [Original]

hey /ck/, first time posting. What do you think of my oatmeal? Would you eat it?

Also general oatmeal thread.

>> No.4040737

If by oatmeal you mean a 2" steak with roasted potatoes then yes, I would eat it.

>> No.4040741

Did you put satay sauce on your oatmeal?

>> No.4040745
File: 32 KB, 400x300, kinkajou4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oatmeal, frozen raspberries, thousand island dressing.
nigga you cray.

>> No.4040751

it's organic peanut butter

>> No.4040757

are those berries still frozen?

I like mine with maple syrup and random fruit that I have

>> No.4040758

they've been defrosted slightly, as to still retain their shape.
that sounds wicked, honey and berries is a good combination as well.

>> No.4040762
File: 47 KB, 640x566, 1343457740837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>frozen berries
>curry sauce
>walnuts, almonds, sun seed, other nuts
>no oats

I dont get it.

>> No.4040766

you realise it's peanut butter right

>> No.4040769

where are the oats

>> No.4040771

under it all, i made raspberry oats so you can't see it much because it's pink.

>> No.4040773
File: 53 KB, 420x630, toothless.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frozen berries, nuts, twigs, seeds and rocks topped with fry sauce. Yo you hate your teeth?

>> No.4040775

>eating a bowl of oat meal while sitting in a larger bowl

>> No.4040779

why are you all being so mean to me it was yummy.

Also list of ingredients:
- Raspberry oats
- chopped walnuts
- pumpkin seeds
- raspberries
- peanut butter

>> No.4040793

why did you have to vomit in your bowl, that looks awful.

>> No.4040795
File: 11 KB, 226x223, Jesus Christ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to the goddamned internet. Don't get mad because your food looks like an abortion. Grow a pair.

>> No.4040797
File: 136 KB, 937x881, 1354154422926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where do I find raspberry oats?

>> No.4040802

Are you some kind of woman? What are you doing here?

>> No.4040804

i used regular oats and chucked frozen raspeberries in. Ends up melting in with it with no chunks of raspberries left.

>> No.4040806

Well this is a cooking board. And I am a woman. I don't see the problem.

>> No.4040810


So edgy. I bet everyone at middle school thinks you're mysterious and cool.

>> No.4040820


>> No.4040821

too many different things. would not eat

>> No.4040822

Are you sitting in a bucket?

>> No.4040825
File: 35 KB, 700x700, Hyuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clever comeback m'dear, however everyone at college thinks I'm a fat neckbeard that stays at home and plays WoW all day. Which is partially true.
Seriously though, get that pinecone out ya puss, and face the fact that your food is shit tier.

>> No.4040826

it's my desk chair, really comfy

>> No.4040827

That wasn't even me :(

>> No.4040828

>a bowl of nuts, berries, and oats. Some of the greatest foods we have.
>calls it an "abortion"

Isn't there an In-N-Out thread you should be in?

>> No.4040833

Take that peanut butter off and it would probably be good

Seriously, why put peanut butter on oatmeal?

>> No.4040838

gives it an interesting element to it.

>> No.4040839

need dat protein for dem gainz, bro

>> No.4040841

Nice Ikea desk.

>> No.4040842

if you think diarrhea and food is an interesting combination, maybe.

>> No.4040844

hey thanks man

>> No.4040848

do you have a peanut allergy? were you somehow wronged by a peanut during childhood? it's ok, you can tell us

>> No.4040849

Peanut butter is brilliant.

>> No.4040856

I would have added some banana. Peanut butter and banana is the best.

>> No.4040859

i eat them raw. the stuff in your bowl looks like shit, literally.

i bet you love ketchup too, but hate tomatoes.

>> No.4040861

Yes! i thought that would be a bit too much though, banana is really heavy.

>> No.4040867

That wasn't me again jesus.
I don't like ketchup, it tastes awful.

>> No.4040872
File: 14 KB, 200x224, 71036_124235187589800_3747600_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've never been to a nut bar and had fresh nut butter made? And you're calling everyone else plebs because of your infatuation with diarrhea? HA

>> No.4040879

are you confused yet about the whole 4chan thing?

do you feel frustrated and angry?

do you want to cry and stamp your foot on the ground?

>> No.4040880

I've been on here a while, just haven't posted.

>> No.4040882

someone's buttmad as fuck

>> No.4040886

You should probably stick to lurking more for a bit, if you're getting butthurt about someone mistaking you for another poster named "Anonymous". Or y'know, become a tripfag.....

>> No.4040887

why has noone pointed out OPs filename?

>> No.4040890

Obviously on the other side of the prime meridian. It's tomorrow, today!

>> No.4040889

What's wrong with it? I live in Australia.

but i'm not getting mad what

>> No.4040896

op are you a girl? will you be my girlfriend?

>> No.4040898

yes okay :)

>> No.4040900
File: 974 KB, 150x301, akb (1508).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck everything about this thread

>> No.4040904

I am so happy :)

>> No.4040907

yay :)

>> No.4040915

Thread's gone to shit, everyone go home

>> No.4040918

this thread is hilariously bad.

>> No.4040932

every morning and sometimes for dessert - raw oats with plain yoghurt, drizzle of honey and spoon of strawberry jam mixed in yoghurt, dried blueberries

>> No.4041201

I have never laughed so hard in a /ck/ thread

My sides

>> No.4041254

hi are you interested in Asian men?

>> No.4041260

It's been shit, reminds me of a normal shitposting /jp/ thread.

>> No.4041264


Bowl of food looks incredibly dry bro, consider making it the night before and let it soak in the fridge in some fresh apple juice, stir through some yogurt in the morning and leave the peanut butter for when you make toast. srsly.

>> No.4041270

You sure that apple juice won't put you over your carb quota, bro bro /fit/fag?

>> No.4041279

I'm no /fit/ fag. I do exercise and eat healthy but that's just a life style thing not an obsession.
I'm pretty sure those berries have more sugar than a glass of apple juice.