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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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3987156 No.3987156 [Reply] [Original]

hey /ck/ammandoes
Im a soldier and we eat these mres alot. I normally dont heat them up because i dont have time. Some of them are good(spaghetti) but some of them taste like absolute SHIT (the chilimac mre).
So I was wondering if anybody has some tips on how to make mres taste batter?

Keep in mind the only ingredients i have available to add to it are 40 packets of salt(i save them), pepper, 5 bottles of tobasco sauce, and water.

>pic related, its the alpha tier spaghetti mre

>> No.3987170

Tabasco and pepper. As much as you can spare/handle. Tabasco has salt in it, so you probably won't need to add extra salt.

>> No.3987169

bump for my glock :3

>> No.3987179

I tried that. I had chicken and dumplings mre and i poured an entire bottle of tobasco sauce in it and it did not taste good at all. I also pour pepper on the flatbread but it does not taste good,

>> No.3987187

Tabasco? Thats why they give you a mini bottle of Tabasco in the MRE's, it makes them edible. I inherited about 100 MRE's from family members after hurricane Ike and I ate the fuck out of them because I was in college. Hot sauce helps.

>> No.3987192


Well, I don't know what else to tell you. Try to find any extra ingredients you can and experiment. PB&J with the flatbread. Anything salty or savory to add to the main meals to mask whatever flavors you're not liking.

>> No.3987196

no, i have like 4 fucking gallons of tobasco sauce

>> No.3987198

>don't have time to heat up mre's
>instant heaters available always

You're full of shit, hero. I did 10 years in the Army, 8 of those years were in the Infantry. When the heaters first came out, they were always used. Why? Because it took a grand total of 15 seconds.

15 seconds to heat an MRE.

The op is a lying fucking pogue.

>> No.3987199

use all of it on whatever MREs you have. as much as you can spare will help.

>> No.3987215

You're full of shit, nigger faggot. I did 11 years in the Navy, 12 of those years were on top of a submarine. When the parascopes first came out, they were always used. Why? Because it took a grand total of 15 seconds to shoot the fucking pirates.

15 seconds to light up a pirate.

You r stopid dumbasss liberal conservative zionist neonazi right wing leftist socialist fascist faggot.

>> No.3987227

shit man, if those are the only spices available to you, idk what to say :/ if you were able to get some sambal olek (god-tier, has garlic, additional chillies, some oil, etc) instead of tabasco (shit-tier) that might help a lot.

Where are you stationed? You legit might be able to forage for some yummy herbs or veges depending on your location, or deal with local food suppliers for some of their cheaper items. If all else fails, get someone you know to send you a bottle of dried rosemary, some garlic powder (or fresh garlic depending on local customs restrictions), CUMIN!!! defs cumin, and some thyme, sage, dried chillie flakes cocao powder, and chinese five-spice powder. Most of those are just things that can be kept safely in little baggies, if you're not worried about breaking shit, get them to send you some dark soy, kecap manis (like a sweeter, thicker soy), rice vinegar or apple cider vinegar, and anything else you can think of.

Mix some cumin, garlic, and chilli flakes with that chilimac shit, and I GUARANTEE it will taste better.

>pic is delicious spelt bread made from flour, water, and a handful of raisins over the course of a few days, just to show you how simple the ingredients in delicious food can be.

Hope I helped :)

>> No.3987230
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>> No.3987232

And weve now discovered op is a troll

>> No.3987234

Im currently stationed in in yellow stone. I am in my tent right now. This is one hardcore airsoft match.

>> No.3987241
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you make me sad OP

Anyways discard everything I said and just go microwave yourself a hotpocket from your mom's freezer, you ought to work up quite an appetite playing guns :)

>> No.3987262

god please delete this

>> No.3987293

>doesn't have time to drop packets into packets with water and wait 15 seconds
know how I know you're a troll?

>> No.3987302

I started my freshmen year of college at LSU the same year Hurricane Katrina and Rita hit they gave so many of these out and people didn't want to eat them because they were disgusting, so I horded all of them, lasted me three years.

Just use Tabasco and constantly add water as you chew, I usually used Tony's or Slap Ya Momma.

>> No.3987303

Meals, Ready to Eat come with an automatic heating element that can heat a meal and water.

it is considered a survival element and is not to be separated from your MRE.

You are misusing your issued equipment.

>> No.3987312

i dont have enough time to wait for them to hear up

>> No.3987333

MREs are fully hot within 20 seconds.
Hurry up and wait

>> No.3987339

Left off a zero. 200 seconds

>> No.3987340

Also, I don't know where you got so much tabasco from. Every soldier I know hoards those fuckers and refuses to give them up.

>> No.3987407

We used our tabasco to make MRE tear-gas bombs

>> No.3987419

are you really in that much of a hurry to die soldier?

>> No.3987540

>criticizes OP for not using heat packs
>calls him 'pogue'
>doesn't spell it POG

how's that supply job working out for you faggot?

(don't bother replying until you've actually fired a rifle at something that shoots back).

lrn2field strip you fucking rear echelon Rambo...

>> No.3987550
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That term is brand spanking new. Welcome to the world, fetus.

>> No.3987561



>> No.3987564

You mean hard earned. I earned that shit in the pic, junior.

>> No.3987565

also brb, searching for my google image retort (thinking about congressional MOH but don't know if that would be 'too much')

>> No.3987567

I wasn't implying that you didn't; shitting-and-hitting-the-pot-without-splashing badges are adorable regardless.

...do you guys still get badges for throwing 1 hand grenade without killing yourselves too?

>> No.3987569

OMG - can he muster a DD-214 to prove it? Can he? Is he the hero /ck/ deserves? Is he a combat paratrooper?

Let's find out!!!

>> No.3987570

Parachuting into a foreign country while the enemy is shooting at you isn't a boy scout badge, sport.

>> No.3987572
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Wait! What's this? A screen cap of my 214? It can't be!

>> No.3987573

oh lawdz, you and I both know you don't get either of those badges for that - can we PLEASE not insult the rest of these guys?

>> No.3987576


...you get your wings for 5 controlled, school jumps.

That would be like me saying "durr I got my bubble for planting explosives in the strait of hormuz"

that's bullshit - I got it from school

>> No.3987585

Little tyke, it is the star on the jump wings that matters.

>> No.3987590


cool - so what was france like in 1945? I've always wondered...

>> No.3987593

The United States has jumped into combat many times since WWII. It is sad and rather pathetic that you and your cohorts are so fucking stupid and uneducated.

Have you never heard of Panama, Iraq or Afghanisatan? Hell, even the Rangers jumped into Grenada.

>> No.3987594


in case you are too stupid to figure it out by now, GO BACK TO FUCKING /k/ and stroke your 7.62 mm cock there.

While I have enjoyed lukewarm sexual satisfaction from illustrating the fact that any "HURR DURR IMMA SOLJUR" badassery claim you make online isn't worth a goddamned shit regardless, the important part is that your toughguy posturing isn't fucking wanted here - unless you plan on providing a protein-heavy post-DADT recipe for MRE gumbo involving the vast reserves of human semen you have been collecting from the communal showers of your barracks, well... you are on the wrong fucking board son.

bring food talk or go back to buttfucking your bunkmate.

>> No.3987596

Translation: I'm a pogue fuckhead and all this proof has me shamed.

Deal with it, junior. There are people who've serve the country on /ck/. I like this board.

>> No.3987622
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ITT: Retard soldier wants advice turns into asslords dickwaving at each other

>> No.3987642

You can't spell for shit, stay away from open flames or you might hurt someone.

>> No.3987653

Fuck off back to /k/, couch soldier.

>> No.3987679

>not eating that shit cold and using your heater and tabasco to gas people out of their tents

come on, man.

>> No.3987731

Dick waving aside
Beef roast with vegitables is the best mre

>> No.3987794

>15 seconds
It takes like 5-10 minutes to heat an entree, 5 if its room temp and 10 if its cold out.

>> No.3988950

come on guys

>> No.3989030


I'm not sure what you are expecting us to Macgyver with salt, pepper, tobasco and water.

>> No.3989056


>> No.3991045
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>That grammar
>That spelling

I can why you would become a soldier.

>> No.3991108

>packets of salt, pepper, 5 bottles of tabasco sauce

That's what you've got, that's what you're going to use. All of it.

Why are you asking this? You already know the answer.