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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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3985647 No.3985647[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Alright /ck/ I am visiting from /fit/
I've run across a problem since I've started attending uni. I find myself always hungry and not getting the proper nutritional intake to support my workouts.

Looking for suggestions and recipes. Specifically ones that are high in nutritional value and/or quick to make. Those recipes with pictures of the step-by-step process are amazing. Feel free to post those.
Also want to know if its safe to make a huge dinner at night, put the leftovers in the fridge and then microwave it for lunch, for the next couple of days... how many days can leftovers last in the fridge?

>> No.3985649

Any ideas on how to make a slamin' beef stew thats still good for you

>> No.3985656

>Also want to know if its safe to make a huge dinner at night, put the leftovers in the fridge and then microwave it for lunch, for the next couple of days... how many days can leftovers last in the fridge?
Yes it is absolutely safe. How long it lasts depend on dish and ingredients but generally I'd say most thing can lay around for a week or so. If you want to keep it for a longer period just freeze it.

Don't know much about nutrition but stews are an extremely easy way of getting alot of vegetables. Make sure to use alot of onions, other than that you can basically add whatever vegetable and it will work.


If you follow that general step of goulach making and reduce the liquid you can make any variety of stew out of it. Just change the spices and ingredients to your choice.

Depending on what you eat with the stew you can probably make it alot more healthy. I just normally eat with white rice and sauerkraut, but change the white rice to some whole grain or something and it will probably be better for you.

>> No.3985668
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now just mix these ingredients and get shredded brah

>> No.3985695

>Also want to know if its safe to make a huge dinner at night, put the leftovers in the fridge and then microwave it for lunch, for the next couple of days... how many days can leftovers last in the fridge?

You absolutely cannot make a massive plate and microwave the same plate of food 3 nights in a row, eat some, then put it back in the fridge. A guy I knew used to do this in uni and he had the shits for 2 years solid. Extremely lucky he didn't get actual food poisoning

>> No.3985698

OP is pretty buff for a woman.