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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 77 KB, 500x335, pig-blood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3985571 No.3985571 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /ck/! I have some pork blood in my freezer, and would like to make soup from it.
A Chinese recipe would be ideal, but so far all the recipes for Chinese blood soup use duck blood.
Can any of you please help me find a good pork blood soup recipe? I found one on BravoTV, but it uses an apple and a mango so I don't really trust it.

Oh, and in general, can this be a cooking with blood thread? How to thaw it, etc.

>pic is blood tofu, thinking of making the blood into blood tofu and then adding it to soup.

>> No.3985576
File: 612 KB, 600x450, แกงเขียวหวานลูกชิ้นด้วยเลือดปลา.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Traditionally, blood tofu and fish paste balls made from river fish is added to green curry in Isan because of the lack of access to the sea coast. You can do that.
Alternately, blood tofu goes really well in any sour soup, especially those that are light in colour such as ones soured by lime juice or vinegar.
Pic related: Isan-style green curry with blood tofu and fish paste balls.

>> No.3985577

dat filename

>> No.3985580
File: 85 KB, 640x480, เครื่องแกงเขียวหวาน.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... it's in Thai. Is that a problem here or something?
Here is the stuff I use to make the paste for green curry. The spices used (not pictured) are coriander seed and white peppercorn.

>> No.3985585


Foreign things make /ck/ feel insecure, as do concepts like "traditionally", or ingredients other than bleached wheat flour, boneless chicken breast, russett potatoes, canola oil, iceberg lettuce, and skim milk. Tabasco sauce is "edgy" and worthy of the most passionate discussions.

Are you new here?

>> No.3985586


lol so edge

>> No.3985587


Can you name these things?

>> No.3985597

No, not new. I am a regular /ck/ contributor.

Clockwise from top right:
lime leaf
green chili
coriander root
lime skin
young galanga
shallot in the middle

>> No.3985603


Thank you very much. :)

>> No.3986198

Thanks, these look really interesting! I have swai fish in the fridge, is it not from Southeast Asia?

>> No.3986214

garbage fish raised in mangrove cesspools and peddled to Walmart amerifats.

>> No.3986218

northern european here.

pork blood goes in sausages, all day erry day.

I suggest you make a chinese flavoured blood sausage.

>> No.3986224
File: 37 KB, 380x417, veriletut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another, different kind of northern european here. I am sort of curious of chinese blood soup. I already know blood is a perfectly fine ingredient, so why not see what other people make of it?

Picture sort of related, blood pancakes with lingonberry jam.

>> No.3986277


>> No.3986319
File: 43 KB, 432x288, 1207278329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all i can think of is pig blood cake (zhu xie gao) but it doesn't use the blood as a cube

all i can think of is bun bo hue

>> No.3986438
File: 32 KB, 449x449, 1337428820790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Blood tofu

I...I didn't realize that was a thing.

>> No.3986459

It's not really tofu, more like a solid block of jelly blood. They taste pretty decent spicy. or with congee.

>> No.3986463
File: 95 KB, 319x319, 1348903759395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That sound even worse.

>> No.3986467

That's Chinese food for ya.

>> No.3986470

>all the recipes for Chinese blood soup use duck blood.
There's no problem using pig's blood, OP. Most blood tofu I ate used chicken.

>> No.3986598

It's not a problem, it's just very strange to see Asian alphabets in filenames.

>> No.3986602

>TFW Americans don't know Chinese food as anything other than shitty take out

>> No.3986632

only blood dish i can think of is 炒血鴨 or stir fried duck blood. i think blood tastes disgusting though so i've never tried it

>> No.3986677

That's just how sterile and urbanized they've become. Haven't you seen the threads where they collectively bash tripe, liver, kidney and every other part of an animal that isn't solid muscle of homogenous consistency and taste?

>> No.3986689

I've already stocked up on too many chinese sausages, if I also make blood ones I'll be eating sausage after sausage for months! :)
Oh, blood pancakes look really good as well. I'd guess that a chinese blood soup would have scallions, garlic, some sort of mushroom (black fungus definitely, maybe enoki or shiitake as well?) and sesame oil.
Thank you!
Ah, so there isn't much difference in flavor? Good!

>> No.3986696

You can't wholly blame Americans for that. I'm British and I'd never eat anything with kidney in the title. I've had liver once in the form of foie gras, it wasn't too bad but I don't think I could cook a mammal's liver solely because of the colour. Tripe, tongue, trotters etc. I would probably pass out if presented.

I wouldn't ever criticise someone for eating these things - I'd prefer it if I could - but I'm sure there are many other fussy eaters like me who would, and there's no way that they're all from the states.

>> No.3986702

Americanized chinese food is 10x better than the garbage you find in the majority of mainland china.

>> No.3986719

Yes, if you like your food to be overwhelmingly sweet, overwhelmingly salty, and overwhelmingly greasy all at the same time.

>> No.3986724

American here, I would like to try organ meat. I've already had haggis from an upscale scottish place, and it was delicious.

Unfortunately, it's nearly impossible to find.

>> No.3986762

I'm going to have to note that you overwhelmingly prove >>3986677. Content in the easy choice, and completely lacking any form of curiosity, tolerance for change and ultimately maturity. Try trotters and ginger in black vinegar, or clay pot liver for a change, instead of always having chop suey or whatever.

>> No.3986769

I am Scottish actually and I didn't even think of haggis which I've had many times because it's not really recognisable from its original state and the texture is not very unusual. Not sure why some people dwell on haggis as disgusting, there's far more good meat in it than the majority of sausages and burgers anyway.

I'm sure our first minister actually appealed to Obama to lift the real haggis and Irn Bru ban in America. Obviously there are more important things on the agenda but the quality of our food is pretty impeccable here, and there are a hell of a lot of expats and intrigued Americans who want to get a hold of these things.

>> No.3986790

What in the who hey now? Irn Bru and haggis are banned in the states? What on earth could be the reason to this?

>> No.3986817

Ovine lungs are illegal to sell in the US not to mention illegal to ship to the US from elsewhere, as well.
I don't think Irn Bru is illegal in the US, just not generally available outside of the UK. I'm from Italy and had never heard of it before visiting a cousin when he read law at University College London. Even though I used to be a man.

>> No.3986822

You poor ignorant thing.

>> No.3986836

Banned to be exported/imported to the states by the FDA. The Irn Bru one is something to do with one of the flavourings, the haggis one because it breaks several rules for export and import including use of offal. As for why truly authentic haggis can't be made in the US I can't remember, it might be something to do with the lining of the sheep's stomach.

>> No.3986853

Oh, and why? Something to do with foot and mouth disease. From what I gather there are a few of your countrymen who believe that all of our livestock are stark raving mad and likely to transmit various diseases to you.

>> No.3986892

America treats food like Europe treats firearms. Twelve people get sick or injured among millions of active consumers, and we get a temporary or full ban on a particular meat or vegetable.

Instead of accepting that shit happens and not overreacting to every little change in life, we'll spend millions trying to control something, and probably end up making most people more vulnerable in the process.

>> No.3986908
File: 191 KB, 1518x1000, k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> twelve thousand

Extremely delusional /k/tard detected. Get a grip, or one of those shoulder things that goes up, because it is tens of thousands in the US per year, not 12. One accidental child death every three days. And I'm not even anti gun. These are facts that you will have to deal with if you want to defend your hobby.

>> No.3986910


er, twelve people is what I meant to greentext. At any rate, terrible analogy.