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4019851 No.4019851 [Reply] [Original]

My friend puts ice cubes in his beer.

Does my friend deserve le bitch-slap?

I need a definitive answer from the stone-cold Negroes of /ck/ on this one. Thanks.

>> No.4019862

His beer, his problem.

>> No.4019865

but what if I gave him the beer.

>> No.4019869
File: 67 KB, 700x620, judging renly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le bitch slap

Go back to reddit, you colossal faggot.

>> No.4019872


Bump for butt hurt.


You sound like a kid. How old are you?

>> No.4019873

Depends on the beer, if its a common lager(Heineken, Miller, etc) then its fine I think as they are passable only when icecold.

>> No.4019882

Once you give it to him, it is his. That is how it works.

I would personally never share another beer with him.

>> No.4019888

Even if you gave him the beer, its pretty pointless if he doesnt drink it.

Let him do whatever he wants, and stop being a controlling bitch.

>> No.4019892
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> mfw giving a drink to a friend is no longer a means of sharing good times
> mfw it is now an excuse to inflict random "rules" on each other because you are fulfilling what you believe to be a prescribed social ritual and nothing more

Have fun committing suicide in your 50s when you realize your life was meaningless and you haven't had an honest relationship with anyone, ever.

>> No.4019895

>You sound like a kid.
>Coming from a redditor

>> No.4019900


You're cute when you're mad.

>> No.4019901

Putting ice in beer is much less of a faux pas than using a reddit-style "le" on 4chan.

So if you want to bitch slap him, stab yourself in the eye first.

>> No.4019904
File: 30 KB, 767x587, 1353377269208.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember when the President of the United States did a thread on 4chan?

Oh wait, no. Sorry. That was Reddit.

>> No.4019906

It's funny that le is just about the only meme reddit uses that wasn't stolen from this site, and it's so fucking awful. Some people really are better off sticking to plagarism.

>> No.4019908


>> No.4019909

>butt hurt
>accusing people of being kids

oh dear.

>> No.4019911


Do you really think this means that reddit is better? Obviously the president can't admit to using 4chan, because of public opinion. Any 5 year old could understand that. If you think that relates in any way to quality of content than you are mentally deficient.

>> No.4019914

>mentally deficient

>> No.4019924

> quality of content
> 4chan

Are you le serious? Lel, you derped hard.

>> No.4019934

I agree with one exception.

I've had friends express the interest to try something new, but only under specific conditions. Then they complain.


>Me: This restaurant is great. I eat here all the time. Come on, let's go inside.
>Them: I can't wait to eat. I'm starving.
>waiter gets our drinks...we're looking at the menu
>Me: The [insert dish] is incredible.
>Them: I think I'm going to just get a burger.
>an hour later...in the car
>Them: That wasn't that great. I was expecting it to be better.
>all my rage

OP's friend can put ice in his beer, but if he makes a single fucking comment about his beer tasting like shit, he should be murdered.

>> No.4019936

If you drink it fast so that it doesn't get all watery, I can see it working okay.

>> No.4019977
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>being this fucking gullible
>being retarded

>> No.4020462
File: 51 KB, 470x720, V3J8F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fags realize the whole 'Obama answered questions on reddit!' shit was setup with predetermined questions and answers picked by his administration and posted by interns.

>> No.4020481

If you put icecubes into a beer you're murdering the taste. Doesn't matter if you're drinking shit beer I guess.

>> No.4020668

I am German and a frequent beer drinker. Putting ice cubes in beer is fucking ridiculous and I have certainly never heard of anybody who does it. Watering down the beer is never a good idea, but if you are drinking some "light beer with grapefruit accent" shit instead of normal beer or whatever it might be considered acceptable.
But hey, you know what? Let your friend do what ever the fuck he wants, even if he puts blops of sour cream into his beer and stirs it up with apple juice. It is is his. fucking. beer.

>> No.4020675

>murdering the taste
>average beer
Sounds like an improvement to me from what I've had. What beer isn't shit,/ck/?

>> No.4020686


And he got elected. Again.

>> No.4020711

Pyramid Apricot Ale.
Arrogant Bastard Ale
Ninkasi Sleigher
Ten barrel Sinister
Rouge Chocolate stout
A lot of good beers that are cheep.

>> No.4020717

Okay, better question, what should be avoided if possible? I'm wondering which list will be shorter.

>> No.4020721

I read your answer as
>I can see it working allday.

>> No.4020731

The only reasons to ever put ice into a drink are:
1. The drink is warm, and you need a quick cooling method
2. The drink needs to be chilled and have water incorporated into it (cocktails)
3. You're an idiot and have been using ice out of habit for your entire life out of habit without realizing it

I like my drinks chilled without ice before I drink them, aside from my cocktails.

>> No.4020735

Sorry to burst your opinion bubble, but Guinness and Heineken are shitty, pretty much Budweiser tier.

>> No.4020768

Heineken is kinda shitty, but Guinness is an utter mediocre beer. not shitty. Just terribly mediocre.

>> No.4020774

Guinness is one of the few beers outside of IPA's that I think actually tastes bad. It's not bland like redneck beer, it's actually nasty. Tastes like moldy tree bark to me, if you can envision that.

>> No.4020781

I'll drink a Guinness if it's free. I don't mind it too much.

>> No.4020782

This was going to >>4020774

>> No.4020791
File: 94 KB, 640x480, 1290221720972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i would say still give it too him unless its like Chimay or something. just reserve the right to make fun of him is all.

>> No.4020795

he is a rare unique and special snow flake dont be too hard on him

>> No.4021020


>> No.4021022

ice doesn't melt fast enough for the beer to be watered down
if it DID melt fast enough for that then the beer was warm and shit anyway

>> No.4021023

La Chouffe
I could go on but chances are none of these are available where you live.

>> No.4021027

If you have ice, there's a much better way to chill them without ruining them. You need salt though, but just put the bottle in a container (like a bucket or something) and pour in water, ice and salt.

>> No.4021029

It's not just a question of watering it down, the ice will ruin the foam layer, sedate your taste buds and mess with consistency in general.

>> No.4021031

i mean i guess? not really, it's just ice

>> No.4021034
File: 51 KB, 448x557, Night Court.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Remember that episode of Night Court where the ghost keeps saying he wants justice, but they're using a ouidja board to get the messages, so they keep thinking he wants "just ice"?

>> No.4021069

>ruin the foam layer
pretty self evident, hard to have one when there's ice instead
>sedate your taste buds
the cold will do that
>mess with consistency
the ice and intense local cold will do weird things to the chemical make up

>> No.4021099

your friend is a total fucking moron.

id rather choke myseld with ice cubes and pour warm beer down my throat.

seriously, what the fuck is wrong with tour stupid ass friend? moreso what the fuck is wrong with you for friending stupid faux champagne fag.

>> No.4021355

>the cold will do that
kind of a moot point when most people drink beer cold anyway.

>> No.4021369

There's a difference between cold and ice cold. The ice will float at the top and overcool the top layer, as well as maybe touching your tongue if you're not carefull. A lot of good beers, especially brown ones, do not need to be that cold anyway. If you want your beer cold, put it and the glass in the fucking fridge.

>> No.4021402

Yea hes trying to keep the beer cold for longer

naaa dawg there is an easier way. Just chill your glass. Throw the glass in the freezer for a few minutes and your good to go

>> No.4021406

You forgot Fat Tire, Skrimshaw, and Orion

>> No.4021422

>my friend likes something I don't like
>bitch about it on /ck/
I fucking hate you people

>> No.4021428

>maybe touching your tongue if you're not carefull
oh noes, look out, soft anon, soft.
If you want you beer colder longer use a smaller glass.

>> No.4021432

IF you don't have your beer glasses in your freezer thats probably why he did that. That or some people dont like to just go through a bunch of bears and pace themselves by stretching the drink with water

>> No.4021436

I didn't mean that would hurt or anything, but it would numb your tongue a bit and reduce your tasting ability.

>> No.4021440



no bear jokes please

>> No.4021442

We're getting really nitpicky here. Chances are if the guy puts ice in beer he's not drinking anything of a quality worth freaking out about anyway.

>> No.4021445
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>> No.4021446

As I stated way at the start of this reply chain.

>> No.4021448
File: 4 KB, 110x180, coolblue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a stupid fuckin thread.

Fuckin OP asking fellow anons for approval of his approval of something his friend obviously approves of.

I put ice cubes in my milk and its delicious. And I don't give fuckall how cool it is.

Pro tip: to (almost) instantly cool deverages, or keep beer cold enough that don't need to water it down with ice, put them in an ice bath... Water with ice cubes. Air is a pathetic heat conductor and refrigerators are shit-tier efficient. Properly insulated water bath can be kept as cold as a fridge with 1/3 the energy (ever better if you don't mind your food floating in glycol), but then your fast food leftovers are not water tight and just float on top, so just give up.

Pic related: tiny freezable gel packs. Cools your drank, but doesn't water it down.

>> No.4021452

Right. So why are we even discussing the fine details four degrees in temperature has on shitty beer? OP's friend is an idiot putting shit in shit, essentially ruining nothing and, as usual, OP is a faggot. Are we all in agreement?

>> No.4021480

Is he of South East Asian descent? I remember hearing people in Thailand or somewhere near put ice cubes in their cheap lagers because of the tropical heat.

>> No.4021499

Pretty much, I was just explaining the differences putting ice in does make to the other anon.

>> No.4021503

> because of the tropical heat.

Maybe the beer was served warm and friendo doesn't roll like that?

The rush to judgement in these replies seems troll-ish.

>> No.4021776
File: 5 KB, 241x209, 1351022491231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Does my friend deserve le bitch-slap?
>le bitch- slap

>> No.4021787

i'm not sure if it's done with all guinness, but for some they take sour beer, boil and reduce it, and add it to later batches. regular guinness isn't too great but extra stout is nice

>> No.4021790
