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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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3943183 No.3943183 [Reply] [Original]

-Celery and celery seeds.
-Cilantro and coriander (tastes like yard clippings).
-Anything with vinegar in it (especially, hot sauces.)
-White sliced bread.
-Pickles and pickled vegetables (see vinegar.)
-Ramps not cooked by me.
-Mustard and mustard seeds.
-Strong "Specialty" cheeses that have mold in/on them (except brie, mild feta, and mild blue)
-Other peoples' spaghetti, chili, stews, soups (it's extremely rare I like other peoples' stuff in this category).
-Licorice and licorice-flavoured things.
-Artificial apple-flavoured things.
-Cantaloupe (allergic)
-Tofu and nearly all soy products.
-Ham and sausage on pizza.
-Limp-cooked bacon (bacon must be crispy damn it)
-Uncooked oatmeal in cookies.
-Basil (tastes like Vienna sausages)
-Sickening sweet generic icing like in the photo.

Fuck icing.

>> No.3943193

>Picky faggot eater thread

Do you actually enjoy talking about how much of an insufferable cunt you are?

>> No.3943196

I dislike artificially cherry flavored things and seafood.

The former because when I was a child I had pneumonia and my mother gave me cherry cough syrup every day for two weeks, near the end I'd vomit it back up. Can't even smell the stuff without feeling nauseous.

The latter because I am allergic to most of it. Plus, the type I have eaten, it just had a very blah flavor.

OP, you sound like a picky ass fuck, though.

>> No.3943198
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>wild control freak appears to try to control OP and make him eat things he doesn't want to eat so the wild control freak will feel better about his insecurities and other people's opinions.


>> No.3943203

>be called "picky eater" for not liking pleb shit like pigs-in-a-blanket, hotdogs, and buffalo wings slathered in spicy vinegar sauce

People that call others picky eaters and get mad are as bad as those people that hate on vegetarians. Because you know how much other people's eating habits affect your deeply.

How shallow. lol

>> No.3943205

>licorice-flavoured things

>> No.3943209

So OP let me ask you, what do you actually eat?
Seems you don't like anything?
I mean, even white bread. It's not even got a taste or anything.

>> No.3943215
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>Things you don't like.

Add in,

-Human pet foods.

>> No.3943225

I hate and refuse to eat:







Milk (of any kind, animal, soy, almond, etc)

Any sort of grain





I'm not really "picky" though, IMO.

>> No.3943228

how is that breatharian diet working for you?

>> No.3943235

I listed a few specific things out of thousands of things to eat in the world. You on the other hand use generalizations.

The lack of taste for white bread is the main problem with white bread. whole grain breads are awesome and packed with tons of flavor.

>> No.3943238
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Not even once.

>> No.3943239


How dare you insult someone's food preference! Calling him a breatharian is insulting to his soda, nuts, and bugs only lifestyle choice.

>> No.3943245

Sorry, forgot to mention I also hate soda, nuts, and bugs. Thank you for defending me from that thought-rapist, though.

>> No.3943249

I don't understand how basil tastes like vienna sausages to you. Are you taking medication or something that may interfere with your ability to taste things properly?

>> No.3943259

Try them side-by-side and you'll see what I mean.

>> No.3943264

I don't give a shit what you do or don't like, I'm just glad I don't know you and don't have eat with you.

>> No.3943267

Picky eaters are complete fucking faggots, stop being faggots, you fucking faggots.

>> No.3943275

I don't like picky eaters.

>> No.3943280

Bigots are also faggots.

Then again, that makes me a bigot...

Wanna get some buns and rub our wieners together with ketchup?

>> No.3943281

>-Mustard and mustard seeds.
>-Licorice and licorice-flavoured things.
>-Tofu and nearly all soy products.
>-Basil (tastes like Vienna sausages)
>-Anything with vinegar in it (especially, hot sauces.)

Holy shit, uberpleb detected


Fucking how? It barely even has a flavor to begin with. Mostly it's used for color and health benefits.

>> No.3943287

>meet girl that's a picky eater
>she's hot so I don't care

And that's how that works.

>> No.3943292

I don't mean faggot in the traditional sense, more than picky eaters are annoying as fuck and need to grow up and get over themselves.

>> No.3943305
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>not realizing this is what a bigot needs to do too.

>> No.3943310

Haha I get it. Its a cake but its pi.

>> No.3943314

>be "picky eater"
>go to friend's house
>friend says they'll be making dinner
>tells me what they are making
>I don't like that sort of thing and tell them so well before they make it
>they get all ass pained anyway and still make it
>that's fine, no problem, I'll make my own dish and bring it
>bring my own dish
>friends are still "hurt" and asspained that I won't try their food
>they want to try my food
>they spit it out and say they don't like it
>"okay" shrug
>they finally get me to try their food
>it is nasty and has too much vinegar (is chicken wings) and I tell them so
>they continue to get asspained and tell me I'm the pickiest eater they've ever met

Oh, I forgot one thing. These friends were 7yo and 10yo kids I was babysitting.

>> No.3943316
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>> No.3943317

>tfw you get called 'picky' because you tend to avoid eating processed trash by fatty family/friends

>> No.3943369
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>avoid fried foods
>avoid fast foods
>avoid foods that give me hives

>"anon, you are such a picky twat"

I don't hang out with retards anymore, fortunately. you can't choose your family, unfortunatly..

>> No.3943373

>nearly all soy products.

Bullshit, you'd be surprised at how much shit that you eat that contains soy.

>> No.3943374

>wild control freak appears to try to control OP and make him eat things he doesn't want to eat

Nothing of the sort happened in that post. It was just a rightful comment about how shitty of a person OP is.

>> No.3943380

lol'd harder than I should have

>> No.3943399

>defining a person's shittiness by what they don't like to eat

lol This thread is bigots.

Seriously, you really need to grow up if it affects you that terribly bad.

>> No.3943401

Most of you guys aren't really that picky. Lotta westerners aren't huge fans of vinegar I've noticed, although some of OP's hates kinda make me sad. Personally I'm not a fan of most fast food, but some places are okay. And chunly food. Big chunks of meat or veggies, no thanks.

>> No.3943409


It drives me insane sometimes. I just try to eat normal fucking, minimally processed food and I'm the one who seems like an alien for disliking soda, french fries and things like that.

>> No.3943421

My friends think I'm some sort of alien too because I drink maybe one bottle of Mexican coke every three months when I am in the mood. They have bottles and bottles of Mountain Dew and Diet Coke all day. Disgusting.

This old lady in my technical communication class is addicted to Diet Coke and must have a Super Big Gulp from 7eleven every day and sucks on it in class.


>> No.3943425

>Shitpost and attention whore your shitty opinions on 4chan
>Get buttmad when people call you out for being a retard

Back to Twitter/Facebook with you, son.

>> No.3943437


It's not like I think it's gross...it just doesn't agree with my tastebuds.

>> No.3943442

I used to be pretty picky, but moving out of my parent's house and cooking for myself fixed that right up.

It turns out my parents were shitty cooks.

>> No.3943443

Same to ya, shitposter.

>> No.3943444

Fried foods aren't really processed if you're the one doing the frying.

>> No.3943448


True, as long as you fry with quality fats, it isn't bad at all. Problem is commercial frying uses shitty fats.

>> No.3943450
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Cry someplace else.

PS, OP, you're a picky faggot in a thread full of picky faggots.

9/10 I was typing out a reply when it dawned on me what you were doing

>> No.3943464

on closer inspection of OP's list, he pretty much only eats flan

>> No.3943472

You're an idiot.

>> No.3943476
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Cry harder. It's the truth and you know it.

>> No.3943477

Why? There's a ton of food not on that list. Is it really that difficult to think?

>9/10 I was typing out a reply when it dawned on me what you were doing


>> No.3943483
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I can't even bottle all your tears.

>> No.3944268

pizza crust. I use that shit as a handle and that is it. If i wanted to eat crust I'd just have stale bread.

>> No.3944307
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other than that i east anything

tofu eaters are faggots

prove me worng

>> No.3944377

I hate all kinds of sweet pastry and candy. That includes cookies, all kinds of cakes, all kinds of chocolate, and ice cream.

I also hate ranch dressing and lamb.

Sucks to be me. Oh well, at least I have very open tastes, and can eat anything besides the 3 things mentioned.

>> No.3944379
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-Citrus based pies like lemon meringue and key lime
-Nothing else

>> No.3944387

and I don't eat most fruit raw, like oranges. I do like apple and banana though

>> No.3944421

>tofu eaters are faggots
I actually have a theory that the reason east asian men have such soft features compared to other ethnicities is because of generations of soy consumption. look at where the most convincing traps come from, you can basically stick a wig and some makeup on any man off the street and he looks like a girl.

>> No.3944424

-canned mushrooms

>> No.3944446

Jesus fucking christ.

>People who hate everything and make sure everybody else knows it.

Picky faggots and vegetarians do affect the rest of us. Why?

Here's an example:
You're having a wedding, you get a fancy caterer who gives you menu options. You invited one vegan. Now there has to be a vegan option because they refuse to eat what everybody else eats. Who's going to eat the vegan food? ONLY THAT FUCKING VEGAN.

Now, said vegan has a wedding and invites you. The menu is VEGAN ONLY. Why? Because picky eaters, vegans, and vegetarians are all pompous dickbags who think everybody else should eat ONLY WHAT THEY LIKE, which is why instead of just picking the ham/sausage off of a pizza, that picky eater will make his friends order a second pizza without the ham or sausage on it, just for him, and bitch, I bet that shit is a cheese pizza because he hates everything.

>> No.3944449

I'm vegan and I don't do that

>> No.3944452

>Being friends with a vegan

>> No.3944460
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>Problem is commercial frying uses shitty fats.
I only fry with grapeseed oil. Soybean oil is so mainstream.

>> No.3944512



>> No.3944531

>>-Other peoples' spaghetti, chili, stews, soups (it's extremely rare I like other peoples' stuff in this category).

im gonna assume nobody invites you to cook outs

>> No.3944540

Things I don't like:

- Califlower
- Brussel sprouts

>> No.3944541

like the girl I know one time who threw a bitch fit in a restaurant when she found out her fried zucchini was fried in the same oil as mozzarella sticks. Oh yes princess, let me just empty out all of the oil in our fryer and refill it again for your new batch of fried zucchini.

worse yet is when they come to my bbqs expecting me to make special accommodations for them, when one time I actually did and got a box of those shitty veggie burgers they pretend to enjoy and they caused a problem about how they REFUSE to eat the free food being provided for them off of a grill that just had meat on it unless the grill was cleaned first, so the big babies made everybody wait until their food was done cooking before we could cook anything else.

>> No.3944549

Things I don't like.

That is literally the ONLY thing so I am super laid back and I will eat anything and I mean ANYTHING else you set in front of me. Hell, I will even eat okra in a good gumbo but straight up? Blaaagh!

>> No.3944564
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>getting angry at people for not liking certain foods

Are you guys joking, or what?


>> No.3944569 [DELETED] 

ITT: Autism

>> No.3944572 [DELETED] 

Here's an idea: Get over yourself, snowflake. No one is impressed by your colossal faggotry. Congrats on being so different and quirky, you must be the toast of Portland.

>> No.3944573

I guess my hatred for okra stems from being raised for the first few years of my life by a parental figure I can best describe as a female Maosakis.

>Dinner time.
>Okra is boiled.
>Okra cut lengthwise.
>Okra covered in velveeta.

Thankfully I was taken out of that household quickly.

>> No.3944577 [DELETED] 

Cry about it, you autistic faggot. I can't wait until the rest of us decide to remove your worthless genes from the pool for good.

>> No.3944580
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>Not frying in duck fat.

Filthy casual!

>> No.3944609 [DELETED] 

>Not hunting bear and using the best fat nature has to offer.
Fucking City boys...

>> No.3944650

>-Celery and celery seeds.
I'm okay with celery
>-Cilantro and coriander (tastes like yard clippings).
Fuck cilantro, tastes like pennies.
>-Anything with vinegar in it (especially, hot sauces.)
Nah, I like vinegar.
>-White sliced bread.
Usually garbage with no nutritional value so this doesn't really bother me.
>-Pickles and pickled vegetables (see vinegar.)
Pickles are yummy.
>-Ramps not cooked by me.
Neutral on ramps or leeks
Don't mind it
>-Mustard and mustard seeds.
Delicious and I don't see ketchup on this list, children's palette detected
>-Strong "Specialty" cheeses that have mold in/on them (except brie, mild feta, and mild blue)
I'm not that big in death stink mold cheese either.
>-Other peoples' spaghetti, chili, stews, soups (it's extremely rare I like other peoples' stuff in this category).
It's usually an ingredient ratio for these things, understandable.
>-Licorice and licorice-flavoured things.
Licorice is tasty.
>-Artificial apple-flavoured things.
Artificial flavors tend to suck.
>-Cantaloupe (allergic)
Every list should have grapefruit, I don't trust the taste of someone who eats grapefruit.
>-Tofu and nearly all soy products.
They can taste like anything and assume many textures.
>-Ham and sausage on pizza.
I agree with sausage, ham isn't awful, though.
>-Limp-cooked bacon (bacon must be crispy damn it)
I like it crisped on the edges with a little soft yield here and there
>-Uncooked oatmeal in cookies.
Can't say I really eat uncooked oatmeal cookies
>-Basil (tastes like Vienna sausages)
I like it on pizza.
>-Sickening sweet generic icing like in the photo.
A lot of icing is fucking terrible and overly sweet.

>> No.3944684


At least picky eaters aren't hating on people. Hate is a pretty bad and negative thing that can eat a person up inside.

>> No.3944694

>Not spearing whales and using the best fat the great seas have to offer
Fucking non-eskimo scum

>> No.3944706 [DELETED] 

Truth be told, whale blubber is a bitch to cook with. Seal fat works a bit better, but trust me, bear fat is a bout as good as it gets.

>> No.3944711 [DELETED] 

Autists, autists everywhere. Kill yourselves, you tryhard faggots. you aren't special. You aren't quirky. You're annoying and creepy.

>> No.3944712 [DELETED] 

Go cry about it you hippie faggot.

>> No.3944778

I actually cooked with bear fat before. It smells pretty rank.

>> No.3944827

I have done some research on bear meat, apparently it really depends on what time of year because their diet changes. you want a spring bear because they have lost their old fat in the winter and have been replenishing it with berries and greens which are abundant in the spring, summer bear is the worst because by that time they are scavenging dead carcasses and raiding garbage and things, in the fall is when they start eating fish so it gets very oily and fishy

>> No.3944841

Huge, hard boiled pieces of paprika. I can eat it chopped, but not as you find it in asian food.


>> No.3944862

you mean ginger. Not paprika.
That's ok though, we read you

>> No.3944866
File: 69 KB, 1024x768, paprika.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uuuuh, doiesn´t look like ginger, dude. I´m pretty sure it´s paprika.

But if you mean Ginseng, fuck that too. I can´t bare giving it a bite by mistake, the taste is too damn strong (but it gives a nice scent to the food)

>> No.3944874

>raw tomatoes
>cherry-flavor anything

>> No.3944879

>>Spanish peppers
>>Asian food

>>Parsnip-like root with weak scent

Yeeeeaaaah the night's not over
you're not trying hard enough

>> No.3944883

Bacalao and Pastelles

>> No.3944890
File: 23 KB, 560x439, 1350294032285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don´t like to eat what pic shows >>3944866

This can also be called Paprika like you can see here: https://www.google.de/search?hl=de&q=paprika&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&bpcl=35466521&a

And any cheap asian restaurant will have some plate with rice, veggies, beef and...OH MY! fucking paprika.


>> No.3944906

Things I dont like:

>Licorice/Licorice Flavor

The smell is horrendous and the taste makes me feel like I'm eating out a homeless woman. Although I do fucking love pizza and am fine with the mozzarella they put on it.

I have enjoyed beans before but only once, and it was at the best mexican restaurant Ive ever been to. That being said beans always make me nauseous if I eat more than like 8 of em. (Ive also got the best no-bean chili recipe if you roodypoos want it).

>Cherries/Cherry Flavor
I think its all the cherry flavored medicine I took when I was little, really ruined cherries for me. Otherwise the taste is unbearable, its like holding cheap vodka in your mouth for too long.

Never enjoyed eating it, plus fuck those seeds.

Only had it once, tasted like an actual butthole.

>> No.3946613

i'll eat anything, but i prefer not to eat
sausage (kielbasa is fine)

>> No.3946693
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Ketchup. It is without a doubt the laziest, nastiest, worst smelling, most unprofessional condiment out there. And people actually smother their food with this shit. ugh

>> No.3946709



>> No.3946710
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>be my birthday
>lets go out for sushi!
>aunt "your cousin doesnt like fish"
>fine. how bout chinese
>grandmother "ew. thats all cats and dogs. and the pasta (noodles) is alway raw"
>indian food
>aunt "weve never had that"
>aunt "we dont know what that is"
>how bout i just barbecue some pork ribs
>aunt "i dont like barbecue sauce"
>grandfather "i dont want to eat meat"
>uncle "barbecue is to messy"
>grandmother "anon, we are italian people. lets just go out for italian food"
>entire family cheers
>me "b..but we eat italian food almost everyday of the year. why not try something different"

mfw we go to fucking olive garden and my aunt freaks out because my cousin orders lemonade and they only have strawberry lemonade. (shes never had that)

>> No.3946714

does anyone else have that family that hates every fucking food?

>> No.3946720


>Italian family
>Thinks Olive Garden is good

Anon, I weep for you.

>> No.3946730 [DELETED] 


my family is pretty open minded s a whole. My sister doesn't eat some basic shit which makes meals a nightmare when we're both home:

Anything with eggs or milk
Tomatoes, except tomato ketchup
Any meat except chicken and beef

Sounds basic but it makes everything so much more fucking difficult.

Also, most of my friends are fucktards about food. One guy can't even cook for himself (doesn't even know how to cook chicken...fucking chicken) his parents won't let him order stuff like frog's legs and shit at restaurants because they're faggots like that, another won't eat anything that isn't like fries or a burger or some shit and there's one person I know, but thankfully never see, who will only eat chicken and fries - no vegetables, no fruit. Makes me rage so fucking hard.
And I've got a friend who's vegetarian but she never brings her weird food to BBQs so ends eating like a shit sammich, making everyone feel bad.


>> No.3946743

>I'm a beta fag, waaaaa!

Jesus fuck, learn to be assertive.

>> No.3946790

theyre just bitchy. literally an entire family full of fuckers that just say "but what about what i want? lets get something that makes everyone happy. dont be so selfish" and when i say im tired of italian food then its "but dont you like pasta?" "yes" "well there you go. lets go to olive garden"
there is no arguing with retards that will just embarrass you if you take them anywhere

they dont even think olive garden is good. its cheap italian food that they dont have to cook

>> No.3946844

What the fuck are you talking about? Those are peppers. I'm assuming paprika is pepper in German or something.

>> No.3946849


>> No.3948177

Dude, fucking kill yourself.

Seriously, you hate everything that's good. This can only mean that your genetics are so defective that you and any offspring you will have will damage us as a species.

Do the race as a whole a favor and step in front of a bus.

>> No.3948207

hey op, I see you are a very opinionated person who is not afraid to speak his mind and because of that I think your a cool guy, my cat, however, thinks you're a raging faggot

>> No.3948335

I only hate anything coming out from the sea (the smell of fish makes me sick)

>> No.3948343

Not only in German, but in some northern and eastern European languages as well as in Indonesian.

>> No.3948426

ITT: People not liking certain foods and the raging faggots that dislike people who dislike food they like and must post about it..

Fried cabbage and mackerel in a can run me out of the house every time.