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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 65 KB, 600x600, arizona green tea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4018354 No.4018354 [Reply] [Original]

>that feeling when your home state is only known for racism and tea

what are your homes known for /ck/?

>> No.4018357

Not being a fucking faggot like OP

>> No.4018358

I suggest that your home is in fact known for faggots

what now?

>> No.4018362

>On 4Chan
>Complaining about racism

You do realize this is not the place to bitch about that right? I have seen racism on every board, including this one.

>> No.4018363


It's funny, because a state that is tolerant towards other races is probably going to be free of other prejudices.

So >>4018357 is a skinny dipping cock sucker.

>> No.4018365
File: 4 KB, 384x256, az_fi.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spic hunting

>> No.4018369

Racism and long bus lines


>> No.4018384

nigga, we got the grand canyon.

>> No.4018389

Are you in Alabama, OP?

>> No.4018391

shut up you stupid nigger. head back to kikeland you JIDF shitposter. we don't want you here

>> No.4018395
File: 211 KB, 650x431, OrlandoFlorida.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Disney World.

>> No.4018417
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everyone on tv who is supposed to be "naive" is from my state, most of the time noone pays attention to us unless someone's fucking a picnic table or during the elections. fuck ohio.

>> No.4018421

>north dakota


>> No.4018434
File: 18 KB, 250x250, SOUTHCENTRALPENNSYLVANIA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Potato chips - Utz
Pretzels - Snyders
Chocolate - Hershey

Pennsylvania mother lover

>> No.4018435

Does anyone else think these jugs are so disgusting?

I associate them with gasoline, not food and drink.

>> No.4018436



also, New Town...represent.

>> No.4018443

>tfw your state is known for being the healthiest in the nation, having one of the greatest music scenes, and not taxing the shit out of its citizens
I love Minnesota.

>> No.4018446

Florida has Alligators, Crocodiles, and Dade county breh

>> No.4018450

enjoy your booming nigger population

>> No.4018455
File: 36 KB, 620x236, belarus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Potatoes, plebs and dictators.

>> No.4018459

All the bourbon, the strongest horses, and the finest tobacco. Oh, and some average fried chicken. Come on now gentlemen.

>> No.4018494

Beer, Oktoberfest, Hitler. And Sauerkraut.

>> No.4018497

>Beer, Oktoberfest, Hitler. And Saue
Beer, beer, Hitler, beer.

>> No.4018508
File: 4 KB, 400x300, belgium.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not being a real country, chocolate, beer, muslims and fries.

>> No.4018509


Food wise? Probably nothing. Culturally...yeah, still probably nothing. Lots of national forests and shit I guess. Oh, also tornadoes.

>> No.4018510

Lobster rolls
more wops per capita than any other state
Louies burgers
lazy rich people with an over developed sense of entitlement.

welcome to Connecticut.

>> No.4018513


Live Music

>> No.4018514

You've got great bbq in KC, and beer there too. Boulevard is awesome. Don't forget Missouri makes some ever increasingly better white wines, due to the rhine like conditions of the river valley.

>> No.4018519

Booming nigger population? We're 90% white you fucking idiot.

>> No.4018529


Beer, cheese, and bacon.

I'm okay with this.

>> No.4018534

So how does it feel to live in a state that is known for a product from New York?

>> No.4018535

If everybody is famous for their beer, then nobody is, isn't it?

>> No.4018539

Salmon, indie music, and flannel.

>> No.4018541
File: 30 KB, 608x344, red_leicester_cheese_16x9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, Ohio

England, known for bad food. My hometown is known for a pretty nice cheese though.

>> No.4018542

The only state I've ever known worth mentioning of their beer is Colorado. Wisconsin blows cock.

>> No.4018544

are you talking about coors light?

>> No.4018548


Nutmeg & insurance. Food-wise we're known for amazing brick oven pizza & steamed burgers.

>> No.4018549

I had forgotten about Boulevard, sadly. Been a while since I've drank any.

Still though, it's sad that the whole state is mainly known for 2 cities. The area around where I live (southwest corner), is filled with mediocre murrican rural restaurants. Springfield, MO is pretty cool though, I guess, but doesn't seem that well known outside the state.

>> No.4018550

>being italian
It sure sucks but our cuisine it's pretty popular.
What bugs me though is that the best part of italian cuisine, like regional dishes, is mostly unknown not only internationally but also to italian people.

>> No.4018561

That's good. Otherwise 'mericuns will claim it's their national food now, not yours.

>> No.4018562

I'm talking about craft beers. Colorado always gets mentioned when I talk about craft beers with folks.

>> No.4018563

Many states don't have the quality of cities. Many states are also known only for their cities - most states aren't known for the shit the rural population does, and when they are, it's not positive.

SW corner? Fuck that place. I grew in Rogers, homeslice.

>> No.4018566

Share a good regional dish with us. I know nothing beyond bolognese, carbonara, lasagne, etc.

>> No.4018567
File: 63 KB, 800x533, shreddedchicken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every time i hear someone say North Dakota i say "Wait, wait... there's a NORTH Dakota?!" and vice versa for South. my contribution.

Ohio food is unremarkable. Buckeyes are peanut butter mixed into a dry ball and dipped into chocolate lace din paraffin. We have regional potato chips as well, from the north? you eat ballreich's; from the south? Conn's. oh, wait, i know. Shredded Chicken sandwiches are apparently an Ohio thing. cook your chicken, shred it like pulled pork, mix in a can of cream of chicken soup and warm it, serve on plain white bun. sounds like ohio. creamy bland chicken on white bread.

>> No.4018572

>Implying Wisconsin sucks
>Implying New Glarus doesn't exist
>Implying Oregon, California aren't better
>Implying I would not choose Odell over most brews anyways

>> No.4018589


not true for NC. we have eastern pork BBQ, which is vinegar based and is the best for my taste, and we have wester BBQ which is thicker and tomato based.

both are rural traditions. our cities have some excellent restaurants, but no traditions worth mentioning.

>> No.4018591
File: 18 KB, 320x239, erwtensoep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being Dutch, raw herring en thick wintery stews and mashes.

Pic related, pea soup.

And weed, obviously.

>> No.4018596

I have this, for example; it's from a small village in Sardinia.

It's a traditional dish made of homemade spaghetti-like fresh pasta cooked in lamb stock (prepared in advance with parsley, onion, dried tomato and filtered), and abundant slightly acid sheep cheese and safron.
When freshly made it has a creamy consistency, but it's also customary to eat it the following day, when it becomes almost a timballo.
Since it's pretty elaborate and it was expensive to make for a society composed mainly of farmers, it was cooked only for holydays (Christmas, Easter) or weddings.

>> No.4018616

California, known for avocados on everything, fags, bomb tacos, and muthafukin In-n-Out Double Doubles.

>> No.4018643

North Carolina - barbecue, banking, sweet potatoes, homophobia.

>> No.4018646

And meth, ignorance, and missing teeth.

>> No.4018662
File: 16 KB, 393x544, 1347861245916.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

old old old trees
hippies with guns
best beer in world
personal freedom (420 BLAZE FAGET SMOKE WEED EVERY DAY)

>> No.4018667

portland does sound like a cool city

>> No.4018668
File: 9 KB, 139x100, 1348012159760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kill yourself

>> No.4018671

oh, my bad. fuck washington

>> No.4018680

If you are a faggot hipster, it is.

>> No.4018682

>missing teeth

You're mistaking us for New Mexico.

>> No.4018683

portlands in oregon

>> No.4018691

yes, that's why i said fuck washington
i'll go to oregon instead.

>> No.4018696

fry sauce

it's stupid.

>> No.4018699

hows it feel to be constantly sucking massachusetts' dick?

>> No.4018709


Don't forget Nintendo of America, Valve, Microsoft, and Wizards of the Coast are all based in WA, too. Fuck yeah Washington!

>> No.4018713


bro i know your state for fucking kitt peak observatory be proud bro

>> No.4018732

Ohio - Nothing

Seriously. Swing state, football team, some shitty amusement park, and their capital is known for having no fucking identity at all.

>> No.4018737
File: 66 KB, 377x329, cajun_food.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cajun food
>Katrina's effect on nola
>long parties
>swamp people
>spunky women
>fan boats

>> No.4018768

I feel your pain, fry sauce, jello salad and funeral potatoes everywhere.
However we also have some kick ass beer, crown burgers.

oh god my captcha is unscientific mongler, I'm using that as in insult for the rest of the week.

>> No.4018771

Must be South Carolina


>> No.4018800

pulled pork and jesus

which I guess describes the whole south but I'm talking about North Carolina

>> No.4018804

Hot dish
Fried things on sticks
Soccer moms

>> No.4018851

>live in Illinois
Land of Lincoln and...Chicago's pizza I guess?

>> No.4018903


Peaches and black people?

>> No.4018912

Sauerkraut and Bratwurst.

Incidentally, I love both.

>> No.4018917

Snooki and the Situation hang out here

>> No.4018920

South Central PA Masterrace.
York is pretty nifty.

>> No.4018925

Guinness and drinking Guinness.

>> No.4018928
File: 77 KB, 783x587, nojobs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No jobs, poor hygiene and good seafood.

>> No.4018935

Maple Syrup, I guess.

>> No.4018983

If you're from the state:
Pride, Whataburger, Live music, tex-mex, hot hispanic and white women, most urban cities overflowing with black people besides austin

If you're not:
thirty gallon cowboy hats, hating gay people, being 99% percent racist, hating mexicans, low level of education, diet consists of macaroni and cheese, potatoes, steak and chicken fried steak

>> No.4018989

>% percent

fuck, that slipped my mind

>> No.4018991

We won the election for obama before the polls even closed.

Gerrymandered as fuck. Even though I support the outcome, Cali needs to be split up. 55 elctoral votes is complete and total horseshit.

Also, californian cuisine and a melting pot of culinary cultures.

>> No.4018993

>liking populated areas in pennsylvania

then again, the old world feel is nice...but those spics man.. they are just everywhere. Ever been to chambersburg? its like a flood of "culture", and it hurts.

..>_> you're not hispanic by any chance are you? Im really not racist, and i LOVE your food.

seriously though, there is this one Guatemalan place, i think its Guatemalan but i cant recall the name, its got some good authentic dish.

Its comprised of, fried plantains, refried beans, rice, fried egg, avacado, and corn tortillas. deliciousoso

>> No.4018994
File: 36 KB, 391x300, dancing-crab-chefs-at-sea-galley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good seafood, weird commercials.

>> No.4019008
File: 91 KB, 275x410, 275px-Alabama_counties_map.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rednecks, racism, and fat kids (well, people in general.)

>> No.4019019
File: 22 KB, 245x330, 245px-JayLenoJul08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.4019021

my state is known for chigaco, but i dont live close to chicago i live really far away from it
sometimes i feel marginalized

>> No.4019024

Don't forget the fantasic barbecue, man. Ever go to Full Moon BBQ in the Bham / Hoover area?

>> No.4019027

I haven't. We have a pretty damn good barbecue place in Russell County though.

>> No.4019052

Hipsters and.....Woods? Cereal Killers? Voodoo Doughnuts? Friendly Drivers?
Oregon BTW.

>> No.4019065
File: 2.77 MB, 360x176, 1352675552289.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

German Sausage
Crawfish Boils
Cheap local beer
Chicken fried steak
Chili con queso
Frijoles a la Charra

>> No.4019069

Drugs, Cruijff, hookers, Heineken and pancakes. ... Guess..

>> No.4019071


>> No.4019073
File: 17 KB, 288x216, pork-roll-frying[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While I grew up in NJ, I was close enough to Philly that I count cheesesteaks as a home meal.

We also have pork roll.

>> No.4019077
File: 56 KB, 827x386, viegener_proj03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


We're mostly known for corn and pork, but outside of a disproportionate number of "xtreem bacons <3 XD" faggots, it doesn't seem to actually affect local cuisine. Mostly because we don't actually have any. There are a lot of dutchfags out east, and a a shit-ton of mediocre Italian restaurants here in Des Moines, but the rest of our food culture is pretty much imported.

>> No.4019079

Lol. Ok: added: no Latinos, but pile of sandniggr-immigrants though.

>> No.4019106


I'm pretty sure people think of Michigan when they think of niggers, unemployment, and water.

>> No.4019113

not a state but still

weed, farmers and mills take a wild quess

>> No.4019134

Cowboy boots, assuming everyone rides a horse everywhere, general shittiness and Kevin Durant.

Oklahoma fucking blows, man.

>> No.4019145


ohiobro, i know that feel.

>> No.4019153

I think of cars and eminem mostly. Then comes the niggers, unemployment and water.
Oklahoma is like Texas' retarded and classless little brother, nothing is going on there. I think of Tornados and the OKC bombing. Second rate BBQ and mexican food.

>> No.4019164


Oklabro here. Our BBQ is more like 3rd-4th rate, and the only decent mexican is owned and operated by greencardless fucks who you practically have to speak Spanish to to order from.

>> No.4019195

World class pork, worlds best hot-dogs, pickled fish, wind turbines and thermostats.

>> No.4019199

tornado's and bbq

>> No.4019200

Male prostitutes, donairs and drunk sailors.

>> No.4019207
File: 458 KB, 1466x948, washington_90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I fuckin' love Washington.

>> No.4019213

Whataburger. Fuck man, Idk what Texas would be without it.

>> No.4019215

North central Texas
.....Kansas city?
.........San Francisco?
Do you eat apples while playing on your Mac? You unscientific mongler.

>> No.4019220

Nah, fuck Apple. I just love apples. As in the fruit.

We have Microsoft here. This state is Technology Capital of the entire fucking country, so don't you give me shit about being 'unscientific'.

>> No.4019221
File: 44 KB, 708x362, Whataburger_AllTime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It would be a less awesome place to enjoy fast food in the wee hours of the night.

>> No.4019245

>sometimes I feel marginalized
Welcome to life in the flyover states.

>> No.4019246

I think I've had the second one in the pic. Pretty good, but to me the taste of Whataburger is the straight up, unaltered "whataburger" itself. The onion, pickle and mustard add such a great tanginess that pairs perfectly with the juicy, salty beef and tomato. Toasted bun is lightly crisp on the inner side but soft all elsewhere. I can't complain about the lettuce since I've never had any that was soggy from there.

I would have to go get one now if I didn't just have a sandwich 10 minutes ago.

>> No.4019247
File: 130 KB, 528x247, whataburger-boots-innout-texas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suck it In N Out. Stay the hell out of my Texas.

>> No.4019250
File: 121 KB, 285x377, whataburger menu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like all the "All-Time favorites", especially that patty melt. But yes I agree there is no beating the plain original #1 combo. 75% of the time my order is the #1 combo all the way with grilled onions and grilled jalapenos also. A rootbeer for my drink and three packets of the God-ketchup.

>> No.4019259

>retard fast food corporate loyalty

Big surprise.

>> No.4019275

Don't even get me started on their blissful ketchup. So freaking delicious on anything. Oh, any body have some of their order number card thingys? They are so easy to just take. I have like 3

>> No.4019277

maple syrup, poutine and not being hated by just about every nation like the US is.

>> No.4019278
File: 199 KB, 800x600, Menu 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>retard fast food corporate loyalty

Big surprise.

>> No.4019280

oh and tim hortons

>> No.4019297

.....It's Arizona, you nigger.

>> No.4019300



>> No.4019311


>> No.4019315
File: 41 KB, 516x750, indiana-county-map[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Corn and more corn.

>> No.4019329

That feel.

I'm from Cincinnati so I guess shitty chili, peasant sausage, and really good ice cream, though.

>> No.4019342
File: 786 KB, 1806x1230, Vegas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all my stupid home is known for is gambling and fucking chris angel

>> No.4019347

You forgot poutine. It's like the best part of Quebec, I dunno how you managed that

>> No.4019350
File: 17 KB, 355x229, pa.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My guess the first thing to come to your minds is Philly cheese steak or those Pittsburgh sandwiches with fries and coleslaw in them

>> No.4019349

Making brown people show their papers

>> No.4019352

i am sure it is stupid football i hate football and i think of football..

>> No.4019360

since when was Arizona known for racism?

>> No.4019374

Fried Chicken and rednecks and horses. People love their horseys.

>> No.4019399

What? AZ is also known for the Grand Canyon, surely, right? Right guys? Also chimichangas.

I also thought Arizona iced tea has nothing to do with Arizona aside from the name. It's from New York I thought.

>> No.4019407
File: 117 KB, 355x500, 3275294820_01e0608149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4019414

>I also thought Arizona iced tea has nothing to do with Arizona aside from the name. It's from New York I thought.

It is from New York. That's what's so sad.

>> No.4019416

Corn, Basketball, and Purdue.

Oh and I GUESS IU, too.

>> No.4019434

>Philly cheesesteaks

That's the only good thing I can think of off the top of my head.

>> No.4019437

York is a shithole.

Hershey chocolate is mediocre as fuck.

>> No.4019442


>> No.4019446



>> No.4019450
File: 8 KB, 165x157, images (8).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coal and incest

>> No.4019455
File: 51 KB, 415x332, muhhome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Arizona has dem views, bro. Go for a hike or something

>> No.4019458

I am sure there are much better views in Arizone than the one in your shit pic.

>hey guys, a city!

>> No.4019465

Brofist. Love dem views. Also isn't Arizona tea made in Jersey?

>> No.4019471
File: 71 KB, 800x533, California-Coast-Highway-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get outta here with your 'views'

>> No.4019495
File: 160 KB, 1800x1006, bou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Skiing and pot.
Funny enough, I partake in neither.

>> No.4019539

how are land prices there if you plan on living in bumblefuck?

>> No.4019547

We're known for pizza and steamed cheeseburgers and we're constantly mistaken for just being a part of New York or Massachusetts.
We're also a major exporter of Joe motherfucking Lieberman. I'm sorry.

>> No.4019563


>> No.4019568

And monotony.

>> No.4019569

oh you should at least be smoking our pot.
fuck skiing, tho.

>> No.4019579
File: 253 KB, 945x628, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Colorado: The land of potheads , hipsters, and subarus

i seriously hope all potheads fukgin die

>> No.4019582

Well to be fair, the South is generally known for racism and sweet tea.

>> No.4019593
File: 125 KB, 330x336, basedvrby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys have a good hockey team

>fml when with the lockout end

>> No.4019597


>> No.4019606
File: 411 KB, 2548x1995, lake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fortunately, I don't think that associating Colorado with weed has become widespread, yet. When I talk to people from other states, they typically only know that Colorado has mountains, and that people enjoy looking at and doing outdoor activities on those mountains. Once in a while you meet people who know that we had a gold rush, and they might think of Boulder as a place full of hippies and Colorado Springs as the Evangelical Vatican, but most people only know about our mountains. Don't think I've ever heard anyone from out of state mention the Subaru's either.

>> No.4019618

I was in Boulder for a conference in the summer and didn't know it was known for weed.

I really liked the microbrews and food though. The stories about people shooting at others for stepping on their land was kind of crazy.

>> No.4019629

Racism and WHISKEY, Op.

>> No.4019659
File: 94 KB, 192x187, 1351404853397.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In N Out,crazy weather, and amusement parks everywhere. where am i /ck/?

>> No.4019668

From your mention of In N Out, I assume California.

But I always think of your state as having very consistently nice weather, and as one blanketed by interstate highways that suffer from horrid traffic jams half the time. You also have faggotville with its famous bridge, gangland, Hollywood, and way too many "plastic people."

>> No.4019714

i live in a very nice place in california so there are no gangs and anyone in one is usually called out on it and made fun of or usually beat up. plus my town is surrounded by amusement parks and malls. only bad thing about it is all the mall rat faggot scene kids. other than that it's amazing here.

>> No.4019742

i live in ca as well, just gotta take the good with the bad.

>> No.4019747

> most people only know about our mountains. Don't think I've ever heard anyone from out of state mention the Subaru's either.

I don't think about any of that. Always reminds me of Mork & Mindy, the Overlook Hotel (even tho the outdoor shot is from Mt Hood), and Jon Benet. And oh ya, SouthPark.

And my dad had to drive from fuckin PA to CO to pick my sister up after she broke her leg skiing in Steamboat. Airlines wouldn't let her on the plane because it was impossible to fold her up and stuff her in a coach seat with a knee cast.

And OP: what's so racist about controlling the borders? They smoke peoples' ass in every other country for tresspassing.

>> No.4019758

white rappers, lakes, and a high murder rate

>> No.4019822


you forgot coca-cola, chic-fil-a, and this monstrosity

>> No.4019829
File: 37 KB, 480x342, 1350799252192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh god it's fucking hideous. i feel fat just looking at it.

>> No.4019833

Killing mother earth with the big bad tar sands.

>> No.4019880

And cactus, asshat. t~t

>> No.4019910

Hipsters, Voodoo Donuts/Portland, and salmon sums it up pretty well.

>> No.4019920

Being assholes. The world financial capital of the world. Best restaurants ever. Where most people's ancestors immigrated through. Jews. Pizza. Basically, anything important that ever happens. Good tap water. Having a funny accent. Italians. Bagels. Extreme wealth and terrible poverty. Cheesecake, for reasons I can't really fathom. Having successful professional sports teams.

>> No.4020495

Minnesota has sadness.

And hotdish.

>> No.4020497

its not a state, butttt, half smokes.

>> No.4020509

Guns, steak, and oil.

>> No.4020510

Fried Chicken and a president that is either the best ever or one of the worst depending on who you're talking to

>> No.4020511

Also In-N-Out.

>> No.4020515
File: 136 KB, 964x723, CARBS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Samethread is same but w/e.

MD is a pretty cool place once you get past all the politicians. (and yes we have like fifty times as many as every other state because DC)

>> No.4020518

home (Seattle)
Rain, heroin, grunge, and weed.

current (Orange County, CA)
Vanity, weed, expensive cars, cocaine, infedelity in relationships.

>> No.4020546

I think I've seen you on ck before. You posted maybe a week ago about Maryland and politicians. I mentioned soft shell crabs. Call me?

>> No.4020559

Are beaver tails from Ontario or is that another great thing that Quebec invented?

>> No.4020561

whats the point of the shell being covered in seasoning? do you eat the shell there? lol

>> No.4020562

Moose, salmon, agutak (eskimo ice cream)


>> No.4020571


>> No.4020621

yall niggers want a real burger? Visit Dandy's Drive in, in Bend Oregon. Order a Double Dandy with fry sauce and grilled onions; then fucking kill your self for the knowledge that you will most likely never eat this again with haunt the ever loving shit out of you.

>> No.4020626

oh fuck, my uncles wife made that when when we went to visit them. Oh fuck my everything; WHY!!!!!!!!

>> No.4020742

I used to live in Bend! Yum!

>> No.4020752


Thats it :/

>> No.4020872
File: 1.25 MB, 308x237, 1340460987952.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The chocolate chip cookie.

>> No.4020885

Excellent meat, Chivitos and dulce de leche.

>> No.4020909

hipsters, serial killers, 90s seattle feel, or stuck in the depression era racism and fear of change towns. beautiful and varied scenery

>> No.4020920

Grits, niggers, and lemonade. 3 guesses where I live.

>> No.4020949

Chinese Food

On a mexican town.

>> No.4020987
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Coffee Milk. Rhode Island.

I think it's the state beverage.

>> No.4020990

Cincinnati-style chili

>> No.4020994
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>> No.4020996

Hippies and Portland.

>> No.4021032

My Grandmother and granddad (now divorced and living separate) each have a glass of coffee milk every afternoon. They were both born and raised in Boston and hey coffee milk is pretty good alright? It's not the best ever but it is good.

Also, fluffernutters, you dig?

>> No.4021066
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Sweet jesus, we do exist.

Pic is grilled pizza from Al Forno in Providence, which is generally credited with being the first American restaurant to introduce it. No idea if that's true.

>> No.4021068


...wouldn't that just taste like cold, milky coffee?

That sounds revolting.

>> No.4021070
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potatoes, tree stumps and a seemingly thinking (read reactionary) legislature

>> No.4021073

>Hot Dogs
>Sports Teams
>A vast majority of comedic personalities


>> No.4021076

I always think of Amish markets and the Kettle Kitchen in Lancaster. Fresh cider, home made jerky, all the sauces and jellies in existence...

I'm a marylander, so yay crabs. Yay french fries and gravy. Yay candy kitchen.

>> No.4021104
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Tex-mex, illegal immigrants, oil, and a faggot who made an ass of himself when he ran for president.

>> No.4021230

Vodka wasn't made in Russia

>> No.4021233
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Born & raised in the greatest state of the union.AZ!!

>> No.4021241

As far as food goes, lutefisk. Never tried it myself.

>> No.4021248


But it is known for it

>> No.4021254

We made the first burger in America, what whaaaaaaaaat

The restaurant's still in New Haven too, it's overpriced and if you ask for ketchup or mustard they throw your burger out

They kinda suck too

>> No.4021255
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I actually wonder if Paris has any "typical" receipe or ingredient on its own. Parisian mushrooms maybe?
Or maybe the classic parisian cuisine you can eat in brasseries, but it's actually a patchwork of receipes from all around France, like beef&fries, andouillette, duck confit, foie gras, etc...

>> No.4021258

Ginger Beef.

>> No.4021259

That's true. I guess most people don't care that Poland isn't the same country as Russia.

>> No.4021262

I had a Grandma who was Russian and Polish.She would drink a bottle of vodka in like one week and that was all she drank vodka and orange juice nothing else.She was also racist died with that shit in her hand.......I miss her. ; _ ;

>> No.4021263
File: 9 KB, 272x185, skyline-chili-spaghetti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Cincinnati-style chili

Expatriated anon here. Mom sends me Skyline cans every year for xmas. Last night, wife got carried away with the wine. Fun fun fun, but tomorrow is here and apparently thanksgiving this year is tits-up, So on short notice, I'm making #4's and coneys.

Very nice that stuff is available in a can.

>> No.4021754

We don't call them fluffernutters. My mom always used to refer to them as PB Fluffs. I used to like those when I was a kid. Haven't had one in years.

>> No.4021757

The one I posted isn't dark. It might not even be mixed yet for all I know. They're supposed to be mixed pretty dark.

>> No.4021807
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though i lived in utah most of my life but i'd rather just not think about that one

>> No.4021820

Vancouver Island, BC

Home of the Nanaimo bar.

>> No.4021822

>Implying Arizona doesn't have god tier fry bread

those Navajo sure do know how to make a fatty-ass delicious meal.

>> No.4021828

New York master race

>> No.4021831

Mass shootings, mountains, and Chipotle

>> No.4021978

COLORADO (you didnt mention weed)

>> No.4022000

Mexican food and the film industry

>> No.4022037
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Bitch, get on my level

>> No.4022044

Bureaucrats and poutine.

>> No.4022045
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and hot bitches
and cars

>> No.4022047

Ottawa or Quebec City?

>> No.4022049



You're a quick one.

>> No.4022051

michigan is famous for violent cities and a dead industry

>> No.4022056

I live in Ottawa too.

Although it seems bureaucrats and shawarma could also work.

>> No.4022066
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Bengals and felons

>> No.4022071
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Steel an the Steelers

>> No.4022074

when they started allowing cops to suspect anybody who looks remotely Hispanic to be an illegal Mexican immigrant.

>> No.4022091

Crabs and old bay

Oh and sailing, and boat shoes

>> No.4022094

Do you wear the stupid ass bib, and use the stupid ass hammer at crab shacks?

>> No.4022095

sarah palin

>> No.4022101

Rednecks, drooling retards and blacks.

>> No.4022308
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Crawfish, fucker

>> No.4022315

according to /ck/ my state is known for the worst pizza in the world and no good restaurants

>> No.4022435

Maryland is not known for Dungeness crab. That would be the west coast. Thanks for playing though.

>> No.4022436

Worst pizza in the world I had at a big box store in Poland. Had ketchup instead of tomato sauce. At least pizza in the u.s. uses tomato sauce.