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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 57 KB, 451x451, alcoholism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4009350 No.4009350[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Be honest, how many of you are suffering from what could be considered crippling alcoholism?

Do you get drunk four or more nights a week?

Is there a specific reason you get drunk so often?

>> No.4009362
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I've been a nightly drinker for probably three years now. Though I wouldn't call it crippling, I only drink at night time and it doesn't effect my daily life. I do it because it makes me temporarily content. I get depressed because I have few friends, no social skills, no girlfriend, and I spent five years in college obtaining a degree that doesn't mean jack shit. When I stay sober and get out and try to meet new friends and women I fail horribly which makes me even more depressed which leads me into a week long binge until I once again forget my social inadequacies and start feeling some semblance of contentment again.

Pointless sage on slow board for being off topic and not relating to food or cooking.

>> No.4009419

I drink almost every day but not always to the point drunk.
When I cook I always need to have a beer near by or it makes me feel like I'm doing a chore, the beer makes it seem fun and a relaxing thing to do.
I live alone and being shit faced is not cool, makes me more depressed and lonely the next day.

>> No.4009424

>/ck/ - Food & Cooking

>> No.4009425
File: 78 KB, 750x600, alcohol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am an alcoholic and a complete loser. I drink because not feeling anything is better than feeling like shit and inbetween being sober and blacking out there is a very small window of what i assume is feeling normal. It has ruined my life and I should probably care more than i actually do.

>> No.4009431
File: 47 KB, 540x410, alcohol_is_your_friend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Are you me? Except make that six years.

I have a coworker who really is a crippling alcoholic, he shows up at 10:45 every day with rumpled clothes, messed up hair, several day's beard growth, and an expression on his face like he woke up after a week long binge and is pretty sure he's wanted for murder.

I look to him and say, my habit ain't so bad. Never mind that I spend $150-200 a week on drinking. I get to work on time, I look pretty decent, and I can hold my liquor on those rare occasions that I'm drinking socially.

>> No.4009435

>I look to him and say, my habit ain't so bad. Never mind that I spend $150-200 a week on drinking. I get to work on time, I look pretty decent, and I can hold my liquor on those rare occasions that I'm drinking socially.
I like how retarded people think if they go to work on time they are in control.

You have set the bar high!

>> No.4009444

Not the guy you are responding to, but how is drinking alcohol detrimental to your job if you still show up on time, look nice and perform as you are expected?

>> No.4009448 [DELETED] 

I am talking about life retard, not simply your employment.

>> No.4009450

I am talking about life, not simply your employment.

>> No.4009452

My rule two rules for drinking is moderation and don't start drinking if I'm afraid I'll never stop (really depressed or in pain to where I know drinking will only number me).

>> No.4009454

Tehehehe, I saw what you did there. Retard.

>> No.4009455

So I take it you aren't really depressed or in pain tonight.

>> No.4009459

I worked at a wine store and saw some legit alcoholics - guys who had lost their jobs, wives and health and were still buying 3-5 bottles of sherry a day, just waiting to die. It made my bad alcohol habits at the time seem tame.

I was pretty depressed and hated myself, and when you hate yourself it's very easy to have mcdonalds and 6 tallboys for dinner every night. I never had trouble at work, but my health suffered.

These days I drink on average 6-10 beers a week, mostly microbrews and local craft beers. I'll have 1-2 during the week and then usually drink a 6 on saturday nights with friends. That, combined with no longer smoking weed, getting exercise and eating healthier has really brought my mood up.

>> No.4009463

Oh great, a teary loser circlejerk.

Take it to >>>/soc/ guys

>> No.4009464


>> No.4009466
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So do you guys rotate liquor stores in an effort to not seem like an alcoholic?

I have a regular rotation of 4-6 different stores depending on the week. There's one where the owners are indian and I feel like like they're judging me, but they don't seem like drinkers because their advice is always just memorized talking points. At the others I talk to the sales guys and they give me good suggestions, and for all they know I'm just a regular normal person.

The pathetic thing is, I pick my bottle in the hopes of making the staff think more highly of me. Sometimes I'll forego a perfectly decent drink because it has a certain image. No one will ever see it except me and the checkout person but someone will know and think less of me, and it is a horrible feeling.

>> No.4009473

He posted the same thing twice, but in the first one he used the word retard. That one was deleted.

>> No.4009475

After 3-4 drinks I cant stop until I blackout. If I try to stop I just feel really sick and often get a headache.
I am the quintessential binge drinker, but only drink 2-3 times a month as it takes a while for me to be able to look at booze again after a binge.
I also have a really high genetic tolerance. I've been known to consume entire cases of beer and still be coherent.. At a recent family reunion I downed the majority of a 1 litre bottle of glenfiddich over a 5-6 hour period and could still stand, although I spent 2hours wandering around the hotel looking for my room.

>> No.4009476

Proof or you are just a troll.

>> No.4009481

>Native Canadian
>Don't like the taste of alcohol, only get drunk a couple times a year at most

Am I an anomly?

>> No.4009482

I rotate between two stores and will go to each once a week. For all they know I only drink one handle of Jim a week but I really go through two.

>> No.4009483

Nope. I was when I lost my apartment and living with my father from hell. I found a room to live in so I took a drink. Cannot wait I finalizing everything Monday.

>> No.4009486

Teacher. Drink a liter of vodka everyday. Used to take about... Way too many hydrocodone and smoke a lot of pot. Nowadays, just the booze and way less pills. Think I am doing ok.

6 ft 4 in, 225 lbs. A liter is not so bad right?

>> No.4009488


Maybe I actually am an alcoholic, I sure type like one sometimes.

>> No.4009490
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I'm an alcoholic trying to work on getting better.

The problem isn't how many times I drink, but how much I drink. I drink 2-3 times a week, and I always pass out. Now I haven't been drinking since Tuesday, and it's a living fucking hell. I want some alcohol so bad. Then I had half a bottle of red label whiskey, 5 beer (50 cl) and half a bottle of cheap vodka. I woke up 19 hours later covered in my own vomit, which I then proceeded to sleep in for a few more hours.

My apartment is disgusting as fuck, and I'm always ashamed of bringing people here, but I know that whenever I clean it, I'll just fuck it up withing a few days anyway.

unrelated story:

so tonight I decided to stay at home sober due to having a fever. This just happened half an hour ago:
>it's 2:30 in the morning
>sit at computer feeling like shit
>suddenly call from one of my best friends who's crying and screaming for me to come down to my door
>dash down, see a guy holding her
>I've never fought sober, so I just pushed him away and pulled her in
>adrenaline fucked me up
>felt really awkward
>walk her home and decide to search for the guy
>don't find him so I walked home
>here I am, confused as holy hell with a high fever.

>> No.4009491

close to crippling, about to lose my house


gf died, dog died, fired from two jobs this year (unrelated to drinking)

I think my biggest problem is depression. Alcohol is how I cope with it. I don't see what difference drinking makes when nothing else seems to matter. Honestly, I wish I had a decent weed connect. I would drink a lot less. I worry about my liver lol.

>> No.4009495

Nah, a liter a day is bad. Better than pills though, way better than liquor and pills.

Why are you so stressed?

>> No.4009503

Not teacher but kids are bad as hell being a teacher is stressing him out probably

>> No.4009505

this sounds like the lyrics to a country western song.

>> No.4009509
File: 40 KB, 533x379, Jim_Beam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two is a lot man. I try to stick to one and don't count beer,wine, anything else. How long has it been since you went from one to two?

I started to make manhattans instead of shots. It helps moderate some. I can stretch out a handle past a week now.

>> No.4009507

>ITT: wahhhh wahhhh

First world problems.

>> No.4009511

I used to work in a liquor store and every day the same people would be standing out the front waiting for us to open. Put me off drinking for a long time.

>> No.4009514

Hank Williams = hillbilly Shakespeare

>> No.4009517

I drink around a fifth every day but wouldn't say I suffer from crippling alcoholism

I've gone "cold turkey" two times in the past 10 years and the only side effect was insomnia and nightmares

what I don't get is how people can let alcohol destroy their lives since it isn't much worse than weed

>> No.4009521

It isn't exactly two a week, a handle lasts me exactly four days. I'm not sure how long I've been drinking this much, I used to buy fifths which would last me between two and three days. Then I switched to handles because its cheaper and I got tired of going to the store.

>> No.4009528

Same here, I've quit a few times, up to two or three weeks at a time. I didn't really crave it or have any withdrawal symptoms other than feeling restless at night and being unable to sleep. Also noticed my face got less puffy like I was losing weight.

>> No.4009530

Teacher guy here

Teach special needs. Is a sad job, and went through a bad breakup about a year back. Never was a drinker before. My ex got hooked on painkillers and shit went wrong.

>> No.4009533

Have you tried cutting back? When I had a weed connect I cut it in half.

I when remember my girl and I used to drink a handle a week, and I thought it was fucked up.

>> No.4009534
File: 52 KB, 320x240, 5108-28290.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I was in middle school our assistant principle was an alcoholic and pretty much everyone new. He'd put vodka in his iced tea. We'd go out to his truck and look in the window during athletics class and half the time there would be a travel fifth of vodka in plain sight. The guy was alright though, tough as nails but cool. He reminded me of Clint Eastwood in Gran Torino.

>> No.4009539

I go through 1.75 liters of Evan Williams every four days and it's starting to take a detrimental toll on my health. I'm not sure what I'm going to do at this point, I can't sleep sober.

>> No.4009542

the first time I didn't drink was from a power outage that lasted almost 2 weeks and the second time was just lack of money

I pretty much just drink to have a good time so with no power or money there really isn't much of life to enjoy

>puffy face
I calculated that I consume about 1400 calories just in rum per day if the calorie count is correct from the internet. it's no wonder I don't really eat that much food or feel very hungry unless really wasted

>> No.4009545

I cut back a bit the last couple of months, I finally got a weed connection here. I'd say it was cut in half, roughly. Weed is nice and all sometimes but sometimes when I smoke I'll get an overwhelming feeling of anxiety and paranoia which I never get when drinking. A couple weeks ago I started smoking less, right now its probably been a week since I've smoked but I still have some. Hell, I may smoke a bowl tonight for the hell of it. I used to smoke all the time and then had to quit, that is actually when I started drinking daily because I couldn't go to sleep.

>> No.4009546

My students love me!

I only drink at night. I never get hangovers. Also teach auto. I think I am just Lonley and settled into a bad pattern.

>> No.4009548

I hear ya. You think of doing something else?

I want to move and try and start over but I'm too unmotivated to really do it. Some people call it running away, but I think environments matter a lot.

>> No.4009549

What sort of detrimental effect have you noticed? I haven't really noticed anything with me except insomnia when not drinking.

>> No.4009555

Teacher guy again

I am settled. I do not know what I could do to contribute more to society than I do. My only motivation in life has ever been women. Am sorta stuck.

Captcha: no lie. Settler held

>> No.4009556

An increase in tinnitus (ringing in the ears), an inability to think clearly/slight confusion throught the day, my eyesight has worsened due to serious eye fatigue from not getting a proper sleep and sitting in front of my computer all day isn't helping. These are all recent symptoms and I've been an alcoholic for three years.

>> No.4009566

>Be honest, how many of you are suffering from what could be considered crippling alcoholism?
I wouldnt say crippling, I can still function at my job, but it's definately a bad habit.

Do you get drunk four or more nights a week? if i have the time off. mostly it's twice a week, onc on sunday night, once on thursday.

Is there a specific reason you get drunk so often? boredom actually. I'm easily entertain when drunk, and since i havent had access to weed in 6 months it's all i have for now.

>> No.4009570

Man, thats a bummer. I'd definitely consider quitting or cutting back if I was noticing those things. Like I said all I get is insomia which I've always had to begin with. I've also gained weight over the last two years and I'm sure drinking as contributed some to that. I've always been a big guy though, the only reason I dropped a shitload of weight in college was because I obsessed over calories and would essentially starve myself. I'm eating normal again and even though I've gained weight I actually feel healthier because I'm getting nutrients. At one point my hair began falling out and my skin was getting ashy because I wasn't eating. Fuck, I'd rather be fat and healthy than deal with that.

>> No.4009574

> getting nutrients

You were probably eating really bad quality food, as is common with college students.

It is possible to get good nutrition and be a functional alcoholic. Just don't start drinking until you're done cutting your food and it's on the stove, making cooking sounds.

>> No.4009578

Another more recent symptom is that I have to literally force myself to eat. Like, I have to cram it down and chase it with water. I've lost tons of weight and I certainly don't look healthy.

>> No.4009580

I was eating very bad quality food but I was barely eating any of it. I'd eat like 800 calories a day. Dropped like 50 pounds and when I'd run into people from highschool everyone thought I looked great. Then my hair started falling out so I started eating normally and have gained like 30 pounds. Now when I run into old college friends they think I'm a fat fuck but fuck them, I feel better and my hair grew back.

>> No.4009581

I have a spectacular job, and am pretty good at it. I drink to a moderate point of drunken-ness almost every night, and have some difficulty falling asleep sober / insomnia.

I drink because I have nothing better to do / no motivation to do much of anything after a long day at work.

Eh, I should cut back, but I'm not that bad yet.

>> No.4009586
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that's the level I am on here >>4009566

>> No.4009589

A man walks into a bar. He’s an alcohol and it’s destroying his family.

>> No.4009590

>Never mind that I spend $150-200 a week on drinking.
This is why I hate alcoholics.

>> No.4009602
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>> No.4009603

All you drunks should buy better quality drink and drink it for the taste, pairing it with food ect and not just getting blotto, learn to appreciate a good drink.
If you buy expensive drinks you'll be less likely to sit there and pound it all down in one sitting.

>> No.4009607

I'm a recovering alcoholic.

>> No.4009611

You do not understand severe alcoholism.

>> No.4009612

I tried that. I ended up just pounding expensive drinks and spending a ton of money. I do like quality liquors better but the only reason I drink them is when I'm in public and don't want to look like a scumbag in front of my friends or strangers at the bar. Yes, I am on that level.

>> No.4009614

>You do not understand severe alcoholism.
I wish I had an addiction so I could be dark and cool :(

>> No.4009615


But I do buy good quality drink and food. If I was just drinking to get drunk I could cut that $200/week down to maybe $40. A few handles of overproof bottom shelf vodka go a long way.

>> No.4009622
File: 722 KB, 150x169, 1325895064795.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not cool at all, you numbskull. After a few drinks and the buzz is going, it does not matter whether the bottle cost $10 or $100, an alcoholic will finish it no matter what.

>> No.4009628

what is wrong with spending money on things you like if it doesn't effect you job?

people that like to drink do it for the feel and not taste

>> No.4009630

>implying being a party animal is a problem

Wow, people will bitch about anything these days. Little snowflakes.

>> No.4009633

>drinking a bottle by yourself in <6 hours and making sure to hide it from others
>party animal

Yea, gotcha.

>> No.4009643

Get over yourself, seriously.

>> No.4009652

Did you get mad because you realized you're talking about things that you know nothing about?

Very cute, seriously.

>> No.4009657

> sage

I don't think he's the mad one, bro.

Have a drink, all that sobriety is having a detrimental effect on your mental health.

>> No.4009658

Started drinking daily from 16, though that stopped when I turned 18 and was legally allowed to buy weed.

I find that my daily activities are far easier and more enjoyable when high rather than drunk. Been smoking daily for about 4 years now, alcohol just on social occasions.

>> No.4009660


Wow, imagine people with actually legitimate, non-self-inflicted, medical problems complained like "alcoholics" do.

>> No.4009678

I'm not an alcoholic but I'm a recovering drug addict and can identify with what that guy is saying. Being an addict is not easily understood by people who are not, but it fucking kills you man. 90% of all drug addicts die because of their illness. Usually addicts cannot just curb their intake of substances; they need to quit entirely in order to control their habits. It's a strong compulsion that is indescribable. Decent humans will lie, ruin their lives, get cirrhosis, lie, steal, shoplift, injure themselves and others, all for that next fix. You might not understand it but it's hell ):

And lastly, being an addict is not cool. the only reason I can discuss it openly here is because this is an anonymous board. I hide my problems from 99% of everyone I associate with because it's a huge source of shame.

>> No.4009690

>don't try addictive substances
>enjoy not being an addict

Hard stuff.

>> No.4009695


straying somewhat from the subject here, but >>4009660

hmm... addiction is a symptom. the real problem tends to be deeply rooted and its affliction is not self-induced. addiction in general is self medication.

>> No.4009699


whoa, how did that happen?

ignore the first part of that post :p

>> No.4009700

>its affliction is not self-induced. addiction in general is self medication.

Nice contradiction.

If it is medication, why are you guys all crying about it? Do what you have to do and shut up about it.

You don't here me crying about having to carry lube with me at all times because my cock is too big to rely on a woman's natural lubricant.

>> No.4009705


you misread my post... the deeper problem isn't self induced. it's a spiritual crisis.

>> No.4009713

I don't think anyone drinks specifically for the taste. I hear people go on and on about the subtle notes in an expensive decanter of bourbon, but lets get real guys. If the bourbon contained no alcohol and tasted the exact same nobody would be drinking it. Some alcohols taste better than others but in the end we are all drinking for the buzz. Some of us just have more money and like to show off what good tastes we have.

>> No.4009720

Because most medications aren't highly addictive and deadly? Even opiates are probably less harmful than a full fledged alcohol addiction. Opiate withdrawal is very uncomfortable and like hell but you'll survive. I think alcohol is the only drug where the withdrawals can straight up kill you if you just quit cold turkey.

>> No.4009726


Well, when someone who has admitted to being a full blow alcoholic says "I drink for the taste", in an alcoholism thread, it goes without saying that he's talking about drinking WHAT HE DRINKS for the taste, not just the act of drinking overall.

I grant that there are people who claim with a straight face to drink wine just for the taste and mean something totally different by that, and those people deserve to get their teeth knocked out.

>> No.4009756

You do realize that plenty of people are given plenty of addictive substances legally by doctors for existing conditions, right? Painkillers, sleeping meds, anxiety meds, etc. Some people legitimately need these substances but then get hooked. You're startlingly ignorant.

>> No.4009763

>taking sleeping or anxiety meds because the doctor told you to

Speaking of ignorance...

>> No.4009764


the thing about alcoholism and other "major" addictions is that you pretty much throw away your life for your fix.

>> No.4009770

There is no such thing as a 'major' addiction. Addiction is a serious matter no matter what substance you get high on. My point was that people often become addicts unintentionally while using medicine for legitimate reasons.

>> No.4009773

No, I'm into opium tea instead. And heroin when I can get it. Alcohol is worse to me.

>> No.4009782


that's why i used quotes. i hoped you would have understood what i meant; i'm not contradicting you. but the difference isn't the substance used, it's the degree to which it affects your life.

>> No.4009795
File: 32 KB, 356x456, mah_laig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

usually drink 1/2 a fifth per night for pain from crush injuries to my legs. judge away

pic related

>> No.4009800
File: 29 KB, 342x454, mah_otherlaig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least my other leg is ok.

or not. ooorah

>> No.4009815


>> No.4009827

No, you just arent a retarded faggot like most other abos perpetuating stereotypes

>> No.4009832

>isnt much worse than weed
tell your doctor that when your livers fails at 40

>> No.4009837

>what I don't get is how people can let alcohol destroy their lives since it isn't much worse than weed
Full retard.

Look at the health and socio-economic impacts of alcohol versus Cannabis.

There is literally no basis for comparison.

>> No.4009845
File: 29 KB, 489x320, omnomnomnom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


that too

>> No.4009848

I used to smoke weed every day but I quit and now I drink instead, I think I'm more productive as a drinker. If I drink too much of a night before work all I get is a bit of a head ache and I might sweat more than usual. When I used to smoke weed everyday I was paranoid as fuck under weight and it felt like my head was in the clouds and coughed up black shit all the time.

>> No.4009853

How could you be underweight if you smoked weed daily?

Did you smoke cigs too?

>> No.4009860

I didn't smoke cigs, I'd smoke weed then couldn't be bothered cooking so I'd just go to sleep hungry all the time and it fucked up my appetite so I'd order food and only be able to eat a few mouth fulls.
I know if I had a smoke now I'd get the munchies and eat nearly everything in my house.

>> No.4009863

Weed doesn't have calories.

>> No.4009866

It is an appetite stimulant.

But obviously you didn't want to pick the obvious meaning, did you?

>> No.4009867

I would drink almost every night if I could. I'm too poor for that so I buy a 4 pack of Natural Ice every few nights and have a nice few hours before going to bed.

>> No.4009869

Unless you swallow it. Then it has about as many as lettuce. (but not as many as cabbage)

>> No.4009884

I would think it has more calories than lettuce or cabbage.

>> No.4009886

this time of year, i drink to make the christmas music stop

>> No.4009923

I drink to feel numb. My body hurts 24/7, opiates work the best, booze is cheapest, and weed has its limits.

If you have dry heaves drink water, itll help against tearing your stomach lining.

When you wake up and cant stop vomiting bile, sip water and sugar, sugar is an electrolyte and even tho youll puke a lot of it up 3 minutes later, some will get to your body to help combat the trace amounts of methanol you digested.

Water is your friend. Not only for hydration purposes, but also to help your organs move the booze smoother. The toxins (methanol/denatured alcohol) are water soluble, so the more you piss, the more toxins leaving your body, BREAK THE SEAL!

If you sweat from not drinking at night, drink a beer before bed, keep one next to you also, if warm beer is nasty to you then you shouldnt be reading this.

... and try and get liver pills without asking your doctor

>> No.4009935


What are liver pills?

>> No.4009936

For cirrhosis

>> No.4009940


What do they do? Protect liver? Or delay damage? Or something else?

>> No.4009941


>> No.4009948

fuck if i know, but they make me feel better.

nope, i just have some advice for people who are hurtin...

>> No.4009956


weed suppresses my appetite

but i am bulimic and have sober munchies every moment of every day, so that could have something to do with it... very strange.

>> No.4009967
File: 101 KB, 800x764, GO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real alcoholics drink wine from a sack or the bottle while their worn, dog-eared copy of Big Sur (or other suitable Kerouac prose) peaks out from their been-through-hell-and-back denim jacket.

His thousand yard stare and rough cheeks tell you he has seen and done it all, and he doesn't give a shit about anything. He is cold, dark, and mysterious but if you catch him at the right time, about 3 fingers from the bottom of his second bottle, his warm heart becomes evident - like the fleeting crepuscular rays in the turbulent sky.

This heart-of-gold drunk is looking for his place in the world, and is at least honest with himself. Call him a modern day hobo or an urban tramp. Try to pin a diagnosis on him and put him in line.

Whatever you do, don't forget that this man is a gypsy, wandering this bleak world, just trying to soothe his soul and make it through the lonely night.

He is the alcoholic.

>> No.4009978

real alkies are all assholes to the person.

>> No.4009979

I hope you can make it through your problems without dying, man. I wish you the best of luck, thanks for the advice.

>> No.4009980

>thanks for the advice.
Like, uh, keeping a warm beer beside your bed?

>> No.4009983

I want to be an alcoholic now.

>> No.4009995

lol... how could i not die?

dont be so poetic faggot, just shut the fuck up and drink

>> No.4010001

I don't regularly post here, just stopping in to say that from September of last year until August of this year I was an alcoholic, drank every night that I could afford it. If I couldn't get drunk, pot would do, but failing that I would just go to sleep because fuck sobriety. This was all caused by a terrible break up after a long-term relationship. I'd get paid on Friday ($1500~ every two weeks and I only paid $250 in rent) and by Monday I'd be too broke for anything except cigarettes due to all the alcohol I'd purchased. I'd then spend the next two weeks drinking said alcohol/giving some of it away.

Four months sober, feels good man.

>> No.4010002

My drinking just cost me my job yesterday.


>> No.4010004

>and I only paid $250 in rent

>> No.4010005

>My drinking just cost me my job yesterday.
lol fucking loser

>> No.4010010


I had a roommate and so my share of the bills every month was $250. Thus, from $3000 my only legitimate expenses were cigarettes, food, and $250 rent. The point was that the rest of my money (probably over $2k/month) was spent on alcohol. Some of that was travelling expenses to go places to get drunk, or food at restaurants where I was getting drunk, or alcohol I bought for other people, but anyway the point was I bought a shit ton of alcohol.

>> No.4010017

Sounds normal to me. At least youre not shaking for days at a time...

>> No.4010031

alcoholism is serious shit. Withdrawal can literally kill you if you just stop.

=( Take care of yourselves guys

>> No.4010036

No shit - that's the point

>> No.4010057

I guess all the alkies passed out? I'm still here guys, pleasantly buzzed and still drinking. Sailor Jerry and RC cola tonight. What are you alcoholics usual drink? My staple is cheap whiskey and bourbon but I've been known to buy rum and tequila when its on sale. I don't like vodka, gin, or sweetish liquers. I love beer but I don't drink it to get drunk. I actually drink beer for the flavor. I don't like sweet things so I don't drink soda but to me beer is like a lovely savory soda. It really is like carbonated liquid bread, so good.

>> No.4010158

Are any alcohols still awake?

>> No.4010188
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Time for sunday evening Aus drun/ck/s.
I had been working in kitchens since I left school.
15 years.
I have been out of the industry for approx.1 year (I now do something even less ambitious)

Fuck.It is hard being an alcoholic with so much spare time in the evening.I pefered being industry & feeling I was simply upholding a status quo / amusing cliche
Captcha pour Kimean

>> No.4010189


>> No.4010204

Fuck. What time is it right now in Austrailia? And how fucking drunk are you? I've been drinking most of the night but I can still make sense, at least I think I can. I guess all the Ameridrunks passed out but I shall persevere. What are you drinking tonight, mate?

>> No.4010212

I think every day but I only get drunk at most one night maybe two.

>> No.4010215
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>> No.4010216

I like to drink but I don't worry about being addicted or it damaging my health, since I remain fit and if you told be I could never drink again tomorow I wouldn't really care.

OTOH I am very concerned about my actual addiction to cigarettes. I can quit for a few days or even weeks but I always start back up again, and it has a very clear impact on my health.

>> No.4010220

Being an alcoholic doesn't make you a complex, misunderstood, enigmatic person, you tryhard faggots.

Specifically, >>4009967

>> No.4010231

instead of "think", I believe he meant "drink"

>> No.4010232

I woke up 15 minutes ago, made some tea and already have whiskey in it. I have work in an hour. I will have at least 3 more cups before then, and another in a mug while i'm at work.
Is this alcoholic enough for you, /ck/?

>> No.4010248

I think I'm kinda borderline. 3-5 times a week right now. I feel like i just drink out of boredom. I'm sober right now, though. If I can get the kid to bed I might have some wine, the wine we bought for thanksgiving. Uncle money bags is coming down for turkey day and I know he'll buy us more. There's a gallon of rum in the freezer, but I'm going to try to stay away from that tonight.

Last night i finished off a bottle of free tequila from the night before and cracked into the rum.

>> No.4010258

I'm not an alcoholic. I have periods where I drink intensely and when I go out I usually down quite a few but after a while I get fed up and can go months without drinking anything. My sister self-diagnosed as alcoholic and the rehab industry were glad to confirm her delusion.

Anyone can control their drink, it's just a matter of how you view and approach alcohol. If you can't be bothered to exercise some self-control you're going to keep getting stupid drunk. Excessive drinking is a symptom, not an illness.

My dad has aways drunk too much and has made my family's life a misery as a consequence but it's not because he's an alcoholic, it's because he's a fucking dick.

>> No.4010279

I drink until I'm drunk every single day.

>> No.4010280

Looking at drinkers always, without fail puts a smile on my face. Life is never so bad when you know there's a person next to you who voluntarily causes his liver to fail and his guts to turn into a bloody mush, all the while pretending he's doing nothing wrong just because he makes it to work on time.

>> No.4010284

Have you lost both of your daughters and wife to a horrific tragedy?


Then you don't know what the fuck is going on in somebody else's head, dumb fuck.

>> No.4010289

I don't need to see into people's heads. You see, I can see the future, with the power of imagination! A future, where there is a blood-and-shit encrusted hospital bed, and what leads up to it is willful ignorance of the consequences of one's own actions.

>> No.4010301


That wasn't because you were skinny, that was because you were eating like a child.

>> No.4010305

My name is Anon, and I'm an alcoholic.

Tryied meetings, zero help. Got a script to help with the withdrawals, drank in 2 days. The only thing that helps you stop is desire to stop and don't want to stop.

>> No.4010311
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this is full of feels but shouldn't be on /soc/, /r9k/ or 420chan

>> No.4010316

Right now I just drink once a week at most, which is down from 2-3 times when I was in school.

If I had more money though, I would drink more.

>> No.4010318
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>> No.4010319

I work at a bar. That basically turns you into an alcoholic if you weren't already.
That being said, I am a very high functioning one.

>> No.4010321

I drink a glass of wine, or a beer or some juicy cocktail I mixed almost every day if have it around but if I forget about buying some or want to save money I don't miss it. I also never get wasted, just a bit tipsy and content.

So I don't think I'm alcoholic or in danger of becoming alcoholic, a good drink helps when you're depressed but it's really just that one drink. It's like when people accuse you of being addicted to the internet just because you use it a lot. I've had no internet for weeks and didn't have symptoms of withdrawal - just a lot more time on my hands...

Though winter is a bad fucking time. They sell glogg with a shot of rum on top of the regular alcohol in it at the cafe on my campus so I (and many other students) end up drinking that stuff as early as noon and during lectures.

>> No.4010323

wow this this is legitimately the worst thing i've read on this board. you probably wear a fedora.

>> No.4010326

My first drink was at 4am, when I woke up today, and every day for years because I only pass out for 5 hours at a time before I wake up for the next drink

>> No.4010330

It's funny noone here recognises Kerouac. Next time quote some Bukowski, you magnificant fucker.

>> No.4010610

>Smokes cigarettes
>Is fit

No. Pick one.

>> No.4010614

No one is saying this. Just you and that other faggot. This thread is for fellow addicts. Alcoholics are sad fucks who ruin their lives. Just because we are discussing our pathetic lives does not mean we think we are hot shit you idiot.

>> No.4010618

>Just exercise some self-control

Typical pleb thinking.

That's not how addiction works. I believe that addicts do have power over their addiction but addictive behavior literally rewires how the brain processes stress and reward. Has nothing to do with self-control. Go read up on that shit, especially if your dad is suffering from addiction. There are plenty of books written by doctors and scientists on the matter.

And bro, your dad is a fucking alcoholic. He's probably a piece of shit otherwise but it's impossible to separate which problems are from the drink and which are not when someone is that heavy of a user.

>> No.4010623

Alcoholics are some of the most unclean, disgusting pieces of filth that you will ever encounter. They also tend to be lazy as fuck.

I hope, for anyone's sake, that the alcoholics in this thread still maintain some kind of cleanliness. Throw out your bottles, don't keep them around. I've literally seen people keep 100+ bottles around just because they're too fucking lazy to recycle or throw them out.

My family is full of alcoholics and I'm trying hard not to go down that path. Sorry if anyone is offended.

>> No.4010625
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>> No.4010631

i usually drink 2 nights out of the week i kill about 10 beers at a time. I had a girl let her go. I have a few friends. I have worked for several employers including currently running my own business which has been slow and arduous. I am loosing touch with my few friends and dont see a woman anywhere in my future. I like to catch a buzz and socialize and forget all the problems for 2 nights a week. I just hope i dont turn into Shoenice. I got my degree in college and was offered a job thousands of miles away from my home which i didnt take and am glad now.

>> No.4010634

Not offended, you're pretty much right. I do throw out my bottles pretty quickly personally but I know plenty of alcoholics and junkies who don't and have personal hygiene issues.

>> No.4010639


I never have more than 3 empty bottles around. The 100+ thing is more for crippling alcohols.

>> No.4010642

Don't know if i'm an alcoholic I often go some time without drinking, but I do have a problem where I don't know when to stop. I keep it under control in public and won't get drunk unless everyone else is, but at home on my own If I open a bottle of wine i'm going to finish the bottle, and probably go out and buy another.

Sometimes after having a nice respectable couple of pints in the pub with friends i'll go to the Offy on the way back and pick up more wine or beer to properly do the job at home.

>> No.4010667
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My mom is a hopeless alcoholic who is depressed over the fact that she neglected my brother and I during our childhood oftentimes because she was drowning her sorrows in booze. Thus, I haven't touched a drop of it my whole life, aside from when I cook with it in sauces, because I never want to be like that. Everyone says I should just drink because it's fun and social and harmless but fuck that noise, I'm fine with never knowing what I'm missing. Same goes for drugs of any kind. I really feel for you guys who suffer because of addiction, it really isn't bullshit like everyone seems to believe.

>> No.4010695

I've had a similar experience growing up.

It sucks cause alcohol is so socially acceptable, it's like the norm. And when some person blacks out? People draw/shit/etc fuck with them and laugh.

Fuck that noise.

>> No.4010727
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I have a long-term problem with drinking behind me, and I keep seeing people in these threads going "it's just your weak will, I can handle it" and "I can do it 24/7 and not get anything bad out of it", and it makes me sad. They're just setting themselves up for the fall.

You kids are alright though.

>> No.4010775

I am Ojibwe and know way too many people who are basically the living dead due to addictions.

I have had one beer in my life. I haven't even smoked weed or a cigarette.

Not going down that route...

>> No.4010792


Pretty understandable. My mum is an alcoholic as well. She wasn't so bad when we were younger (she looked after us very well and was never drunk in the day, but would drink most evenings and every so often had these huge hysterical screaming fits at my dad for no real reason, which upset us a lot more than she realises even now), but went downhill very fast when we didn't need her so much (I was about 17/18, siblings were 14 and 12ish). She's drunk by early afternoon every day, her health is wrecked and she's completely batshit insane when she's going through a bad patch, she makes up all kinds of stories about the horrible things we've supposedly done to her and honestly believes in it, and ends up costing my dad a fortune because she gives away money or has it stolen by her dodgy friends and orders taxis for no reason. And while I do drink and see no reason to stop (I only drink socially once or twice a month and have no craving or need for it), my brother and sister have both made the same decision you made. They're 19 and 21 now so it's kind of unusual not to drink at that age- I guess it probably affected them a lot more since they were pretty young when the worst of it started.

>> No.4010963

He doesn't hardly drink anymore. Not enough to get drunk. All this "addiction this, addiction that" is just excuses to not face up to the consequences of their actions. They all avoid looking in the mirror to see their real faces.

>> No.4010975

I get drunk pretty much every night. Once in a while I take a night off. I've been doing it for around 10 years. There's something that I find really fun about getting lit and playing online video games. That and, I sort of hate myself also. I'm awful in social settings, and never had a real girlfriend because I'm an ugly guy. Drinking helps me forget that. And hey, life is pretty good. Just some minor things.

The real problem is I've been allowed to be a irresponsible man-child for so long. But, classes at the university will be getting harder in the winter, and I will be working again soon, so I think I will have to cut back a lot.

>> No.4010991

> university for 10 years


>> No.4011006


Your dad is not everybody else. Stop trying to equate him as such.

>> No.4011021

Heh, you sound like me. I get drunk almost every night and play vidya, watch netflix or dick around on the guitar. Its just more fun when I'm drunk. I don't get black out and vomiting drunk like some of these people, I just like to get a nice drunkenness going on and act like I'm ten years younger than I am.

My name is anon and I am a drunken irresponsible manchild. I spend my free time on 4chan, cooking, playing vidya, playing guitar, watching tv and getting drunk and smoking pot. I only work four hours a day, its the minimum I can work and still have enough to pay the bills. All my friends have more money than me and nice looking girlfriends but they are all stressed and unhappy with their life and work.

Fuck adult life, I've tried it. I know the consequences of my actions and I still only want to get drunk and spend my life playing around.

>> No.4011025

What the fuck is your problem? Seriously, fuck you. You don't know shit about addiction and I really hope your dad starts drinking heavily again. Maybe he can't 'stand to look in the mirror' because you're his shitty child, his ultimate failure.

>> No.4011027

How does an alcoholics cope with constant hangovers?After a few nights of drinking i cant even look at beer for a week.

>> No.4011029

Keep on crying, faggot, but get a grip.

>> No.4011030

Once you drink a shitload you kind of get acclimated to it somewhat. Most alcoholics therapeutically take small amounts of liquor regularly when they're not hardcore binging to keep the anxiety and malaise at bay.

>> No.4011033

You're the one who put him in a group. But seriously, all you people saying you can't stop drinking, you're not even trying.

>> No.4011051

>Thinks addiction is about willpower

Hahaha hah ahah ahahahah aha hahahah ah a

>> No.4011057

Of course it is. My dad was a smoker for years and he quit cold turkey without any 12 step program or nicotine patch. Maybe because all the kids were coughing up a storm but he did it.

>> No.4011058

I have done everything from alcohol to heroin and have never felt a compulsion that I coud not overcome with sheer will, dickwad.

>> No.4011064

People who drink have psychological problems. The drinking is a symptom not the disease.

>> No.4011078

You're not an addict you moron. I was talking about addiction. No one gives a fuck if you did heroin.

>> No.4011091

I went back 2 years ago :]

>> No.4011096

Circular logic
"Addiction is not about will power. If you gave up heroin with just willpower then you were never addicted".

Utter cack. A physical addiction is one that changes your chemical balance in your brain and body, like alcohol, heroin, smoking. You cannot avoid that. Loads of people beat these addictions with nothing but willpower however.

Other "psychological addictions" are just formed habits. They are beatable with concentration and willpower too.

>> No.4011155

I think they point was that if you can beat your so-called addictions with 'concentration and willpower' you're not addicted in the first place. Otherwise addicts would stop using despite multiple adverse consequences to their life.

Maybe you should write a self-help book since you have addiction all figured out. You'd make billions of dollars if what you're saying is true!

>> No.4011175

10st and 5'10", 23yo female, used to drink myself to oblivion 3-7 nights a week spending 100£< a week on whiskey and red wine. Stopped drinking a month ago, anxiety is gone and I've reached lvl 23 in League of Legends.

>> No.4011185

I drink about 10 litres of dirt cheap red wine every week.

I have no job, and I'm failing college. I live with my girlfriend and she doesn't know about either the wine or the failing. My entire life is basically maintaining this insane web of lies I've created, and purchasing booze with my student loan.

Right now I'm skipping software engineering classes to drink red wine from a sack alone at home, while texting my friends and girlfriend as if I was in class.

She's gonna be home in a couple of hours, I'll be puttting some wine in an opaque bottle and heading to the botanical gardens soon. I'll sit in the park and watch birds and drink for another hour or so, then go and eat some stinky foreign food to mask my breath before I head home.

>> No.4011213

I don't like the taste of alcohol and I don't like being drunk. I love being baked whenever I cooked something good though which ends up with me getting high like 3 times per week.

>> No.4011220

I've been in university for 9 years.

...grad school.

>> No.4011256

Has any of the alcohols in this thread ever been as far decided to drink mouth wash or any other desperate measures to get their drink fix?

>> No.4011267

Most people who claim to be addicts are just attention seeking faggots. If you're addicted to something you stop and find enough reasons to not become ensnared again. In the end, it becomes anathema. What you don't do is cry about it to other ex-users all day and try to have stuff banned as "evil" and users called "pushers" like most faggot addicts seem to do.

In short, if you feel that you're an addict you need to STFU and leave opinions for people who can handle the hooch.

>> No.4011272

> try to have stuff banned as "evil" and users called "pushers" like most faggot addicts seem to do.

Did you even read the thread?

>> No.4011306

What the fuck are you talking about? I don't want alcohol or drugs banned. Stop projecting.

>> No.4011318
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>> No.4011343

Sorry, I'm drunk.

>> No.4011471


>> No.4011469
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>mfw I've done heroin and other opaties before
>mfw I've never been addicted to anything

I wonder whether it's genetics or something but I really tried loads of diffrent stuff and never felt like I not having the control.

>> No.4011487

it annoys me how alcoholic has become equivalent to 'heavy drinker'.

an alcoholic is physically and/or you could argue mentally addicted to alcohol.

a heavy drinker can stop the next day if he has a reason to and not suffer withdrawal

>> No.4011556

Is alcohol physically addictive? I always thought it's a mental thing just like 24/7 stoners are just huge faggots and weed isn't actually addictive unlike cigarrettes and heroin for example.

>> No.4011566

>Is alcohol physically addictive?
Yes, yes it is. A full-blown alcoholic can literally die if he goes cold turkey.

The rest of your post confirmed you are retarded.

>> No.4011572

>I always thought it's a mental thing
its usually this or this and physical intertwined. it takes a shit-ton of alcohol and a long time to get addicted. you don't go that extra mile unless you have some issue in your life which makes the drink worth it.


my menu tonight.
Wagon tree bottle of wine and a 6 pack of rather tall looking cans of kronenbourg

>> No.4011577

...very simple things can be addictive physically. All addiction is in the end physical. It's brain stuff. And yes, alcohol is physically addictive.

>> No.4011596

>The rest of your post confirmed you are retarded.

But weed is not physically addictive. You can stop after smoking daily for months without having any withdrawl symptoms whatsoever.

I understand that but you can inject forcefully inject certain drugs into other people's body and after a while they will crave for more. This doesn't work with weed or lsd though for example.

>> No.4011601

>You can stop after smoking daily for months without having any withdrawl symptoms whatsoever.
Not true. Insomnia, depression, anxiety, etc. are common withdrawl symptoms associated with Cannabis use.

>> No.4011622

That's something I've experienced too but it only held for about 3 days and quitting cigarettes was actually way harder. I'm not fully convinced that that was physically or just me wanting to smoke some weed.

It's a very harmless "detox" though and even people who drink coffe regulary will get headaches if they suddenly stop.

>> No.4011632


Alcohol has one of the worst physical dependancies of any drug. For long-term alcoholics, withdrawal can be lethal. They get constant shakes and seizures.

Withdrawal from moderate dependancy involves insomnia, shaking, sweating, and arguably depression (it's not definitively known whether the depression is caused by the alcohol withdrawal itself or is just a side effect of all the miserable shit that withdrawal involes).

>> No.4011646

Well some drugs will make you addicted instantly and cause bad withdrawal symptoms others will make you addicted after a longer time of heavy use but still cause bad withdrawal symptoms.

>> No.4011660

But most people who claim to be alcoholics aren't even close to suffering from DT or significant withdrawal symptoms.

>> No.4011670

Yes? Maybe that's your personal experience. I don't know any people who admit to being alcoholic. People usually just are alcoholic and drinking heavily (so no withdrawal symptoms of course) but don't know or admit it. Or they realized it and are recovering or trying to stop.

>> No.4011673

all the acetaminophen in those will kill you unless you only take like 4 at a time

>> No.4011688

>Alcohol has one of the worst physical dependancies of any drug. For long-term alcoholics, withdrawal can be lethal. They get constant shakes and seizures.

this might be true for some people but if you want some serious withdrawals try getting addicted to coke or heroin

>> No.4011716

>> September of last year until August of this year I was an alcoholic

You weren't an alcoholic. You went on a bender. It happens.
Alcoholics are alcoholics for the rest of their lives whether they are sober or not.

>> No.4011747

Cocaine and heroin withdrawels won't kill you. Coke withdrawel is just like a one day hangover with cravings for blow. Heroin withdrawel is 3-4 days of living hell and then your good.

>> No.4011763

You're completely wrong. Alcohol is the worst withdrawal by far. Heroin has a reputation for having a bad withdrawal, which is true, but it's just cold sweats, insomnia, and anxiety. Pretty brutal for a couple of days but that's it. Alcohol on the other hand is all that x 10 plus organ failure, seizures, and death. Had two people in my family die from alcoholism.

>> No.4011852
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No, seriously... I can't drink too much beer two days in a row, and if I get drunk from any spirit, there's at least a 4 day pause before I can get shots of any kind again.

When and why did you start this habit?

>> No.4011854

I can read about people drinking a lot, but I rarely hear why... Can you answer this?

>> No.4011902


There's only 2 kinds of withdrawals that can actually kill you; Alcohol and Benzodiazepines (and that's only because Benzos act on the same receptors as alcohol - its the same withdrawal)

>> No.4011938

been drinkin daily for the last 5 months or so. drink a mickey + tallcans every night. also smoke about a joint or 2 per night. ive been meaning to quit everything cold turkey for a few months but every night when i get home i sit there bored as fuck thinkin how much more fun id be having if i was drinking and cave. i dont think its related to depression. im just generally bored as fuck when im sober. i used weed to solve this daily from age 14-19 untilll i turned legal and started drinkin at least once a week which gradually turned into few times a week then every day. i dont give a fuck tho

>> No.4012010

drank for about 5 year nightly to the point of passing / blacking out, been enjoyable so far.

>> No.4012032

What about Amy Whinehouse?

>> No.4012179

>Amy Whinehouse

wat? winehouse died from alcohol overdose, that's completely irrelevant to withdrawal

>> No.4012280

But the parents claimed it was from withdrawal. It was in the press for weeks, with all the pundits saying how sad it was that once she'd left her life of addiction her body just couldn't cope with health.

>> No.4012301

so her parents are morons or liars, I don't care. she died of alcohol overdose.

i can understand why they would claim it was withdrawal that killed her -- they wanted to think that she was getting better, that she was on the 'right' path etc -- that doesn't make it true

>> No.4012344
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ITT; Alcohol bad, drugs good.
Drugs no withdrawal effect, alcohol much withdrawal effect


>> No.4012423

My father was an alcoholic, he died on my birthday last year. I don't really care, he was a complete asshole 75% of the time.

>> No.4012598

It's actually not that hard to believe considering that acute alcohol withdrawal is far more likely to kill you than intoxication. But who knows.

>> No.4012631

This reply is directed towards this threads first few responses. In regards to work and appearances, who are you trying to impress?

Blah people who work with public (sales and secretaries).

>> No.4012670
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Feels so good knowing you're not alone in this shit.

>> No.4012706

>This reply is directed towards this threads first few responses. In regards to work and appearances, who are you trying to impress?
Ummm the people who pay you?

Are you 10?

>> No.4012764

Are you me?

daily drunker for 10+ years here. I consider myself an alco beacuse I drink knowing it affects my health, though it doesn't affect work or relationships. I care about my health and so drink "moderately" (a lot, but it could be a lot more), avoid getting wasted. But I'm not quitting even if it shortens my life span. I enjoy it too much.

Re addiction, I had no alcohol between jan and sep this year, 9 months, no withdrawl or cravings. The idea that if I'm not physically addicted, I'm not an alco is a load of shit.

>> No.4012773

I'm weird about my alcoholism. I drink way to much but I never drink if I have to go to work the next day. No exceptions.

>> No.4012780


only good post in this circle jerk of attention whores

>> No.4012784


"Getting drunk" is not alcoholism. I take it many Americans have never actually had an alcoholic father or mother.

>> No.4012786

So you are an 'alcoholic' that only drinks on weekends?


>> No.4012789

I drink until I get so drunk that I pass out every day. I still pull straight A's in school and have no problems at work. As a matter of fact, parents of the patientsI've helped care for have sent my supervisors letters of appreciation. I'm the highest paid paramedic in the department.

>> No.4012787

>I take it many Americans have never actually had an alcoholic father or mother.
You say it like it is a bad thing and they are missing out.

>> No.4012791

HAHA I guess. Now I don't feel so bad.

>> No.4012816


No, I'm just laughing at the people who drink 3 Coors and pass out going "Omg i'm such an alcoholic lol ^_^"

>> No.4012821

>I take it many Americans have never actually had an alcoholic father or mother.

Do you even america?

>> No.4012831

3 DUIs
at least 7 arrests that I can remember ( a couple i dont even know why i was arrested and don't want to know)
3 hospitalizations
life ruined
no gf
no job

>> No.4012846

I wish that was true. I'm an american and my mom drank herself to death and died of cirrhosis. 2 of my buddies have a legit alcoholic parent and 1 of them has a brother who is a homeless drunk ) :

>> No.4012894

Might as well keep drinking.

I just got my first DUI. Going sober.

>> No.4012898

i am so sorry, friend. you are still young, and life is limitless with second chances. please hang in there, ok?

>> No.4012930


>> No.4012945

Wrong and right. Yes, heroin/opiate withdrawal is not life-threatening like alcohol/benzos, but the "few days" thing is BS.

>Decade on opiates
>Relapsed recently after 3 weeks with 2 hours at most of sleep, sever anxiety and feeling like complete shite

>> No.4012950

Ibogaine motherfucker.

>> No.4012959

thousands of dollars...I don't have

>> No.4012964

Try $40. $80 at most if you cant get it legit in your country.

You don't need a clinic. You just need a friend.

>> No.4013001

Ibogaine has a lot of other uses than just heroin addiction treatment you know...

Like fun ones...

>> No.4013002

i drink about a bottle of wine a day.

i rarely ever get drunk anymore.

>> No.4013070

Alcohol and Benzodiazepines can and do kill people from withdrawal, even more so than opiates (including heroin) which is actually pretty rare, other than maybe methadone

>> No.4013081

>kinda lightweight
>drinking now and almost buzzed off 2 beers (7% and 9%)

Well, at least I don't have to spend that much.

>> No.4013088

"even more so than opiates (including heroin) which is actually pretty rare, other than maybe methadone"

What is that supposed to mean? methadone is not an opiate. methadone IS an optiate. its just synthetic. and worse than heroin.

>> No.4013119

thread full of alcoholics has 25% more spelling and grammar errors than average

>> No.4013121

Being a lightweight drinker is a gift not a curse. People try to brag about drinking alot to make up for the fact that their wallets are lightweights after a night of drinking

>> No.4013123

Your wronger then you think.

>> No.4013125

Say it again, brother. I would love to spend $2.00 on a bottle of Grolsch and suddenly become falling down drunk.

>> No.4013149
File: 36 KB, 400x313, 1349208792990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry if that post wasn't clear, I've been drinking. I meant that other than possibly methadone (which IS an opiate) the rest of the opiate group does not really kill people from withdrawals, which is contrary to common knowledge, the average person would probably tell you that heroin has the worst withdrawals.

>> No.4013173

>250 posts in a thread about alcohol on /ck/, a cooking board, and no one has discussed bar snacks yet?

Which bar snacks do you prefer whilst you drink yourself into oblivion?

>> No.4013179

True alcohols don't have bar snacks, we just drink more. Bar snacks are for tourists and weekend drunks, daily drinkers just drink.

>> No.4013194

I don't eat "bar snacks." However, once I ate popcorn. It wasn't very impressive.

>> No.4013197

>250 posts in a thread about alcohol on /ck/

Im sure its not a coincidence. working in a restaraunt is frequently like working at an off the wagon AA meeting

>> No.4013198
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Goes well with the straight Jim Beam Black.