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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 140 KB, 496x384, wiener-schnitzel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4005668 No.4005668 [Reply] [Original]

Some anon was talking about some weird Austrian pancake shit on another thread and I had a flashback of eating the most fucking delicious food when I was in Austria almost 10 years ago. I was wondering if anyone could figure out what some of the things I ate could be so that I can scout the internet for recipes.

Bear with me, it was a very long time ago.

1. Some kind of dumpling thing with whole plums inside them. They were about 2" in diameter, maybe. The person who cooked them didn't speak English and I didn't speak German well enough to ask what the fuck she was doing, but she opened them in the middle and inspected them thoroughly before serving them to me.

2. A sort of cold mashed potato thing with finely chopped onion or perhaps shallot?

3. Another sweet dumpling thing, largeish. About fist sized. Looked like raw bread dough.

There was more stuff but I can't think of any right now. If there are any Austrian anons around that would like to share some traditional dishes that'd be awesome! Everything I ate there was outstanding. Picture related, motherfucking schnitzel was to die for.

>> No.4005686

At least one of the dumpling things was a Germknödel. I know them as the largeish version, but with plum marmelade inside. You eat them with powdered sugar and poppy, and/or vanilla sauce.

The cold stuff sounds weird, the only thing in Germany with cold potatoes in it would be Kartoffelsalad, but that would normally not be mashed, just potato salad. I'm going to do some internet reseach.

>> No.4005689

Maybe Buchteln? Did they look like this?


>> No.4005699

Could be, looks good to me...I honestly only remember the lady cutting them open for no reason I could understand and them being outrageously good.

>> No.4005703

Ah yes, that looks right!
As for the potato thing..it was served in a bowl as a side to a larger meal, but it was deffinitely not a potato salad. It was mostly smooth except for very, very finely chopped onions(?). It was a little acidic, could have had some yogurt mixed into the potatoes, perhaps.

>> No.4005712
File: 89 KB, 424x283, Zwetschgenknoedel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first could be "Zwetschgenknödel"

>> No.4005715

AH! Dont know about the outside but the inside looks exactly like I remember!

>> No.4005747

2. Should be Kartoffelsalat.

No idea about 3. was it filled? sweet or sour?

>> No.4005753


>> No.4005760

It was sweet, filled with I'm not sure what, some kind of jam maybe?. Previous anon said it could be Germknödel and that looks right to me except all the pictures I saw of it had a bunch of powdered stuff on top and the thing I had didn't have it. I had it in somebody's house so I don't know if that could be why it was slightly different.

>> No.4005773

Yeah could be Germknödel, usally filled with powidl (plum marmalade) and comes with vanilla sauce.

>> No.4005776

or just melted butter which I like a lot more.

>> No.4006005
File: 38 KB, 500x375, kartoffelsalat-mit-speck-und-zwiebeln_20080717102654689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No, that definitely was German/Austrian potato salad. There's lots of different variation of this dish but vinegar and onions are very essential to it and if the potatoes are cooked for a long time they'll fall to little pieces by themselves. Tere's probably even recipes out there where the potatoes are mashed beforehand. Just go hunting for Kartoffelsalat recipes until you find the right one, they are all delicious.

>> No.4006033

2. Could have been "Erdäpfelkas",
though it's used as a spread normally.

>> No.4006037
File: 86 KB, 500x375, 347600-big-zwetschkenknoedel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those are Zwetschkenknoedel.

>> No.4006039
File: 517 KB, 3008x2000, Wiener_Erdaepfelsalat_CR_JLENK_0130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2. Kartoffelsalat probably?

It's the default side dish to Schnitzel.

>> No.4006041
File: 199 KB, 430x309, Germknoedel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3. Probably Germknoedel

>> No.4006047
File: 193 KB, 368x357, Marillenknoedel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Maybe it was apricots instead of plums?

Marillenknoedel are a lot more common. (And better if you ask me)

>> No.4006112
File: 44 KB, 324x216, czechings.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

švestkové knedlíky
bramborový salát
kynuté knedlíky s povidly

>> No.4006124


Austrian here.




The funny thing about Austrian food, is that its really easy to make.

Mahlzeit /ck/!

(Austrian German for Bon Appetite!)