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File: 603 KB, 960x686, barqs-vs-anw (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4004382 No.4004382 [Reply] [Original]

The Great Debate: where do you fall, /ck/?

>> No.4004387
File: 318 KB, 370x900, img-ibc-root-beer_023711571236.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4004407

either is fine with me. I think I might have a slight preference for AW. It seems a bit smoother I guess.

>> No.4004409

Not included, this is between the two big guns.

>> No.4004410


>> No.4004411

I agree with this co/ck/sucker here.
Ibc root beer is the only root beer

>> No.4004419

I use coke. You should try it.

>> No.4004428
File: 44 KB, 484x702, 5083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get on my level plebs

>> No.4004435

No preference honestly.

>> No.4004446
File: 169 KB, 295x278, 1352577920543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rootbeer from a can

I don't care if its just mental, I taste a difference. Glass bottles errday

>> No.4004453


>> No.4004468

Virgil's (I think that's the name of it, but really any microbrewed) > Frostie > Barqs > AW > IBC > Mug

They're so damn sugary though I can't hardly drink them. But, yeah, Barqs definitely over AW.

>> No.4004501
File: 155 KB, 883x662, st-arnolds-root-beer-bottle-pack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only drink high quality rootbeer brewed in my city less than two miles up the road. I ride my bicycle there and buy it directly from the manufacturer. I haven't had Barq's or A&W in many years, in fact I didn't even know they were still being sold. Of course I wouldn't know, I haven't stepped foot inside of a corner store or a mainstream grocery store in ages.

>> No.4004504

Between the two, Barks. The stuff has more of a bite. A&W is too creamy and soft for my taste.

>> No.4004512

Glad to see someone else knows of Saint Arnold's Root Beer. I get that stuff at my local grocery store (I think they stock it since the brewery is in town). It is the best root beer ever.

>> No.4004517


This guy knows where it's at.

Fuck that other nasty shit.

>> No.4004520

You never go inside gas stations?

>> No.4004523

It really is. I was trying to be witty and sarcastic with my post, I'm not really a hipster prick. But yes, Saint Arnold RB is the shit, glad we have it here. And I buy it at HEB like the rest of us plebians.

>> No.4004525


...so you live off root beer?

>> No.4004541
File: 186 KB, 244x900, 567890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4004596
File: 62 KB, 313x413, This.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My pic should say it all but oh my god. Why can't I hold all these flavors?

>> No.4004606

Why is it every root beer thread gets derailed with people posting their oh-so-special microbrews? You guys are just as bad as beerfags.

>> No.4004611

Fuck yes. Sprecker's is the best brand for Root Beer and Cream Soda.

>> No.4004610

Sprecher is clearly the best root beer

>> No.4004618


>> No.4004619

Ever tried their cherry cola?

Also excellent

Too bad their actual beers aren't as good

>> No.4004627

They make actual beer too? I had no idea. I've only seen their root beer and cream soda. They used to sell it near me but the only time I've been able to get it in the last 5 years was when I happened to see some in a visit to Richmond.

I make due with Virgil's but its just not quite the same level.

>> No.4004629

barks has bite

>> No.4004632
File: 24 KB, 220x330, sprecher Black.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I know beer distribution laws suck so they might not sell the beer in all the same states the soda is. This is probably their best beer, and a style that not many other american breweries have mastered

>> No.4004645
File: 160 KB, 340x408, 1352926961323.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because obviously we like them better than other root beers. Are we here to have brain-sharts about only two varieties of root beer? Or are we here to discuss good root beer? If we only had two to choose from it would be a pointless and endless argumentative shitstorm. If we can discuss other varieties then some of us might actually learn something/share information with somebody else.

You sound like you have a case of the fat-brain. Is a gentleman's discussion on rootbeer too much for your little one track mind to handle? Do you freeze in dumb terror when you have more than two choices?

>> No.4004650

There were two options. Barq's or A&W. All other answers are off-topic. I mean, OP included a graphic just in case you are unable to read, and you still manage to fuck it up.

Barq's or A&W.

>> No.4004658

>All other answers are off-topic
Well what a boring topic, no one gives a shit about Barqs and AW

Both taste ok, neither are great, not nearly interesting enough to support a thread

>> No.4004673
File: 39 KB, 300x453, iron_chef_narrowweb__300x453,0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the point in a discussion/argument when there are only two options? We could argue forever and neither would win. No knowledge or anything of value will be gained. Why not instead discuss what we think are the best rootbeers? If you've never heard of one somebody is talking about then you've learned something new. Maybe take a gamble and try it if you get a chance, I mean you may very well like it better than the one you usually drink. This is the whole point in communicating. We are gifted with speech not to fight but instead to learn from one another.

>> No.4004672

Yup, can't beat Sprecher. Their beer is damn delicious too.

>> No.4004681

Because that wasn't the topic.

>> No.4004684


Agreed, their Black Bavarian might be the best Schwarzbier made in the US.

Also, IBC > Barq's > A&W

>> No.4004699
File: 80 KB, 600x800, IMG_0533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I personally have always hated floats until I ordered a cream soda in Japan and got this with vanilla ice cream in it instead of a normal cream soda.

Makes sense it tasted good since Melon Fanta is the GOAT

>> No.4004703
File: 233 KB, 587x1921, Boylan-Root-Beer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck every last one of you.

>> No.4004704
File: 88 KB, 260x260, 1345319082976.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4004711

OP here, I agree. I was strongly in the Barq's corner until I saw A&W was on sale for $.88/2 liter. It was pretty excellent, both definitely have their merits. I think I prefer Barq's when paired with a meal, and A&W by its lonesome.

>> No.4004784
File: 176 KB, 640x426, filbertsrootbeer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This x 8 (turned 90 degrees)

Except i only drink the finest of the fine

Feels like pleb city bitch pleb pleb city bitch in here

>> No.4004807

Sprecher's for king.

Good call, bro.

>> No.4004809

All of this. This is so much win

>> No.4004818

my nigga

>> No.4004870


reporting in you bitch niggas.

>> No.4004881
File: 21 KB, 267x365, sasparilla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is common for the uneducated masses to fall for lesser things, however there are a select few who seek enlightenment.

Are you one of those few?

>> No.4004983
File: 31 KB, 600x600, sea-dog-root-beer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ever since I spent a few years in Maine. I have been shown the light. Also all their brews are tasty as fuck, and I hate drinking beer.

>> No.4005006
File: 337 KB, 800x600, DSCF4527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4005018

Fuck both, fiery ginger beer is where it's at

>> No.4005055

holy fuck I havent had a good root beer float in a long time. Making one tomorrow. Thanks OP

>> No.4005061

I've tried many many root beers over the years... I still have yet to find anything better than IBC in glass bottles - cold, but not too cold (I used to have a friend who would keep them in his garage, resulting in the perfect temperature)

One of the best meals I ever had in my entire like was a turkey/tomato/swiss sandwich on a toasted onion bagel with steak fries, accompanied by three bottles of IBC. I still think of that sandwich whenever I have a bottle.

>> No.4005185

what if you put ice cream in a stout beer like Guinness would it be good?

>> No.4005188

I've only ever really seen A&W in the UK. I've seen that other one in american import shops, for like $2.50 a can.

>> No.4005206

ibc is part of the superior race

>> No.4005210

>turkey/tomato/swiss sandwich on a toasted onion bagel with steak fries
Sounds fucking great, needs bacon.

>> No.4005211
File: 69 KB, 500x667, 00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ibc is very very average

henry weinhard's root beer is much better

>> No.4005253

None because no root beer at all here.

>> No.4005655
File: 20 KB, 250x250, pop-shoppe-root-beer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plebs everywhere.

>> No.4005661

Thirding this.

>> No.4005671

That's like asking me to choose between my left or right testicle, OP. I wanna keep'em both. Props to the IBC fans too. And nobody has mentioned Stewart's Birch Beer yet so I'll throw that out there too. It's hard to go wrong with any kind of root/birch/sarsaparilla soda... they're all so delicious and respectable in their own regard.

>> No.4005677


>> No.4005742

Fuck yeah, it's Sprecher or that one. Weinhard's vanilla cream soda is godly too. As is Boylan Bottling Co's creamy red birch beer, but neither of those are exactly on topic.

>> No.4005834 [DELETED] 
File: 678 KB, 1988x2332, Wild-Bills-Root-Beer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another one that deserves a mention along with those is Wild Bill's root beer. I don't think there distribution is very wide though, mostly just in specialty shops or online so I don't think many people know about it. The strange thing is it's one of the sweetest (In a good way like cotton candy) I've tried but it actually has less calories than a coke (which is odd because root beer is usually slightly more).

>> No.4005851
File: 678 KB, 1988x2332, Wild-Bills-Root-Beer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another one that deserves a mention along with those is Wild Bill's root beer. I don't think their distribution is very wide though, mostly just in specialty shops or online so I don't think many people know about it. The strange thing is it's one of the sweetest (In a good way like cotton candy) I've tried but it actually has less calories than a coke (which is odd because root beer is usually slightly more).

>> No.4005858