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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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3959269 No.3959269 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /ck/ how do you like your eggs?

I've become fond of sunny side up on toast

>> No.3959276

I have a huge thing for omelets. Especially cheese and ham.

>> No.3959277

girl here btw ^_^

>> No.3959289

over medium if ordering out

fried if made by me, restaurants have this idea in their head that a fried egg is a dark brown mess of hardened shit

>> No.3959291

poached on toast with a little cream cheese.

>> No.3959292

omelets, hard-boiled, scrambled, sunny side up, poached, eggs benedict, soft-boiled, southwestern style, shit nigga i just like eggs.

>> No.3959299
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Who likes Eggie in the Basket?

>> No.3959343

Oh shit son. Fry up that toast with a little butter, crack some black pepper over it, and that's just about the best easy breakfast I know

>> No.3959348

Your toast is raw OP.

>> No.3959356
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Are you me?

Anyway, I agree, eggs are wonderful thangs.

>> No.3959397

For a while I was on a kick of sunny side up eggs. But for some reason, I just really dislike the taste of eggs and quickly got sick of them in any form. It sucks because that's usually one of the staple foods we have in the house.

>> No.3959404


>> No.3959415

poached with corn beef n' hash
cloudy side up when im in a rush (same as sunny side up but you put 1 oz of water around the egg in the pan and cover the egg and water with a pot lid to just slightly cook the top of the yolk)
softly scrambled is what i usually like though

>> No.3959417

i hate raw or even half cooked eggs

i like 'em over-hard

>> No.3959424

I like yolks to be soft / runny (not hard) but the white CAN NEVER BE RUNNY. The thought of it makes me nauseated. Not even "soft". Has to be cooked through all the way, none of that gross ectoplasmic spermy shit.

>> No.3959432

I don't really like the taste of eggs, especially when I make em, but I usually take over easy.

Though during my brief time as a prep cook, the sous chef made me some scrambled eggs that gave me an orgasm. How does one make scrambled eggs properly?
They were so light and fluffy, not rubbery like I've had in the past.

>> No.3959435

Over easy eggs, bacon, buttered toast and sliced fresh tomatoes, salt and peppered.

That is an excellent breakfast.

>> No.3959441

Splash of light cream, whip them until your arm feels like it's going to fall off (doesn't taste the same or get the same consistency if you use a mixer), don't overcook them, and don't move them around so much on the stove.

>> No.3959464

Thank you, anon. I will give this a shot

>> No.3959497

raw egg yolk cinnamon sugar and nutmeg.

>> No.3959509

I fucking love eggs.

>Over-easy, whites slightly runny eggs over rice with soy sauce and sesame oil
>Over-easy over home fries
>Soft boiled eggs or poached with most soups
>Hard/medium boiled eggs as a snack, I keep some already boiled in the fridge

>> No.3959530

steam basted

>> No.3959721


Poached with prosciutto on an English muffin and Hollandaise.
Over easy (but with a crunchy-ass outside), with eight bacon strips, rice and maple syrup.
Scrambled with truffle, caramelized onion, tomato and parmesan cheese.

>> No.3959757

scrambled with liver pudding

>> No.3959775

Can never get my medium boiled ones right, do you have any tips?

>> No.3959804

I made some rye sandwiches with softboiled egg, raw onion, mustard pickled herring, and sweet pickle. Shit was cash. The herring's been bothering me a long while now, since it's ultra-fishy and in a very very sharp mustard, making it a gigantic fish flavour bomb that makes my eyes water. But together, the sweet pickle and rye bread, the creamy slightly-set egg yolk and the sharp onion sort of... came together in a very harmonic, balanced sense. Damn, eggs rock.

I'm going to fry myself a hamburger steak for dinner, and top it with a sunny-side up egg now.

>> No.3959806

I dont like the yolk so I always remove it before frying.

>> No.3959807
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What if you put cheese in that and toasted it?

>> No.3959815



The yolk is the best bit. I cut around it and put the whole of it in my mouth.

>> No.3959828

I like them scrambled. Am I a pleb?

>> No.3959951

>I cut around it and put the whole of it in my mouth.

I bet you eat round the center of a jammy dodger too

>> No.3959956


I peel them in half and scrape the icing and jam off with my teeth

>> No.3959960


How do you eat cream eggs?

>> No.3959979


I slice the tops off and scoop out the filling with wafer soldiers.

>> No.3959988

Of course not. Scrambled eggs can be a luscious, delectable meal, when made properly of course. Nothing pleb about it.

>> No.3959990


I must know how you eat everything

ice cream

>> No.3959999


If no soldiers, just use your tongue. Good practice for girlfriends.

>> No.3960000
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fried both sides until the yolk juuust solidifies on a piece of hårdbröd

while it cools for a minute the heat and whatever cooking oil is on the eggs softens the bread ever so slightly, just to the point where it wont shatter into more pieces or put jaggies in your mouth

>> No.3960014

Scrambled with cottage cheese and my own special hot sauce. So damn good.

>> No.3960029

>Scrambled with cottage cheese

Does the cheese melt into the eggs as you cook them?

>> No.3960057


Yes. And some of the moisture in the whey boils off, but it leaves the flavour.

>> No.3960063


How much do you use?

>> No.3960072


I started off with a couple of tablespoons, because it looked icky.

Now I use like half a cup with 2 eggs. Keeps me full for like 6 hours, and it's delicious.

>> No.3960136
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Pic related

>> No.3960301

Raw on cold rice with salt.

>> No.3960384
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>> No.3960386

Steak, and eggs,
and eggs and steak

That's what you should have,
For breakfast!


Steak and Eggs,
and eggs and steak!

Just making sure
you heard!

I got it!

>> No.3960419

Scrambled. I won't eat them any other way. Runny egg yolks are nasty.

>> No.3960432

What the fuck is this shit?!???!!! I like it!

>> No.3960434

Poached on toast, niggers.

>> No.3960439
File: 65 KB, 960x714, HOW-TO-COOK-SCRAMBLED-EGGS-GORDON-RAMSAY-STYLE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

scrambled, ramsay style.

aaaawwwww shit son, near pooped my pants first time i tried it because i was so amazed at how good scrambled eggs could be after eating shitty dry spongelike shit for over 20 years

>> No.3960440


>> No.3960457

They are the best scrambled I've ever had. But afterward, the pan is a pain to clean.

>> No.3960473

I usually take mine over easy, but I make scrambled for the GF. She loves them super runny just like >>3960384 posted (Remember! Curds, not Turds!) It's never a hassle for me to clean off the pan. Wipe with a damp paper towel, done.

Also, I've never bothered having the eggs room temp. And they curd up nice and fluffy for me. Wonder if that's a personal preference.

>> No.3960484

oh god damn it i wish i bought some fucking creme fraiche when i went shopping today, i have all these eggs, but cant make this style of scrambled eggs D: i guess i'll just have to see how it turns out without any dairy in it then.

>> No.3960511

Poached is my favorite, although I also like over-easy.

Any egg where its warmed through but the yolk is still runny and the whites are firm? Aww yee.

I haven't tried raw egg yolk on anything, but I hear its pretty popular - and I really love the taste of it but I'm concerned how the texture is? Can anyone give me some intel on raw egg yolk? (like, plopped on top of things, not mixed in)

>> No.3960533
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Here's a pic of a breakfast I made myself not too long ago. Soft boiled eggs, bitches. Get on my level.

Srsly though, I love eggs, pretty much any way they come, EXCEPT, I hate hate hate hard yolks. Yolks must be runny for any preparation besides scrambled, or boiled eggs for egg salad, deviled eggs, etc. I also hate hard scrambled eggs with a passion. Scrambled eggs should be creamy and soft, with large curds.

>> No.3960563

>not adding a splash of cream or milk to the yoke

>> No.3960570
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>Not just drinking egg yolk & cream