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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4010810 No.4010810 [Reply] [Original]

> hurricane destroys your neighborhood
> big government comes along and offers you help (with strings attached of course)
> meals containing salt, sugar and fat

Personally, I'd drown my children and myself before taking help from such hypocrites.

>> No.4010824

Yes i like my food without salt/fat/sugar. Why cant they jsut serve tofu with a water sauce?

fucking plebs right?

>> No.4010837

$7 for each MRE? Do they know that they could feed people healthier food for much, much less per meal?

>> No.4010838

Hmm, so my options are no food, or food with lots of fat/salt/sugar? OH NO! Big Government helping feed people who are hungry after a disaster has happened! THE SHAME!

>> No.4010841

salty, sugary, fatty foods > no foods

People should learn to stop complaining if the alternative is starvation.

>> No.4010860

Seriously people whine too much.
Yes, they could have delivered other types of food, but lets face it. FEMA is an emergency response, not a foodie association. The affected people could really do worse than a MRE.

If anything, the MRE is the ideal emergency ration - it's high and salt and sugar and fats to KEEP YOU ALIVE for a longer period. It's not meant to be a life-long culinary delight.

MRE for initial response, regular canteen foodlines for medium term support is the way to go.

>> No.4010865

for the record eating mre will give you massive constipation...just sayn

>> No.4010874


But.... who would feed the fat cats then?!?!?!?

Think about the fat cats before you suggest more reasonable policies.

>> No.4010895


What would you prefer to eat? That's what the human body needs. And a 1000+ calorie meal would be great for when there's limited food supply. Fuck, i'd rather be given that than a salad, atleast I could get by on one of those meals a day.

They're fucking hurricane victims, they're not going to be fed gourmet food and no one is going to give a shit about your pretend gluten intolerance or vegetarianism. Those people should rightfully starve to death for being so fucking self-centered

>> No.4010897
File: 91 KB, 350x355, youuuukkkkk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurricane destroys your neighborhood
>no kitchens
>give MREs because you don't need a kitchen to make them
>/ck/ still cant understand that
>still bitching that these people have no food and are complaining about the quality of free food

>> No.4010931

this thread is bound to fail... those mre eating fatties still don't have internet. har har har!

>> No.4010939


I seriously hope you're referring to obese felines, good sir.

The fatcats had the means to evacuate themselves prior to the emergency.

>> No.4010943


Maybe they should have gotten themselves out of dodge before the storm hit.

>> No.4011004

You need fats salts and sugars when you have to do physical shit every day and don't have the luxury sitting around. When you're a hurricane victim, you have to find yourself across floods, walk long distances and climb over shit. They give MREs to infantry because they are running around all day with heavy armor, they need all the carbs they can get.

>> No.4011010


Fucking soccer moms.

>> No.4011017
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>getting free food
>complaining about it

What the fuck is wrong with people? In some countries, people would be grateful just for the free food.

>> No.4011022

>didn't stock up with foods for an emergency that they were warned about the severity

don't give a shit

>> No.4011023

Exactly this. If you're sleeping in a cold-as-fuck house with no power for days and spending all day cleaning up your wrecked house, a little extra fat, sodium, etc. is not a big deal. I'm not sure what's up with the whiny dietitian, people who aren't cleaning up wrecked houses have still had their lives disrupted and most of them probably haven't hit a gym since Sandy.

>> No.4011031

Do they not understand an MRE is supposed to last you all day? It's not intended to be a three-times-a-day thing.

Jesus Christ there's been countless days in the field when I barely needed a whole MRE to keep me full

>> No.4011036

I have a quick solution for these veggie loving hippies - send me your MRE, I'll be happy to keep them.

>> No.4011040


Oh god that feeling. I didn't have a gym for over a week and I fucked up a tendon when I got back since I went from being stuck in my apartment 24/7 to going overboard with the return to freedom. So now I have to give my ankle a rest for another couple of weeks while I recuperate.

Shit sucks man.

>> No.4011041

Occupy Sand is the only group doing it right.

>> No.4011043

I do a lot of cold weather camping, and I always bring fatty foods specifically for at nighttime because they seem to keep me warmer at night.

>> No.4011047

It pleases me greatly to see vegetarians put in a survival situation and faced with the harsh reality that their "choice" of eating lifestyle means nothing in the face of famine. America needs more food shortages. We would be so much stronger for it.

>> No.4011048

That's the idea. An MRE is meant to keep you alive for as long as possible. The 'catch' is that they're giving you exactly what you need when you're starving and you don't know where the next meal will come from.

>> No.4011049

that and people just need to man the fuck up and take responsibility... always whining and blaming others

>> No.4011065


Actually the recipients of the aid aren't the ones complaining. It's the NY Post, which is owned by a far right loon who controls most of the media your type of people get your "news" from.

>> No.4011120

got to "the Sandy five"


first world problems overload

>> No.4011127

That's because it's ration food, you retard. Stuff like sugar and fat is raw energy that will keep you going. It's not about making sure you eat the healthiest of diets; it's about making sure you don't fucking die of starvation

>> No.4011151

1180 calories, 45g fat, 1,330mg sodium
>2 BigMacs
1100 calories, 58g fat, 1,940mg sodium

what now?

>> No.4011159
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>mfw Army faggotards defend their horrendously disgusting packs of dog shit "food"

>> No.4011456

Oh, God.
Those people are not going to be prepared for MRE shits.
The East Coast is going to have backed up plumbing for weeks.

>> No.4011470

How exactly do you eat MREs? Do you need water (which I assume they don't have much of) or heat?

>> No.4011503


They come in special magic packages. You simply put the MRE in a package and it reacts somehow and heats the food.

>> No.4011520

So it is infact better than a big mac but they didn't compare it with equal size portions? And their conclusion is essentially just as stupid as saying; "it's packed with more sugar than a sugar cube!"

Fucking media.

>> No.4011525

>So it is infact better than a big mac

>> No.4011600

>Made for the military in situations where food must be compact and calorie-dense (good packing efficiency)
>Implying they are intended to be eaten three times a day like a normal meal

If this were a scenario where people were only able to eat 1-2 times a day, MREs would be perfect. They're all just stuffing their faces and getting porky, so they are apparently not as in need as FEMA of the NYC government has been made to believe.

>> No.4012833

Yes it is. The MRE will have a higher amount of protein and less fat. Are you dyslexic?

>> No.4012876


Wouldn't macro/calorie dense foods be ideal for refugees with already limited access?

This article is retarded.

>> No.4012956

Hey, if MRE's are good enough for the boys in Afghanistan, they're good enough for people in a temporary crisis #manthefuckup

>> No.4012961

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


>> No.4012963

>welp all my shit was destroyed
>no more house
>car washed away
>no food
>hope my kids dont starve
>hopefully someone helps me by handing over some free food
>you know, so my kids dont starve



>> No.4012979

Why is everybody spamming this smiley face?

>> No.4012985

One time I found that spooky skeleton copypasta and I posted it to /x/ and went back three hours later and the front page was FULL of that shit. These things just catch.

>> No.4012986

It's the start of an epic new meem, obviously.

>> No.4012994

Does it make more sense for FEMA to buy thousands of MREs with a shelf life of 5 years, or buy fresh fruits, vegetables, and meats every single week in preparation for a storm?

>> No.4012998

If someone bitched about an MRE to me I would literally kick them in the shin as hard as I could and then slap them on the top of the head like a Stooge.

>> No.4013000

>5 years

...Try 20.

>> No.4013089

I like to imagine they have some from WWII that are just underneath the rest and they can't get to them because you gotta put the new ones on top.

>> No.4013114

What the fuck, now SALT is bad for you?

>> No.4013126

That's right. Because people in stressful situations where their food intake is zero, need to be concerned about not taking in salt, sugar and fat.

Except no.
That's backwards.
In a survival situation every calorie counts, and you're a moron.

>> No.4013131

Too much salt can fuck your system up, yeah, but OP is just BS sensationalist media.

>> No.4013134

Those are the best ones... aged to perfection.

>> No.4013142
File: 224 KB, 1229x922, fast burger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


blood pressure, calories to shiver out, and a quick burst of sugar energy... whats wrong?

Until these folks get stable again, they should eat exactly like this. MRE's are FOR this very purpose. If it wasnt for their homes being completely obliterated, they could have had food stored up, but considering the circumstances, they should be thankful to have MRE's. Better than starving.

luxuries man...

Now if only FEMA could get its act together and keep their facilities safe and clean. That would be nice.

>> No.4013145

the worst part is, in a post disaster scenario where getting water can be difficult, a shortfall of sodium will cause the body to dehydrate more quickly... with salt, basically, the less you eat the more critical you get it regularly.

A week of disaster recovery and a person can go from eating a whole bag of Lay's salted saltato chips with salt flavoring, to savoring a single pack of saltines, because their body is just plain out of salt.

>> No.4013161

People have to go back home and pick up the damaged shit, and salvage a home if it's still standing, Some need those MRE's and LOL

>quoting new york post

>> No.4013164

I have eaten a 20 year old MRE. It tasted pretty much exactly like a new MRE, with the only exception being the candy was usually all fucked up. Funny, really, the 20 year old meat entree was fine (speaking relatively, of course) but the M&Ms had gone bad.

Anyway, MREs are perfect for this kind of thing. >extreme shelf life
>densely packed
>easy to store and ship
>Easy to distribute (no set up, no kitchen, just hand them out. no power needed)
>durable packaging to resist adverse environment one might encounter in a disaster zone
>dense calories
>contains moral items like coffee (kind of) and candy
>those little toilet paper bundles are awesome