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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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3958707 No.3958707[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>She has never eaten a piece of fruit or tried a green vegetable. For as long as she can remember, her daily diet has consisted primarily of three kinds of foods: milk (and ice cream); white breads (including crackers, tortillas and pancakes); and potatoes (including chips and French fries).

>She still insists she's healthy

So /ck/, how mad are you? Also, share some picky eater stories.

>> No.3958710

temple grandin can only eat jello

>> No.3958712

Ullillillia lost a gazelleion pounds eating degreased pizza.

>> No.3958723

>Mosly carbs all day, everyday
>no diabetes

>> No.3958754

Sounds like my diet.

>> No.3958776

I'm assuming she takes a wide variety of supplements to not die of scurvy (and a shit ton of other deficiencies)
In which case its her problem, she can obviously never eat out and is missing out on one of the greatest pleasures of life, but who cares?

>> No.3958778

With few exceptions, my assistant will not eat anything that cannot dance.
Fish have no legs. They cannot dance. He will not eat them.
Leafy vegetables can dance in the wind. He will eat them.
Potatoes dance only underground, but once you uproot them, they stop forever and observing them dancing is near impossible. He eats them.
Poultry, cattle, sheep, goats and pigs are all able to dance.
Tomatoes? Can't dance. Do not want.
Fruits of any type? Can't dance. Do not want.
Eggplants, zucchini, cucumber etc... can't dance. Do not want.
He such a picky culinary man-child.

>> No.3958853
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People who can't/wont eat onions.

They always throw the biggest shit-fit if they find an onion in their food, sometimes even puke.

So many delicious foods have onions in them, LOL NOPE SORRY NO ONIONS.

Sometimes they eat things with onions in them and don't even notice

Fuck these people to hell.

>> No.3958878

the fucking ignorant bastards have no clue just how much onion is used to add flavor to many foods they eat every week

>> No.3958947

I don't like onions.

The smell of raw onions will make me puke.
(I will even say that I found the smell of skunk stink easier to handle)

As long as they're not overpowering in a dish, however, and they're diced up finely, and not huge slices or chunks that are undercooked, I won't mind it.

>> No.3958948
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>Have a friend who hates onions in his food
>He loves Sonic's onion rings

I don't get it.

>> No.3958958

this man has a clear lacking of veggie tales in his life.
You should torment him with it.

>> No.3958964

My girlfriend is a really picky eater. It sucks.

I've been trying to get her to like more stuff but it's just so hard. Going to a restaurant on a date always ends in us fighting. I love to cook, but she rarely likes what I make.

It's very strange and saddening.

>> No.3958965

I am slowly culling my boyfriend to accept veggies to his diet.
His problem
Veggies that aren't stewed to oblivion/sauces.
Spaghetti is fine, stewed spinach is fine, but to hell with a raw carrot drenched in ranch, he still makes a funny face.
I will force feed him until he is not a man child anymore.

>> No.3958966


>> No.3959112

How often do you change his diaper?

>> No.3959120

It sounds like this woman has a genetic disorder or something.

>> No.3959135

I would if he became brain dead.
I've seen my mother's friends husband become a veggie, it's no laughing matter.

>> No.3959145

How fat is she.

>> No.3959147

>picky eater
pick one

>> No.3959187

That's because diabetes is better linked to animal protein.

>> No.3959195

I knew someone like this in highschool the only thing he ate was: Chips, Spaghetti, noodles, Soup, Fries and, Various candy.
When offered other food he would say that he doesn't eat that.

>> No.3959199


>> No.3959202

But carbs turn into sugar causing sugar spikes and with too much sugar, the cells go into down regulation and lowers the amount of receptors. After a while, insulin slowly becomes ineffectual causes DIABEETUS.

>> No.3959207

>adding flour to anything

>> No.3959214


Diabetes is linked to obesity, carbs are the primary cause of obesity.

>> No.3959234


This shit is mind boggling. People crying over how happy they are to meet other assholes who can't enjoy food.

>> No.3959242


bunch of fucking aspies

>> No.3959597

Fuck you man. I hate onions. It's the consistancy. Like sure, if it's chopped to .5mm pieces, then sure, but god damn, the consistansy is awful. The flavour is okay.

>> No.3959643


>linked to animal protein

Did you somehow misspell " simple/processed carbs", or are you just fucking stupid?

>> No.3959656

you don't even know what the fuck you're talking about

>> No.3959696

>tfw I used to be a picky eater
>no mushroom, anything green
Then I became a vegetarian, and my pickiness was reversed.
>cook with mushrooms and green shit everyday
>avoid meat like the plague

The irony is not lost on me.

>> No.3959697

I've always argued that practically everyone likes the flavor of onion and garlic.

Anything you buy in a can, box, at a fast food restaurant, etc. will have granulated onion and garlic to enhance the flavor.

The only way to avoid it is to cook your own food.

I also seriously doubt people in poor countries would turn their nose to any kind of food. This is a first world problem.

>> No.3959702

Well, I'm glad at least one vegetarian is admitting they're picky eaters /first/.

I'm willing to bet most are. I've only known two people who ate vegetarian and actually believed they were saving the world. Spend enough time with the rest, and you'll eventually see through the cracks.

>eats at taco bell and orders variations on the bean burrito
>no fresh fruits or vegetables
>eats mostly potatoes, bread and cheese
>ocassionally will heat up a can of alphabet soup
>likes vegetarian sushi and pocky
>has packaged candy and treats scattered everywhere
>never, ever cooks any of the aforementioned meals

>> No.3959717

how has she not gotten scurvy yet? probably fucking milk keeping her scurvy barely at bay

>> No.3959719

you can lose weight eating only ice cream if you stay under your daily calories, you won't be healthy though

>> No.3959723

all "vegetarians" are such unhealthy fuckers it's hilarious. all carb all day erry day. people think they consume mostly like stir-fries consisting of lots of fresh green veggies and stuff, but vegetarians stuff themselves full of pasta, potatoes and various cheeses mostly

>> No.3959749

How do you get on with that? I find cooking a great (and important) way for social bonding. Can't imagine being with a picky eater.

>> No.3959752

how did this not get posted yet


>> No.3959753

so a few leaves moving in the breeze is enough to classify those vegetables as being able to dance...

but fish cant dance? throw one on land. mother fucker break dances. how about an octopus? how about a fucking crab?

i want to punch this person so hard in the face and tell them to fucking stop it and grow up. the joke isnt funny and will never be funny, you are living your life trying to be funny and no one is laughing with you.

>> No.3959754

>Fish have no legs. They cannot dance. He will not eat them.

They can wriggle, though, and that's kind of like dancing.

>> No.3959755

she must just not recieve any pleasure from eating food. she says she enjoys it, but i call bullshit on that. i wouldnt be surprised if she sees it as more of a chore, and therefore gravitates towards foods that are the easiest to prepare. some laziness in there, too.

i knew a vegetarian (haha) once, who im pretty fucking sure gained NO pleasure from eating. she had the same 2 or 3 meals every day. she'd have an oyster mushroom stuffed with cheese, or cheese pizza, with fries as a side or a vegetarian patty thing absolutely drenched in tomato sauce.

she would turn her nose up at almost anything i cooked. i was poor so i ate a lot of meatless pasta dishes. i had some dried oregano i was adding to a tomato based sauce. she turned her nose up at oregano. fucking oregano. oregano.

>> No.3959756

As someone who strongly prefers fat over carbohydrate, I wouldn't necessarily say that a high carb diet is unhealthy. I think it has more to do with how an individual's body handles food rather than anything universal. Nuts, dark chocolate, some sweet fruit and beans, avocados, and meat/eggs work better for me. Too much carbohydrate and I'll feel agitated/starving every few hours. An athlete would probably feel terrible eating my diet and would be "healthier" eating potatoes and pasta.

>> No.3959758

Ever seen clownfish mating "dances"? Fish most certainly can "dance".

>> No.3959764

For athletes, carbs are dump nutrient. They mostly eat 45% proteins, then they get their fill of fats and then what remains will be filled with carbs for cheap energy. It works the same for every human body out there. Carbs are easily processed and are easily used up, that's why they barely fill you up, satiety wise

>> No.3959765

she sounds like me, although i do like apples oranges carrots and grapes
just no greens really.. i do try greens often though

>> No.3960772

she looks pretty good for 54. meh, if its working for her, whatever.

>> No.3960786

>This video is not available in your location.

well, that was underwhelming.

>> No.3960817

My roommate is a picky eater and it's really starting to bother me because I'm pretty adventurous when it comes to food. All the fresh fruits and veggies and bakery products and other stuff I buy for us goes bad/stale because all he ever eats is candy and poptarts.

>> No.3960819

With all due respect, it sounds like you're overspending.

>> No.3960966
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Commencing most rage inducing picky eater ever

>> No.3960970

haven't even read the rest and I already wanna shove a whole roast with gravy down her throat with my raging throbbing pulsing hoisin sauce coated phallus.

>> No.3960990

> white breads (including crackers, tortillas and pancakes)
>white breads
>including tortillas
>...which are made from corn

Pretty mad.

>> No.3961111
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>> No.3961114
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>> No.3961115
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>> No.3961117
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>> No.3961119
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>> No.3961161
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I like the taste of onions but I'm not a fan of the texture unless they're like this. Otherwise I'll just pick around them.

>> No.3961163

There are corn and flour tortillas; the latter is more common.

>> No.3961174

His stories were awesome.

>> No.3961209

These are the types of people you deny food until they have no other choice but to starve.

Deny her saltine lifeline.

I'm not sure how I'd handle someone spitting food I made back onto the plate. Probably do something I shouldn't...

>> No.3961213

I eat about everything, except organ meat.

Also I have a phobia about visible veins in meat. I always cut it away. Something about tubes carrying blood around - bleh.

>> No.3961220


How does she avoid shit like fucking scurvy?

>> No.3961226

She probably takes a multi-vitamin.

>> No.3961263

Dude I'm pretty fucking picky but I'm not that picky.

I'm just like:
-no spicy
-no heavy sauces
-no vegetables
-don't mix shit together

>> No.3961265

Well now that I think about it actually, I do eat vegetables but it's only potatoes/corn/peas/carrots.

>> No.3961334

dump nutrient? athletes NEED carbs to restore their glycogen stores; the primary source of energy for muscles.

>> No.3961372

She must not shit for days. God that's sick

>> No.3961404

im a "no fish" person.
I also despise the shit like rotten tofu they love to eat in asia and I'm not a fan of raw meat

>> No.3961407

God speed you honest soul, it takes a lot of love to put up with that shit.

My girlfriend(current/fiance) has a rare spinal disease that causes her to void void her bowels uncontrollably every now and then. This one time we were waking up in the morning and she was tarting to get up and then all I could hear was "Shit Shit Shit" as she ran to the bathroom trailing feces behind her.

My point is you shouldn't get into a relationship where you have to clean up poop, it's not sexy and it can tear your relationship apart, but this mainly aplies to people with colostomy bags.

None the less, if you can you need to clean up your own feces, do it, don't let your partner do it. They may certainly be all cool and loving, but you will see them picking up your poop, which is in no way sexy or romantic. If you actually love them them eventually you will say "I need a divorce", not because you're a selfish twat, but because you can't stand seeing your lover picking up feces.

>> No.3961408

My point is, it's fine when you clean your own shit, but it's not when your partner does it for you or you do it for them.

Mind you, I'm asking my girlfriend to shove a rubber dildo up my ass tomorrow, so that's just like my opinion man.

>> No.3961430

I wonder if I fall into this category? I like most vegetables with the exception of tomatoes, onions or peppers (Even non spicy peppers, I just don't like the waxy taste most seem to have.) But even with that said I will eat them if they're absolutely must be in a dish (Caramelized onions, tomato sauce in pizza, etc). I prefer them raw over anything.

I'm finicky about how things are made though, such as I hate canned food and the like. And I hate rice and beans, don't want to eat anything with them - which rules out a lot of mexican and chinese cuisine. But even with being this fussy I've never felt ostracized by society. Do people really go and have panic attacks over eating certain kinds of food? I can't imagine!

>> No.3961478
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>Work summers selling flowers from a stand with best friend, to help out his family.
>One of the coolest guys I know
>His GF of 11 years (they met when they were 14) is a major cunt. She insisted she go with us.
>Drive for 4 hours to get to the town we're supposed to be at.
>Only places open are gas stations (it's a sunday, stores above 100m^2 have to keep closed by law.)
>We pull into a gas station to get some quick food.
>Their food selection is actually very good. Everything from hot dogs/burgers to sandwiches and fresh fruit.
>She doesn't "like" anything
>He buys her a calzone.
>She eats one bite.
>"We have to go to a different gas station. This tastes bad"
>I taste it, it's quite good.
>We drive 15 minutes to get to the next gas station.
>Same thing, he buys her something to see if she likes it. She does not.
>We drive around for 3 hours finding something she likes.
She fucked up our whole day, they had a big row, icy feeling the entire 4 hour trip home.
mfw they are still together even though she cheated on him.
He has a job that gives him top 10th percentile income, she has never finished high school. She's not even pretty.

>> No.3961479

I hate raw tomatoes and onions.

Other than that, the only foods I won't eat are because of bad experiences.

>> No.3961492

I'm having trouble with pickled herring. I usually like it, but then I bought a can of some really assblastingly mustardy and fishy mustard-sauced stuff. It's kicking my ass.

>> No.3961494

my cousin never ate mushrooms or any of its fungal variants
I ask him why back in grade school and he said something along the lines of "I don't want to eat anything bacterial"

>> No.3961495

There's always the possibility of a psychological trauma and subsequent phobias. My brother-in-law can't eat raw tomatoes because of being tied up and force-fed tomatoes, followed by other even less likeable things, in school as a kid.

Generally nice and fairly well-adjusted dude just can't stand eating or touching raw tomatoes. Instant vomit and blackout. Has no problem eating cooked stuff like tomato soup or pasta sauces. The human mind is a funny thing.

>> No.3961500

I cannot stand drinking milk because of a similar thing. Chocolate milk, milkshakes, food with milk in it are all fine, but straight milk, i.e. from a glass or carton makes me gag just thinking about it

>> No.3961511

>people forcing other people to eat stuff they don't like, and then get mad when SUPRISE, they don't like it.

You fuckers are unbelievable.

>> No.3961561


Its not everybody's job to cater to a childish sense of entitlement. Eat what is in front of you or don't eat at all. Pretty simple.

>> No.3961589

actually it's the exact opposite. I buy fruits and vegetables that are cheap as shit. On top of that, I go for dirt cheap foods like lentils and beans as well. I can buy a metric fuckton for a couple dollars, basically.

meanwhile, the oreos and poptarts and packs of candy are, relatively speaking, expensive.

>> No.3961591

You have just touched the very root of what causes people to develope severe aversions to foods. Aversions that could have been averted altogether with a little tolerance.

>> No.3961621


Tolerance of what exactly? I can understand some five year old kid who doesn't want to eat Brussels sprouts, children have a developing palette and are sensitive to extreme tastes.

When this carries over into adulthood it becomes almost ludicrous.

Nobody is 'forcing' anybody else to eat anything (except for tied up tomato guy) and as an adult you must understand that you won't always be able to get your french fries and fried chicken fingers, and bitching and moaning about it certainly doesn't make anybody look like a mature adult.

Personally, I am not a huge fan of fruit pies. Never was really, but if somebody kindly offers me a slice of their grandmothers apple pie, I would graciously accept the dessert and not hem and haw and scrunch my nose up and exclaim "gross!" and then insist that we go to dairy queen just because I don't particularly care for apple pie. It's just not something mature adults do.

>> No.3962048

I have a friend that won't eat anything spicy.

I'm not talking like amazing hot curries or anything, I mean as in I'll make 2 kgs of lasagna mince and maybe mix in a tablespoon of crushed chillis. Too hot for him and he'll let me know.

Which sucks sometimes because all he ever wants to do is get McDonald's. I don't even bother trying to get him to come and get Chinese.

>> No.3962059

I have to be picky because I'm allergic to some very common foods :( (english peas, sesame seeds, eggs)

>> No.3962064

>tfw when people hate me by default because I'm extremely picky
>tfw I still eat plenty of fruits and nuts when people who criticize my eating habits eat loads of cake shit drenched in cheese
>tfw I get complimented by strangers because I'm built while the haters are always at least 200 pounds of fat

>> No.3962219

AHAHAHA. That's the best thing I ever heard. And people say people with diseases aren't funny.

>> No.3962225

Love is fucked up.

>> No.3962267

I remember at one time I would not eat fish, rice, chicken, spicy things, any vegetables... I was a fucking weird kid. I tried some grouper on accident when I turned 12, and broke all preconceived notions of foods I didn't like.

>> No.3962275

I have a friend who only eats mcdonalds and taco bell. Pickiest eater I've ever seen in my life. Auschwitz-mode skinnyfag too, although I have no idea how he does it when he subsists solely on mcd's fries, burgers, and taco bell tacos.

>> No.3962277

As a kid, I was famous for only eating protein and carbs, macaroni and cheese and chicken nuggets especially.

Now I'm 21 and since my family is poor, all we got are carbs (bread, pasta, corn dogs) and I'm like what the fuck I don't want to eat this shit.

>> No.3962290
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There was a kid in elementary school that would refuse to eat anything but Little Debby honey buns. That's all his mom packed in his lunch every day 'cause that's all he'd eat.

>> No.3962355

>only eating protein and carbs
>mac and cheese
>implying mac and cheese isn't mostly carbs and fat

>> No.3962382

All those "picky eaters" eat nothing but fucking sugar and junk food
>Super tastebuds
I wish I had this condition so I could enjoy the flavors of food even more

>> No.3962391

the people on /ck/ aren't any better.

The times I've seen people here saying stuff like "I don't eat onions, cheese, carrots and fish" or something along the lines isn't even countable anymore.

Why do you even come to /ck/ if you can't even cook half of the meals on the planet because you're such a faggot? Unless you got some kind of allergy you are just a giant idiot

>> No.3962402

When i was a kid i'd eat any vegetable like any. I loved them. I even ate brussell sprouts. Now the only thing i hate is mushrooms

>> No.3962422

I had things I wouldn#t eat but one day I turned around and was all like "Man, I don't even know what these things taste like anymore. Time to give them another try" and since then I just eat everything. I've basically grown out of my picky eating.

The only reason I didn't eat olives for 10 years was that I ate one as a kid and it didn't taste the way I expected it to taste.

>> No.3962546

I have an acquaintance who's just about as bad as the OP's story... she will only eat spaghetti with marinara, chicken (but it can't be in the pasta), milk, and vodka cranberry if going out. She won't even drink water. Hates all fruits and vegetables. She's even picky about the consistency and flavor of her marinara.

She doesn't look healthy obviously.

OF COURSE OP's story is a mom too. Hopefully shefeeds her kids a real diet.

>> No.3962555

I think it's okay to have a few foods you don't eat, but there are some things that are impossible to avoid and sometimes you can hardly taste them in your meal

>> No.3962602

Used to work with an Italian girl who hated tomatoes. Obviously this was problematic since she's from a country where almost every dish contains tomatoes. She would spend half an hour picking the smallest bits of tomato out of everything, really infuriating to watch.

>> No.3962666
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good god, this guy has the patience of a saint. The first time I cooked for my room mate he put ketchup on his steak. I got so mad I never cooked for him again.

>> No.3962668

I'll eat any vegetable pretty much. Except when I was a kid I hated Spinach because I only had canned spinach but I like raw spinach.

>> No.3962693

im not at all a picky eater, in fact I will eat just about anything. I have a rule, if I cook something I eat it NO MATTER WHAT, even if its burnt, over salted, curdled, whatever.

One time I went camping by myself and ran out of food. I was getting dizzy and sleepy on the hike back to the car and It was getting dark. All I had left was a can of sardines packed in mustard. I opened the tin and instead of nice fillets sitting in mustard it was just a yellow and grey sludge with fish vertebrae floating around. I had no crackers, only a fork.

I closed my eyes wolfed that down as fast as I could, fighting back my gag reflex. I never came so close to turning down food in my life. At one point I thought I had puked in my own mouth, but it was just the sardines. Fuck all yall picky eaters.

>> No.3962728

>Super tastebuds
>I wish I had this condition so I could enjoy the flavors of food even more

It's not as fun as you might think. Eating stuff like onions or horseradish makes me feel like I'm swallowing razor blades.

>> No.3962753

You have tastebuds in your throat? Wow!

>> No.3962758

I don't like cheese in many situations.

I used to not eat at all, even pizza. I've gotten better over the years, but I still can't stomach it in a lot of situations. I wouldn't be able to eat something like grilled cheese without vomiting.

>> No.3962765
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>good morning america



>> No.3962769

Not with Onions, but I'm like that with mushrooms of any sort. They just gag me for some reason.

>> No.3962779

Ever since I developed lactose intolerance most dairy stuff grosses me out. Used to love the stuff

>> No.3963017

> Girl at work
> Someone brings a cake in
> She picks all the icing off the bits she eats

> She gets Oreos
> Pulls them apart
> Scrapes all the cream out of them
> Eats just the biscuits

JUST DON'T EAT IT YOU DENSE CUNT. Parents clearly didn't punish her right and she never grew out of it.

>> No.3963021

> 21
> Living at home

>> No.3963025
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babby detected

>> No.3963026

Some people do bro.

>> No.3963043

>doesn't want to eat pure sugar and fat
>this is a problem
srsly. i do that with oreos too, but because the filling is gross and leaves your mouth greasy.

>> No.3963046

Just don't eat them them, eat a different biscuit.

Why act like such a child, why pretend it's a health choice when you're eating a fucking biscuit.

>> No.3963056

Ah, the ketofags have rolled in again.


>> No.3963058

who is pretending it's a health choice? i just don't like the oreo filling, and i scrape off the top layer of cakes because it's just too sweet for me. i can't find cookies like the oreo ones either. i don't see how it's childish, but you're getting mad at someone else for eating in a different way than you do.

>> No.3963059
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because you have some form of autism
news flash people enjoy food in different ways

>> No.3963060

>why pretend it's a health choice when you're eating a fucking biscuit.
You sound like a fat retard.


>> No.3963063

>Diabetes is linked to obesity

>carbs are the primary cause of obesity.
[citation non-existent]

>> No.3963066

ha! you just got tricked!



*le tricekedfaec* xD

>> No.3963072 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3963073

>not that picky
>no vegetables
not eating vegetables is a childish move

>> No.3963074
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>> No.3963317
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I will pretty much eat anything put in front of me to not be rude, even if it sucks.

But something I will not eat is under cooked eggs. Just a speck of transparent egg white and the whole egg is ruined for me.

>> No.3963326

hahahaha oh wow

you can't even get your gary taubes fairy tale science right

>> No.3963339

I used to hate onions but upon entering college I suddenly got over it. Now onions, onions everywhere. Now I'm way more open to trying new foods than I used to be.

>> No.3963352

I have to be a picky eater because I'm allergic to some really common foods. (egg, sesame seeds, english peas)

>> No.3963358

>tfw just looking at seafood disgusts you
>tfw your mom grew up in a fishing town so seafood was all you ate for all of your childhood

I don't even care if people call me picky.

>> No.3963359



>> No.3963368
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>mfw cashier-buddy calls any food I buy that isn't red meat "weird" when he's ringing me up.

>mfw he's never heard of curry and still thinks the concept of sushi is too gross to try (in 2012).

>> No.3963431

I'd tell him to go fuck himself and avoid him forever after that.

>> No.3963496

While I do believe its blasphemy to use ketchup on a steak, I do hate people like you

>Friends cooked up a meal
>I taste it and think it needs a bit of salt, so I add some
>He throws a bitchfit about me not liking his food

>My mom cooks spaghetti with her special sauce
>I add a bit of kethcup because, even though I love it as it is, I think its a hundred times better with ketchup
>She throws a fit about me not liking her food even though this is how I have eaten it the last 20 fucking years

Why cant you accept that not everybody have the exact same tastebuds as you?

>> No.3963562

Nutrition is objective and taste, subjective

Ketchup is actually not bad on steak, the vinegar works ok and reminds vaguely of finely marinated London Broil.

Though it is too sweet in my opinion, to be worth much.

A fine steak sauce should have a touch of vinegar, and a spicy flavor, without the overbearing sweet.

A well marinated London Broil, though, needs none of this and will taste amazing.

>> No.3964054

>She throws a fit about me not liking her food

I don't eat friends' food specifically for that reason. Seems they only bother to do "favors" like inviting me to eat their food when they want someone to blow smoke up their ass about how good it is.

And yes, people should accept the fact that heat levels, saltiness, etc are a very personal variable. Eating food isn't about hurting or coddling peoples emotions, and it seems ridiculous to ruin a perfectly good meal for someone by foisting your saltiness/spiciness on them.

And why else would 95% of the restaurants I've eaten at just happen to have a salt shaker on it?

>> No.3964062

I know. I eat onions raw and my bro wont eat something if it has onions in it

>> No.3964076

> Eggplants, zucchini, cucumber etc... can't dance. Do not want.

Zucchini can't dance? I was at a bacchelor party the other day with a stripper and I saw a zucchini bustin a fuckin move that made me somewhat jelly.

Can't seem to bring up any pics of Maria Kiddiecrotch on my phone. Anyone post a pic of this childish spoiled fatass? I have a weak spot for Yahoo cheesey "how does this make u feel/u-mad" horsepussy.