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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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3998231 No.3998231 [Reply] [Original]

How is /ck/'s diet in comparison to your skin? Do you eat lots of veggies and fruit? Meat and eggs? Chips and soda?

>> No.3998238

I eat lost of meat, potatoes, pasta, bread, and beer.

I really don't like green vegetables unless they're in season and picked fresh locally (with the exceptions of asparagus and bok choy).

>> No.3998239

Oh, and my skin's great, but I think that's more of a hereditary thing.

>> No.3998240

As long as I keep the dairy in check my skin's squeaky-clean

>> No.3998251


I eat what the nutrifascists and orthorexics would consider crap, but in small amounts. I take vitamin D, zinc, fish oil. My skin is great with the occasional exception of razor bumps.

>> No.3998261

If you want nice skin you have to understand your skin in it's natural state is your skin oily? Dry? wrinkly? Do you have rosaecha?

Eat foods like fish and other foods that are rich in Vitamin E and rainbow veggies slightly favoring the orange/yellows (beta carotene is very good for your skin/hair and eyes).

Use a skincare regimin that includes a gentle soap, a harsher soap (use only once a week), an astringent, a night and a day lotion. Wash face x2 daily, use gentle soap, the astringent and day lotion in the morning, use night lotion at night (if you're a dude there are some with a hair growth inhibitor that are nice so you don't end up with a 5 o'clock shadow and shaving is easier on your face).

I am a fem and I eat a balanced diet of non wheat grains (whole grains like oats), veggies, and meats (mostly chicken and pork). I don't eat a ton of fruit, but I eat a ton of veggies. I have Tzone oily dry cheek skin, but I rarely break out.

I hope that helps you.

>> No.3998274


Oh and I wear makeup daily. So if your a chick invest in some eye makeup remover to avoid getting mascara in your eyes as part of your night regimen.

I don't do chips or salty foods as it makes me puffy and I already have stubby fat fingers (despite being 5'9" and 140).

Best thing to do for acne is lower your stress level.

>> No.3998299


Not sure what the "despite" is for, tubby. I think fat acceptance camp may not have been so good for your long term health.

>> No.3998308

>So if your a chick invest in some eye makeup remover to avoid getting mascara in your eyes as part of your night regimen.


>> No.3998311
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I come from a meat and potatoes family, and I eat meat and potatoes. Sometimes instead of potatoes I eat rice. When I'm not eating meat and potatoes, I eat macaroni and cheese. My main vegetables are broccoli and onions. I usually forget to eat fruits entirely and depend on tomato sauce for my vitamin C intake.

My skin's pretty smooth and silky, but it used to look like crap. I used to think it depended on diet, too, but I've found that stress has a much larger effect on it than any of the crap I eat.

>> No.3998324

That's way closer to underweight than it is to overweight.

>> No.3998342


Y'all need to check your privilege


>> No.3998353

agreed. They'll come up with a myriad of stupid fucking products like eye cream, face cream, neck cream, butt cream, hand cream, etc. when everything can be moisturized by shit like olive or coconut oil.

Excluding dairy, I don't think diet plays a huge role in your complexion's appearance, I know a raw vegan who had numerous blemishes and a cluster of cysts on her upper forehead despite eating a diet with no junk food at all.

>> No.3998404

Dude, my point with that was that I do things to my skin that can harm it (like wear makeups... or no sunscreen), and I still have awesome skin because I take care of it properly. Everyone has different skin so they will need different things in their skin care regimen (which is why there is inner elbow cream and butt cream lol), i.e. if one thing worked for everyone then there wouldn't be so many options.

Diet has very little to do with skin outside Vitamin E and beta carotene intake.


>> No.3998428

Tons of fruit, almost everything fresh cooked, almost no junkfood. I still have a constant acne going on. I guess it's in the genes, my mom also has bad skin.

>> No.3998426
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What in God's name

>> No.3998432

When it comes to what I eat I usually limit the junk food to desert (bowl of ice cream) and depending on the season one of those tiny candy bars, like I have those right now because of Halloween candy being on clearance. Aside that it's a lot of oat-related foods and vegetables, and I also really like chicken and spaghetti.

I don't really get much acne anymore but I did have a pretty bad breakout recently after my cat died, probably due to stress. I also seem to breakout a little whenever I have my period. Damn hormones.

>> No.3998435
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>> No.3998436

>Having to do anything but bathe to 'take care of your skin.'

Shit genetics detected

>> No.3998444
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>> No.3998457

And all the women in the left column will die alone

>> No.3998459

My skin is in pretty good condition and my diet sucks. I moisturize, exfoliate, and take supplements though.

>> No.3998464


>> No.3998465
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Why can't I hold all this straw??

>> No.3998468
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The goddess of /ck/ dines on Wanda's Macaroni Salad eight times a day, and her skin is flawless

>> No.3998474

Except for the three inches of make-up and fat under it.

>> No.3998510

Good LORD grow up, you can be beautiful even by society's standards and be a good person. The two are not mutually exclusive you feminist piece of shit.

Stop trying to self righteously justify the fact that you're fat and STILL a bitter asshole.

>> No.3998519


It's a picture, Anon. It can't hear you.

>> No.3998543

You have to remember that fat activism denies healthiness as a goal:

In order to ~take back~ their self image from the patriarchal menz who demand they be skinny, they celebrate every body even if that body is going to heart attack from all the fatness because "she's her own person men can't hold her down big is beautiful too!"

It's sick

>> No.3998559
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Nasty. I take it you bathe on daily basis?



Yes, skin produces oil, but I still wouldn't go spreading it over face as moisturizer. Especially if one has greasy skin already...

I do agree on the >9000 creams though. Lies and trickery.


6' 170lbs male here. I understand a little but still the site is inconsistent as hell. At first it just seems a bunch of cynical angst jumping at you and every link leads to more angst.

People have different genetics that more or less determine your body type. I don't care if someone is fat or not. Weight being a health issue or bothering oneself is a different thing though. I have an acquaintance, one of those "healthy" people. They're zealous and manic, one could say that even obsessive-compulsive about it, like a religious extremist. Hypocrite, as well. Gets their sense of self-worth from bashing others' appearances, completely overlooking how they are as person. Acts nice towards the said people. Used to be a fat wimp, probably being the cause for all that. Extremely worried about gaining weight or others gaining weight. Complains about getting judged while judges others. Oh irony.

TL;DR extremists are nasty

>> No.3998566


It really pisses me off. You can be beautiful and smart, you can be ugly and dumber than a box of rocks, the two are unrelated. Replace ugly with fat, crazy, deranged, have poorfagness, as needed.

/end rant about fat assholes I swear...

>> No.3998567

>sometimes meat
my skin is kinda shit right now

>> No.3998574
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Diet of mostly liquor, water, beans, rice/tortillas, vegetables, and meat. Great skin.

Is this some pathetic excuse for fat chicks?

>> No.3998592

I mainly eat a diet of fruits, veggies, meats and fish, eggs, and nuts, with just a little whole grains, and my skin is great. So is my hair.
Now, every once in awhile, I'll have a little binge where I'll eat a bunch of crap, and it always shows up on my skin, in the form of oiliness, small pimples, etc. Although, the internal effects are worse, lol. When I eat greasy or sugary foods or things like that, I get bloated and feel sluggish.
The most important thing to keep your skin looking good though, is to stay hydrated. You gotta drink that water!

>> No.3998595

Don't know about coconut, but be careful with olive oil. It'll give you beautiful skin for a few weeks, but then you'll break out like hell. Not to recommend.

>> No.3998603

I eat nothing but raw organic fruits and veggies and my skin is as crystal clear as ever. Also, it is incredibly important to maintain hydration. Get your eight glasses a day ladies and gents.

>> No.3998688

>I don't buy/eat processed food that comes in a bag or a box
>tend to graze, not do sit-down types of meals
>drink water when thirsty - no soda, juice, milk

lost 40 pounds since May without elevating activity level - actually a lot less since foot surgery 3 weeks ago.
easily pass as 15 years younger than actual age

>> No.3998831

I am a dude that eats shitty and has a completely decent complexion - in fact, people often assume that I am about 5 years or so younger than my true age (32).

>> No.3998931

I eat lots of grains, potatoes, meat, and eggs. Little fruit and veggies. No dairy. I get the occasional spot of acne here and there, but so does my mom and she eats extremely healthy.

>> No.3999206

>oily skin :(
>barely eat junk foods, except for dark chocolate and bulk dried fruit/mixed nuts (not sure about the amounts of sugar/preservatives in there)

Sigh. I'm thinking it's the water that makes the difference. That, and genetics.

>> No.3999249

i am a male, 23, my diet is great at times; awful at others.

my skin is terrible and has been for 5 years, though i lack the discipline to restrict my diet. i have an obsessive relationship with food which makes things difficult for me.

>> No.3999292

Skincare is like one of my favorite topics to discuss.

I drink lots of water and eat a healthy-ish diet nowadays but there was a period when I subsisted almost entirely on sugar free Red Bull and gummy bears. I've always had good skin though, and I attribute that to genetics and taking meticulous care of it. I've been using anti-aging skincare since I was 15, always carry out my skincare routine no matter how tired or drunk I am at night, wear sunblock every single day and never ever ever touch my face unless my hands are clean. I don't wear makeup except for special occasions and when I do, it's always the hippie-dippy organic stuff. I'm a little obsessed.

>> No.3999306

I have very clear skin and an even complexion. I eat a very strict diet for the most part, no fast food and pretty much nothing processed. I do eat treats frequently (I run 30-40 miles a week), usually something like frozen yogurt. I eat a lot of veggies and fruit as well as all different types of meat, I try not to go too carb heavy but not to the point of being too anal; I just make my carb serving sizes smaller.

I am a functional alcoholic though. Glorious hypocrisy.

>> No.3999308


I also wear makeup daily but I have a decent skincare routine.

>> No.3999319 [DELETED] 

I had perfect skin until I got my ass beat

Indifference and fear is what I run on.

>> No.3999320

eastern europeans have the best skin

precisely why they have the most brutal anal porn.

>> No.3999322
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No sugar
No snacks
No fastfood
No soda

Veggies, fruit, carbs.



>> No.3999325

Have you graduated high school yet?

>> No.3999326

Are you saying it's nasty that I don't have to use a shit-ton of medications/scrubs/gels/what-have you to keep my skin clear or.. I'm not sure what you're trying to say.
I just bathe and wash my face with whatever bodywash/soap bullshit I'm using

>> No.3999332

Yeah I'm young (19).

>> No.3999340
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>> No.3999348

I eat a lot of bananas and peanut butter, also almonds, coconut, oatmeal, yogurt and chocolate. meatwise i like pork and shrimp, but eat a lot of chicken thighs because they're so cheap

My skin is great

i take a b complex and that's supposed to help with skin i think, i only take it for energy though

>> No.3999355

It'll go away soon enough.

>> No.3999368

It cracks me up how people think that dairy directly correlates to acne.