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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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3989035 No.3989035 [Reply] [Original]

Describe the worst service you have ever had at a restaurant.

>> No.3989046

I once had to wait a while for food. That was it.

>> No.3989069

One time I saw this guy shit on a table.

>> No.3989075
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Baked potato that was raw in the center.
Server AND Manager argued with me about "thats how we do them here"
>nah bitch
>Chef 101: bake potatoes throughly
Ordered steak Medium.
Got Well done.
>"Thats how its done here"
>not a single ounce of pink in the center
Bitched to the Exec Chef, who chewed out both the assholes.
Got half my money back.
Havent been back since.

>> No.3989095

I have never had service bad enough to reflect the image you are using, OP. Really. /co/ has to do better.

>> No.3989104

Went to outback steakhouse; got a sweet potatoe. Was burnt on the outside, bland and tasteless on the inside. Complained, got another potatoe. Just as nasty as the first. Complained-agian-got free meal.

Never went back.

>> No.3989114

Not at a restaurant but this one time a pizza delivery guy dropped a pizza on my carpet.

>> No.3989132

>Traveling from GA to OH
>In the middle of Kentucky.
>Old man father is narcoleptic as fuck, demands that he get a steak because that's the only way he'll stay up.
>Alright dad.
>Get off on exit, no food places for miles.
>Suddenly, beautiful steakhouse, built in to the side of a cliff appears
>Dad says that this is where we will be eating.
>Alright cool, prolly has sweet ass shit.
>Walk in, place is decorated incredibly, legit ass place, beautiful view with giant windows
>But why the fuck are we literally the only people in here at 7oclock on a Friday...
>Old woman approaches us like we're the royal family.
>Takes our order, etc
>Holy shit, steak is 40 dollars.
>Whatever, it's gunna be worth it.
>Mom and I order the seafood platter to share.
>3 hours later, lady brings our food.
>Steak is cold, dad had asked for well-done. It is barely seared on both sides. Frozen and red in the middle.
>Our scallops are frozen/cold in the middle. Salmon is not even room temperature. Shrimp are the size of dimes. Imitation crab meat.
>Was told that this was all 'fresh caught' an hour or two ago.
>The woman stays standing at the counter the whole time staring at us.
>No one has come in yet.
>She leaves for a moment.
>We nope the fuck out of there, not a bite of food was touched.
>Swing by MickyD's and eat like fucking sultans.

And this is why I do not care much for Kentucky or it's cuisine.

>> No.3989134

Hard Rock, my dad asked for his burger medium well.

They brought it to him about 5 times rare as fuck. (Maybe they were trying to help him out, but it's not what he asked for and that's what counts.)

My dad being English and paranoid thought he was going to "die of food poisoning". I was too young to correct him.

Waitress says that eating their meat raw is fine because they "steralise" it?? wtf.

>> No.3989157

Were you really expecting to get fresh seafood in Kentucky?!?!

>> No.3989167

>Ordering the seafood platter
You got what you asked for.

>> No.3989172

I saw some homeless dude drop trou in the bus lane at 42nd and 5th during rush hour and take a dump.

Still a better experience than some place I ate at on PEI.

>> No.3989176

why did this make me laugh so much

>> No.3989181

this thread has potential


>> No.3989194
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That is going to be hard to beat. It sounds like the start of a good Hitchcock film. 5/5 would read again.

>> No.3989203

We stopped in Bisbee, AZ.

Waitress had dreds and tracks on her arms

>> No.3989250

Black friend of mine went to a mom and pop chicken restaurant in Georgia or Alabama, forget which. Apparently the old waitress glared at her, then spat at her plate and called her a nigger. The actual owner came out and apologized and said they would fire the old woman, but she couldn't figure out why she would be hired in the first place for what was probably a long enough time to realize she was a racist.

I hope she took that as a lesson to stay out of Georgia or Alabama.

>> No.3989251

>sister takes me to an Indian restaurant that recently opened in her neighbourhood
>This place is great anon, trust me you'll love it
>Walk in door, place smells like shit
>I'll have the calamari entrée and the Lamb Saag with Naan Peshawri and basmati rice. And a bottle of your finest IPA.
>Waiter brings out calamari.
>It's 5 deepfried 'seafood rings' for $9
>flip my shit
>waiter runs away to kitchen
>comes back, "the chef assures me they are real calamari"
>sister anxiously agrees to leave
>start walking out
>the waiter stops me and hands me a bill for the calamari that I took 1 bite of
>I screw bill up and throw it at him
>chef comes out of kitchen ranting at waiter in Indian
>waiter says hes calling the police
>none of the fat little indians are willing to physically restrain me
>walk out the door
>go to wood fired pizza place across the road
>enjoy my marinara pizza with fresh baby octopus as I watch the waiter make a report to the police.

>> No.3989252


Technicality that's true. Enjoy your perfectly safe cancer.

>> No.3989254
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One time I was eating at a Mexican place with my family. Our waitress was pretty good, cute little Mexican girl and the service was decent. She looked uncomfortable all night though like she was in pain. Anyway she brought us our food and came back right after to refill our drinks. She was bent over the table to fill my moms tea and out of nowhere this huge fucking fart was unleashed right over our dinner. I still remember the sound, it was tense, watery and loud as hell. And it wasn't all bark with no bite, it smelled fucking atrocious. I swear this girl had to have shit her britches. So as soon as she farted the nearby tables look over because it was so loud. Then my fucking dad starts guffawing his ass off because he thought it was funny and the rest of the restaurant looked over. Then the lingering stench started to creep out and my mom started gagging and heaving because she has a weak stomach. By this point the whole place is looking at our table. It really did smell awful. So this poor Mexican girl starts crying right there at the table and tries to apologize but she can't, she ends up running to the back. The whole place is looking at us and laughing, my mom and sister refuse to touch their food. The stench lingers and me and dad reluctantly pick at our food but its like having dinner in a sewer. So about ten minutes later the manager comes to our table, EVERYONE is looking and listening by now. He apologizes and tells us that the waitress was sick and he'd be taking care of our table now, he had to send her home. He asks if everything was OK and my asshole dad bellows out "NO, that girl just took a shit damn near on top of my wife!!!". Everyone around us starts laughing. The manager looks nervous and uneasy and apologizes, offers the dinner for free. So my dad wolfs down his entire plate, the rest of us just sort of sit there in disgust. Honestly I felt bad for the poor girl. I was both embarased for her as well as myself.

>> No.3989258

Back when I was around ten, my mom bought us Little Ceasers. I was halfway through finishing the crust, when I saw a small, but very obviously centipede-like bug in the middle, right before I took another bite.

I guess that's not really customer service though

>> No.3989262

Poor girl. I've worked in places like that, she probably told her boss she was sick and he wouldn't let her go.

>> No.3989272

Swap Indian for Chinese, Australia for Philadelphia, sister for waifu and calamari for rotten clams and the same thing happened to me. Another difference is that the waiter assured me I'd not be charged for the clams, but I was. I crossed out the clam portion of the bill, noted that they were not served so I am not paying, calculated what waifu's meal and my appetiser cost, and paid in exact change and left. The waiter ran after us a half block down the street saying that I "forgot to tip."
I was aghast and told him to fuck off.
I would say "fucking foreigners" but as I'm foreign to the US as well, I... I just don't know what to say. No one believes me nor waifu about this story, but it happened.

>> No.3989277
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>young dude, obviously new
>greasy hair, fat as fatass
>awkward, asks us to repeat orders a million times because his brain apparently can't remember anything for more than 10 seconds
>he's sweating profusely
>suddenly drops whole sweet tea pitcher on our table
>sticky, ice cold liquid everywhere
>he runs away
>did you read that last part?
>he runs away and doesn't return
>we had to get up and ask another waiter for help, never saw him again

I swear r9k was my server that day. At least I got a free meal.

>> No.3989285

your dad is golden, 10/10 would have a beer with

>> No.3989299

As a Kentuckian, I can promise that not all our food is like that. Unless you're at a restaurant on a river, "fresh caught seafood" isn't happening.

>> No.3989340

The restaurant was right next to a huge river type deal, it was over looking it. It was built in to the cliff it was hanging over. Claimed that the fish was fresh caught from there. Just for the record.
Thanks man. It was pretty scary to deal with after driving for 8 hours on an empty stomach all exhausted and shit. I could have ended up like a horror film, but I guess it did in some ways.

>> No.3989345

>I swear r9k was my server that day.
>my sides

>> No.3989346

Where was it? Must have been southern/southeastern, because we don't have that shit in northern KY.

>> No.3989387

I forget how old I was, must've been around 7. Dad, his two brothers and I think one aunt were in an italian restaurant.
>wait to be seated even though not that busy
>food doesn't come for over an hour, it becomes blatantly obvious they lost our order and the wait staff was too stupid to realize this.
>my dad loses his shit because i'm 7 and kind of weeping being a little kid not being fed. other relatives are also obviously pissed because this is bullshit
>i forget if they comped us all or some of the meal, but i distinctly remember as we're leaving, a waitress comes by and my dad pulls a single penny out of his pocket and throws it on the ground at her feet and says "there's your tip. fuck this place"

>> No.3989394

Has your dad been arrested/ordered into alcohol and/or narcotics anonymous meetings?

>> No.3989396

>Any restaurant in France
>Fantastic service until I open my mouth
>The moment I open my mouth and they hear I'm American, they simply take my order and disappear for at least an hour with literally zero service

>> No.3989409
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>> No.3989415

>fathers birthday
>he requests to go to local breakfast joint
>place looks like it should have Gordan Ramsay throwing a hissy fit in it
>stained carpets, nothing but things covered in gravy
>holes in the restroom walls
>no one younger than thier 60s
>order coffee and a waffle because the only thing without gravy
>waitress glares at me the entire time
> wipes table with the dirtiest rag I have ever seen
>hair in coffee...
>waffle is burnt
>fathers burrito has hair on it as well
>point it out to the waitress
>glares, heavy sigh and just takes everything off the table knocking over coffee on me

>> No.3989417

I have absolutely no idea. I was so tired and hungry, we were out in the boonies. It was just a really bizarre experience, and it lead to probably the most delicious chicken nuggets from McDonald's I've ever had.

>> No.3989448

>While ago
>Had a dumb-as-shit friend
>He worked the back in a fucking Dunkin' Donuts because he's trying to stop being a NEET
>Invites me over to play vidya
>As we play vidya, he gets high
>"Duuuuude, I'll tell you a secret but you promise you won't tell anyone else."
>"I stuck my dick through a bunch of the holes on the donuts last Friday, we were two people in the shop, slow day, other employee was a girl and she took forever in the bathroom because she was on her period."
>Silent for a moment
>Punch him in the back of the head
>Explain to him that apparently the weed made him forget that I stopped by last Friday, he stepped out the back to take my order while the girl was in the bathroom, and that the reason he was giggling when he handed me my coffee and donuts wasn't because "I just remembered a joke I heard, it's nothing."

Don't know if it counts as "horrible service". A second after I heard that, my brain synthesized the taste of dick.

>> No.3989481

Your friend is a dick. Literally. That said, my sides are hurting from laughter.

>> No.3989490



>> No.3989491
File: 16 KB, 263x350, Why cant I hold all of these farts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be torn butthole anon from a few days ago
>order mussels in a bacon cream sauce
>mussels seem fine, bacon bits seem a little underdone
>Spending night at boss's house
>Wake up in the middle of the night
>What the fuck is my stomach doing?
>run to bathroom
>every bathroom has a tiny as fuck toilet seat, too small for my fatass
>have to sit with my ass tilted into toilet bowl while junk has to rest on toilet seat
>Here comes the boom
>Unleash the vilest torrent of shit water ever, requiring me to flush for fear of over flowing the bowl after one blast
>can hear my intestinal walls clap together from the horrible unleashing of the feculent flood
>get up and proceed to puke into the toilet
>Alternate between puking and shitting
>do this in every bathroom in the house, trying to find a comfortable toilet seat
>wake up entire house
>want my mommy
>it won't stop

I think this is why my butthole is broken.

>> No.3989495

Gosh, that's like a food nightmare.

>> No.3989497

>implying you don't really wish your father was even half that alpha

>> No.3989498

>I think this is why my butthole is broken.
No, I'm pretty sure it's because of the dragon dildo you stuffed in there.

>> No.3989499

Motherucker, you owe me a spleen and pair of sides; I just burst mine laughing.

>> No.3989501

>go to vietnamese place I frequented with friends
>don't recognise any of the staff, think they must've hired some newbies or something
>stand there like a dingus waiting to be seated
>young guy up the back looks at us with a puzzled look on his face and then realizes, I flash him 5 fingers for 5 people and he just points to some random table
>old guy we've never seen before comes out and starts shouting at us for just sitting where ever we wanted
>we explain what happened and he just sighs angrily and walks off back to the kitchen
>no one comes to take our order even if we try and wave them down
>leave and don't go back until a year later
>it tastes shit compared to before

It was our favourite restaurant, we were in there probably once a week... I figure they changed management or something...

>> No.3989502

>Thinks being an asshole is alpha.

>> No.3989503

>dragon dildo

I thought that was only a /g/ thing... or do you also frequent /g/?

>> No.3989508

so you're supposed to sit there like a retard beta for an hour and a half because the entire restaurant is full of fuckups and like it? be nice to people who are screwing you over?

lol you're pathetic

>> No.3989511

It's a 4chan thing.

>> No.3989515

Did they actually fine you?

>> No.3989518


> 2012
> racism

get with the goddam times faggots. Blackies are equal now.

>> No.3989525

No, shit head. Doing something cleaver like leading all the other customers into a revolt against the the restaurant or anything else is alpha. Your father acted like an inbreed hick.

>> No.3989528
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>leading a revolt
in a restaurant
oh god i can't stop laughing
(don't worry, it's at you, not with you)

>> No.3989529

Haha oh God, im in fucking tears man!



>> No.3989534

>Histrionic temper tantrums are ALPHA now

>> No.3989539

Doesn't change the fact your father acted like an inbreed hick.

>> No.3989546

You got 2/10 for your trolling performance.

Please don't intentionally try to induce rage in /ck/, it annoys us.

>> No.3989554
File: 13 KB, 331x283, sadface okay meme face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure sure. you little childish betas take whatever shit get thrown your way and shovel it down. me, i'm very happy my dad didn't let assclowns give him shit and take it.

i'm sure had this happened to you, you'd all run home and post on your tumblrs about the terrible service instead of being actual people and telling off the people who are fucking up your evening out with family.

stay plebes. pic related, it's you after your table hadn't gotten their food for as long as we did that night.

>> No.3989555

10/10, most creative way to unintentionally taste cock without actually being gay and/or being face raped.

>> No.3989556

You don't even know what I burst on that night.

I sat on my balls a couple of times when switching from vomit mode to diarrhea mode.

>> No.3989560

>be at best sushi place in town
>amazing food, owner is super nice japanese guy who always wears a cowboy hat and yells hello at everyone who walks in the door
>be there with lesbian best friend, her love interest, and love interest's best friend who hasn't ever had sushi
>wait 45 minutes for a table
>bubbly asian waitress comes and gets our drink order
>wait 20 minutes to get our drink back
>look around, thinking maybe they're busy
>nope, four other tables with about 15 people in the joint, and two other waitstaff helping them
>okay this will be fun
>finally get our drinks and give her our orders
>drinks go completely dry while waiting for our orders to come out
>ten year old who is "working" at the restaurant (family owns it) comes and refills our drink
>see stupid waitress girl chatting it up with one of the sushi chefs at the bar
>wait and wait and wait for our sushi
>finally, about an hour after we ordered, our fucking sushi comes
>best shit ever. almost worth the wait and shitty service
>after waiting 15 minutes for her to show back up,have to literally call "excuse me, waitress" towards the sushi bar to get the girl to come back so we can get some sauce one of us wanted
>ten year old ends up bringing it to us
>get the check, about 90 bucks
>give a ten dolla bill to the ten year old
>don't leave shit for the shithead waitress
>haven't been back since for dine in service, but order takeout all the damn time

We were there for over two hours and that's not because we camped the table... we wanted to leave but it took an act of congress to get this bitch to do her fucking job.

>> No.3989565

Troll or not, you get bonus points for "feculant flood".

>> No.3989568

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

>> No.3989575

>date with gf at korean bbq
>the kinda place where they have stoves in the middle of the table so you cook your own shit
>we the only non-gooks there
>order the buffett, unlimited meats
>our first round finally arrives, take our time with it
>wait for waiter
>big family behind us, he gets them their water. i see him notice we're out of food/water
>flag him for some of that water he's serving
>immediately he looks down/walks away
>flag him again a bit later cause wtf
>get ignored again
>just gonna wait and see
>everyone around us getting refills and all that good stuff, really starting to feel were getting ignored here.
>we were, just letting it happen at this point
waited for a good while, finally walked out without paying

>> No.3989586

there we go. i haven't seen that copypasta used on ck in... shit years.

>> No.3989659

Went to Sonic (drive in burger joint, for those of you that don't know) with my mom once. Noticed food and drink tasted odd, I took the lid off my drink and there were big clumps of hair and shit in it. Burger had hair in it as well. We dumped our stuff out and drove off. From then on, I always take the lid off of drinks that I didn't fill myself.

>> No.3989679


>> No.3989685

>Go to chinese place while at a convention
>All four of us in derpy ass costumes
>Restaurant is EMPTY, take seat as directed, legit the only people there
>Wait 15 minutes for waitress to come take order
>Wait another 40 minutes to be served
>Finish food, wait another 40 for her to come back. She doesn't. We bail.
>Chases us down the street
>Manage to convince her that she took our card, she apologizes and lets us go
>Great success

First time I've ever dined and dashed but, seriously, when the restaurant is empty there is no excuse for that kind of wait time.

>> No.3989696

Went to that one American steakhouse with the peanut shells all over the floor.

>wait like 2 hours for food
>food sucks
>waiter is an asshole

Turns out like 3 of their 4 cooks quit that night and the waiting staff was actually preparing the food. The place closed down a few weeks later. Now we're getting one of the highest rated American BBQ restaurants so it isn't all bad.

>> No.3989697
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This happened to me once. Except I was the one delivering. This Asian kid at a college campus probably straight off the boat pays for the food in exact change. So I kind of understood why he didn't tip, he's not used to it. Apparently, he also isn't used to holding pizzas because he promptly drops them both upside down on his carpet and just stares at them. Then I immediately about-face and walk to my car. Shit felt awkward and a little sad.

>> No.3989723


Holy shit the exact same thing happened to me.

I'm English, and my family went to visit Paris in the summer in 2011. About halfway through the day we sat down at one of those cute stereotypical French cafes for a drink and a croissant and literally the moment I opened my mouth to order and the waitress heard that I was obviously from the UK, she fucked off and we never saw her again. My Uncle complained to the Manager and even he didn't do shit. We ended up just fucking leaving.

I mean really what the hell. How can a Cafe in one of the most famous Cities in the world refuse service to anyone not French and stay in business. Most of their fucking guests are gonna be tourists.

>> No.3989727

The french are assholes, this is a known and accepted fact.

>> No.3989728

They are snooty, arrogant, untrustworthy buffoons. I have known people from France who constantly disparage their own countrymen as being horrible human beings.

>> No.3989735

I had a great uncle that was in WWII, and he was wounded and stranded in France. A frenchman happened by, stole his uniform and ran off.

Needless to say, that side of my family has very little use for the French.

>> No.3989737

>at the beach with friends
>decide to go to grill & bar
>huge pitbulls tied outside, but go inside anyways
>go in, guy derping around on computer not even acknowledging us
>finally get a seat
>no menus, go to grab a menu
>waitress talking really fast, obviously doesn't want us there even though they're nowhere near closing time
>all of my wat
>friends decide to stay and order drinks
>fruit flies in one of my friends drinks, which is understandable i guess
>waitress doesn't even check on us
>waiting for bill
>waitress flirting with guy then leaves
>we've been waiting for like 30 minutes for our bill
>about ready to dine and dash
>other waitress there says "hey guys grab a seat i'll be with you soon!"
>"...we've been waiting for our bill..."
>"oh your waitress went to go move her car, she'll be back soon"
>leave no tip

no excuse to treat us at all like that. i bet if we were hanging out with attractive men she wouldn't have treated us like that. fucking bars.

>> No.3989749

>if we were hanging out with attractive men

>> No.3989750

There was obviously some illegal shit happening there.

>> No.3989753

still think asians take the cake when it comes to selfishness. but THAT is fucking bullshit,man, wtf

>> No.3989755

we were a group of girls. i was noticing how almost all the waitresses were young females and they were treating all the men in the restaurant nicely

>> No.3989762

This one time at Denny's the waitress didn't even have sex with me.

>> No.3989769

>be from new hampshire
>stop in a Denny's
>Make a 52 with my bacon
>Denny's waitress offers me a birthday thing
>Say no
>Put a hundred dollars down on the table
>Grab my assault rifle and leave

>> No.3989774

>Friend and I are the only ones in restaurant
>Waitress takes our order
>Brings our food and beer
>Never comes back
>No other employees are seen the entire time
>Finish food and beer
>Sit and wait
>Finally get fed up and walk into the kitchen
>No one can be found
>There was literally no one in the entire restaurant besides my friend and I
>We walk out
>Free meal

Strangest thing that ever happened to me at a restaurant.

>> No.3989777

In Japan you have to shout "sumimasen" for service. Maybe the waitress hasn't been outside of Japan for too long?

>> No.3989782
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I have at least 5 sonics within quick driving distance of my house and go about once a week, and never had anything like that happen.

>> No.3989784

Maybe they all had a mass suicide pact and wanted to serve one last meal before offing themselves?

>> No.3989786

Pretty sure it was just a one off type of thing, they usually have great service. Might have just been some pissy cooks or something.

>> No.3989787

I have received all sorts of reverse racism in my food service that I now have to be served by a white person in an establishment or I don't order anything.
> favorite indian resturaunt pulls an information scam and one waiter curses me out for no reason.
They get my one star review on google maps.
> nigglette child taking my order at ihop spits on my pancakes without butter
> mullatto kid pretends to trip and spills coffee all over my shirt and tries to pull the smooth move of cleaning me up.
> asians call me the stupid american in japanese not knowing that I know the language
>hipster faggot throws a tantrum when I under tip by a dollar because he refused to give me my change.

>> No.3989789
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I'm >>3989114

I'm a nice guy so I just paid for the pizza and it was still edible so I ate it, the place I was living was just a rental so I didn't care much about the carpet.
Later on that evening I had a knock on the door and the same delivery guy gave me a free pizza and garlic bread.

>> No.3989791

Once our waiter took our order, disappeared for 45 minutes, came back holding a baby and the cheque.

Only 4/6 of us got our food, we had no drink refills...

>> No.3989808

French here. Yeah, a good deal of the parisians are rude assholes towards everybody (french and foreigners).
Just tell them politely to go fuck themselves.

>> No.3989825

>outback steakhouse with mom and sister
>waitress takes drink order and brings them out
>leans over table and spills tray
>covered with soda and beer
>waitress says "oops" and rushes back to kitchen
>never returns
>busboy passes by and offers a towel
>manager comes over with a shit eating grin
>explain what happened and how our waitress split
>explain to him that i'm not eating at his restaurant while i'm soaked and sticky.
>hostess takes our address while we exit with a promise of a gift certificate
>never get anything from them
>fuck outback steakhouse

I understand accidents happen but not one person apologized for what happened and they did absolutely nothing to help.

>> No.3989832

It's pretty rare to find overt racism in the south. I lived all across the south for over 17 years. When I moved back to Michigan, the racism was rampant - from all races. I couldn't believe my eyes and ears.

>> No.3989836

I have no idea why but i read
> japanese guy who always wears a cowboy hat as
>wears a condom hat.
i nearly shit myself.
is there something wrong with me?

>> No.3989837

Not really, something like that is to be expected of the japanese.

>> No.3989850

>go to all night mexican food place with firends
>waitress takes drink order
>realize she used to work at the same restaraunt as me
>get drinks and chips
>she never returns
>she left the entire building without telling anyone for no apparent reason
>never get new waitress
>go to taco bell instead

We might have cared more if we were sober

>> No.3989855

You guys must be assholes or something, whenever I go restaurants or other food vendors I always get treated well, hell, half the time if I return I get larger portions depending on the employees there

what can you say

>> No.3989868

If you had bad service just one single time in your entire life, you could post a story in this thread and you'd be like everyone else. 99.9% of the time I get excellent service. But this thought hasn't occured to your miniature brain, has it?

>> No.3989887

>Go to restaurant/bar/lounge combination with friends.
>sign outside advertises the fact that Guy Fieri was there.
>That alone kind of makes me want to avoid the place altogether, but we go in anyway.
>It's like 4pm and no one else is in the restaurant section, not even a hostess or anything. We stand by the door waiting for like five minutes.
>Bad feelings so far, should have left.
>Finally get seated by a girl with pink and black hair. She says a waitress will be with us, then disappears.
>Look over menus for at least twenty minutes.
>All we can hear is elevator music and the clink of glasses from the bar. Bartender is the only staff we can see, with a few businessman types at the bar itself.
>Finally, girl comes out, gives us water, and takes our order.
>Don't get our real drinks until we also get the meal some thirty minutes later.
>Buffalo burger is dry and only tastes like char.
>Most of my fries were cold.
>We calculate cost ourselves and pay in exact cash.
>Leave. Probably was another half hour before anyone noticed we were gone.

>> No.3989902
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No it isn't. Flagged as inappropriate.

>> No.3989904

I once ordered a salad. There was glass in my bowl.

>> No.3989909

than thier 60s
thier 60s

>> No.3989913

Who fucking cares?

>> No.3989938

That's actually pretty cool. If it was me I'd have probably stolen a bunch of food or whipped up a meal myself. Actually I'd probably be too worried of someone coming in and busting me.

>> No.3989964

>Go to China town (Sunnybank)
>Go to a restaurant
>Ask waiter for menu
>ask for BBQ Pork with rice NOT SPICY
>waiter asks again for order
>BBQ Pork with rice not spicy at all
>1 hour later, manager of the restaurant gives us some spicy-ass fucking chilli
>It was for the long wait
>30 minutes later, food arrives
>As soon as it comes to my mouth, I feel the burn of 1000 suns
>Run away from the restaurant, go to Macca's, get some McFlurries to take off that spicy shit, which never stopped until 30 minutes later, only dulled the pain.
>never again

>> No.3989971

>be white
>walk into non white restaurant

every damn time

>> No.3989979

>never had indian food before
>decide to eat at 'curry express
>turns out the place we walked in was closed at the time
>hot as fuck inside, 2 friends and i are sweating
>odd sort of smell
>nice indian woman comes out and takes our orders
>have no fucking clue what anything is on the menu
>order random shit, all of it very well priced
>food comes out 10 minutes later, and LOTS of it
>best fucking food i've ever eaten, hot as fuck and sooo much of it
>10/10 i love you curry express

>> No.3989984


One sunday, this place had a couple of customers, us three included. Still, they managed to take almost an hour delivering the food, and an other half our delivering the bill. Horrible.

Otherwise, I've always been pretty happy with places. I can't stand people who nitpick or act like some sort of wannabe food critics.

>> No.3990011
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Took my wife and kid to a local ribs place for Sweetest day a few years back. Food was good, tons of it, service pretty good.

Get bill.
Server had added 15% tip to the bill.

What's this? We ad this automatically on Sweetest Day. There's a sign on the door. (there was no sign).

Family goes to car because they know I'm about to blow a gasket. Figure the food was good so I wasn't going to stiff the waitress.

As I fill out credit card slip remaerk that I usually tip 20% (and I do and would have).

Waitress remarks - you can put anything you want in.

Leave it at 15%.
Never go back.

>> No.3990034
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You can go now.

>> No.3990035

You kind of proved his point there.

>> No.3990037

All of my WAT?
This just keeps getting worse.

>> No.3990038

Am from New Hampshire, not 'be' from New Hampshire.

>> No.3990039

Sounds like you had pretty good service to me.

>> No.3990070

no service at all.
as in nobody even came to pick up our order

>> No.3990096

Is that not okay this year? I don't understand

>> No.3990104

>The waiter ran after us a half block down the street saying that I "forgot to tip."

Holy shit that sounds like a nightmare

>> No.3990135

This sounds suspiciously Sopranos-esque.
Where's that crappypasta?

>> No.3990148

Ever the optomist, I just laugh about it, thankful I got an amusing story out of it. I can't really complain all that much since I got what I paid for: chive and tofu potstickers and chili/honey chicken. Since I didn't get decent service, I didn't pay for that and since I didn't get my clams, I didn't pay for that, either. Really, it would have been optimal (and in good tact) had the restaurant, in light of its rotten clam "gaffe" (can you call a non-verbal error a gaffe in English?), comped the rest of the meal, I might still have tipped the waiter and might not have called L&I and H&S, resulting in the place being shut down for a few months, but as many non-westernised Cantonese seem to not understand the basics of civility, food safety standards and decorum, they can fuck right off.
I know it's racist, and I'm okay with that. Being a foreigner here myself, I really rather despise the stereotype and poor image other foreigners give me.

>> No.3990151

I would have just chilled there all night, and threw a party or something. Or set up elaborate pranks for the staff the next day.

>> No.3990160

>Visit Venice for first time with wife's family
>dressed like non-americans (no sports jerseys/logo wear/baseball cap/Nike hightops) but sport coat, button down shirt, comfortable walking shoes
>raining all day every day - acqua alta - we're drenched, need to dry off.
>Harry's Bar hoves into view - yum, Bellini tiem
>push through tiny vestibule followed by big gust of wind/rain - whole front room looks at us like in a Western movie. ohboyherewego
> maître d'hôtel rushes over - looks us over, sees FIL dressed in his tan trench coat and cop shoes, calls him "Inspector", leads us around the tiny bar that's 3 deep with tourists and expedites a fairly decent table in the back, sends barman to take drink orders - tells us we are welcome to stay as long as we'd like.

service is directly correlated to the degree you dress and act like an Amerifat

>> No.3990168


Similar thing happened to me at a bar one Sunday afternoon - door was open, TV playing football, couple of others hanging out at bar.

Wait a couple of minutes - no bartender. Ask others what's going on?

nopes all around - they'd been pulling drafts and leaving money out for the past 45 minutes.

mmmmkay, do the same.

this goes on for another 90 minutes

phone starts ringing, pick up, someone asks for Billy. nope, not here. well, who are you? what's it to you? I'm the owner, where's the bartender?
Not here dude, place has been open for a couple of hours people are hanging out pouring drafts.


owner comes rushing in expecting mayhem - finds about 10 people hanging out drinking, piles of money in front of everyone.

finally figures out, bartender quit last night, left place open - till was full, no thievery involved.

tells us to put our money away, open bar for everyone for acting like normal fucking human beings and not robbing the place.

>> No.3990178

>Get off work
>Tired and I know there's no food in the house
>Driving by a Shari's
>Fuck it, I'll stop and have something
>Maybe 10 people in the entire place plus a couple that came in right behind me
>Get seated, have my order taken
>Wait for a while
>Keep waiting
>Ask waiter if my food will be ready soon, says it'll be out in a few minutes
>Still waiting
>Couple that came in behind me has their food
>Check my watch, I've been waiting 45 minutes for a fucking sandwich
>Get up, proceed to their front entrance place where they have all their pies on display
>Go behind counter, take a whole pre-sliced pie and walk out the front door
>As I get into my car I see the waiter and what I assume is one of the cooks smoking out back

That's about the worst I've ever had to deal with, other than thickies in fast food joints forgetting specifics on orders.

>> No.3990186

I fucking hate managers like that


>> No.3990193

season 5 part 2 when?

>> No.3990195

After working a grueling 20 hours setting up, working, tearing down a very large merchandise booth at a festival, we were starving. We hadn't eaten all day since we had been slammed the entire time the booth was open. We were very tired too. The only place open was a Denny's, it was right next to the hotel we were staying in. We went inside and waited to be seated. There was only one other group of people in the restaurant at a large table in the back. We waited about ten minutes and then seated ourselves, the hostess FINALLY noticed and came over from where she was chatting in the back and said that the section we sat in was closed and moved us to another table. We got our menus ourselves when we had sat down the first time and so we were ready to order. There were four of us. We waited and waited and waited for a waitress, she never came. So one of us went to where the hostess was sitting down talking to a person at the larger table. The table was occupied by the band members of "Papa Roach" and their crew. The only waitress on duty was talking to them and didn't know she had a table. She came to take our order, I asked for my meal as well as a drink. fifteen minutes later we get our drinks, one person gets an order of cold ass toast that was supposed to go with his meal. Ten minutes after that he gets the rest of his breakfast (it wasn't what he ordered at all) and she brings out the other two meals, but forgets mine. She says she forgot to put the order in but would make it right and get it out to me fast. The other people at my table start to complain because everyone's meal is wrong and cold. She says "hold on a sec" and disappears. One of the guys gets up to go find the waitress again, but she was gone?! .

>> No.3990196

Papa Roach was still there laughing it up with the staff. We find the manager and complain, the waitress come out with my order but it is completely wrong and cold. We decide to go find another place to eat. We tell the waitress that the orders are wrong, the food is cold anyway, and that we will pay for our drinks but we were leaving. She gets the manager, the manager threatens to call the police. We call her bluff and tell her to go ahead. She gets mad at us and throws a fit. Doesn't call the cops, we leave.
Fuck Papa Roach, Fuck that place

>> No.3990198

not at a restaurant but i got an ice cream cone full of hair at a mc donalds. I was like 8 or 9 and my dad was pissed at me so i ate it. IT was like somebody had taken a wad of hair out of thier comb and mixed it in the ice cream

>> No.3990210

This ghetto little places on a border South America town, the service was good and they were very friendly but i wonder what was going on on their cuisine.

>> No.3990217
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The other night, waitress barely spoke to us. We ordered drinks and a jug of water, she took her time brining us drinks and forgot the water, we had to ask her three times before we got water. Then we had to wait ages to order, the food came kind of quick but we had to get up and find our own condiments, then it took ages for us to get the bill and ages for our change. She didn't get a tip.

We were the only table.

>> No.3990224

My friends took me to see them for my birthday two years ago. I fucking hated Papa Roach then and I still do. Had to pretend that it was the best night of my life. Fuck that.

>> No.3990244

I feel sorry for that girl, but goddamn if that isn't the most hilarious thing I've read all day.

>> No.3990245

Louis Theroux reaction image? I like your style.

>> No.3990246
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ooh he likes my style!

>> No.3990257
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>> No.3990278

What's Sweetest Day?

>> No.3990300 [DELETED] 

>Out to brunch with mom and stepdad at a local restaurant in our village.
>Normally have no issues at this place, and we are only patrons that morning.
>Mom orders biscuits and sausage gravy, stepdad orders a burger, I order an omelette.
>Food takes forever to arrive.
>My omelette is cold and runny, but I eat it anyway.
>Stepdad's burger is a little cold, but edible.
>Sausage in Mom's meal is completely raw.. as in still pink, never even touched a heating source raw.
>Mom is polite, flags down the fat, middle-aged waitress and lets her know.
>Bitch waitress rolls her eyes and argues that it isn't raw.
>We all disagree and mom pulls out a chunk and shows her.
>She dramatically sighs, grabs the plate, and takes it back to the kitchen.
>5 minutes later, waitress brings plate back.
>It is literally the same plate of food, and it hasn't been touched aside from a fresh sprinkle of pepper on top.
>Sausage is still completely raw, of course. We all wtf simultaneously.
>Mom loses her appetite, flags down waitress and asks her just to take the plate away.
>"So what do you want?" waitress cops the biggest attitude ever.
>Mom tells her that she doesn't want anything at all because the raw meat made her lose her appetite.
>Even louder dramatic sigh from waitress as she proceeds to take mom's plate away.
>Mom tells us to finish our meals, so we keep eating.
>Waitress comes back and takes the rest of our plates as we are still eating. Literally, I had a fork up to my mouth and stepdad had the burger held to his.
>Stepdad loses his shit and berates the waitress.
>Owner comes out, we explain everything.
>He sides with the waitress (wtf) so we tell him to fuck himself.
>Pay for only our drinks, leave no tip, and never come back.

>> No.3990304

Using "be" standard for these green text stories, and using the infinitive is grammatically proper in this context anyways so why don't you just fuck off back to aspieland?

>> No.3990328

This isn't exactly waitstaff related:

>live in Saudi Arabia
>have like 20 different anaphylaxes
>dad gets invited to fancy work dinner in Bahrain with colleagues
>brings me and mum
>turns out restaurant is regularly visited by King Fahd
>fancy as fuq
>there's a 3 metre long replica of King Fahd's palace
>sponge covered in icing and a metric fuck-ton of dusted almonds
>dad gets me like three slices
>just scrapes of the outside
>i eat it all
>mum finds out and has a panic attack
>no allergy detected

Nothing of value was lost.

>> No.3990474

Used to live in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, went to Cracker Barrel for breakfast once with some friends, got seated and then sat there until other patrons had received their meals and never even got a drink order. Was the last time we ever went.

Now living in Raleigh, North Carolina, and there was a local place called Barry's Cafe that my father in law really wanted to take me to for lunch since he loved the place so much. Got seated, put in our order, then waited about half an hour for cold, dry, bland burgers and limp fries. Waitress never came around to check on us or refill our drinks either. Complained about it to the cashier and manager and was told that's just how long it takes for them to cook 3 burgers and there was nothing wrong with our food or service. Cashier even tried to equate our wait time for our food to waiting for a table at a fancy restaurant.

>> No.3990487

Where in Saudi Arabia do you live? I grew up in Jeddah.

>> No.3990504

I live in the UK now. I'm at uni in Liverpool. I lived on Aramco.

>> No.3990510

>live in Cleveland yeah yeah I know
>eat at the best chinese restaurant in the city, lee wah
>been eating there for years, fancy place good food and service
>open really late cause the waiters stay up drinking and playing mahjong
>pull up with dad around 1 am like we often do on weekends
>while pulling in we see a mob of black ghetto thugs walking down the street
>throwing bottles, breaking windows with rocks, yelling
>they are on their way here, we park inside the semi gated area and go in
>say hello to the staff we know, have a seat, order
>2 young black teens from the mob come in the restaurant and look around acting really shady
>the waiter comes over and tells us hes nervous cause they ordered one egroll and he thinks they are scouting for a robbery
>dad is sitting straight in front of them as they wait for their egroll
>dad and the older looking one are staring eachother down
>dad is leaning back with his hand on his .45 in his side holster (not visible)
>im ready to hit the floor at any moment
>black punks leave looking worried
>the food was delicious

Such is life in cleveland

>> No.3990512

Went to a steakhouse and ordered a rare steak. What I received was completely gray and didn't even have any traces of pink - well done dogmeat unfit for human consumption. Since I was paying out the ass for this, I complained and they went back and made it again. And again, I got charred dry dogmeat. So I sent it back AGAIN and I finally received something edible. Normally I hate to be the complainer, but this was ridiculous

>> No.3990517

every time I go to P.F.Changs, there's tiny little hairs covering the surface of my plate.


>> No.3990524

Wow, what a shithole. Is Cleveland pretty ghetto?

>> No.3990531


>be at lee wah once again
>last time ive eaten there since 2009
>late at night this time with dad and brother
>we come in around 12; we are the only ones there
>same staff
>order our food
>this is gonna be a good night
>hear a seriously terrible sounding hacking cough coming from the kitchen
>no sounds like someone has a whooping cough or some shit
> every time it breaks out its followed by laughter from two men
>laugh, cough hard and wet, laugh
>this goes on for at least 5 minutes
>the door to the kitchen is open I dont think the chef knows
>one man leaves kitchen and looks at us as he walks out
>waiter brings us our food
>we think the chef coughed all over our food then laughed about it
>I test my theory, when the cook walked out to go to the bar I lifted my first bite up to my mouth and he was watching like he was waiting for me to eat it
>we get up, go to the manager
>tell him the problem, pay for the meal we didnt eat, tip the waiter 20%
>havent been back
>most other chinese restaurants in cleveland suck

such is life in cleveland

>> No.3990540

Get the fuck out of there man. Sounds awful. What food is Cleveland known for? Any local shit that you guys are regionally famous for? Honestly I know nothing about the place.

>> No.3990541

>such is life in cleveland

When I think of Cleveland, I think of Drew Carey. I really expected it to be a town filled with mostly jolly but somewhat bitter white people. Didn't know it was ghetto.

>> No.3990542

its been the most impoverished city in the usa like 3/6 years now

most violent at least 1/5 years

There are nice areas and if you know where to go you can have a great time. Strong foreign/indy film culture, best playhouses outside of NYC, really nice little italy, amazing art museum, great hospitals, strong rock and roll concert culture, plenty of good restaurants, good food from the westside market and the lake, epic architecture left over from rockefeller era, absolutely saturated with violent impoverished blacks and dangerous shit happens to good people in 'safe' places.

>> No.3990543

>Live in CT
>Parents want to go out to a restaurant in RI
>They used to go to it every once in a while
>It's decently busy, not enough to wait for a table
>wait fifteen or so minutes before a waitress to come to our table
>she takes our orders, parents notice there's silverware missing in one spot, ask for a set
>sit at table waiting
>for over a half hour
>there's another waitress working that's clearly new, she gets us the silverware
>continue to wait for food
>three other tables around us get filled with people who get their orders before us
>it's been nearly an hour and we finally get our food
>instead of getting appetizers separate everything comes out at once
>taste bland as fuck
>wait for the waitress to come back for our check
>new waitress girl tries to get someone for us
>wait another half hour for someone on the staff to get us our check
>seriously contemplate walking out of the restaurant without paying
>new waitress girl continues to clear tables and we tell her that she's more productive than the majority of the people she works under

Wasted an entire night to eat bad food for fifteen minutes, never going back to that restaurant again. There were no tips left that night, though we almost gave one to the new girl.

>> No.3990547

One time a lady changed her baby's dirty diaper on the table at a restaurant I worked at.
Seriously, there's a restroom right around the corner.
WTF is wrong with people. How do you live for at least 30 years and not at any point come to the realization that doing that in a busy restaurant is a terrible idea.

>> No.3990550

Are the poor blacks and the whites living in mixed neighborhoods or is it pretty segregated? There are plenty of rough areas in my city too but neighborhoods tend to be racially divided and everything to do and see isn't in the bad areas. For instance there are million dollar mansions on my street but less than a mile away is one of the roughest and most dangerous parts of town. Never had a problem here and I see white folk walking around the streets like its nothing.

I'd sage for off topic but this is /ck/, that'd just be pointless.

>> No.3990553


>It was once the most industrialized city on earth
>the elite of america lived here in masions
>competed with NYC and chicago
>some asshole made a law that you couldnt build anything taller than the terminal tower
>in combination with bad tax laws and not being lucarative for businesses the city was ruined between the 50s and now
>east cleveland is one of the most dangerous places in the usa
>smaller but more dangerous than compton
>giant empty facories everywhere
>huge beautiful churches built by various immigrant groups Russian, Slovenian, Croatian, Italian, German, polish, etc...
>those beautiful monuments are in some of the most dangerous areas and when the community gets too old they end up becoming governemnt funded diversity education centers and shit
>I could go on for hours

as far as food there is deep roots in here from old european families but few restaurants remain. Bourdain went to sokolovs in his cleveland episode but the rest of the episode sucked ass; they went to skyline chili for fucks sake.

Sterlis slovenian country home was owned by the people who owned the hopra house before it closed, sterlis was just sold, ill greentext that story next.

Gallucis is an oldschool italian import shop with excellent stuff, rare cheeses and great wine selection

Ill make a few more posts about the subject over the next few minutes if people want to listen, its a subject close to my heart

>> No.3990556

I think the problem is some of your guys sit down first before having the waitress show you your table. When I walk into a restaurant that's somewhat busy, they have to show me to the table and get me my menu. If you just sit down, quite frankly, the waitress won't even know you're there. You need to have eye contact with somebody there first.

>> No.3990576

Can't overstate the Cleveland architecture comment. Been a while since I visited, but the downtown is like a massive architecture museum. I was amazed with it even as a little kid. You could almost hear Gershwin playing in the background.

Went to a bowling alley that had to be all original parts from the 40's.

Also, the movie Christmas Story was set there. They filmed the infamous santa claus "You'll shoot your eye out kid" scene inside the Macy's downtown (its probably the only mall that looks like its from the 50's left). When I was there, they had wooden escalators.

>> No.3990577

Please do, I find the topic interesting. Also I know nothing about it. When people mention most cities something immediately comes to mind whether it be the food or the skyline or the bands from there or movies shot there. Honestly the only thing I can think of when somebody says Cleveland is Drew Carry and the Browns.

>> No.3990589

Its the nicest place to get robbed in America!

>> No.3990601

there are plenty of white people working downtown still, they come in from the suburbs though. in the last 5 years there have been a slight increase of nice downtown apartments but its not much, the west side suburb is nicer but it feels like another city sometimes

there are a few mixed areas like some of the 'heights' areas, these areas have some of the hightest black on white crime rates in the usa. The rest is mostly separated

a lof of foreigners come here for college and hospital work and end up getting mugged and raped cause they dont know anything, theyve been told to trust black people. There are good black people but east cleveland isnt the palce to look for them.

want to hear some stories? Ive got some fucking stories yeah

my dad taught at TIPS ( a gov funded charter school in the projects run by the nation of islam so they could scam federal money and try to convert these thugs to islam) elementary though highschool

>one white kid who might have well have been black
>metal detectors were installed so they had my dad and some staff go collect the pistols out of the bushes kids were hiding them outside
>kids break razer blades in half and hide them in their mouths, I dont know the exact technique but when they get in a fight they cut the shit out of the others face cause the scars never go away and it gets them credit
>they would kill you for your fucking shoes
>millions in federal money poured in, they bought a flight simulator, all the knobs were taken for scrap metal and it doesnt work anymore
>black kids afraid to learn because if you make the thugs look dumb they will kick your ass and call you an uncle tom
>One kid took a swing at my dad but missed
>kids wont turn in assignments often because they cant write their own fucking name
>some seniors are in their 20s cause they get held back so much
>I can go on for hours

such is life in cleveland

>> No.3990611


>taking attendance is the lesson plan, by the time you get that done class is about over
>some russian teacher immigrant couldnt take it and left the building mid class and never came back; a girl got raped with a few seconds of penetration in the middle of the class he left
>she was fucked in front of 20 people
>there are competitions among scores of young black girls every year to see who can get knocked up first for the gov assistance money they dont give to their kids
>foodstamps can buy you anything from pasta to week to coke to guns to blowjobs
>people get stabbed every week
>teachers get assaulted
>only people able to keep order is the muslims. They roll through the school in their white muslim garb smacking the shit out of anyone not in class
>no one fucks with the muslims, toughest gang in town
>the one who hired my dad just got out of prison, someone was selling coke outside of the mosque so he walked out after the service and shot him right in the face
>go to jail and study the koran, come back and do it again
>lets call him mustafa
>likes my dad cause my dad is tough as nails and grew up in the ghetto back when it was italian
>they invite him into the back room where they wait for calls to breakup fights
>malcom x on the wall, louis farakkan playing a speech while they play chess and talk about the opression of the black man
>they blame whites for ghetto culture
>my dad is the only white man to ever step foot in that room

>> No.3990617

>some kid is starting fights, my dad calls mustafa
>mustafa comes in the room and smacks the shit out of him
>kid lies and says my dad called the kid a nigger
>mustafa hits him again and tells him the reason my dad called him a nigger is because he is a nigger and proceeds to have him swatted by the biggest dude you ever seen
>they use corporal punishment, its only disallowed in public schools
>they swat the shit out of girls too
>one parent complained and mustafa threatened to swat the dad too
>some of the people working under my dad were losing hair from the stress
>teachers quit when their tires are slit
>no one touches a muslims kid though. If I lived there id convert

and thats school

Trust me Im not even exaggerating these stories. Ive been there with him to help him teach. Its hell on earth. Plenty of people move here thinking blacks arent that bad then in 5 years they are racists. If you are white and walking in the wrong area you WILL be attacked. I am probably fairly racist myself, but there are good kids in there and they have no chance.

>> No.3990623

i almost vomited

>> No.3990626


That shit is why I feel no guilt over my 'privilege' as I grew up broke as shit, made wise investments and now I make enough money to make a sultan puke.

These shitstains and trash have no excuse and I feel absolutely fine with ripping them off.

>> No.3990633


but back to the city itself

There are monuments everywhere from a bygone area. Its the closest thing to post apocalyptic you will find in usa. My dad grew up in colllinwood (not grovewood you misnamed assholes) during desegregation. The national guard was called in to stop the riots.

you know what they dont tell you in school? many of the blacks there didnt want desegregation either. it was pushed on the city folk by suburban whites who lived far away from their.

Collinwood was a giant little italy, the government did a thing called block busting (having a fake white family buy a house then selling it to black to encourage mixing) once this happened the house value dropped like a brick. Remember this was a time when men worked 10 hours a day in factories and put all their money in their house, so when their value went from $35,000 to 1$ (there are places in cleveland where you could buy a house for a dollar as long as you promise to live there) they lost EVERYTHING and had no education. They were forced to take loans and move to the suburbs and die poor.

A few mafia owned places still remain in collinwood, no im not guessing, I know.

then there is murry hill which is shileded from the ghetto by a cemetary, colleges and hospitals, its our only real little italy and its very tiny. Nido italia and maxis have excellent food without breaking the bank. Maxis is owned by jober (sp?) french chef and all around great guy, him and his other bro from france do all the cooking. Best bang for buck meal in cleveland imo, their calamari is the stuff of dreams

>> No.3990639

TGI Fridays.
Let me tell you something about TGI Fridays.
TGI Fridays is a bleak and horrid place, where flavor and sanity go to die. The glazed eyes of plastic taxidermy heads looking down upon you through their blue blocker sunglasses as if to chant "memento Mori." With each horrid, unfeeling gaze. The waiters are but shells of what once may have been called men, driven to giggling lunacy, with grins plastered across their eerily waxy faces. Should the mention of a birth date even be mentioned in passing, they will descend upon you like a pack of wild jackals, clapping and chanting like the participants in some mad ritual for a god too foul to conceive.

Beware, my son, any restauraunt bearing the T.G.I, flee as far as you can, seek refuge in any other eatery, but let not the fridays take you, for there is a death, my son, a death not of the body, but of the soul.
A death I would not wish upon my worst enemy.

>> No.3990667


I feel no guilt at all. The route to saving them involves stopping feeding their suffering. Im not kidding about the government scam of the school, TIPS was shut down when they were caught but the head guys probably made off with millions. Its easy to get grants when you teach ghetto kids, they you just spend the money as you see fit, hire a buddy and pay him 3x the going rate and he gives you a kickback; its piss easy.

and people think these kids dont know the nature of the crimes they commit, but actually most of the thug boys can recite to you how many years you get for 'dis o dat', they judge their actons by the risk and how long the sentence is.

more stories?
>I know this because not only did my dad grow up in cleveland but he was involved
>we still go for concerts and food and nostalgia
>always roaming the city at night heavily armed
>it is stupid and dangerous and I never do it alone but my dad misses his childhood
>Ive never been attacked but my dad had when he was younger
>thugs know for a 40 year old white man with a beard to be wandering around at night hes either mafia and/or some racist who cant wait to shoot some blacks
>thats no joke, the feds recently set up cameras at interections taking pictures of peoples faces
>they arent sure if so many blacks are getting killed from gang violence or if there is a serial killer
>no one would notice either way
>we saw the feds driving, four men in suits with short hair, tinted windows, black sedan, large antenna
>sends a chill down your spine

let me tell you about the BEST meal EXPERIENCE in cleveland. No, youve never been there and you might not be able to go.

>> No.3990670

There is no sign
there is no website

one old jewish schvitz (steamhouse) remains in the ghetto. Old building bricked up windows, security cams. Old jews and plenty of russians (russian mob growing in #s in parma) and Ukraines go there.

You have to know where it is, you have to know the password (be white and have a cigar in your mouth), you have to follow the only rule; no assholes.

A black guy in a red lincoln mark VIII waits in the parkinglot with a shotgun and a pistol or two, he never goes inside. Im told his name is leroy, he looks about 40. He guards the place and no blacks ever go in. They pay him very well. you go in and upstairs and talk to mark or the other guy whos name I forget. its rundown inside but its clean enough. You can order a steak, their sizes are big, huge, and fucking massive. Lots of garlic. Fresh vegetables and pickles they made themselves. You can byob and food. You get a towel and put your shit in the locker, no cellphones. pictures of arial sharom (sp?) and patton pissing in the rhine on the wall. dimly lit resting/massage room (no sex acts dont ask they will kick your ass; no women allowed anyway) then downstairs there are showers and a steam room. You will see a lot of naked white men old and young so be sure thats not going to wierd you out, no fags allowed so everyone is comfortable. After the steam you can lay on the marble benches or jump in the freezing cold pool. Then go eat tons of food and drink. Its paradise on earth and the only reason it can exist is cause its a 'private club' which was grandfathered in and they dont advertise.

>> No.3990673

one time a busboy refilled my glass of water instead of the waiter
the restaurant wasn't busy or anything
the waiter was just a lazy cunt

>> No.3990678

There is no sign
there is no website
a distant ship smoke on the hoizon
you are only coming through in waves
your lips move but I can't hear what you're saying

>> No.3990692

made me crack a smile

>> No.3990698

continuing, forgot to tell my sterlis story

>sterlis slovenian country home
>best food of its kind in cleveland, on par with sokolovs
>I think sterlis does some things better and sokolov does other things better
>we go to sterlis cause its closer and less expensive
>some of the most beautiful paintings of the old country like 20ft by 10ft all over the walls
>polka every friday
>Ive eaten there my whole life
>dad and mom have been eating there for about 40 years
>liver dumplings in chicken soup oh my god I want it so bad
>schnitzel is amazing
>that guy fierie goes there before they sold it and acted like a prick ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=my613lHyqmo )
>the lady in the video is the owned, shes usually there
>One day Im waitng by the front door and a burly slavid guy in his 50s who seemed a little crazy with a thick accent told me a story about how a while ago some black guy must have pissed him off and he knocked the guy down and smashed his head with a rock and left his body by the bridge
>he just confessed murder to me on easter
>a few months later the lady in the vid sells sterlis
>we go back to eat there and the food is too salty and not as fresh
>everything tastes a little differnt
>the menu is more expensive and slightly different
>veal wasnt made right
>we complain, new owner tells us we are wrong and its the same chefs and same preparation
>all four of us knew she was lying
>just lost one of my favorite dining places
>first lee wah and now sterlis

such is life in cleveland

>> No.3990704
File: 5 KB, 184x184, 1342119909070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember a thread you made a little while ago. Your new trip shall be torn asshole!

>mfw same picture as last thread you made

>> No.3990707

Clevelandbro have you ever considered moving to a different area or city? I can understand if you are staying there because family ties but everything about the place sounds absolutely foul and disgusting. You have made me very thankful that I live where I do. We are having an economic explosion right now and it makes it easy to forgot how depressed and dilapidated much of the country is right now.

>> No.3990718

Yeah, texas roadhouse is usually a pretty sweet place. Honey rolls are to die for.

>> No.3990728


As I mentioned there are some mob controlled places left in collinwood
>private club called vagabahn (sp?) club
>cant get in unless you know someone
>you wouldnt want to go in anyway
>you probably think its like some super cool smoking lounge with the godfather there drinking brandy and stroking a kitty
>its full of punks and junkies
>why are there junkies in the mafia hangout you wonder huh?

this is the part they dont tell you about using drugs; the worst part

>your dealer controls the drugs
>the drugs control you
>Your dealer controls you
>the mafia controls the dealer
>you want more and cant afford it? do me this favor
>want some free heroin? (they will ask you while you are already drunk/high)
>you get hooked
>most all the dealers in the city buy from them
>you cant get it anywhere else
>you are now their bitch
>if female you are now a prostitute
>if male you are probably still a prostitute, but even worse you are now a hitman
>one professional levelheaded hitman who keeps his mouth shut is rare and dangerous to them
>if he gets caught he knows to much
>junkies dont know shit and no one believes them anyway
>kill this guy for some heroin
>they kill him, they receive a hot dose in return
>cops find another dead junkie and dont give a shit figure he just OD'd

>> No.3990729


>its true the cuyohauga river caught on fire, more than once actually
>the opening sequence of the drew carrey show shows a place we call 'the flatts'
>the flats is closed not because hoodlums know its the ideal place to rob drunks
>find drunk, stab, take wallet, drop body in the river
>this happens too many times and all the business die out
>this video sums it up when they call it a 'scooby doo ghost town' ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZzgAjjuqZM&feature=fvwrel )
>all the businesses were really colorful and shit so when they went under it looked like a nightmare and still does
>we do have great lakes brewing company, some of the best beer outside of germany
>no really look into it they have their shit together
>you cant get it west of missisipi though cause it doesnt last long; no preservatives- they follow some 17th century german purity law

>> No.3990733

>There was literally no one in the entire restaurant besides my friend and I

That happened to me recently (sort of).

I've never been to Chipotle and wanted to try it. G and me head to the closest on late Friday evening. The stores in that strip mall all have a smoked glass exterior since they face west, and you cant really see what's going on inside. We walk in the front door and no one there and the lights are out. They forgot to lock the front door after they closed.

At many restauants there is always some item they have there that I would swipe if I got the chance, but having never eaten there I wouldn't know what to grab.

>> No.3990736

now* in the third line

>> No.3990737

Thats fucking glorious! If i was his manager and he did that by himself I would call corporate and give a job/medal.

>> No.3990740


I can leave. Im in college right now for finance.

Its painful man because I kind of love it here. The lake man, the lake is amazing. And all of the things you cant find anywhere else. I love the remnants of the city, part of me never wants to let go.

but its stupid and dangerous and I should just leave someday

Im thinking about raleigh-carrie-durham area

>> No.3990759

Oh god, that's a story you will tell your kids.

>> No.3990779

This brought a tear to my eye. Makes me so proud to be white. I'd have done the same.

>> No.3990785

>Makes me so proud to be white.
Retard detected.

>> No.3990830


well then I guess Im retarded too

funny thats not what they told me after my last IQ test

>> No.3990837

>IQ tests
They are bullshit. TB supposedly has a 155 IQ, for fuck's sake.

>> No.3990850

>TB supposedly has a 155 IQ,
Taco Bell?


>> No.3990855

>funny thats not what they told me after my last IQ test
If you have had an IQ test, or multiple ones, there is a good chance people worried about your intelligence and had a reason to submit you to such a test.

>> No.3990861

Are you upset that your nigger people would have trashed the place like the monkey sub humans you are?

>> No.3990872

Oh god, here we go!

>> No.3990878

/ck/, pls. Stop it with the fucking racism. This isn't /b/, and it isn't funny.

>> No.3990885

I am not even American, and my country has a far lower crime rate than yours (plus we live longer, are more free, have less debt, less corruption, are not afraid of each other, and do not have the highest prison population and largest domestic surveillance network).

Have fun with Obama though bro. I can hear your tears hitting the keyboard from here.

>> No.3990900

>Have fun with Obama though bro

Why wouldn't I? I get free food and shit just for being lazy and not wanting to work more. Viva la Mexico, putos.

>> No.3990902

The perpetuation of racism on /ck/ is fueled purely by the emotionally loaded responses they cause. I have observed a few trends in terms of this subject, and one of them is that this board actually has it's own predators who pretend - I hope - to present an extremely racist mindset in hopes of finding people who care, and thus people whose feelings they can systematically hurt.

The only way to win at this game is to not play.

>> No.3990913

>The perpetuation of racism on /ck/ is fueled purely by the emotionally loaded responses they cause
Basically this. It reminds me of children/puppies doing "bad things" for attention.

>> No.3990915

Holy shit, you sound like you're describing St. Louis, where I'm from.

>>Ridiculous number of public art venues.
>>Very low cost of living.
>>Large indie scene.
>>Lots of free events, parades, festivals.
>>Most architecture is old art deco style.
>>Misconstrued as most dangerous city in country because of the county's refusal to combine crime reports like every other city/county in the country.

>> No.3990921

they did it to everyone in my college psych class

do you think ill be ok?

>> No.3990924

It's wierd too. Assuming how many Europeans and non americans come to the board, then again, may Euros and Aussies are more racist than us.

>> No.3990930

>they did it to everyone in my college psych class
>do you think ill be ok?
If you took psychology in university, you are probably retarded.

>> No.3990939


Its funny when people pretend to know what you are thinking like its a sure thing

Are you trying to say cleveland isnt dangerous and its just misconstrued that way?

>> No.3990942

what are required prerequisites and how do they work?

>> No.3990954

>psychology as a prerequisite

For what, your Visual Arts and Feminism in Modern Society dual major?

>> No.3990978


>> No.3990974



you're gonna run out of shit to pull out of your ass soon

>> No.3990984
File: 258 KB, 383x500, 1338598966583.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>realizes the guy is a racist
>accuses him of going to college for visual arts or feminist bullshit

>> No.3990996

"Not surprisingly, finance is one of the highest-paying college majors" http://www.bankrate.com/finance/personal-finance/high-paying-college-majors-8.aspx



>> No.3991006 [DELETED] 

>picks his major based on projected income

I guess the purpose of education was lost on you. Then again, you are a finance major. Call me when abstract though.

>> No.3991009

>picks his major based on projected income

I guess the purpose of education was lost on you. Then again, you are a finance major. Call me when abstract thought.

>> No.3991027

>picks his major based on projected income

I guess the purpose of education was lost on you. Then again, you are a finance major. Call me when abstract thought.

>> No.3991050


>post it twice for double impact!

>> No.3991059

>>Most architecture is old art deco style.
Lol, whut. Most downtown architecture is empty lots, converted1900s brick warehouses, and a few late-90s postmodern abominations. I actually love St. Louis for its history and all the free art, but the core of the city is practically bombed out.

>> No.3991085

London, i think it was Hard rock cafe or similarly named near the station.

Everyone ordered, i decided to try their carabonara.
45 minutes later, the rest of the table got their dishes, i got none.
After waiting patiently for 15 minutes i asked the waitress why my food was taking so long, she left to ask the kitchen.
After another 10-15 minutes later she walks right past our table and i somewhat less courteously call out to her and ask what the holdup is, she says she forgot to ask.
20 minutes later i get a plate of soggy spaghetti slathered in what tastes like tinned bechamel sauce with a handful of canned mushrooms on top.
Not even fucking pepper

>> No.3991092

To top it off, as we are about to leave the waitress calls out though the restaurant that we forgot to calculate the tip.

Her tip bought me 3 cheeseburgers at the McD across the road, sad to say that was best meal of the day.

>> No.3991121

A lot of co/ck/s lament the influx of /b/astards here, but for the most part they fizzle out quickly. The newer generation of /b/astards are /b/ereft of /b/alls.

>> No.3991156

Yeah that's what I've heard. Apparently the Southern French are much nicer and friendly.

>> No.3991270


>> No.3991402

No they never found me/bothered to look.
Recently before this incident the laws were changed to stop this kind of incorrect labelling, so I would have just pleaded false advertising anyway.

>> No.3991975

> I am not even American, and my country has a far lower crime rate than yours (plus we live longer, are more free, have less debt, less corruption, are not afraid of each other, and do not have the highest prison population and largest domestic surveillance network).

> Have fun with Obama though bro. I can hear your tears hitting the keyboard from here.

I don't understand all the butthurt about Obama. Democrats. Even the spooks, are do-nothings. He had zero effect on me last 4 years. If next 4 go the same I'm in good shape. You fuckin haters want Dubya back? Or maybe a retarded mormon? 8 years of that shit destroyed the housing market, crippled the economy, got us involved in 2 wars, both being the longest in US history.

You fuckin retards don't understand the difference between blacks and niggers. And probably not rednecks and hillbillies. Its like night and day.

>> No.3992037

Why is this thread still up on the front page?

>> No.3992070

>4-day school trip a while ago
>Paid for buffet breakfast, lunch, and dinner
>We get to lunch hungry as fuck
>Where's the buffet?
>Get served obviously reheated steak and potatoes with brown, non-washed salad
>Teachers obviously mad
>No free water, 0.3L coke is fucking $3
>We flip our shit, and threat to report to the manager and request refund (Also because the rooms were dirty and furniture was broken)
>Suddenly free water
>We lit a table on the balcony, just so they remember bus

>> No.3992081

Not to make this a /pol/ thing, but the signing of the NDAA, the unending drone strikes, and the secret kill lists are actually all so totally inexcusable that the fact that anyone would vote for him is completely morally appalling. A vote for Obama is literally saying that murder is ok.

>> No.3992082

>In some little mom and pop place in a small town on the other side of the state
>Walk in
>No one greets me
>Take a seat near some other people
>Waitress eventually comes by after about 15 minutes
>Asks if I've been helped
>Say no
>She walks away
>10 minutes later comes back with a menu and a glass of water with no ice
>Ready to order after about 5 minutes of looking at the menu
>Place menu part way off the table to show that I'm ready ot order
>Waitress comes back after another 15 minutes
>Place order
>25 minutes after I place my order, I inquire about my food when the waitress walks by
>She forgot to turn in my order
>Get up and walk out as she apologizes.
>Get McDonalds instead
>Food is ready in 3 minutes after I order
>Tastes the same as in my home town
>Two cheeseburgers and a small fry

>> No.3992104


Christmas story is set in Hammond Indiana. It is just as economically depressed as Cleveland...Hammond = Gary for all intents and purposes.

But you are correct that it was filmed in Cleveland.

>> No.3992208

Ah, Venice...

>> No.3992215

Once, on my mom's birthday, we all got together and we went to Chili's for a family dinner. All was going swimmingly and then she ordered fish tacos and THERE WERE SHARDS OF PLASTIC IN IT. Now, my mom is not exactly a calm woman, and she starts hyperventilating and freaking out and then the waiter (who was new) starts freaking out because he just gave a customer plastic food and then the manager came over and we got comped for the meal. As I saw the panicked waiter walking around the restaurant I made a point to touch his arm and say "Relax, it's not your fault, you're doing fine." It wasn't really that bad of an experience, but the worst that I've had.

>> No.3992224

the worst service i ever had was when the mexican seniorita made me ask her to sugar my churro instead of instinctively knowing my churro always is asking to be sugared

>> No.3992229

yeah, i been there buddy

>> No.3992252

I'm an American. I never had that experience in Paris or in France in general. At the time I had some competency in French, enough to order food and to comprehend the waiter. When it was obvious my my accent that I was American, they preferred to speak in English. Of the two weeks I was there, I only had one bad meal, which happened to have accompanying bad service.

>> No.3992255

Fucking cunt.

>> No.3992259

>ask for check
>forced to wait for more than an hour because ... fuck if i know?
>0% tip, fuck you, i could have been home 40 minutes ago

>> No.3992264
File: 9 KB, 170x246, frasier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this that long lost Frasier episode I've not seen? WAIT ARE YOU KELSEY GRAMMER!!!? FUCK ME IT'S KELSEY FUCKING GRAMMER EVERYONE OMG!!!

>> No.3992303

The niggers know well enough to stay out of the Italian neighborhood. There's a bus (only niggers take the bus) that has a stop there; you'll never see a nigger disembark there.

>> No.3992436


those are pinbones pinhead

>> No.3992442

That would make sense, but you'd think one of the members of staff would explain rather than making it look like there actually was plastic in the fucking taco.

>> No.3992444

*Edit: Sorry, I'm forgetting this is murica where 90% of restaurants don't prepare the food on site

>> No.3992447


i'll bet, they must be scared of your specifically bro

is this cleveland thing for just you? i can't see anyone else asking for some loser speculating on how mobbed up some forgotten city must be

>> No.3992773

No such thing as "reverse racism" racism is racism. Must be brainwashed libtard, or white guilt faggot.

>> No.3992802

>full of hate for every other race
>hipster faggot
Sure sounds like white guitl libtard. You got him there.

>> No.3992841

If it's of people I don't give a shit about, why would I care?

>> No.3992854

Yeah, seriously. What's wrong with dead camel jockeys?

>> No.3993190


there is even this weird chinese restaurant here with all the movie memorabilia in it. I ate there once. I think they have the origina l leg lamp

>> No.3993206

cleveland bro from yesterday here

While that is true and there have been some thugs that got beat up behind nido italia not long ago, the NAACP or some kind of org has -from time to time- been recruiting gangs of eight or so black kids to walk around by the alta house and the area loitering, screwing with a basketball.

When I asked my local buddies they said it was a trap by some people trying to do a story about how racist the hill is.

But I saw them there on three separate days, havent seen them in months.

but yes, for the most part you are correct. There are still guys there who will crack a niggers skull when given a chance.

To any foreigners worried by this; dont worry. Unless you are a black hoodrat in your teens twenties or thirties you will be fine. Especially if you stick to the more touristy places like prestis and the main strip. A harmless looking black lady walking down the street wouldnt get jumped and probably wouldnt get any flak. Asians are safe everywhere (as safe as it gets) Ive seen them in the afterhours bars on their own and they dont get harassed. A lot of foreign college students have apartments there.

>> No.3993210

There seems to be a handful of people in this thread discussing Cleveland. Is this 4chan thing just for you? are you black? why dont you go down to murry hill on a summer night around 2am dressed like a thug and walk the back alleys talking shit to people and find out for yourself.

>> No.3993214
File: 31 KB, 300x300, 61GvVQJCLyL._SL500_AA300_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is unusual and it's so boring I've not learn anything. Literally the only thing I know about Cleveland is the phrase "Cleveland steamer" so I assume they have steam boats or something. This thread hasn't changed that. I'm not even sure what state Cleveland is in.

>> No.3993229

did you read the thread? The cleveland discussion has been going on for a while

People are discussing what cleveland is like for people there, not technical details if you want that try wikipedia.com

>> No.3993239

I knew nothing about Cleveland other than Drew Carry and the Browns before this thread. Now I know Cleveland is a cesspool of crime, poverty, blacks, dilapidation and overall shadiness. I live in Houston and the shit he said makes our worst parts of town sound like Maybury. At least folk in Texas don't usually kill each other for no reason, if somebody gets shot they usually had it coming to em. Will be avoiding Cleveland at all costs.

>> No.3993269

It's true. I went to a cafe outside of Lyon and the waitress was nice. I knew a bit of French from High School which was enough for me to get around. She spoke some English and I asked her if my experience in Paris was normal. She said yes, and Parisians are pretentious and rude to anyone other than Parisians.
I also had a foreign exchange student from France tell me how warm people in America are compared to France. It make me feel good when people see past our stereotypes.

>> No.3993285

>on road trip to Arizona from California to see my cousins
>Family is hungry
>stop by cafe in middle of desert
>walk in
>the cafe is crouded
>tables with dirty dishes
>family sits down at counter
>we aren't even acknowledged
>feel like I am in the Twilight Zone where everyone just waits for nothing
>we wait 5 minutes counter isn't cleared
>We decide to leave
>We find a restaurant about an hour and a half down the highway in some tiny town
>By that time we are starving
>Waitress greets us and seats us
>does what waitresses do
>feel relieved get food that was pretty good
I wasn't sure if I died and was in limbo at the cafe. It felt surreal.

>> No.3993288

>Teachers obviously mad
>No free water, 0.3L coke is fucking $3
>We flip our shit,

This reminds me my tale of woe, which I think counts as "service".

> Be as DisneyWorld on a school trip
> Have meal vouchers for one "side item" (fries/rings/strudel etc for breakfast), one lunch ($7), and one dinner ($10).
> It being 1991 that seemed like a generous amount of lunch so no worries
> Spending the days walking our asses off and sweating buckets in the swamps of Florida
> %10 or less of the menus at restaurants comprise items within that budget
> Little kid-sized amounts of cash on us that would barely upgrade our food to reasonable portions, so we eat $6 hamburgers that are the size of a Happy Meal cheeseburger
> By 3rd day, trip is essentially ruined because fucking starving, stomach pain, no energy, and nothing we can do about it
> Asshole teachers refused to stop at the McD's we passed every morning on the way to the park so that we could spend the 10 or so dollars we had on real food (not everyone brought $ so it wouldn't be "fair").

>> No.3993291

I think I know that feel. I've walked into random dive bars before that were completely silent, there were maybe three people there sitting alone. The only thing served is bottled domestic beer, no music is on and the T.V. quietly drones CNN. When I walk into that I just drink my beer quickly and GTFO.

>> No.3993294

It is a scary feel.

>> No.3993296

Ah c'mon, your trolling reaks of no-effort.

> Hear that Rosie O'Donnel show is cancelled
> Panic sets in, shit trickling down leg

>> No.3993298

cleveland bro again

yeah the thing is there are nice areas in the city but none except some of the westside are isolated enough from the crime. The terminal tower plaza for example (the heart of the city) is where the main bus stop for RTA is so all the hoodrats wander around what should be the nicer part of downtown waiting for going to/from busses. If you want to know what these busses are like watch this video


this shit is weekly down here.

So all public transport is like hell on earth with the exception of laketran which is a little better cause they go to suburbs.

Ive seen hookers walking around outside the terminal tower. Literally the central monument of the city and there are hookers on the street.

My good friend I was just talking to last night is cleveland heights police, he said east cleveland never has more than 3 cops on duty at any one time. Thats what a shithole it is, they dont even bother. 3 cops for one of the nations worst ghettos.

>> No.3993299

My cleveland heights buddy responded to a domestic violence call, wanna hear another story?

>hes a 28 year old iraq vet
>was military police
>now a cop
>patrolling around, gets dom. violence call
>goes to scene, two niggas fighting mommy nad babby daddy
>some little puppy pitbull nearby
>he calms them down and asks if there are any other dogs nearby (not supposed to have pitbulls in most cities)
>they say no
>he walks back to cruiser to report in
>opens the door and from behind him come 3 fully grown pitbulls
>they are attacking him to kill
>dogs rarely do this unless they were trained to
>biting the shit out of his legs
>He slams the door on it over and over till he can draw his pistol
>shoots the hell out of the dog
>backup arrives in no time
>pitbulls take a lot more bullets to kill than one would think
>they bit the hell out of his legs he needed 40 something stitches in his leg and ten on his hand
>the cops arrest the two and investigate the house
>find two more pitbulls
>have to kill them too due to risk and protocal

such is life in cleveland

>> No.3993301

how about another?

>cedar lee theater is a nice theater in cleveland heights (or is it technically cedar heights?)
>they show good indy/foreign films
>going there with mom and dad a few years ago to see a movie
>park, walk around front
>already had dinner
>huge crowd of porch monkeys in front of the theater
>they usually hang outside the walgreens across the street
>hear some yelling and its obvious a fight/riot is going to break out
>turn back for the car for the drive home
>see someone run and then hear the loudest human screams Ive heard in my life
>my dad tells me thats what it sounds like when someone gets stabbed
>hurts more than gunshot because lack of shock force and more tearing + usually bigger wound
>this guy was wailing like a fiend
>scarriest sound ever
>tons of fighting now
>run back to car
>I cant even remember what movie it was

such is life in cleveland

>> No.3993306

I'm not trolling, if you think I am feel free to do so. The restaurant I went to was the Sunset Grille in Blythe. The cafe we went to was across from a gas station and next to a museum.

>> No.3993311

Yes, yes we all took the red pill we get it.

>> No.3993322

there is a button on most QWERTY keyboards to the right of the 'end' key

yes, press that button whenever you feel like you're reading something that you dont want to read

>> No.3993326


Cleveland UPPERCUT! mysides

>> No.3993330

>so edgy
Why don't you do something beyond post racist drivel on a COOKING message board?

I mean publish a newsletter and use your real name if you strongly believe in something. Don't be afraid and use an online cooking msg board as your little soapbox. Man up.

>> No.3993350


well I dont actually believe in genetic racial superiority, and I have a lot of black friends who also hate nigger ghetto culture. So my message would be misinterpreted by simple minds like yours who dont see past the 'racists are just trying to be so edgy' to mean that im a white supremacist and my career would be ruined.

Ive been actually talking about eating experiences in cleveland because this is a thread about bad service for most of my posts though.

>> No.3993352


you goin to jail now

>> No.3993356
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Only one I really vividly remember.

>be about 8
>road trip with parents, shit marriage, on verge of divorce but I'm just excited we're going somewhere
>stop for food, only place for miles
>at Denny's
>Fucking Denny's
>we go in, maybe 3 other tables if I remember correctly
>sit down and wait for service
>and keep waiting
>and keep fucking waiting
>finally server comes out and asks us for our drinks
>order and just as we're about to just go ahead and order our food, she leaves
>we wait for at least another 20 minutes before she comes back
>all the while, the only people on the floor are the busboys just sort of standing around
>finally get to order our food
>another 30 minutes later, get pancakes/waffles or whatever, my family is vegetarian so it wasn't that big of a deal
>everything sucks
>horribly dry everything, burnt to shit and hair all fucking in it
>tell waiter to take it back
>another 30 minutes, get food, waiter brings it out with his thumb practically in my mother's pancakes
>he licks what I fucking hope is chocolate syrup off his hand and puts it right back on her plate
>food still is awful, hair all in it, mom starts crying because of.... I don't really remember what
>try to calm her down, can't
>finally just leave, don't pay anything
>mfw as we're leaving I realized the table behind us had been there longer than we had and only just got their drinks

I have never been to a Denny's since.
Fucking christ, how can you be that terrible?

>> No.3993360

Mah nigga! I'm guessing you lived in Dhahran. I grew up in Ras Tanura.

>> No.3993363

>Was at a Japanese steak house type of place.
>Early Saturday before the dinner rush.
>With my wife on one end and a family with a young daughter, maybe 7 or so on the other.
>Table probably sat 8 or so.
>Doing the usual "flair" flipping the spatula, tossing shrimp in his hat, ect..
>Doing the fried rice, cooking everything nicely, whips out the egg.
>Spinning egg on the grill surface, grabs spatula, flips it into the air, catches on the back of the spatula...
>Flips it back into the air, lands on front of spatula...
>Flips it again and it lands right in that little girls lap...
>Well actually it clipped the edge of the table, so now this little girls is sitting and just slack jawed and wide eyed staring at the chef with a lap full of raw egg.
>Shit was kind of funny just cause it didn't happen to me.

The parents were upset, but not like yelling and shit. I'm pretty sure they got comped for the meal and a future free one.

>> No.3993366

Oh man I mean it's always bad but this time, my gosh..
>About 10pm
>I'm one of two customers in there
>Wait for like 15 minutes before the waiter comes over
>"Um yeah anything you want?"
>"Well I'd like a waiter.."
>He's the waiter thank God, and takes my order
>30 minutes to make an omlette
>Another family comes in 20 minutes after my order was taken
>He comes over to basically complain how there's another group of people in here and it's why it's taking so long
>finally get my food
>eat it and pay with my credit card
>think "if it takes him more than 5 minutes to process and get my card back, I'm leaving no tip"
>takes him 10 minutes
>no tip
Man he pissed me off so much,. Never going to Ihop again because of him.

>> No.3993373

>Not in food service
>Complains about those who are

>> No.3993379

Cleveland bro, anywhere online that I can find out more interesting information about how shitty your ghetto is? I'm genuinely interested.

>> No.3993392

'nother time eating in cleveland

>going to the 'chocolate bar' restaurant to eat before seeing a concert at HoB with gf
>get seated, get water and menus
>Seats are hard chairs and very uncomfortable ie not ergonomic and angled funny
>table is too small
>music is too loud
>have to shout to talk to gf
>cant be romantic when you shout every word and cant hear eachother
>music going from tribal to folk to prog rock to pop all over the place
>im about to go to a concert I dont want to hear this shit
>restaurant is freezing cold
>order a pork based dish of some kind gf get a quesedilla
>this looks expensive better be good
>like 6 tiny nubs of pork and some arugula
>her quesedilla is as thick as 4 pennies
>eat it all in a minute, still hungry cold and aggravated
>RTA bus outside the restaurant bumps into the car in front of it at like 5 mph
>saw it but couldnt even hear the bump
>12 people faking injuries need to be carried off the bus by ems
>the waitresses are all watching out the window
>dont bother to complain about high prices and no food
>check is like $50 for two entrees and a beer
>tip 15%
>leave and eat bar food at the HoB

>> No.3993400

This guy:
is dumb.
>It was the cook's fault
>Not the waiter's
sage because you're not even trolling.

>> No.3993401

You just made me remember one.
Not a necessarily bad experience because of the service, but similar circumstances to what you guys described

>be 13, school trip to DC
>extremely excited to go out of town with some friends and basically have everything paid for you
>soon realize that latter part isn't fucking accurate at all
>only restaurants we go to in the entirety of DC are Hard Rock Cafe, Chili's, Friday's, Applebees and other random bullshit
>there for an entire week
>can't even get what I want on the menu as they only offered 4 fixed items to school kids
>all of it was meat so I couldn't eat any of it (vegetarian)
>survive week by eating rice krispie treats, pringles and fig newtons with water from the convenient shop in our hotel

DC is a beautiful place though...

>captcha: teacupful washington
Weird lol

>> No.3993423

>and I have a lot of black friends
Sure you do.

>> No.3993450

>Guatemala with family years ago
>Tiny village in the middle of nowhere (fuck tourist traps)
>Only one restaurant in the whole village, nice outdoor patio for the dining area.
>show up, pretty crowded, must be good
>Waiter comes over, parents speak fluent spanish, order cheeseburger
>half hour later, power goes out for the entire town except for the tiny cathedral across the street, which starts up a loud ass generator and continues with even louder singing to compensate
>waiters come around and put candles on everyone's tables
>2 hours pass, waiters explain they only have a single oven
>finally get food after another half hour, fucking delicious, but doesn't taste like beef
>ask the waiter about it, he explains he doesn't know what kind of animal it is.
>Like I said, parents are fluent in spanish, no language barrier, he doesn't know
>describes "a furry animal that lives in the jungle" and leaves it at that.

We came back the next night (a few hours before we were hungry) and specifically requested beef for the burgers, power went out right on cue at the same time. Luckily no parasites.

>> No.3993459

was it capybara or something? I know they eat those suckers.

>> No.3993470


well, you can look up crime stats and you can watch videos on youtube

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PXVbc9T1Lp0 ( a lot of old big houses remain, built during prosperous times, now house crackheads with busted out and boarded up windows)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1-9TSoe-p7g&feature=related (deputies pull out of cleveland due to 'manpower issues')

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kHb-jTDUUHE&feature=fvwrel (parking meter gets sawed off in broad daylight right across from the justice department, interestingly enough its a white guy I think)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=izdei9e-KxY&feature=related (documentary about the flatts aka 'scooby doo ghost town' )

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rn18scXcyJA&feature=related ( some shennanegins in little italy, they still have fun there)

but in defense of the city there is still
good food
good concerts
great archietecture
good colleges
tremendous art museum
some nightlife in the 'wharehouse district'
great food market westside market
the westside aint too bad

other good news is the hospitals and colleges are buying up a lot of the ghetto closest to downtown and bringing in dat obama money

but they also opened up a fucking casino, its shitty compared to vegas and id never go there. As if we didnt already have too many bums.

also, see those 'hastily made cleveland tourism' videos I posted earlier

>> No.3993476

well I did help to run a nonprofit inner city phys ed program for about 4 years in the hood, Im kind of from cleveland. Have you been reading?

the funny thing is, you probably think my black friends dont agree with my views. DId you know that many blacks are against race mixing?

>> No.3993484

>no commas or apostrophes
>ran a physical education program

Full retard detected.

>> No.3993482

and another cool thing is cops leave little italy alone

ive even been in a bar after hours and seen them come in and order drinks


>> No.3993490


Lol, they just drove by not even turning on their sirens.

>> No.3993493

grammar nazi who can't spot a comma to save his life

>> No.3993508

no idea. he didn't know, therefore I don't know.

>> No.3993539


>> No.3993576

Another one, Mexico this time.
>go to tiny restaurant in the middle of town for breakfast
>waitress comes and takes our order, brings us drinks and disappears
>45 minutes go by with no one in sight
>waitress and another girl come back finally
>they regretfully explain that the chefs haven't shown up to work and neither of them know how to make pancakes or omelettes (what we had ordered)
>mom re-assures them that it isn't their fault
>mom goes to the kitchen and makes it herself
>they charge us for the food she used to cook

honestly why even open the restaurant?

>> No.3993607


I'm no doctor, but I'd be rightly pissed off if I get misdiagnosed or ignored.

>> No.3993610 [DELETED] 

Guatemalan here, depending on the location you would eat capybara (Tepezcuintle). Still don't worry most meals are chicken, cow or pork. Nothing fancy here, perharps you had an "Indigena" waiter who even tho' talked spanish, really didn't knew jackshit about the language.

>> No.3993611

Guatemalan here, depending on the location you would eat capybara (Tepezcuintle). Still don't worry most meals are chicken, cow or pork. Nothing fancy here, perharps you had an "Indigena" waiter who even tho' talked spanish, really didn't knew jackshit about the language.

>> No.3993657

Korean BBQ sounds awesome, but every place around me has similar stories where the owners/waiting staff ignored the shit out of anyone not asian.
It sucks because I want to try it so bad.

>> No.3994125
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>>We lit a table on the balcony, just so they remember bus

>> No.3994644

>vacationing in Fiji
>have heard that Fiji has some amazing Indian restaurants
>ask the bartender at the hotel where a good Indian restaurant is
>he says there is a good one on a nearby road
>he offers to drive us but gf and I decide to walk
>the road is mostly surrounded by bush with a building every so often
>hungry as fuck, wondering where the fuck this restaurant is
>come across, what looked like a double story-house, but had a sign board with a menu out the front
>menu lists chinese and indian dishes with a few faded pics of random food items
>uhh, I guess this is one of those quaint places that only the locals know about
>go in and are greeted by a young Indian guy, seated in what looked like an old disco from the 80's (bright, multi-colored bar, walls, etc.)
>alarm bells are sounding but my hunger drowns them out
>gf orders vegetable curry, is served some kind of seafood curry with very sad looking whole prawns (including the head). She eats the bread.
>I order a lamb curry, am served brown-tinged water with the faint aroma of curry and a few chunks of what I presumed was lamb. I eat the bread.

>> No.3994645
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>Wait 30mins for waiter to show himself so we can ask for bill
>Eventually get up and poke my head through kitchen door
>An elderly asian couple are sitting there eating Mcdonalds.
>Indian waiter is bent over delicately picking meat off, what looked like, a roast chicken with his bare hands and putting it into a pot
>give him a 'wtfeverjusttakemymoneysoIcanleave' kind of look and pull out a $20 note.
>he takes the $20 and gestures to the asian lady, who pulls a key out of her pocket and opens a lock box
>the indian counts the change on the table like a casino dealer
>asian lady looks over the change then gives a nod of approval
>all the while asian man is gorging himself on fries and chicken nuggets
>we walk back to hotel, pissed as hell at the bartender
>dont give him any tips for the rest of our holiday
>on final day of trip we book a day-cruise
>the taxi driver takes us on the road with the restaurant
>about 800metres further down the road is a beautiful Indian place with huge alfresco gardens and people everywhere.

>> No.3994713
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That would explain a lot actually.

>> No.3994824

> At mall of america
> hungry
> closest place is Dick's Last Resort
> waiting to be seated
> waiter is very rude and snarky the whole time, says im too slow
> order a glass of soda
> it has 38 straws in it
> 38
> waiter comes back with saram wrap
> starts running around me wrapping me to my chair
> pissed off, rip off the saram wrap, ask him what the hell is wrong with him, and leave
then I found out this was normal at Dick's Last Resort

>> No.3994892

Asian went to Waffle House in Tennessee, was ignored. went to a local restaurant that looked even more racist but had a very good experience

>> No.3994898

>Asian went to Waffle House in Tennessee, was ignored.
Wow. Land of the Free indeed.

>> No.3994900

BAM! Don't you hate it when you realize how bad you fucked up? Sucks bro.

>> No.3994940

That's the theme.

>> No.3994941

I like murder.

I'd be perfectly find with being part of a population cull/nuclear cleansing if it would save the planet from us.

>> No.3994962

Ohh, sounds like Ed Debevik's in Chicago! That's awesome, I love those places but yeah, that'd be fucked up if you didn't know

>> No.3994975
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>saram wrap

>> No.3994980

There was a scene like that in the Sopranos where a waiter chases Chris and Paulie out for not tipping. You should watch it.

>> No.3995020

had this almost happen to me, boss wouldnt let me leave, not even for a bathroom break, until all the dish work was done. I'd been feeling queasy all day.

I "Accidentally" slashed my palm open on a knife in the water so they would let me go.

whe they refused to pay for sick leave i fucking quit, took them to court and got them to atleast payout my leave, plus all the hours of overtime.

>> No.3995104

happened tonight.

>decent mexican restaurant
>waiter comes to take drink order, but cant be bothered to look at us, instead has eyes glued on football game across the restaurant in the bar
>takes meal order same way
>vanishes into the back large party area
>have to ask the busboy to refill drinks, he does 2 times.
>another waiter brings our food, 30 minutes later even though it was fucking tacos and chili rellanos and there isnt a rush of people.
>finish meal
>another busboy hands us chips and salsa and says our waiter will come by shortly to take our drink order
>another wait comes over and tries to give us another tables food, even though we have a box of food on the table.
>wait 25 minutes for bill
>waiter apologizes and says theyre busy tonight while giving our bill to us, all the while watching the football game
>10 minutes later have to walk to the front and give the hostess our card, she brings it back to the server.
>10 minutes later he brings stub to sign
> "tip: quit your job, no tip for you :)"

passive aggressiveness >50000000

>> No.3995120

Sat down at an Italian bar and restaurant, everyone is over eighteen (Legal drinking age here)

Waiter stands angrily and disapprovingly demands ID, treats us like assholes when everyone has been nothing but polite and reasonably quiet,

The fuck man? He was still a prick the whole night when we all politely showed him ID and everyone was of age

>> No.3995123

Waiter here. I'm legitimately shit at my job, but it's the only work I can get right now.

>Get excited whenever somebody orders a steak medium rare
>10 minutes after I took the order, freak out because I might have accidentally hit "Medium Well"
>On the verge of a panic attack
>Find an excuse to go to that or adjacent table to do some recon
>Steak's always fine

I'll be dumping some stories of various orders I've fucked up.

>> No.3995217


>> No.3995229

>Go to bar with friends
>Order some drinks and burgers
>Some band comes in to play for the night
>Drink arrive
>Band starts playing
>Music is so loud it is a indistinguishable sound, might as well be white noise.
>Burgers arrive
>Can't even hear myself think
>Starting to think I might get hearing damage
>Friends cant hear me over music
>Get up and leave
>They come running to me outside and question as to why I left

>> No.3995232

>went to italian restaurant
>order pasta arrabiata
>got sodomized by waiter with a pepper grinder
>no tip for him

>> No.3995312


i used to eat at a hipster restaurant that had awesome food, but they had this insane rule that the waitstaff had to memorize your order, rather than writing it down.

every fucking time, something would get screwed up. every. fucking. time.

>> No.3995656
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>After a party I visited BurgerKing because 3 friends were hungry.
>Two girls at the register, both look dumb as fuck,probably didn't even finished school/dropouts
>We all ordered and I was last.I just ordered one Chickenburger (or how they are called,I'm not often there anyway) but without sauce.
>All my friends get their food, I have to wait.
>get impatient
>Friends are halfway done but I don't give a shit since I only have to eat 1 burger
>Finally get my burger but WITH sauce
>I go back to the register and tell them that I ordered it without sauce
>have to wait another 3 min
>Get another burger with sauce
>Get mad as fuck as my friends finished eating and we want to drive away (No eating in the car allowed)
>say to my friends that the cashier and cook are bitches while some co-worker of them listens
>Go to the register scream at them and want my money back
>mfw mad because of a burger

>Fucking BurgerKing

I know it was kinda immature,but still, how hard is it to make one burger without sauce? I even asked them how someone can be this incompetent.

>> No.3996105

>be at favorite japanese restaurant
>have nice waitress a few times, really sweet and gives free food on occasion
>accidentally forget to tip once
>bitch takes a fucking picture of receipt and proceeds to tell me & boyfriend how we are "not friends anymore"
>will not serve us anymore
>cannot flag down another waitress, everyone is busy
>leave and never go back

For fuck`s sake, I tipped the bitch good when we ate there. Forget one time and apparently we were tremendous assholes.

>> No.3996384

asians mang

>> No.3997516


I feel like I'm the only one on this board from PEI. We definitely have some nice places here, but there's a few I could think of where you'd get shirt service/food.