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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4021848 No.4021848 [Reply] [Original]

So, I was watching Adam's Richman's Best Sandwich in America and a Philly Cheesesteak was introduced as a wild card...

Wild Card #1 (Recommended by G. Love): Cheesesteak with 3/4-pound sliced beef, five slices of provolone cheese, "long hots" (hot peppers), and fried onions all topped with mayo and ketchup on a sesame seed Italian roll from John's Roast Pork in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

This fat motherfucker put a DOUBLE portion of ketchup on the sandwich. Ketchup was spread on the roll and drizzled all over it.

Can you believe this shit?

>> No.4021875
File: 194 KB, 2176x1376, ketchuphands.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck yeah, ketchup it up!

>> No.4021876

Why'd you delete your thread and repost it? Huh, faggot? Huh?

>> No.4021878

I've been drinking alone in my apartment all day and I accidentally deleted the wrong thread. I am not a bright man.

>> No.4021880

Oh no! Someone enjoys a product more than I enjoy that product and therefore that person must be wrong so I must wage a never-ending butter-battle about the whole thing, blah blah blah.
Sad that elementary students have a greater grasp on matters of triviality v importance than OP does.
Recommended reading: The Butter Battle Book. It's on about your intellectual level, OP.

>> No.4021882

All is forgiven.

>> No.4021893

He was judging a Philly Cheesesteak that consisted mostly of ketchup on a television show. There's no possible way he could've appropriately judged the sandwich with all that ketchup.

>> No.4021894
File: 32 KB, 218x232, dear_diary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll rewrite what I asked in the old thread. I didn't get to read any replies because pic related.

Did he take a bite of the sandwich first? I don't care what people do with their food, but he should have at least tried it as-is.

>> No.4021903

No, he didn't. It was assembled with the ketchup spread on the roll with the mayo and he stated that he wanted more ketchup drizzled over top of it.

>> No.4021910

I'm not a ketchup hater, as I like it on fried potato. But I feel that it would pretty much ruin a cheesesteak.

>> No.4021929

Here's the video if you're interested.


>> No.4021943

Man, I love cheesesteaks. Not sure about mustard and ketchup on it, I usually just put mayo.

>> No.4021981

>ketchup instead of mustard
>any toppings other than sauteed mushrooms and onions
>any cheese other than whiz

0/10 sandwich

>> No.4021990

>But I feel that it would pretty much ruin a cheesesteak.

Same here. I don't like ketchup on hot food. The vinegar aerates and it fucking stinks.

Every cheesesteak I've had has always been extremely fucking hot. I usually have to wait for it to cool down.

Fries don't seem to do it, though. They don't hold a lot of heat.

>> No.4022003

former Philly resident for 4 years.

ketchup can be good as something to dip a cheesesteak in, but I would never consider putting it on directly. That would go with any sauce, mayo and mustard included.

>> No.4022877

Hey man, I just want to thank you for posting about cheesesteaks on Thanksgiving. I made a delicious turkey cheesesteak last night. All thanks to your post.

>> No.4022884

>dat bread

I wish I could get them to come out like that at home.

Bakers are Gods.

>> No.4022889
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I can't believe he put onions on it
fucking gross

>> No.4022917


white bread, cheez whiz, ketchup, slimy meat.

wow, what could make this worse.

>> No.4022921

damn, i live like a couple blocks from John's but from what ive heard the roast pork is the best thing to get their

>> No.4022929
File: 384 KB, 800x600, DSCF4809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wow, what could make this better.
a cookie

>> No.4022944


Please stop.

>> No.4022947

>mayo and ketchup on a cheesesteak

>> No.4022948

please tell me those aren't steakums

>> No.4022949
File: 364 KB, 800x600, betterthanmost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't you like philly cheesesteak subs?

>> No.4022956
File: 523 KB, 1024x768, DSCF5533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nothing wrong with mayo and ketchup

>> No.4022959

user was banned for posting steakumms

>> No.4022961
File: 342 KB, 800x600, DSCF5651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these are not steakums

>> No.4022963

steakums are an acceptable cheesesteak filling if you break it up into chunks first.

it may not say steakum on the box but it's the same thing

>> No.4022965

I don't if it's better or worse to buy off-brand steakums

>> No.4022967
File: 553 KB, 1024x768, DSCF6012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was just granting his request, they are def steakums

>> No.4022973
File: 45 KB, 638x477, Oh shit nigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>On a CheeseSteak.

>> No.4022975


this whole thread is philistine level.

hide it, move on.

>> No.4022992
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>> No.4023310

I'm shocked Adam Richman is still alive... he looked sick (and way fatter) on the more recent episodes of Man v. Food.

>> No.4025101

What an awful thread.

>> No.4025116
File: 49 KB, 367x451, ha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>philly food