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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4029525 No.4029525 [Reply] [Original]

Is this what we have we reduced ourselves to?
How much longer before solylent green is the only thing we shove down our dumb maws?

>> No.4029540
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>flavoured knob

>> No.4029555

Between that and the stupid fucking HOLY SHIT FARM FRESH ORGANIC NON GMO FOOD RAISED BY WOOD ELVES we are doomed.

>> No.4029595

It's sad that shills like you think those are bad things, but then again ,it's sad that buzzwords are attached to natural fucking food.

>> No.4029601

That might offend me if I wasn't aware of how much of a mental midget you are, tripfag.

>> No.4029602

The only mental midgets around here are plebs, and people that shovel shit in their mouth.

Get out, Clapfatist.

>> No.4029607

>implying that isn't the only thing that will keep us from eventually eating soylent green
>implying the us isn't the only country alright with GMOs

>> No.4029615

>Is this what we have we reduced ourselves to?
>we have we
>scared of salami
>implying hot dogs are bad
Le shiggy.

>> No.4029617

You sound like a midget - ignorantly embracing relatively new technology simple for the sake of being an edgy conformist.

There is nothing intelligent about not being critical. We could talk about pesticide and GMO impacts and you would have nothing to add to the discussion but, "hurrrr do you want everyone to starve instead".

>> No.4029619

>implying hot dogs are bad
No, processed logs containing shit quality meat from who knows how many animals, pumped with salts and nitrates, etc. are great stuff.

You could eat them daily as your protein source and it would be fine.


>> No.4029624

Says the guy who has unfounded paranoid delusions about such topics.

>> No.4029625

Thing is I wish more people would starve. The earth is far too populated. Indians need to chill the fuck out, so do the Africans, Mudslimes, and Chinese.

>> No.4029627

I, for one, am against GMO shit because it doesn't taste as good - especially GMO fed animals.

>> No.4029629

Well that settles it. GMO is bad because of your subjective taste. Thanks for opening my eyes.

>> No.4029631
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Have you not heard the other arguments?

Also, how is it good? Because it makes food cheaper? Why should I give a fuck if more poor fucks that shovel out more kids can feed themselves?

>> No.4029633

>still implying hot dogs are bad

>> No.4029637

I've heard all the arguments. They all end like yours: "It doesn't "feel" good so I think it's icky".

>> No.4029660

As edgy as this faggot is, he is tangent to a real point. One of the original arguments for GMOs was to feed the world, and world hunger is on the decline, but the vast majority of the shit is being sold to people who don't know better, in civilized countries. They're still trying to make a buck, with the aid still being given so they can act like they're saving the world.

>> No.4029664 [DELETED] 

You're strawmanning.

>> No.4029678

Please, I have published 2 articles looking at the effects of several common glyphosate formulations on various agricultural soils with respect to microbial communities and nutrient mobility. I did a Master's on this topic.

Why don't you spend some time educating yourself? Read up on how BT-transgenic crops impact non-target Lepidoptera (even pollen feeding). Or how glyphosate application can suppress soil microbial communities in a manner that increases phytopathogenic fungal species.

Not to mention the fact that some research seems to indicate the toxicity of glyphosate formulations (e.g.: Roundup) may be attributed to additives (such as surfactants) that are trade-secrets and are basically untested.

Yes, spraying millions of hectares of farmland and forest with untested compounds.

>B-but the FDA! Paranoid hippies!

>> No.4029689

Why would you be scared of salami or hotdogs as long as you get a good brand? Sure some of the shit that goes into the cheapest hotdogs is gross but stuff like salami is just the parts of the animal that aren't good enough for eating just like they are. Nothing wrong with using all of the animal.

>> No.4029691

Funny thing is, a lot of people don't realize that a lot of "no nitrates added" sausages still have nitrates in the form of celery juice in them.

>> No.4029704


Generally their food is more natural than anything we eat, kind of kills your point that manufactured foods are leading to overpopulation.

Plus you don't really have the right to bitch about the populations of a country other than your own.

>> No.4029711

You do if your tax dollars feed them. See: USA

>> No.4029729


Do you not know about markets, son?

Do you not know how much food we export?

Do you not know what makes feeding billions possible?

Have you never heard the name of Norman Borlaug?

Demand worldwide will drive up our food prices no matter what, and the common clapfattist will buy whatever is cheapest, thus the corporate farmers will grow it because it sells. It doesn't help that we give food to these third world shitholes, making it harder for their local farmers to compete and making the worldwide dependence on American/European grains grown with GMO seeds, built in pesticides, uniform looks, and shit taste ever more prevalant.

Who gives a fuck if its genetically modified, it's the fact that what it enables is fucking terrible for the planet and for our food quality. If they used it to improve taste, you would not hear as many complaints. Instead, they improve yield and looks and it makes it taste like nothing compared to the food grown from non GMO seeds.

>> No.4029793

I once had an argument with my sister which resulted in her screaming in my face because she couldn't come up with a single reason why heart being included in very cheap beef mince was a bad thing. She actually said at one point "I just don't think it's right" as though there is a reason she doesn't eat heart other than squeamishness.

>> No.4029794

I'll gladly take that shit, I imagine heart muscles are good protein.

>> No.4029798

People focus on mystery meats in all the wrong areas. Meat is meat. People should be more worried about the sodium levels and added sugar.

>> No.4029803

I feed beef heart to my fish. I wouldn't eat it though.

>> No.4029825

food just tends to not resemble food much anymore

even 'healthy' cereal which is said to be an essential for good diet is processed beyond recognition and even the ones that aren't coated in sugar still break down the same way into bad sugars. Americans wonder why diabetes is so high but it's because we just dont have much choice anymore

>> No.4029831


"we just dont have much choice anymore"

I promise you, many things may have changed, but there's no corn or sugar in your raw vegetables. You can still buy oatmeal, grits, or cream of wheat. You can still buy free range chicken, beef, and pork. You can still buy raw, whole animals. You have the choice, and eating raw vegetables and purchasing whole cuts of meat is still the cheapest way to eat.

>> No.4029863
File: 19 KB, 400x400, ffsfsd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


then y diabetes

>> No.4029882


this, 100%.

>> No.4029889

People's own fucking choices to be pleb, eating healthy is the cheapest way to eat, calorie wise and by weight wise.

Sweet Potatoes: 48 cents/pound
Whole Chicken: 97 cents/pound ( boned out it's still something like 1.30 a pound)
Potatoes: 1-1.40 a pound
Carrots: 1.50 a pound
Many other vegetables: between 1-4 dollars a pound

Go look at how much fast food costs per pound, or frozen dinners, spam, pleb food etc...

It's not cheap.

>> No.4029898


>implying glyphosate comes from GMO foods.

Sure Roundup is ERMGMONSANTOEVIL but it doesn't come from Roundup-Ready transgenic crops. You and other anti-GMO whiners putting the cart before the horse.

>> No.4029900

>Is this what we have we reduced ourselves to?

Me? Nope.

You? Apparently.

>> No.4029910

Can I get a shitish to American translation for "flavoured knob?"

>> No.4029912

I don't get it. Why complain about processed cyberpunk kibble when you an actually act on the issue and buy real, certified, unprocessed human food? I mean, you DO live in a country where legislation demands that all that goes into the food is labeled on the product, right?

I buy natural food without a dramatic increase in it's cost. I also buy kibble whenever it's convenient or fun, but I refuse to make it the god damn norm. Why? Because I do not trust the people who make it to evaluate my well-being over a quick buck, nor should you. And how? With a little effort. It's not fucking rocket science. Just start looking at what you stuff in your mouth, just like every generation before us.

>> No.4030552

Keep focused - I was responding someone who said "organic" as in free from synthetic pesticides. I did not say glyphosate was produced from transgenic crops.

Nice comprehension bro.

>> No.4030559

>I mean, you DO live in a country where legislation demands that all that goes into the food is labeled on the product, right
lol not if you are 'murikkkan

The corporate bucks shot that one down in California. Perfect example of how a media blitz can get people to vote against their common sense - I DON'T want to know what my food is!

>> No.4031259

I don't think anyone implied that, shill.

>> No.4031274

just to argue, GMO food does not cost less to make, nor has it been proven to feed hungry starving nations. point, they are being shoved down mericas throats, not places like Kenya

>> No.4031279

salami and hot dogs are the least of worries guys, its the grains we all are told to eat 12 portions a day of. and SOYA and CANOLA and PALM oil. anything FRIED. get yer gmos corrected . all meat is bad, unless its grain fed and ORGANIC. also noting, that I am too old for this shit. Organic was never labelled in my era, it was natural, and the groceries only sold natural food.

>> No.4031282

you got it!

>> No.4031288

we have this shit? Isnt that dog food?

>> No.4031293

very clever. now fill up son

>> No.4031297
File: 82 KB, 733x622, 527204_4545055150883_1975146913_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all meat is bad
>unless it's grain fed and ORGANIC
lol. I'm just going to get off this shit. I might as well be on /x/ right now for how retarded this thread is.

>> No.4031302

youre right it is retarded that you still have to educate yourselves and fight over who is right and wrong. we are all plebs here. we are all dumb for this system lasting so long as to infiltrate our food chain, because we aren't dying fast enough, so do us a favor and just ASCEND already!!! <3

>> No.4031307

also, I apologise for my hypocrisy, I tend to think this place is full of double standarding pizza munching flapping-bellied-while-they-sneer=types. its too bad though, such intelligence wasted for ego

>> No.4031310


>> No.4031332


Fast food doesn't reign because it's cheap. Fast food reigns because it's fast.

When's the last time you had to prepare a big mac?

Unless you work at McDonalds, never. Preparing a side of beef takes time, skill and freezer space.

This isn't an excuse, but it's reality - even most poor people have more money than time, especially if they have kids.

>> No.4031339

vegan is alright for saving the environment, to the extent that we understand it, so in that sense it's fine to think "meat is bad." but if you mean for your health, vegan is usually worse and more expensive. you want to live better off and longer you're better off trying dietary restriction, and we still don't even know much about that. I get the hype over the organic sticker and all that jazz, but you really shouldn't believe the food you're eating is EVER organic, nor that gmo's are necessarily dangerous.

>> No.4031372

>hurrr water is hydrogen monoxide

Didn't even read what you posted. Let me guess, all things are chemicals is your next "witticism"?

>> No.4031542

No, you're just a fucking retard.

>> No.4031548
File: 265 KB, 1295x864, thank you polan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

check muh vanilla extragt

also grass fed non gmo organic pasture raised peace and love LSD >>> grain/garbage fed prion infested ZOG approved jewed up junk

>> No.4031604

>not growing/rearing your own staples
>Almost 2012+1

>> No.4031627

No, I often bought the "flavoured knob" (it's cheap and a decent filler for things like quiche and potato bake) but recently they've started selling a better tasting brand name one for the same price, it's not bad apart from all the sodium but it's not like it's ever the main feature of a meal. Hang on, I've got one now here's the ingredients:
Meat including pork (73%), water, premix [potato starch, tapioca starch, modified starch (1442), soy protein, mineral salts (451, 341, 450, 452), dextrose, spices, antioxidant (316), sodium nitrite (250), fermented red rice], food acid (325), sucrose, smoke flavours, vegetable gum (412), anticaking agent (551).

>> No.4031628

the world is not overpopulated and the biggest issue facing feeding the population that we have is not a lack of food but an excess of waste caused by outdated infrastructure, outdated farming methods unrelated to GMO use, and viciously exploitative business practices in global and local agricultural industries.

>> No.4031631

>tfw Status Quo were one of my favourite bands
Fuckin Coles...

>> No.4031634

Holy shit, this.

I honesty shop at Wal-Mart 75% of the time, and I'll even admit to buying their solution-pumped meat. And it's still a fuckton more healthy, flavorful, and cost-effective than buying pre-cooked junkfood. Protip: pre-cooked junk food was never healthy or wholesome, even in the 50s, or whatever the fuck reference point you're using.

>> No.4031800


>> No.4031900

Because we eat in a very unhealthy way. Most shit breaks up into sugars, so henceforth diabetes. Carbohydrates are your worst enemy.

>> No.4031903

America has the fattest poor people. Fast food is cheap. Only fast food that is tolerable here in the states is Chik-fil-a but that's not common around here.

>> No.4031910

Other shit is far cheaper. You can eat steak instead of eating at McDonalds and get more food.

>> No.4031912
File: 68 KB, 545x377, 1287825581805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Carbohydrates are your worst enemy.

>> No.4031918

So what the fuck is "knob", here?

I only know it as a britishism for penis.

>> No.4031961 [DELETED] 

Portions are you worst enemy bro.

>> No.4032227

It's an Australian home brand processed from one of the duopoly supermarkets
I don't rightly know either
I get my meat from the markets, not supermarkets but I'd imagine this is the lowest tier mankiest wank
Imagine baloney without the 'class'

>> No.4032246

You compare it to baloney, so then is it some sort of super processed meat-product thing? The fact that it is specified as ham and chicken -flavored- is frightening.

I'm interested now, this is something I've never heard of, and google isn't giving me much.

>> No.4032334

The supermarkets here in Australia are, as I said, a duopoly. They have been emphasising home brands aggressively to the point of actively copying other brand labels and taking their shelf space. This is pleb tier food and not really indicative of what Australian food has been heading towards

I haven't had this type of stuff since high school and I am not really willing to try it.


>> No.4032722

That's been around forever. How long did it take you to realise this existed.

mfw every shift I worked in the dairy department at Coles.

>> No.4032730

What is a "Mudslime"?

OP's pic from Australia btw

>> No.4032734


>> No.4034060

I posted the ingredients earlier, read the damn thread.

>> No.4034081

haha m7 ill giv u a flavured knob haha ;)

>> No.4034099

>>4030552 Keep focused - I was responding someone who said "organic" as in free from synthetic pesticides. I did not say glyphosate was produced from transgenic crops.
Because organic compliant pesticides are just so much safer.

It's fucking hilarious that, because you can produce CuSO4 by leaving a copper trowel outside for a while it's somehow considered better than a compound with a disproportionate toxicity to invertebrates created in a chemical reactor.

>> No.4036174

You aren't making sense and can't keep focused while arguing.

>> No.4036683

So... it's pretty much the stuff found in sausage rolls?