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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4022569 No.4022569 [Reply] [Original]

Guise, I just found out that Ramsay really is a tough fucking cunt

"In 2008, Ramsay was in Iceland's Westman Islands filming a puffin hunting segment when he lost his footing and fell during a descent of an 85m cliff"

"In January 2011, while in Costa Rica, Ramsay was doused in petrol and held at gunpoint as he tried to uncover the dark world of illegal shark fin trading for a new TV show"

does /ck/ know any more stories like this?

>> No.4022583

Just know this: Ramsay doesn't fuck around.

>> No.4022597

His face is fucked up from rugby. He was also arrested for pissing all over the place with two friends because ramsay doesn't give a fuck.

>> No.4022600



>> No.4022624

>"In January 2011, while in Costa Rica, Ramsay was doused in petrol and held at gunpoint as he tried to uncover the dark world of illegal shark fin trading for a new TV show"
Holy shit.

>> No.4022634

laughed more than I should have.

>> No.4022816

OP, I watched both those things. I love Ramsay.
Puffin hunting segment was on The F Word, and his shark fin documentary was its own thing. It legit upset me though.

>> No.4022830


He probably started yelling at them for not using olive oil.

>> No.4022925
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SHARK FINZ????????????????????

>> No.4022943
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That would be strangely appropriate.

>> No.4023006
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question here,

Why when I watch does programs like the F word or the hells kitchen, everyone uses olive oil all day all night?

In murrica its vegetable oil instead.

Is it because it is too europoor?

>> No.4023009

People that use olive oil for everything don't know what they are doing. Olive oil has a time and a place.

>> No.4023012


or everything they cook suits olive oil

anyway no one recommends it for deep frying for instance

>> No.4023020


> everyone uses olive oil all day all night?

Alton covered this excellently when explaining the difference between saturated, mono/poly-unsaturaded and unsaturated fats (episode worth looking up).

In a nutshell, olive oil is flushed out of your system easier, and can actually take some meanies with it (HDL).

Plus... It tastes good. Bread dipped in olive oil is tastey. Bread dipped in vegetable or goober oil is disgusting.

>> No.4023029

Forgot to mention...

Heart disease is still #1 killer.

Based on odds and statistics, you will *probably* die from it eventually.

Its certainly a topic you should take interest in if you have any hope of going crazy in your poopy diapers when you are 90.

>> No.4023033


>"In January 2011, while in Costa Rica, Ramsay was doused in petrol and held at gunpoint as he tried to uncover the dark world of illegal shark fin trading for a new TV show"

I remember that episode. He lobbied to stop the shark fin market because he thought it was cruel, yet he doesn't give half a fuck about any other animals. That baby lamb he's holding in that picture he probably killed himself right after posing with it

I doubt he actually had that happen to him though, Gordon's infamous for making shit up to sound tough

>> No.4023034

this is brilliant

>> No.4023037


>doesnt give a fuck about animals

sure he has raised animals for slaughter, but he cares for them during their natural life.

inb4 you think killing animals humanely whilst they are cared for is cruel

>> No.4023039


Most of the opposition to shark finning is pragmatic, not moral. Also, shark fin soup isn't even that good, unlike foie gras or other things that get the PETAfags rustled. Even people who eat it admit that they're just ordering it as a status symbol, like champagne that ends up getting poured out for conspicuous consumption.

>> No.4023040

"In 2012 Ramsay got really angry when making dinner for people at his restaurant so he called them rude words"

>> No.4023043

That "guise" thing is reddit levels of annoying. Stop it.

>> No.4023046


gice listen to this one he's onto something

>> No.4023079
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>> No.4023081
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>humane killing

>> No.4023091

>>4023029 malaria is the number 1 killer

>> No.4023096


>> No.4023100


How is it retarded to think killing something isn't considered being nice to it?

>> No.4023102

you don't have to be nice to be humane

>> No.4023103
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>and BAM up the butt
I'm a child

>> No.4023106


"Characterized by kindness, mercy, or compassion"

Killing doesn't really fall into that

>> No.4023108

troll detected

>> No.4023112

I rescind that. Why would I even begin to argue semantics with you when you don't believe in the humane treatment of animals which involves the humane killing of animals. How can killing be humane? Have you seen the alternative? Have you seen poor butchering in practice? The term exists for a reason.

>> No.4023113

It is more compassionate to kill something painlessly than not to. Therefore more humane.

>> No.4023116


It's more compassionate not to kill something at all. The only "humane killing" is if something is horribly injured and unhelpable and the only way to end its suffering is to kill it

It's not humane to kill something so you can make burgers out of it

>> No.4023120

relativism is fucking with your judgement

>> No.4023125


>it's more compassionate to rape someone while they're unconscious than while they're conscious, so date rape is humane

>> No.4023141

raping a human does not compare to killing an animal

>> No.4023157

>using rape as a metaphor for eating meat

Argument invalid, you worthless piece of shit. Get out.

>> No.4023158

It is humane to kill something to make burgers out of it because butchering and eating meat is common human activity. You do not become inhumane by butchering. YOU DO NOT BECOME INHUMANE BY BUTCHERING.

>> No.4023168


You're right, it's not nearly as bad

>> No.4023172

>i'm eliciting responses on 4chan!

good for you.

>> No.4023174


>It is humane to kill something to make burgers out of it because butchering and eating meat is common human activity

So is war and murder, but why is it humane that you're choosing to kill animals because you like doing it? There exists many people who don't eat/butcher animals, and we call that kind to animals

Eat all the meat you want but don't pretend it's humane or nice

>> No.4023176


check your privilege

>> No.4023177

>so is war
what are the geneva conventions? i'm not condoning murder - it's cute that you're lumping it in there to further your point. neither example is as common or daily routine as butchering.

>> No.4023180

I don't have to pretend, I know it's humane. Saying it isn't doesn't make it so.

>> No.4023181


Despite them being illegal they still happen extremely commonly. Does it excuse the behaviour that so many people do it?

>> No.4023182

>because you like doing it
It's not done out of enjoyment or "liking" it's done out of necessity. Seriously, picking apart your argument is so tedious because you pack this shit in so densely. I'm fucking out of this thread.

>> No.4023184


Alright, so you'd be fine if I killed you to take your watch as long as I kill you in a nice way?

>> No.4023186



Meat is a luxury, bro. There's nothing necessary about it. It's not even good for you. Go ahead and run away though, it's better than continuing to fail at making an argument

>> No.4023187

Check yours. You're condoning rape.

>> No.4023188

I heard Ramsay cooked a burrito so hot that Chuck Norris could not eat it.

>> No.4023190

Yup, as long as I couldn't feel it I wouldn't care afterwards.

>> No.4023192


you disgust me. I don't understand how anyone can even joke about that.

>> No.4023196

What makes you think I'm joking? Anyone who compares killing an animal to raping a human is a terrible person, end of story.

>> No.4023380

I hope you're trolling, because if not you're a piece of shit.

>> No.4023387

gordon ramsey is so chuck norris that he chuck norrises chuck norris

>> No.4023425

Oh honey. Go back to Tumblr.

>> No.4023452

>meat is a luxury
But it's not. It's very inexpensive. Why can't you get anything right?

>> No.4023456


I tried reporting these posts but nothing happened. Help?

>> No.4023458

You are an absolute retard. It's impressive, really.

>> No.4023476
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>> No.4023857

sure is moralfag up in this thread

>> No.4023866

I'm a piece of shit for thinking a rape of a human is worse than killing an animal? You really are the worst person.

>> No.4023871

Sorry, meant to reply to >>4023456

>> No.4023872

If the rape doesn't cause physical harm it is in no way worse than killing an animal.

Boo hoo, you had sex when you didn't want to! Noooo!

>> No.4023878

boo hoo, the poor animal that doesn't have a brain that functions on a human level got killed to give its bullshit life some meaning by making it into a wealth of resources for the big bad humans, oh nooooooo!

>> No.4023880

>butthurt feminist detected

>> No.4023884

>butthurt PETA member detected

>> No.4023887

Just because I care more about the life of an animal than a woman accidentally having sex doesn't mean I am a PETA member.

I eat meat and am an avid bird hunter. I just think that the life/death balance of an animal is far more profound and significant than a woman being raped.

Many organisms have forced sex and don't cry about it for years, gain 25 lbs in ice cream, and act like it is the end of the world. The feminist movement created this.

>> No.4023898

So you're just batshit insane. Why don't you start your posts by announcing that? It would save a lot of time and effort.

>> No.4023900

>implying there was anything objectively incorrect in my post

Nice ad hominem though.

>> No.4023901

>shark fin soup isn't even that good

Except it is.

>> No.4023903

It wasn't an ad hominem. I gave you advice that I think you should implement.

>> No.4023905
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>"During a dinner serving at one of his restaurants, the chef on the roasted duck station tried to kill all of the guests in a sneaky manner, which chef Ramsey discovered, before quickly uttering the two words "It's raw" so everyone would be informed.

I cry evrytiem ;_;

>> No.4023918

so from this thread i have gathered that gordon ramsay inhumanely and humanely kills animals, raped women, and increased the price of gasoline

fuck gordon ramsay

>> No.4023944


>a material object, service, etc., conducive to sumptuous living, usually a delicacy, elegance, or refinement of living rather than a necessity

Stop being retarded

>> No.4023952


>anyone who's not smarter than me is okay to kill and eat

I'm having you for dinner then

>> No.4023961

>comparing human suffering to to animal suffering
I shiggity etc.

>> No.4023969


>they aren't me so they don't matter

Who are you, Louis CK?

>> No.4023978

if you think other people matter if they are not giving you something in return for caring about them then your genes are inferior and if not for living in a 1st world country you would surely go the way of the dodo

>> No.4023981

how can I stop being retarded when you keep pulling me back into your totally retarded discussions?


are you human? are you actually a bot?

>> No.4024003


I guess I have to go to definition 2

>free or habitual indulgence in or enjoyment of comforts and pleasures in addition to those necessary

Stop getting your idea of what words mean from watching cartoons, a luxury isn't something expensive or rare, it's something unneccessary

>> No.4024029

Some famous faggot only eats shit that he kills
>I like this idea

>> No.4024031

I really don't care how you shoehorn the terminology. I'm not taking this argument full circle with you.

>> No.4024039


Don't worry, this isn't an argument, it's me telling you something and you being retarded about it

>> No.4024041


Ted Nugent? PETA hates that guy

>> No.4024052

I take comfort in the fact that my ideas are well received by sensible people. Enjoy spreading your social disease to the unwilling.

>> No.4024068
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>my ideas are well received by sensible people

Is that what you think?

>> No.4024223

Not that guy, but no rational sane person is going to stop eating meat, no matter how big of a temper tantrum you throw.

>> No.4024239


I never said to stop eating meat, friend. All I'm saying is killing things isn't humane no matter how you look at it. Eat all the beef and chicken you want, just don't pretend it was "slaughtered with compassion"

>> No.4024591

wow the veggies owned the meateaters itt, go veggies

>> No.4024604

>killing things isn't humane no matter how you look at it
Yes, it can be.

When I go bird hunting, the vast majority of the birds I get are killed instantly. Many of them are aware of my presence but do not exhibit stress because I have no shown any interest/threat to them.

Death isn't inherently inhumane. Pain and suffering is inhumane.

>> No.4024606

The self-professed "carnivores" (aka fast foodies) usually lose because they get too emotional and try to talk about it as a natural thing, despite the fact they do not hunt/fish/garden and know nothing about their food.

>> No.4024630

I've slaughtered a lamb before. I wish everyone had to do it, it makes the meat even tastier.

>> No.4024665

He was frequently just walking onto people's property and into their houses and onto their roofs during that. The show was pretty wild.

>> No.4024941

>arguing meat is bad because it's unnecessary
>on a computer

>> No.4024950

He fell into freezing water too. And had to swim to the surface. He's a tough bastard even if you don't like his cooking or management style you have to admire his durability.

>> No.4024959

I remember him tearing up a lot when he had to have the pigs slaughtered. He would have kept them but he said something along the lines of you have to remember their purpose was for food. And you have to stick to that commitment.

>> No.4025001

except that it's completely bland.

>> No.4025008

Life consumes life, just because you don't see plants as living beings like a mammal doesn't mean they aren't alive.

The more we learn about plants, the more "alive" they seem. They react to touch, they communicate. Why are you ok with consuming plant life, but not mammalian?

>> No.4025121

because, anon, the piggies and the cows and the chickens are cuter, duh

way cuter than all those animals that are killed when their homes are destroyed to plant the veggies vegans gladly consume, so their lives are worth more, clearly

>> No.4025154

>The more we learn about plants, the more "alive" they seem
Um, I think everyone knows that plants are alive.

>> No.4025155 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4025164
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>> No.4025441

Exactly! It's not like we need all of that nonsense like vitamin b12, or Non heme iron, oh or how about zinc? Omega 3 definitely isn't a problem either.I mean ALA is a perfectly acceptable alternative to DHA and EPA. Enjoy your immense nutrient dificiencies. I seriously hope you get anemia.

>> No.4025444

I hope you get anally raped. I really do.

>> No.4025466

You know what? all of this talk about the morality of eating meat is getting me pretty hungry. I think i'm gonna go make a hamburger. maybe later i'll have some lamb chops? or some veal. Something about the malnutrition, and torture just makes it so much more satisfying. That and it pisses of all the vegan pussies.

>> No.4025476

I'd like to propose a difference between people who eat everything, and insecure faggot "carnivores" like this guy >>4025466

We're not all this stupid, I swear.

>> No.4025511

Lol it's not like animals actually have any souls faggot. They're inferior to us so theres no reason to treat them with any respect.

>> No.4025525

That's like saying potable water is a luxury. Sure you can survive without it, for a while.

But hey, I guess if you're happy feeling less well than you could be, your body not being able to improve and repair as fast, your mind not being as quick as it could, go right ahead and survive on vegetables alone.

>> No.4025534
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I was pretty edgy too when I was your age.

Ever seen this bad boy? It will really freak out your teachers, man.

>> No.4025542

You're gonna burn in hell for posting that shit so i don't really care. God hates satanists almost as much as he hates fags and vegans

>> No.4025546

there's Olympic athletes that only need 30grams of protein a day. Cup of lentils 18grams, two eggs 14grams. That's 32 without including anything else. It's next to impossible to eat a maintenance vegetarian diet without getting lots of highly useable protein and fatty acids.

(not arguing in this shit post storm I'm just telling you why you're wrong)

>> No.4025554



>> No.4025553

But the Bible says man shall have dominion over all animals

>> No.4025555

It's funny, Pride and Wraith are deadly sins, but homosexuality and veganism didn't quite make the list.

Why don't you do yourself a favor and let the almighty or the son do the judging. We're all on trial here dumbass.

>> No.4025556



4025525 didn't even mention protein, yet that seems to be what you fixated on. You didn't address the bigger picture.

there are many other things found in meat that are difficult to get from a vegetable-only diet. Vitamin B12 is a great example.

>> No.4025564

Yes, and we have marathon bikers and runners that go almost full carb, zero fat, and only protein from pasta; before a race.

When building strength, or just going through life, you need more.

>> No.4025566

I'll have you know that as a Satanist, I take offense to that. We are not to be confused with willfully malicious, spineless people.

>> No.4025568

it's not really in them so much. It's produced in your intestines as a byproduct of bacteria eating the meat. Those same bacteria will eat other stuff too. The whole B-12 thing was market manipulation.

>> No.4025580

no not really
even if I did the body can only use so much at a time. So it's a waste to take it all in large doses. If so why not something like another handfull of nuts.

>> No.4025582

You know what? fuck it i'm done. I was trying to troll but there seem to be four problems with that.
1. I'm not really any good at it.
2. I was mostly pissing my self of by how retarded what i was writing was
3. It isn't even any fun. It isn't funny when i get reply's and i just feel like i'm getting counter trolled by people who are better at it than i am.
4. I think i would probably feel bad if i got someone seriously pissed of at me anyway
Now I am extremely sorry for the retarded drivel i was writing and i vow to never try it again. Honestly? I onece tried to go vegetarian. Hell i tried going vegan once. also I don't even really believe in god

>> No.4025583

Probably my favorite Ramsay moment was the first season of KN in America.
In England, Ramsay yells at people, insults them, and they meekly take it.
Doesn't work like that in America.
The owner of the Italian place was about 3 seconds from knocking Ramsay's teeth out, and Ramsay knew it.
All of a sudden he switched from abusive-Gordon to helpful-Gordon.

>> No.4025586

>is badass cook
>held at gunpoint
>survived falling off cliff
>has hair plugs.

insecure, ugly bastard

>> No.4025598

A bald Ramsey would be the stuff of nightmares. You can you imagine a leathery dome on top of that wrinkled visage tipping back to scream obscenities from behind a row of nicotine-stained indentations?

>> No.4025660

>implying you can't get iron, zinc, and b12 from non-animal sources

>> No.4025661

Deal with it faggot.

>> No.4025667


lol what a fag.

I bet if you came hunting with me you would be so squeamish after cleaning a moose, deer, rabbit, or bird.

Whenever we get a moose the first thing we do is fry up the heart with some onions. The heart is literally still warm with body heat, tastes amazing. You'd probably be scared of eating non-factory farmed meat.

>> No.4025679


yeah i mean i don't agree with the veggies but holy hell the counterarguments to this are retarded

>> No.4025692

>The RSPCA definition of humane killing is: 'an animal must be either killed instantly or rendered insensible to pain until death supervenes'.


Just because you don't like it, doesn't mean it isn't there. Now, stick those heads back in the sand :)

>> No.4025710


or they just disagree with the definition

jesus christ can you people shut up you are making all meat eaters look like idiots

>> No.4025721

I thought so too, but I just hate the idea of hair plugs or any sort of cosmetic surgery period, it is pretty pathetic...but I mean poor bastard is already hideous as shit and is on TV a lot so...meh I guess

>> No.4026359

I leave this thread alone for a few hours and you all go full retard

what the fuck

>> No.4026782

... i'm afraid the only idiot here is you. I can't believe i have to say this, but just because you "don't like" the definition of a word, it doesn't magically change it.

>> No.4026820
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this is what happens to average-priced meat. this is humane killing. this is humane. this is killing. a slaughterhouse kills animals. this is killing. this is humane slaughtering. this is humane killing.

>> No.4026822

0/10 not even subtle

>> No.4026828

Humane killing - bullet to the head
inhumane killing - bullet in the knee, then the other knee, then the stomach, and assuming they havent dies from shock or blood loss, break their arms and burn their genitals. then throw them feet first into the meat grinder.

>> No.4026831

what previous anon probably meant was "sentient" not "alive".

note the difference between sentient and sapient (which veggies still can't figure out. lamb chop was a sock puppet you morans!!!)

>> No.4026832


Here it is!

>> No.4028663


when the word is 'humane' the issue is obviously somewhat personal

>> No.4028672

this fucking thread