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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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3980326 No.3980326 [Reply] [Original]

>ITT: failed food experiments

So today, after classes, I met with my dad, great-aunt, and first-cousin-once-removed at Golden Corral.

Food was good, filled myself up nice. But what I really wanted to talk about was an experiment I tried out.

I took a fried chicken leg from the buffet, and dipped it into the chocolate fountain. I got back to the table, somewhat nervous to eat it, but my dad proclaimed "YOLO" (I shit you not), and I bit into it. While the chocolate and batter actually went together nice, the sweetness of the chocolate and the savoriness of the chicken meat didn't exactly combine, but rather, simply coexisted in my mouth. 6/10, would probably eat again if bored.

The previous day, at an art festival, I stopped into a local chocolate shop and decided to sample some chocolate-covered bacon. Once again, the two flavors did not combine, but rather, simply coexisted. The pieces I ate (sampled both light and dark chocolate) had a good 5:1 chocolate-to-bacon ratio. It's like the bacon wasn't even there, and it tasted a little burnt. 4/10, meh.

>> No.3980328



>> No.3980371

When I was drunk, I mixed a can of wolf brand chili and cream of mushroom soup.

The texture was lacking, but the flavor was pretty good.

>> No.3980402

not bad op, but one time i thought to myself "how would it be like if vegemite could go in your tear duct?" so i got a turkey baster and, using my urethral sounding set, began sounding my left tear duct until it was gaping enough to accept a turkey baster. after that it was as simple as loading the baster up with vegemite and introducing the thick congealed mass into my duct

went down smooth. vegemite taken this way has a very nuanced yet unpretentious character to it. 8/10

>> No.3980410

When I was in elementary school, I'd wrap Cheetos Puffs in Fruit Roll Ups. Do I win?

>> No.3980472

Curry and ice cream.

>> No.3980481

One time I put jelly on a peanut butter sandwich.

>> No.3980492

More of an accident than experiment, was at some pancake house stoned out of my mind and some jackass had done the thing where you unscrew the tops to the salt and pepper. While attempting to pepper my eggs i ended up dumping pepper all over my pancakes. As i said i was baked as all get out so i ate the pancakes, tasted pretty good.

Still put pepper on pancakes with butter + syrup to this day.

>> No.3980501

>be high on acid
>decide to go to black bear diner at 6am
>want waffles
>decide to order meat lovers omelette because i'm just fucking high
>it's full of fucking ham
>the ham is grossing me out
>take all the ham out
>put all the ham in my glass of juice
>forget i put the ham in my juice
>drink the juice
>choke on a piece of ham
>be seriously fucking choking and fall out of my booth and in the middle of the aisle
>a stranger finally sees me and performs heimlich maneuver
>thank him for saving me
>he sees my juice full of ham and tells me i should consider enjoying them separately

>> No.3980508

I did this aswell... Worst thing i have ever eaten.

>> No.3980572
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>> No.3980583
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>> No.3980663

>having an appetite on acid
nice lie

>> No.3980675

No that guy, but I get rather hungry/remain same appetite while coming up (first couple hours).
Might be because I also smoke the greenest ganja during the same time however...

>> No.3980856

I can't eat at all when I take acid and I usually have a weak appetite the day after.

>> No.3980884

Chicken ramen, egg, and Doritos. Cooked the egg and ramen at the same time, crunched up some Doritos and mixed it in with the powder.
My home attempt at poutine: McDonalds french fries, and Safeway mozzarella and chicken gravy. Not the best.
There's just this point where you can add stuff together, and it's just food. Nothing special, only... food.

>> No.3980928

Oatmeal made with Rooibos tea.

It tasted all right, like a kind of fragrant and reddish oatmeal, but it was not as mind-blwoing as I had envisaged.

Something that is brilliant:

Get some pear & banana flavoured yoghurt
pour into bowl
take an open bag of cheese puffs in one hand
fork in the other
Stick the fork in the bag and spear a cheese puff
dunk the puff in yoghurt


that shit is SO delicious.

>> No.3980934

Jesus Christ

>> No.3980965

I made a speculoos paste / peanutbutter / jelly sandwich.

It was interesting, but not particularly good, which is my overall impression of speculoos paste.

I made guinness lamb barley stew and added a small handful of soft chewing licorice. It worked surprisingly well, but did taste... special, not sure I would do it again if other people had to eat it.

>> No.3980966

God I hope OP's story is true.

It makes me happy knowing there are people like that in this world.

>> No.3980969

As the OP, I'm happy to tell you that my story is exactly as I told it, and I'm very flattered with your comment.

>> No.3980974
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Jesus H. Tapdancing Christ, you must have a pretty fucked up mind to even think of stuff like that... And I thought my mind was warped. Damn.

>> No.3980972

How does this communal chocolate fountain work? Would it not be full of pieces of other peoples food?

>> No.3982386

Not really a failed experiment, but I like to go to this expensive Japanese buffet, good quality stuff. They have a chocolate fountain and I always dip their sushi in it. It's good stuff.

>> No.3982456

Not failed exactly, but here it goes. One night I was making beef stew, but right when its almost done, I discover I'm out of flour. Now, I don't have my car atm, so I decide 'pancake batter is mostly flour..'

The sweetness actually complimented the broth really well, 8/10 would eat again.

>> No.3982734

Not failed. Was a kid, mom was gone. made popcorn, really hungry, make popcorn sandwich with mayo. fucking good, or atleast back then it was, usually tell my gf to do it but she wont. maybe i should try it again

>> No.3982786

I once made a horseradish based pasta sauce. Was pretty good.

>> No.3982796


fuckin love horseradish, id try it.

>> No.3982812

Strong very sharp cheddar, dipped in a little bit of golden syrup, with a sprinkling of coffee on top.

9/10 would eat again

>> No.3982817

I tried the same thing with steak, I wanted to cook the steak in 80% coco chocolate. The chocolate burned too fast so I ended up having to add mroe milk. In the end I almost threw up after tasting it. Saltiness and chocolate should never mix

>> No.3982842

>Saltiness and chocolate should never mix

>> No.3982849

you ever had a mole, youngster?

>> No.3984621


not a fan of gamey meats, myself

>> No.3984638
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>> No.3984667

In my first year of uni we had a toastie maker, and I was making toasties e'ryday. Or grilled cheese for you americans. My housemate told me how nice a nutella toastie was. I'm sure you know where this is going.

I had never known you could make a toastie without cheese, it's in the name! It's the main ingredient! Don't ever put nutella and cheese on the same toastie, tastes like shit.

>> No.3984691
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Cooked up some ground sausage, garlic and white mushrooms. Threw in a big thing of chicken broth. Added in a can of pumpkin. Added in a block of cream cheese and extra sharp cheddar.

Sausage Mushroom Cheese Soup. Served with sourdough.


>> No.3984694

Sounds like you burned the cocoa. Burnt cocoa tastes like ass is unsalvagable once burnt.

>> No.3984696

I'd add some herbs and some potato wedges. Would be quite delicious, sounds good as is though.

>> No.3984728

you should have twirled the chicken leg in the cotton candy machine before the chocolate fountain

chocolate covered chicken really requires an extra layer of sweetness to properly meld the greasy flesh and smooth milk chocolate

>> No.3984731
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I had a food experiment that was god-tier.
>Slightly toasted bread/bagel
>Creamy Peanut Butter on one half
>Melted Cheese of your preference (Shredded Mild Cheddar)
>Dill Pickle Slices
Shit is amazing. The flavors combine in a spectacular fashion, and it's easy to make.