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File: 33 KB, 450x338, beer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3948900 No.3948900 [Reply] [Original]

>ITT: beer

What do you drink?

>> No.3948900,1 [INTERNAL] 

Beer, you?

>> No.3948944
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All of it I can get my hands on.

Used to hobnob through labels and hunt for exotics. Now I just drink whatever is cheapest.

>> No.3948961
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since my DUI.

>tfw crippling social disease

>> No.3949026
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Schneider Weisse (pic related)
Czech Budweiser/Budvar
Carlsberg Elephant

>> No.3949032

only hefeweizens.
Hacker-Pschorr Hefe
Franziskaner Hefe
Paulaner Hefe

>> No.3949033

I only really drink beer at the bar (liquor at home) but it's usually a local stout or pale ale. Had some O'Dells St. Lupulin this week and it was absolutely fantastic. And of course Left Hand's Milk Stout Nitro

>> No.3949039
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>> No.3949041

It's my job. I'm a professional food and drink writer, and beer is my specialty. Love the stuff to death.

>> No.3949043
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>> No.3949044

Their crooked line series is awesome. labyrinth is easily one of my favorites. I had their Dubhe double IPA once that was fresh off the line, Luke five hours old. Didn't even have a label. It is amazing.

>> No.3949045

exclusively PBR

>> No.3949050

Utah beer is best beer

>> No.3949055

It is.

If you're not counting Oregon.

>> No.3949054

Heineken Heineken Heineken Heineken
Amtel Amstel Amstel Amstel
Stella Artois.

European mass-beer > American pisswater.

captcha: hightic peculiar

>> No.3949061

Wisconsin would like a word with you.

However, I was pleasantly surprised by all the great beer and bars I encountered in my time in Salt Lake City.

And all the hot bitches with wedding rings on. >:

>> No.3949065

I like to put Natural Ice in the freezer until it's so cold you can't taste it. Then I pour it into a frosted mug to keep it that way.

Crisp, cold, practically flavorless, warm buzz. Goes down easy and I can drink a lot of them.

Hey, you asked what I drink not what I like!

>> No.3949091

Living in Alberta means I can get Oregon, Washington and BC beer readily. Partial to IPAs and Porters/Stouts. Been meaning to brew my own.

>> No.3950306

Salt Lake City confirmed for beer haven. Everyone got sick of the pants-on-head liquor laws and started brewing. Wasatch and Uinta get the most recognition, but that's because they have an actual budget for competition. I recommend both breweries, but not as quite as much as I'd recommend Epic, not only for the quality and variety, but you can purchase hi-point in the store without having to go to a State Liquor Store.

>> No.3950316
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>> No.3950330
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>american beer

>> No.3950331


>implying the best beer in the world doesn't come from the US

mein scheides

>> No.3950345
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Mor Braz, sea water beer.

>> No.3950367

Says the american

>> No.3950386

I drink liquor unless my white friends who can't handle their alcohol intake insist on getting beer

>> No.3950391

that sounds fucking intriguing....

how is it?

>> No.3950396

No Leroy, we just have this thing called "taste" and won't lower ourselves to drinking Olde English 800

>> No.3950406

Amerifag here. Where do you find this? A friend told me about it, said you could only get it in Finland.

>> No.3950417

Who the fuck is Leroy and 40s are just shitty strong beer

>> No.3950485
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>> No.3950497
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My usual during the summer is Naragansett or MHL. I switch to BBC Steel Rail and Porter as it gets colder. Do love the Saranac variety packs when they're on sale.
Drink Colt45 when I'm playing magical cards with my bros. It's the best of the genre, don't hate.

>> No.3950557

I really need to do this shit more often. Problem I have when I'm slumming it is that the beer gets warm on the walk home, and then I can barely stomach it when I crack the first one open. By the time I get through that first tallboy, I don't even feel like drinking anymore and haven't caught a buzz.

As far as good beer though, I drink the shit out of all things Big Sky. It's usually like a buck cheaper than New Belgium, Sierra Nevada, etc.. IPA is tasty, as is Moose Drool.

>> No.3951201
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>> No.3951211

I don't drink a lot of beer but out of the ones I've tried I'd have to say my favorite was Kozel Dark.

>> No.3951233

I'm going to head to Salt Lake City in December for fun, going to try and hit all the brew pubs and restaurants I can, hopefully go back with a few bottles.

>> No.3951239
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>> No.3951241
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>> No.3951671

Had a bottle of this a few weeks back. It was pretty good, and you feel fancy with the top like that.

Still, my go to is Shiner. It's what I drink for no reason. I'll drink a lot of different beers for different situations, whatever is most appropriate that I like.

>> No.3951675
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>not 21 yet
>can't be bothered to experiment
>my go-to

>> No.3951683


Old English Malt Liquor 800, Mickeys Malt Liquor, Bud Lite.

>> No.3951687

I like it, it's fun to occasionally try different types but I usually drink piss water (Bud Light, Coors Light.) The only thing is that it makes me have to piss too much.

>> No.3951688

Anything I haven't tried before is first, regardless of my five favourite beers of all time being on the menu.

If I can't find something I haven't tried, I'll gravitate towards a rye IPA.

>> No.3951692


Checked this out when I was in Deleware for a wedding. I loved how you could go into the bar and order 5 4oz glasses of different beers. I tried 20 beers on tap that night, and it was a wonderful night.

>> No.3951796
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I don't give a fuck. Shit is tasty but affordable. The beer I always have in stock.

>> No.3951824
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this is my fall beer of choice. it's pretty widely available here and not too expensive. i drink a lot of this stuff in the fall and stock up to send me off into winter when i move into stouts and porters.

it's perfect for those chilly autumn nights. rich and toasty and just deep enough to have light chocolate notes. but not as heavy and deep as a porter.

red ales are also my thing right now. my favorite being Great Lake BrewCo's Nosferatu Red Ale. kind of expensive and hard to find though

>> No.3951829
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when I can find it.

>> No.3951833
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Drinking one of these right now. The last one of my stock and I won't be able to get more until spring

>> No.3951843
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Been drinking lots of this recently.
$3.99 for a 4pack of 14oz cans at trader Joe's
Proper, tasty, classic English bitter.

>> No.3951846
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>> No.3951848
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Also just bought this new release the other day and it is really good. Might even be better than their Cherry one which generally has been regarded as one of the best if not the best fruit beer in the world

>> No.3951910
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pic related
+ Samuel Adams Boston Lager
+ A czech weak beer that wasn't that good

Now I'm off to muh Murphy's Irish stout

>> No.3951913
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fuck yeah london pride.

Murphy's too. pic related.

>> No.3951917

I've never really had beer before. What's a good beer that isn't plebian taste?
I enjoy most liquors straight and drink tea and coffee with nothing in them.

>> No.3951919

I'm only 20 and pretty broke so I still have much to learn. But as of now, my favorite is Hoegaarden. It seems me and that beer were made for each other, but I said the same thing about Red Stripe 2 years ago so who knows.

>> No.3951925
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if you like coffee, get a coffee stout. preferably this one if you see it

>> No.3951930
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Best beer in Canada and extremely accessible here in Vancouver. No other beer can beat a good IPA.

>> No.3951931

>No other beer can beat a good IPA.
a good stout can

>> No.3951932

Yeah, don't do that. The perfect temperature is when it will /almost/ start to freeze. You'll just have to play with the times. Chances are good you'll even get a few ice crystals.

So smooth.

>> No.3951933

I'll go as far to say that a good stout can match up to an IPA in the winter. Every other time of year stouts just can't compare to the crisp hoppy goodness of an IPA.

>> No.3951934

>What do you drink?
Ugh not this thread again.

>> No.3951945
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I have been a "beer geek" for years and I used to be really snobby about it, but recently (last year or two), I've changed.

Every once in a while I'll go and find some delicious craft brews and when I'm in new places, I'll research good local craft breweries and things like that, but on a regular basis and when I session, I just drink like Colt 45 and Miller High Life now. Or comparable shit.

It's cheap (which suits me because I am poor) and I can't say they are really that offensive-tasting. They are just watery and simple. Fine by me.

I can't afford to be drinking expensive shit with high alc. contents every day.

This stuff is pretty great though. It's one of the micro brews that I go back to.

>> No.3951947

So what you are saying is you became poor and needed to cut back on good things as a result?

>> No.3951952


No, I think my priorities changed. I make the same amount of money now that I used to, but I used to drink less and savor good beers. Now I drink a few beers every day. Sometimes in the morning, often with lunch. And I can't afford to be drinking anything too good. Plus I just crack open cans and drink instead of pouring into a suitable glass and making a ritual out of it.

I was never one of those people who would be revolted by High Life or something like that. Macro brews are all the same. They are just pale or adjunct lagers and for the most part they are completely inoffensive and light in flavor.

Basically I just became a normal guy. Enjoying a cold beer at the end of the day.

>> No.3951960

I drink swill out of cans/bottles too but I'd never do it with a good beer. It tastes so much worse. I'd go so far as to say I'd rather drink it from a dirty glass than from not a glass at all but of course I drink from a clean glass

>> No.3951966


That's my point. I don't drink good beers out of cans and bottles which is why every time I drink a good beer, I usually savor it (so I drink one at a time, at the very most I drink two) and I pour it into a glass to get the full experience of it.

When I'm out and I drop by a liquor store or supermarket because I need something to drink, I just get a tallboy of Miller High Life and drink that shit straight out of the can. It's not a big deal and I don't have to treat it like a precious treat.

>> No.3951978

I pretty much always buy craft beer, but if you are going to buy a macro High Life is the tastiest choice

>> No.3952041

Best bang for my buck is usually Sierra Nevada. Torpedo, hoptimum and bigfoot are all really good for the price.

Looking forward to Narwhal and Celebration as well.

>> No.3952098

>ctrl f "pabst"
>no results found.
>nary a single patrician in this entire thread

>> No.3952107


Don't even joke.
China doesn't count.

>> No.3952112
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>> No.3952156


Does the Celebration usually come out in November?

>> No.3952168

nah nigga,

>> No.3952223


>> No.3952225

VB's and XXXX

>> No.3952228
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Hansa Pilsener

>> No.3952238

based hoegaarden

>> No.3952322

Fuller's ESB
Newcastle Brown Ale if I'm feeling thirsty and cheap

>> No.3952323

or Michigan

>> No.3952329

BASED homebrew
Oatmeal Stout
Vienna Lager

>> No.3952337

Coors, I prefer original but i usually can only find light around here

>> No.3954042

Leffe Blonde
Beer Lao