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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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3982346 No.3982346[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT: the government is taking away your freedoms little by little every day

also, ITT: disgusting eating habits of co-workers

i work with this fatass black broad that will buy a full size bag of flaming hot cheetos from 7-11 and fill it with nacho cheese from the hotdog area. she washes that down with a 2 liter of mt. dew
every day.

>> No.3982407

Flaming hot cheetos should be banned just because they suck.

That is all.

>> No.3982605

bumping ahamelessly

>> No.3982644

>disgusting eating habits

not sure if disgusting (as I've never drank it myself nor seen anyone else drink it) but one of my co-workers drinks buttermilk

I didn't think buttermilk was for drinking straight, unless I'm wrong about that. eitherway its weirdly unsettling

>> No.3982649
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Why do you insist on working with jabba-fat sheboon, OP?

>> No.3982655

Is your coworker Desi, Persian/Afghani, Arab/Middle Eastern? It's common for those groups to drink buttermilk and yoghurt whey.
Some slavs drink it, too.

>> No.3982661

he's slavic

I can't even imagine what buttermilk tastes like other than, as it's name suggests, butter!!

dear god

>> No.3982664

my grandfather used to get up every morning and pour a glass of buttermilk for himself and then some for his beagle. i always thought it was groos but he liked it.

captcha: oreopit james

>> No.3982668

It's sour. Slavs tend to cut it 1:1 with soda water to make something of a buttermilk fizzy drink. Not my thing, but my nan, being a filthy A-rab (Lebanese), drinks it like whoa. It's probably helped with her longevity; at 107 years, she's still walking around and cooking and cursing about Persians and Maghrebis.

>> No.3982701

I see people drinking a soda and eating a bag of chips every break every day. They must spend a fuckton on vending machines.

The worst thing is we have one of those vending machines with sandwiches and shit in it. Microwaved hamburgers. Gah.

>> No.3982989
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>every day

>> No.3982992


>tfw I have no racist/adorable old grandma who can cook for me.

>> No.3983003

They didn't ban Flamin' Hot Cheetos, they decided to stop selling the product themselves. Anyone who wants to continue to eat them in school or elsewhere need only go to a store and buy them.

>> No.3983021

Schools here banned peanut butter because of the miniscule number of disabled people it would affect.

If I knew of such people I would probably murder them.

>> No.3983058

the easiest way to murder them would be to bring some peanuts to school with you. The anaphtylactic shock should take care of it.

>> No.3983245


Buttermilk doesn't taste like butter. It's called that because it used to made from the milk left over from butter production.

It's fermented milk basically.

Pretend I put the "the more you know".jpeg because I can't be assed to find it.

>> No.3983309

Good, I don't want my kid eating that shit.

Yeah yeah, kids should have freedom. I believe that. I will let the little anklebiter form his/her own opinions and tastes and thoughts, so long as they're at least educated.

I will NOT be letting him/her just eat whatever the hell they want. Sorry, no. Until they're 18 they'll eat like normal, healthy human beings; does this mean no chips or hot dogs? Of course not; everything in moderation.

I suppose you could say I'm a parent who actually gives a flying fuck about what goes into their kid's mouth and whether they'll become a good, non-picky eater. Also not incredibly unhealthy from all the crap that's in junkfood.

>> No.3983712

Back in the day (1950s and earlier) people would rink it as a drink.

It is good; tart and sour, not unlike a yogurt drink

>> No.3983713

Some people aren't so good at reading.

>> No.3983714

Yeah, it is pretty much like yogurt. It is actually pretty good (but I love plain yogurt to begin with). Y'all niggers should try it.

>> No.3983748

So all black people universally do this? I remember eating lunch at school and seeing them dump all these little cheese containers inside a bag of Flaming Hot Cheetos/Chili Fritos and then eat that shit with a spoon.

>> No.3983757

She ain't adorable, she's a bitch, but man can she cook.
Nan generally hates all non-Christian Arabs and especially dark ones except people from Yemen; she likes them, for some reason. She's blue-eyed and from what I understand, was blond up until her 60s, going white really late in life. She's also quite pale.
She likes other Maronites as well as Copts, regardless of skin tone, and also like Italians and Maltese.
Her best dish is this one roasted/stewed chicken with olive oil, a bunch of garlic, various spices and Syrian oregano (large-leaf and smells/tastes like a mixture between standard oregano and basil). It's a simple dish, but it's unequivocably tasty.
Her method for making falafel has been floating around /ck/ for about two years now as copy pasta.