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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 73 KB, 396x445, thanksgiving-dog-cat (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4018375 No.4018375 [Reply] [Original]

You know you hate your family anyway so lets have some 4chan fun.

I have two surefire ways to ruin thanksgiving this year, lets see if we can come up with a few more.

1. This year you admit that you have been a vegan in secret for years and now you are coming out. Loudly crunch on carrot sticks and keep asking how everyone is enjoying their murder.

2.You have become a militant organic locavore. Just completely shit on all the stuff everyone brought because its not sustainable(this will be easy to do even if your aunt raised her own turkey...where did she get the feed?)

Anymore ideas?

>> No.4018377

I pray that one of your relatives snaps and murders your entire family.

>> No.4018394
File: 42 KB, 825x450, american cuisine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't you already spam enough "LOLOLOL HIPSTER LIBRUL COMMIE FAGGOT VEGAN LEFTIST POLITICAL CORRECT MOUTHBREATHER"-threads already? Can't you just fuck off and leave the board be about food and cooking, not your own insecurities?

>> No.4018408
File: 170 KB, 782x600, operation-ruin-xmas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4018418
File: 14 KB, 100x100, 1351692528089.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why so puddi ? Thanksgiving is the biggest /ck/ holiday of the year. Its only right that we explore every aspect of this wonderful day.

>> No.4018438

When you do it in real life it isn't called trolling. Its called being a faggot

>> No.4018764
File: 65 KB, 520x472, funny-Disney-Princess-Prince-movie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

come on guys, this will be fun!

>> No.4018773

but i am a vegan, op

>> No.4018791
File: 27 KB, 575x323, Sugar ray.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

were you already planning to be a pain in the ass for Thanksgiving?

>> No.4018797

no, i just don't show up until late

>> No.4018816

Whats the point of even being a vegan if you cant rub their noses in their disgusting, murderous eating habits?
You are an odd duck sageanon

>> No.4018825

I'm going to my little sisters for Christmas. She's a vegetarian. Not quite established if she's cooking us meat. I'm fine with bringing it myself if she wants but if it's a full veggie menu i'm taking a dump in her cupboard.

>> No.4018860

Why did /ck/ have to turn to shit? I enjoyed it here.

>> No.4018867

Huh. My little sister's a vegetarian as well, and she basically just cooks like a normal host with normal festival entrees and then "eats around the meat" whenever there's a festive occasion.

>> No.4018873

>be Canadian
>XMas and Thanksgiving dinner means lots of good food, alcohol, conversation, etc. with the family

Why do you guys have to make things so hard?

>> No.4018871

Your sister is not a real vegetarian

>> No.4018876

My grandmother has already ruined Thanksgiving by being the usual giant cunt she is. Perhaps you can ask her.

>> No.4018881

everyone knows I don't suffer petty shit on T-day, if I'm doing the cooking, I'm the captain of the motherfucking ship and will/have kicked malcontents out.

Get high, get drunk, go fuck a half-cousin in a closet, I don't care, just don't start airing grievances or act like an asshole.

>> No.4018909

You guys are all too nice up there. That is not how we roll down south.
>2012 getting along with your family ISHOOPY POOPY

>> No.4018910

I'm guessing you're one of those self-righteous as fuck vegetarians.

Those assholes who will send back an entree at a restaurant because they remove the seafood from your seafood pasta, thus expecting the cooks to unkill everything in your salad.

I ffucking hate people like you.
I'm a vegan and I choose not to eat meat/ animal products. Not because I don't like them, I just don't want to be a kill animals to eat them, but I'm completely fucking aware that people do,and let them be. And if I go to thanksgiving Dinner and gravy is already mixed into the mashed potatoes, I'll get the fuck over it and enjoy the dead animal because it's too late for that little guy.

P.S. Die in a fire.

>> No.4018913



>> No.4018919

you're not a real vegetarian

>> No.4018936

implying it's not also called being a faggot on the interwebs.

>> No.4018938


this is as bad as a youtube comment on a pre- 2000s music video saying 'i'm 13 and i think old music is better!' fyi

>> No.4018939

i hate vegetarians who cook meat for other people. makes no sense if they're doing it for ethical reasons

>> No.4018948

that's kind of bullshit. If you think it's a personal choice, that is okay. But if you think it is about the animals, they should actively prevent people from buying, selling, eating, raising, cooking and slaughtering meat/animals. Whether or not they cook it for someone else does not make a fucking difference, fuck you.

>> No.4018949

>That is not how we roll down south

If you're not repressing your familial hatred and making polite and nice with them as all of you plot each others' deaths, then you're either not living in the south or you're not doing it right.

>> No.4019316

But old music is better. You cant beat bands like the pixies and magnetic fields.

>> No.4019341


>> No.4019355


everyone says that, and everyone always will.

because it is true for any generation.