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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4027606 No.4027606 [Reply] [Original]

TFW you're in a dorm and can't cook anything

Your board is like torture to me

>> No.4027616

There's a ton of foods you can eat without cooking.

>> No.4027620
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Recipe thread?
Recipe thread.

>> No.4027624
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>> No.4027625
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>> No.4027627
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>> No.4027631
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Please no I'm so hungry I haven't eaten in two days.

>> No.4027633
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>> No.4027635
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Go out and get some food nigga

>> No.4027637
File: 23 KB, 1316x260, Roasted Potatoes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4027641
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>> No.4027644
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I'm out

>> No.4027649
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>> No.4027652
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OP, specifically, what are the rules of the dorm for cooking?

Some allow microwaves and induction plates while others only ban open flame cooking and still others ban all forms of heating even chemical MRE heater/cooker packs. Evidently human beings are so daft that they can't cook in a dorm without setting off smoke alarms and setting fires or something, unlike those people in houses and apartments.

>> No.4027662

All I have is nothing. I hear rumors of ovens in the other dorms across town but I don't think that's true. The dining hall isn't open until late because no one is here so I can't even go grab food.

>> No.4027677

Rumours are better then nothing

Don your cap and hipster glasses and go forth college kid, on a journey to find a stove

>> No.4027679

Look up some cheap hotplates, toaster ovens, etc.

>> No.4027680

>only hipsters go to college

poorfag with poor stupid parents detected.

>> No.4027687
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OP, you need to stop being a pussy and break the rules.

Back when I was in Uni you were allowed a microwave or a slow cooker (aka "crock pot") but that was all. It didn't matter. I bought a portable hotplate (pic related) and kept it hidden, used it to cook with every day. Just lock your door, cook, and then don't open it again until you've cleaned up and put it away. Don't be an idiot and leave it unattended. Problem solved.

>> No.4027688

>guys what's a joke

>> No.4027699

An induction one would be much easier to explain away too. Because you can be like, "No, this thing doesn't even get hot, watch" then plug it in and turn it on high and place your hand on it (without wearing jewelry on that hand of course!) to show them there's nothing at all heating up.

>> No.4027729

Hahaha that feel when I can cook in my dorm. Kitchens right across from my room.
Go buy edible crap from 7/11

>> No.4027761

You have no soul. On the bright side I found a stash of giant green apples to hold me over. Some fag is claiming the dining hall won't ever open. I don't know what to believe any more, should I end it?

>> No.4029744

This OP. I'm a freshman too, and I was in the same boat, our dining hall was only open for a small period each day. I went out and bought an electric skillet, been cooking eggs & veggies & turkey & such. Just keep the door closed while you cook and no one will care.

>> No.4029864

The hard part of cooking in a dorm isn't the cooking. You can sneak in an electric hotplate and rice cooker, and make delicious stir fry whenever, but how do you clean up?

You've got to take those dirty dishes to a sink to wash them out...and any food remnants will damn you.

Depending on what kind of dorm you have, this can be easy or hard.

>> No.4029879


Nobody cares about food remnants in a dorm--I mean, people eat in their rooms all the time.

As for the cleanup, if you have a sink or shower in your room then you're set. If you don't then you'll have to transport it to the bathroom to wash...which isn't hard. Just put your pan in your backpack when you leave the dorm and wash it elsewhere. Or, cover it up with your towel when you go to the shower and back.

>> No.4029883

>Implying half the plebs on this board ever cook anything

Just be like the rest of /ck/ and make meals in your microwave weber style, or eat pleb pizza , and burgers from McFattyD's

>> No.4029887


yeah, depending on what kind of dorm indeed. yes, you can sneak cooking equipment in, but there's that odor thing that will always give you away.