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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 67 KB, 466x320, tomsoupgrcheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4037619 No.4037619 [Reply] [Original]

Best cheese for a grilled cheese that will be dipped into tomato soup? /ck/ said kraft singles but I just made one with it and wasn't too thrilled.

>> No.4037623

kraft singles are shit. Just get a block of sharp cheddar from vons and use that.

>> No.4037626

asking /ck/ instead?
Anyways, kraft singles is the only cheese to use if you want a real grilled cheese. And plenty of butter. I said plenty.

>> No.4037628

i think the best cheese for grilled cheese sandwhiches is real cheese.

yeah no fucking shit.
and i am talking about some quality here.
some cheese that's a bit more expensive.
not that prepackaged shit and especially not shit that is labelled "grilled cheese sandwich cheese" or some shit

>> No.4037627

I like a good American cheese, but you should really try combinations.

Like a fat slice of muenster and a thin slice of mild cheddar. Or a slice of coby jack with a slice of habanero jack.

>> No.4037629

Strong cheddar.

>> No.4037636

slice up two babybels

>> No.4037642

I have found the perfect combination of cheeses

2 parts kraft
1 part sharp cheddar
1 part Casu marzu

This is the perfect blend of gooey to sharp stinky cheese

>> No.4037647


>> No.4037650

Get a block of cheese. Grate. Put inbetween two slices of buttered bread. frying pan, cook, eat.

>> No.4037654

Pepper Jack, obviously

>> No.4037663

Gouda and cheddar.

>> No.4037686

> Casu Marzu

Unless you live in Sardinia I higly doubt you have Casu Marzu.
Shut up.

>> No.4037731

I use Boar's Head American Cheese.

>> No.4038174

Some nice thin slices of mature cheddar nigga, complements the soup nicely.

>> No.4038178

cheddar 100% of the time or you're a communist

>> No.4038180

The cheese is fine, you fucked up with the soup. Grilled cheese is to be dipped into chicken noodle soup.

>> No.4038201

I use local head cheese. And Wisconsin white cheddar.

>> No.4038202

GTFO you ginormous faggot.

>> No.4038207

Disgusting. The only good soup is tomato soup.

Also Kraft singles are the reason I thought I didn't like cheese burgers and grilled cheese sandwiches all through my youth. I finally tried them with different cheese and they were great. The best cheese for a grilled cheese is Munster. I also like to put some bacon in there too.

>> No.4038214
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Kraft singles are the best for grilled cheese. You just suck at being a white American.

>> No.4038236


This. Croque monsieur is superior.

>> No.4038248
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>> No.4038249


Even Kraft doesn't call it cheese.

>> No.4038253
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MFW you had to google "croque monsieur"


>> No.4038254
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It's not even grilled either. Stop with semantics, this is America.

>> No.4038255

Ahh, the joys of Wisconsin. (along with the beer)

Unless you live in Vermont or have good connections in California, I don't think anything else comes close.

>> No.4038267

Are you using creamed tomato soup or just plain tomato?

>> No.4038327

provel cheese, a processed cheese, but it only has other cheese(chedder,provolone and swiss) as ingredients and a little bit of extra whey to help them blend. It's a no bullshit process cheese. It's cheese crack.

It melts easily and won't stretch.

>> No.4038329
File: 97 KB, 710x689, natural_slices_deli-deluxe16-american2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the stuff you want to use OP, it really is cheese.
Don't go near anything that comes individually wrapped.

Even when I get fancy with other types of cheese in my grilled I always lay down a bed of this first.

>> No.4038337

In all honesty I'm not partial to the standard grilled cheese; when I'm in the mood for that kind of thing I might make a monte cristo instead, with swiss cheese (emmental, if i were fancy and wanted to splurge on real cheese)

>> No.4038338


I don't go near anything that doesn't come packed in wax or its natural mold.

Presliced? Shit.
Wrapped in plastic? Shit.
Big corporate brand name? Shit.
Made from 2% milk instead of whole? Shit.

>>This is the stuff you want to use OP, it really is cheese.
No, it's not really cheese. It even says on the package "reduced fat pasteurized process".

Real cheese is never pre-sliced. It doesn't come in a fancy looking package with a big corporate brand name on it.

>> No.4038340
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>kraft singles

>> No.4038354
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You're fucking brilliant. We would have never known any of this if it wasn't for you, anon. Thanks.

>> No.4038371

and stop beating a dead horse.

>> No.4038387

How much do you spend on cheese every week?
That kind of cheese is so expensive, that if it were the only kind available I'd probably stop eating cheese for normal meals.

>> No.4038419

>kraft singles

Stopped reading.

Don't even call it a grilled cheese, call it a "grilled cheese-like processed dairy product"

>> No.4038421

Not that guy, but I always have a feta, goat cheese, some nice old cheddar (for my dog), big block of good Parmesan, etc. in my fridge.

After making cheese with buffalo mozza for the first time, I could NEVER go back to that other shit-tier mozzarella.

>> No.4038424

low fat swiss makes for a surprisingly great grilled cheese/tomato soup

>> No.4038427

Making mozzarella is "easy", I understand. I'd like to try it someday.

But feta...even the packaged big-brand stuff of that is expensive. I spend $15~ on cheese each grocery trip for the standard processed cheddar/mozz deal, which is already probably too much (but due to overeating cheese, not due to the price of things).

>> No.4038439

I don't eat cheese that often. I made a quiche today and added feta, but I don't use it all the time in my cooking.

I guess that is the difference - I buy quality cheese but it lasts me for a while.

I do make paneer probably once every couple weeks though.

>> No.4038443

ITT: people who want expensive fucking cheese for a shit tier 5 minute meal for poor people.

Kraft singles or bust faggots

>> No.4038446
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y-you feed cheddar to your dog?!

>> No.4038451

i always do one slice of american and one slice of _____. the 2nd slice is usually gouda or havarti

>> No.4038454

grilled cheese doesn't have to be kraft single on white bread dumbass.

that is like saying a hamburger has to be McDonald's or nothing.

>> No.4038456

She gets a piece when she goes to bed, so we always have some around.

We specifically buy different cheeses for her. She is spoiled...

>> No.4038466

Implying honey glazed peaches with brie between a couple slices of butter toasted brioche isn't the best thing you've ever eaten

>> No.4038956

the tomato soup isn't the problem nor is the bread it's just the cheese

>> No.4038990

just feel pity for someone like that.

>> No.4039005
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Sorry guys. This is the correct cheese!

>> No.4039121

>>trader joes
jump off something tall.

>> No.4039147

You do realize that everywhere but that shithole New York City that TJ's is like, an upscale Grocery Outlet, right? Prices on par with Wal-Mart's grocery section with way better quality.

Move the fuck away from the coasts, you hipster piece of shit.

>> No.4039153

boarshead horseradish chedder cheese, diced onions, on sourdough nom

>> No.4039376


>> No.4039385

Fuck yes!!!
I also use that when I make mac and cheese. 'Tis glorious.
Also, Jarlsberg is very good in grilled cheese.

>> No.4039401

I would if I had money duh

>> No.4039418

How the heck do you combine cheddar and gruyere in a single block like that? What is this wizardry?

>> No.4039426

>Horseradish cheddar

Fuck yeah!

>> No.4039428

i want to know what kind of tomatoes are best for making soup out of? Ive tried big boys and i dont really like the consistency or the flavor that much.

>> No.4039432

I would seriously rather eat a sheet of plastic than consume that American "cheese". Not joking.

Use cheddar or Red Leicester, I can't actually believe that people are recommending that American plastic cheese shit seriously. Honestly, you losers don't even /ck/.

>> No.4039434

The ones that come in a can of Campbells

>> No.4039461

Honestly, it easier to make a good tomato soup using canned tomatoes rather than fresh. But, if you want to use fresh, I recommend using roma or other small meaty tomatoes and then slow roasting them in the oven first to bring out the best flavors.

>> No.4039506


>> No.4039509

Plum tomatoes like Roma, S Marzano and others.
I've a great recipe for tomato soup, if you'll have it.

>> No.4039561

please share

>> No.4039615

Onion, 1 large
Garlic, a handful of cloves (4-5)
Cooking fat of your choice (I like to use olive oil, lard or bacon render, but most any is fine), 80ml/~⅓ cup US
Salt, as needed
Beer, ale or lager, 250ml/~1 cup US
>alternately, any light-bodied wine would do well
>alternately, alternately, sparkling cidre is fine, too
Optional: flavourful meat such as bacon or smoked ham, 400-600g/~14-21oz US (if I use meat, I like klobasa)
Tomato, peeled, plum-type, 800g/~28oz US
Broth/stock of choice, 1 litre/quart (I like chicken but vegetable broth also works well)
Optional: fresh herb(s) of choice, a handful of leaves (I like sweet Italian basil, but marjoram offers a different, still delicious flavour as does celery leaf)

>> No.4039617

Chop onion.
Mince garlic.
Place both along with cooking fat into a 4-litre pot or saucepan and set to high heat.
When fragrant, sprinkle generously with salt and watch closely.
At first sign of browning, add a third of the beer.
When the beer has evaporated, add the meat (if using) and sauté a bit.
Add another third of the beer and evaporate back out again.
Add the final beer addition and reduce out one last time; meanwhile, purée the tomatoes smooth.
Add tomato and bring to the boil; meanwhile, use half the broth/stock to nab any leftover tomato bits from the blender and add that as well.
When boiling, lower heat to maintain a low simmer.
Simmer several hours until reduced in volume by about a third or a half.
Remove meat and blend the soup a second time to smooth out the onions and garlic.
Place the soup back into the pot and bring to the boil again; meanwhile, use the other half of the broth/stock to clear out the remaining tomato bits from the blender and add that to the pot/pan as well.
Lower heat and maintain a simmer a second time, allowing to reduce to desired consistency.
Salt to taste, off the heat and stir in herbs, as/if desired.
Serve with pretentious toasted PB&J sandwich (pear, brie and jambon de paris) and a glass of your favourite beer, sparkling wine or sparkling cidre.

>> No.4040072

>cook two pieces of bacon
>butter one side of two pieces of white bread
>face the butter side down
>once crisp flip the bread and put a kraft single on each piece of bread
>add the bacon
>combine each side into sandwich
>cut diagonally and dip into tomato soup

>> No.4040103

rye bread brie and bacon, use bacon grease as the spread

>> No.4040113

velveeta bro come on now... but if you are too good for cheap cheese(faggot) go with some aged white chedder richey

>> No.4040140

Blue cheese
Butter cheese
Raclette Maybe?

>> No.4040212

queso fresco plus a little cumin makes for the best dang grilled cheese i've ever had