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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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3959358 No.3959358 [Reply] [Original]

Share some simple potato chip dip recipes with me /ck/

>> No.3959366

>mandolin potato
>let sit in sugar water for 1 hour
>deep fry

as simple as it gets, i didnt even tell you to salt that fucker

>> No.3959367

This. And if you want those bitches flavored then salp some sauce on them before you fry them

>> No.3959372

A tub of sour cream and a packet of ranch seasoning

dip you nigger

>> No.3959390

I don't have the recipe but my family makes a dungeness crab dip that is godly. It is primarily cream cheese and crab, with various seasonings. It's served hot. Sorry I can't be more specific.

>> No.3959392

>lel I cant read at a first grade level

>> No.3959399


>> No.3959406

Is it weird I have never tasted Ranch dressing in my life?

>> No.3959409

You lucky bastard.

>> No.3959410

yes you have... you just dont remember

>> No.3959422

>can of reduced cream (dunno if it's called that where you live or if it's called something else)
>sachet of onion soup mix
>tablespoon of vinegar or lemon juice
>mix all together, refrigerate for 30 min
>god-tier onion dip

>> No.3959434

It might be true. Im in Japan right now and they have every single flavor of dressing, plus a bunch of new ones, but they don't have ranch

>> No.3959841

I know absolutely nothing about lifting, but isn't that a bad way to hold those weights? It looks like her wrists could snap.

>> No.3960056

I think she does fine. I would love to get pegged by her feminine amazon strength.

More potato chip recipes please

>> No.3960086
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if I had known, I would have paid a significant sum of money for this ;_;

>> No.3960094

This entire post is what I was going to say.

Listen to me...buy the package of Hidden Valley Ranch Dressing and the amount of sour cream it says to use.

Nothing is better and more refreshing.

>> No.3960098

melt some cream cheese in the microwave and add garlic powder. it's very thick but easy to make.

>> No.3960119
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>> No.3960149

I'm pretty sure wrightlifters do that so if they drop the weight, it wont fall on their head or toes. If they drop it the weight falls harmlessly behind them.

>> No.3960156


Like the Fist of the North Star, etc.

>> No.3960739
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>> No.3960771
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>She says it has not been washed since her last competition...

Oh god I would chop up the crotch into a fine powder and snort it through a 100 dollar bill...

>> No.3960812

To each their own. She looks like a disgusting, self-important dyke.

>> No.3960822

do you even?

>> No.3960823

she has a way about her but upon inspection of the face do not want

>> No.3960824

For the record...no.

>> No.3960838
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>and for /fit/

>> No.3960868

I am love her so hard.

>> No.3960924

>dat ass

man, imagine plowing that ass doggy style? yowza

>> No.3960946
File: 119 KB, 1024x768, clam dip recipe components.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


4 oz cream cheese
1 6.5 oz can minced clams
2 Tbsp reserved clam juice
1/4 tsp white pepper
1/2 tsp sherry
1 Tbsp chopped parsley
2 Tbsp sour cream
1 tsp lemon juice
2 cloves pressed garlic
3 drops Worcestershire
1 tsp finely diced red onion

Drain the clams and reserve the liquid. Put the clams in a bowl big enough to mix everything and then add the rest of the ingredients. Only add two tablespoons of the clam juice, but save the rest as you may add more later.

Mash and mix everything up with a fork until it is smooth and well mixed. If it's to think, add more clam juice. The dip gets much of it's flavor from the juice rather than the clams, so don't be afraid to add a bit too much. But don't make it runny.

Chill and serve with chips.

>> No.3960952

Food for thought: the Olympic Village, where the athletes live, is an nonstop orgy.

>> No.3961156

sour cream
chipotle in mole sauce
mix till its hot as you can stand
so fucking simple and good.

>> No.3961243


>> No.3961668

How tall is this girl? How much does she weight?

>> No.3961751

I'd let her do me with a strap-on.

I've never had ranch either. Parent never bought it when I was growing up, I rare ordered salads at restaurants, and when I'm using dressings I've been happy with french and various balsamic concoctions.

Never bothered to try it for the same reason I don't eat gravies or cream-based dressings... They're fatty and not really appealing to me. And oh yeah, I can't stand bacon.

>> No.3961767
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Is it just me or does she look a lot like Rose?

>> No.3961777

I like to have a mix of refried beans with some salsa, add cumin and some chipotle. Also good on tortillas for bean tacos.

>> No.3961793

Sort of. I still haven't figured it out, seriously, is Rose a guy or a girl?

>> No.3961795

She looks nothing like Rose aside from being blonde.

>> No.3961847
File: 68 KB, 610x871, tumblr_m83oiyzLWs1qzocx4o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you blind or do you have teh downs?

>> No.3961852
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>> No.3961861

If you say so I guess.

>> No.3961864

I just fapped while imagining this girl breaking into my house and throwing me around/kicking my ass and then raping me. Then Chyna showed up and she raped me and kicked my ass too. Felt good.

>> No.3961874
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>> No.3961881

Guys, I'm crying right now.

>> No.3961884

sour cream
cayenne powder
squeeze of lime
black pepper
few drops of soy sauce

good to go

>> No.3961886

Dont cry lil fella, if she ever took you by forse she would do so gently, lovingly and respectfully.

>> No.3961911

> Dont cry lil fella, if she ever took you by forse she would do so gently, lovingly and respectfully.

Where's the fun in that?

Reminds me of Linklater's movie "Slacker". There is a cool clip related. When the burglar leaves the anarchist's house, he visits the hermit (the guy who wears a TV like a backpack). In that scene, on one of the TVs in the background there is a chic riding some dude, and she's slapping the shit out of him the whole time.

>> No.3961953
File: 153 KB, 600x450, stoner-791927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Linklater

wow that is so like DEEP, man

>> No.3962013

> wow that is so like DEEP, man

It was a neat scene. There's nothing DEEP about a woman violently raping a man, but I've never seen anything like it before or since.

Anywho, when I saw it about 20 years ago, we didn't have faggot little dickheads like yourself scrutinizing everything we said or did.

And thank you very much for updating us all about what is hip today.

>> No.3962032

How old are you? Not asking out of douchery.

>> No.3962042

>>3962013 but MUH GENERATION

Oh wow, I thought I'd sage for a cheap pot shot but looks like I hit pretty close to home.

The grunge/slacker movement never had any appeal for me. I gather those were the best years of your life but not everyone feels the same way. Thank god it was 20 years ago.

>> No.3962359

> Oh wow, I thought I'd sage for a cheap pot shot but looks like I hit pretty close to home.

Yeah, you really put me in my place.

> The grunge/slacker movement never had any appeal for me.

Obviously you haven't seen the movie. It has nothing to do with "grunge" or any movement.

> I gather those were the best years of your life but not everyone feels the same way. Thank god it was 20 years ago.

You started off by calling someone a hipster for liking a movie have never seen and posting a picture of yourself doing drugs and showing off your greasy mop. Granted, the only thing you know about him is one movie set in the 1970's which you wouldn't understand because your parents weren't even born yet.

>> No.3962399

>That feel when she gets tons of fan reception idolizing here as someone who would dom the shit out of them
>That feel when she is a complete and utter sub.

>> No.3962403

>mfw you pretend you know her
>mfw I would plow her tight muscular ass until next Sunday

>> No.3962488


I can't tell if you're being random in an attempt to "troll", or if, like a typical Linklater fanboi, you're just too high to remember what the fuck you were trying to say.

As for your age which you're so proud of, just post your drivers license already. I'll bet I'm actually older than you.

>> No.3962719
File: 13 KB, 500x375, tumblr_m807f8ezL01ra64pqo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That feel when she is a complete and utter sub.

That is exactly what makes her soooo fucking hot. I love subs and this one is amazing. She just oozes subness. I think I am in love.

>> No.3962772

OP derailed his own thread by asking an on topic question.

>> No.3962778

That's the whole point, newfriend.

>> No.3963798

does she really date black guys?

>> No.3963811

Nando's Sauce - Hot - $3-5
Natural yoghurt - $1-2

Take about three teaspoonfulls of the nandos sauce and mix it in to perhaps 300ml of yoghurt. test it and adjust the spiciness accordingly.

>> No.3963814
File: 74 KB, 456x480, cat vomiting[6].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh jesus, you can't be serious

>> No.3963817 [DELETED] 

No , she rikey asian man.

>> No.3963819
File: 28 KB, 500x333, tumblr_mb33hxomeN1qat0ywo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No , she rikey asain man

>> No.3963853

dont say things like that, you'll hurt my dreams

>> No.3963863

>Creme Fraiche
>Lemon jews

>Creme Fraiche

Really you can do that with most stuff that you ordinarily would dip paderder chops in.

>> No.3963873

its true
Each night she has some DMX looking motherfucker flopping around on her yelling "AW YEAH BITCH YOU LIKE DAT BIG DIGGER NICK"

>> No.3964726
File: 971 KB, 160x160, tumblr_m7sh3u0sN91qb26geo1_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are telling lies.this graceful angel would never into black guys.

>> No.3964733


>> No.3964752
File: 801 KB, 200x86, 1313691748545.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh god I lol'd

>> No.3966072

Cant stop watching this animation. She is so cute!

>> No.3966102

its true..... there is videos on jewtube.

but thats ok.. im not prejudice

>> No.3966103

Lies make the baby jesus cry. Link or STFU

>> No.3966141

go ask /fit/ you utter fag.

you scurred that your fantasy gf, who you will never meet, has takken a 10 inch bbc?
can't you compete with that?

>> No.3966146
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Now those are some child-bearing hips!

I'll let her carry my offspring any day of the week

>> No.3966157

/fit/ is full if lies cause jealous. No one has ever actually produced any proof or links to these alleged videos. She has not got jungle fever and never has.

>> No.3966218

there was pics of her smooching some black who looked like he was 40

i didn't save them because why would i?

obsessing over samantha wright is a /fit/ related.... fuck off

>> No.3966228
File: 80 KB, 409x409, mr.cozyfrog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got it all backwards.
The black guys would into her.

>> No.3966238
File: 190 KB, 500x375, tumblr_m7olzwbs281qdp7xmo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She will not them into her

>> No.3966251
File: 29 KB, 449x548, akin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She will clamp down with her vagina muscles and the black penis can find no purchase. The female body has ways of shutting that stuff down.

>> No.3966610

chipotle , sour cream , seasoning salt . and carmezed onions

>> No.3966616
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>> No.3966620

>implying that's not an overly tan guido

>> No.3966673


This is /fit/ we're talking about here. Their role model is a junkie who ate steroids like cornflakes. For all their bitching about "diet" and "exercise", Their hero is a druggy who took the easy route.

>> No.3966708



you mean meme? there's a difference

>> No.3966716

She's been violated by bbc many times and she enjoys it. Your white knob would never satisfy her stretched out "little" socket now.

>> No.3966719

> using "bbc" as a word

You need to spend a little bit less time lurking porn forums, son.

>> No.3966725


Doesn't matter. I'm not a self-conscious NEET who requires that his waifu be a pure virgin, and I could make her squeal like no negro could ever hope to.

>> No.3966731


Right, go to /fit/, see how many threads mention zyzz and how he was such a role model for them.


Role model.

>> No.3966754

I hate to tell you this guys but we are involved in a woo off with /fit/ for the little coal burner.

We will need to dig deep for this one.


>> No.3966782

What's wrong with druggie role models? Lot of my favourite artists and writers were big into drugs.

>> No.3966785


Except they didn't take a drug to become musicians or writers. They didn't cheat and get artificial results then compare themselves to people who worked out naturally.

>> No.3966786
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>> No.3966814
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oh my god