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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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3934950 No.3934950[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Want to make basic scrambled eggs, nothing fancy. how do?

>> No.3934973

Crack eggs into pan

>> No.3934978


>> No.3934980

Should've known you guys would be as useless as /b/.

>> No.3934986

We're a slow board, you have to give us awhile and ignore the trolls.
I just sat down to browse while I ate my lunch, but then I will post how to make glorious basic scrambled eggs.

>> No.3934991

put pan on burner and turn burner to medium heat

scramble 2-3 eggs until there are no big pieces of egg white

butter the pan but don't let it brown

add eggs and keep stirring and breaking up curds until almost set, push eggs into the center of the pan and flatten a bit

when they're set enough on the bottom you can just slide them onto a plate or roll them up for an omelette. turn the heat down to low and let them cook for a couple minutes longer if you don't like them wet. you have to be quick or the eggs will turn brown, but it's okay if you like them that way. put salt on the eggs after they're cooked.

>> No.3934992

What? Doesn't get anymore basic than that.

>> No.3934994

you can also add cream cheese, sour cream, yogurt etc to the eggs if you want them softer and richer but don't add too much or you won't taste eggs

>> No.3934999

Here ya go OP.

Scrambled egg recipes from /b/?? Gives me the shivers just thinking about what they'd suggest.

>> No.3935014

Eggs, large, 2
Salt, as desired
Butter, clarified, 1tbsp
>or same amount of whole, melted butter

Deep, sloped sauté pan

Bring eggs to room temperature.
>This can be done quickly by leaving them under hot, running water for about 2 minutes and letting them sit there for an additional three.
Crack eggs into a bowl.
Add salt.
Beat them to desired colour, uniform yellow being traditional for Brit/US-style scrambled egg, but other places like it more interspersed yellow-and-white.
Place butter into pan.
Set pan to high heat.
Wait a minute, then add eggs.
Cook, stirring constantly all-the-while shaking the pan back and forth.
When eggs are /almost/ but not quite finished (about 10 seconds), off the heat, continue stirring a tad longer (an additional 10 seconds) and pour out.

That's it. Did you really need someone to tell you this?

Ramsay's faggot eggs. Fuck that shit. Know why no breakfast/brunch place in the world makes eggs like that? Cuz they're not faggots, that's why.

>> No.3935016


Thank you, kind sirs.

>> No.3935022

Generously butter a pan over medium-low heat

In a bowl, whisk (with a whisk or a fork) 2-3 eggs and a tablespoon of whole milk or cream until well blended, a bit frothy, and the color is a bit lighter.

Make sure the butter is not browning, then add your eggs.

Don't stir right off. Let the bottom set, then scrape up the bottom with a wooden spoon or spatula and let the uncooked eggs run underneath, stirring slightly but not so much that you break the curds into tiny pieces. It's more of a "scrape and fold, scrape and fold" rather than actual stirring.
Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Until you have large creamy curds of eggs.

Take the eggs off the heat while they still look moist. The residual heat will continue to cook them.

Add salt after you have plated them.

Rich, creamy, perfectly formed scrambled eggs, every time.

(Yes, I know some people like hard scrambled eggs, dry, small curds, etc. browned, whatever. If you're one of those types, go for it. Ick.)

>> No.3935025

I did need someone to tell me this, my mother taught me how to cook scrambled eggs years ago, but as it turns out she's a terrible cook and so are her scrambled eggs. I just never bothered to learn how to do it properly until now.

>> No.3935087
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How bad did i fuck up?

>> No.3935093
File: 26 KB, 520x300, gordon-ramsay1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That egg is raw

>> No.3935098

I like the doneness of the eggs, that looks perfect, but I'd like to see bigger curds. But hey, still looks good, OP.

>> No.3935105

Disregard this faggot
He's trying to give you food poisoning. Your eggs are undercooked.

>> No.3935107

4 eggs, a fork, a tablespoon of milk per egg and a tablespoon of butter in a skillet set to medium heat.

While the butter is melting, stir the eggs with the fork until the yolks are blended into a uniform yellow shade. Add in seasoning to taste (a large pinch of salt, a pinch of black pepper, maybe a little garlic powder if you're feeling fancy). The butter should be melted, tilt the pan until it's evenly coated and then pour in the egg mix. Grab a nonstick spatula and repeatedly scrape the bottom of the pan every 30 seconds with the end until the eggs have firmed up and there is no visible liquid (the eggs should still be "shiny moist" at this stage). Grab a shredded cheese of your choice and then plate up the eggs. Sprinkle a little cheese and you're golden. Best served with a wedge or two of an orange, a glass of milk and a slice of buttered toast.

>> No.3935110
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>food poisoning
>eggs are undercooked


>> No.3935115


the point being that you want as much of the eggs to cook for the same amount of time.

I use a fork to skim over the layer of egg cooking on the bottom, and get those curds forming.

don't add salt until the very end, and warm the plate you're going to be eating off of first.

but this is the way my dad likes his eggs, and I've been making it the same way, every morning for the past 12 years ever since he got sick and I've been taking care of him here at home. so, yeah, have done this <4000 times the very same way.

>> No.3935119

oh, right. I forgot that eggs bought at a grocery store that have no quality control are completely free of salmonella. How dare I think that...please forgive me, I was raised on a farm where our chickens ran free and the eggs were always poisonous...

>> No.3935126

Well, they didn't taste raw, but idk how to tell so i'll leave them on for a little bit longer next time just in case.

>> No.3935130

Those eggs are PLENTY cooked to have gotten rid of the salmonella. You are an over-reactive moron. Keep hiding in your shell, turtle boy.
Oh for god's sake OP, they are NOT undercooked.

>> No.3935133

that would be the best decision. Your eggs should still be yellow, but not runny if you're going for scrambled eggs.

>> No.3935140

I in no way "hide in my shell". I'm quite an avid eater of quite a lot of raw meats, milk, and cheeses, but I wouldn't eat eggs advertised as being scrambled and have them look like someone added a wee bit of vomit in with them. But, feel free to continue cooking like an amateur while I run a 2 star kitchen. I'm sure you know better than me.

>> No.3935147

No need to argue. If I get sick, I know for next time. To be honest they were a bit wetter than they probably should have been.

>> No.3935149
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Yes, I do know better than you. And you are wrong.
And if you really were a professional cook (which I don't believe for two seconds), you know that the reason for the displeasing look of OPs eggs is because they've been stirred to within an inch of their life, NOT because of the doneness. You're pathetic.

>> No.3935157

You won't get sick.
And the consistency is really a matter of personal taste. Some people like soft, fluffy scrambled eggs, some people like hard, rubbery scrambled eggs.

>> No.3935156


There is no way shape or form you run a two star kitchen.

Shut your retard mouth. Nobody gave you two stars except some shit news paper, and that's out of five. Which is even worse.

Those eggs are fine, some may even want them cooked less, some cooked more.

Op for someody who came to ask about eggs, you did better than most.

>> No.3935163

Yeah, you obviously know better than everyone on this board. I should've remembered that food stays undercooked when it's been mixed(or stirred, as you put it) too much. I concede to an obviously more experienced cook than myself, and I will go to the other side of my $400,000 home and sulk in the fact that I'm worthless and that I should quit the profession that I've been in for the last 13 years.

>> No.3935164

Aside from everything, they tasted a million times better than any of my previous attempts so thank you everyone.

>> No.3935167

the butthurt is strong with this one

>> No.3935172

Oh god, you're too funny. LOLOLOLOL
You seriously either should just stop embarrassing yourself, or ramp it up for our entertainment. Either way, we all know you don't have any idea what you're talking about.

>> No.3935174

Yep, I'm obviously butthurt, after winning the Bocus d'Or at the beginning of this year. I know nothing about cooking, and I cook at a prestigious place 90% of you will never even be able to stay at.

>> No.3935177


Stfu he has 359 confirmed kills

>> No.3935178

Oh, you mean the two star place?

>> No.3935180

dining wise, the hotel is a 4 star.

>> No.3935187

Oh, I'm SURE.

>> No.3935188

Look up the Greenbrier in WV and see the ratings then.

>> No.3935190

reddit pls go

>> No.3935193

>no face when he tries to claim to be richard rosendale

Of course, you would have nothing more to do on a Sunday right? No friends, no food to eat. Just bring /ck/ and helping a guy make eggs via text

>> No.3935197

not tonight, but think whatever. Just because some people on here can't cook, doesn't mean everyone can't. I can back what I say up with proof. I live in Lewisburg, WV, Taste of our Town was yesterday, the Greenbrier is about 7 miles from my house, and I regularly go to the Irish Pub on Washington Street and Del Sol. Peace out.

>> No.3935207



>> No.3935210

inb4 no camera

>> No.3935654

I'm hungry I'm going to make eggs I'll post pics of my style of eggs.

The way I make scrambled eggs is I get them to room temperature first. Then I mix them with a whisk with a teaspoon or two of milk. Then I either use a bit of olive oil or butter for the Pan on medium heat I put the mixed eggs in wait a couple seconds, and scramble everything. When it's about to be done I take them off heat then plate it. I'll post pic soon with timestamp I guess

>> No.3935685


>> No.3935696

Making my eggs right nowwill make some OC

>> No.3935699

Anyone shitting bricks about undercoked eggs.

Japanese people literally dip cooked foods in raw egg as seasoning. Their eggs are obviously of higher quality than your average north american egg but there are still a decent number of north americans acting like rocky and drinking raw eggs.

Slightly undercooked eggs won't even give you diarrhea.

>> No.3935720

add milk JUST AFTER they start to set


>> No.3935742

I've learned that creme fraiche or sour cream work better then milk.

>> No.3935758
File: 2.05 MB, 2448x3264, 2012-10-14_19-45-02_101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my OC will post recipe soon

>> No.3935765

>beat eggs
>heat pan on medium flame
>apply butter
>pour in eggs
>immediately turn flame to low
>scramble like crazy
>optional step is to add a bit of your favorite cheese when the eggs are like 50%-75% doen
a lot of recipes seem to like starting with low heat and ending on high but i like the texture when you do it the opposite way.

>> No.3935802

Nice chopped omelet, faggot.

>> No.3935808

Are you high? Your room looks all smokey, thats why I ask.

>> No.3935818


Not a chopped omelet I just prefer my Scrambled eggs in big pieces


No sir it's my camera.

>> No.3935825
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The recipe is done
My first one
Got any feedback for me?

>> No.3935828

A vertical for scrambled eggs? THANKS BRO

>> No.3935838

I noticed a lot of people don't add milk to the eggs which is fine but the steam from the milk makes the eggs fluffy, which imo gives them a better texture.

>> No.3936463

Cool now do a vertical for making toast please i need help

>> No.3936473

Incidentally, what's the website with all the collected /ck/ recipe images?

>> No.3936475

Scrambled eggs is the easiest fucking thing to make, I was cooking that when I was a kid and could barely locate my dick.

Crack eggs into a bowl, make sure there are no shell pieces, whisk them with whatever you want (milk, spices) then pour into a hot pan with a little butter or oil. Just stir them until done. The more you stir the softer the texture will be. If you don't stir at all you'll have an omelette.

>> No.3936713

When I scramble eggs the pan usually ends up with this dried egg layer on the bottom that's hard to remove. Is the fix for this to use more butter? When i stir it the butter mixes with the egg so i'm not sure how effective it would be.

>> No.3936727


>> No.3936728


>> No.3936757
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1. Put non-stick skillet on medium heat.
2. Place butter into skillet. A spoon full should be enough.
3. Breaks eggs into skillet if only making 4 or so.
4. Whisk around with spatula until all mixed up.
5. When egg starts to set, add in a few splashes of milk and mix in.
6. Take skillet off heat, but leave heat on.
7. Push eggs towards center of skillet a few times all the way around.
8. Put back on heat and let sit for a minute.
9. Repeat steps 6 and 8 until it all stays in the middle of the skillet. (This is when you want to add spices.)
10. Try to flip as much of the "egg pie" as possible over and let cook for about 30 seconds or so.
11. Put on plate and eat.

This should make very fluffy eggs with extremely large curds. A lot of people who can't cook for shit like to throw it on high heat and beat the shit out of the eggs until they're dry and tiny. This method takes a bit longer, but it tastes damn good.

>> No.3936786

please help me.

>> No.3936792

Days ago I posted making scrambled eggs no-yolk and was laughed at.

What do you call scrambled no yolk eggs? Scrambling is the mixing in the pan. Otherwise you get an omelette.

>> No.3936832

You'd think he could at least spell Bocuse correctly.

>> No.3936852

This thread made me make scrambled eggs for breakfast. It was delicious, so thanks /ck/. I make mine pretty much exactly like this guy. >>3935022

>> No.3937088

i really want to know this too actually. anyone?

>> No.3937159

Just as well you were, /ck/ likes good food, not ohsohealthytrendy tasteless muck.

>> No.3937191

That because there are a majority of people on /ck/ that would love to have Gordon Ramsay's dick in there butt. Ramsay says not to use milk in scrambled eggs, yet he uses yogurt (its still fucking dairy), and I'm guessing these people are just subscribers to that overrated piece of botoxed shit.

A couple splashes of milk is about as vital in scrambled eggs as cheese is on pizza.

>> No.3937194

Those eggs look like shit.

>> No.3937195


water content bro

>> No.3937201


Actually Ramsay uses Crème fraîche, which has a much higher fat content than milk, therefore it provides a richer, creamier product.

And yeah, I am going to take his opinion over yours. He has more michelin stars than any other chef. Why wouldn't I trust his word over some random neckbeard posting on 4chan?

>> No.3937223

Yes, but I have more rolls of fat than him, so I think that the more decisive opinion on food quality belongs to ME and my FAT FUCKING ASS

Seriously, why do you fuckers trust any celebrity chef on good-tasting food if they look like they live in a fucking gym; it means they're obviously not eating their own product. Shit, even Alton was getting kinda pudgy there by season 6-7.

>> No.3937231

No they don't.

>> No.3937232


No, that just means you have no willpower and there are no limits to what you will stuff your gullet with. It doesn't mean you know anything about cooking, it means you have low standards and poor impulse control.

>> No.3937239

I laugh hard when I see you fat losers try to talk about being an authority on food just because you couldn't manage your own nasty body. The only people who believe what you're saying are other fat people. Everyone else is just either laughing or feeling sorry for you land whales.

>> No.3937244

try using a or silicon spatula to really scrape the sides and bottom of the pan, but overall it's no biggie. just let it set in water for a couple of minutes and it'll be easy to get off. if it's brown, then you're cooking at too high of a heat.

>> No.3937246


because they work in a professional kitchen, which is extremely labour intensive. very few reputable chefs are fat.

>> No.3938265

easiest thing in the world

the way i do it is I butter a pan, grab a few eggs and plop in on medium hit so i can splash a little milk and throw in some cheese, then I turn up the heat and stir-fry that sunnova bitch.

you can season it after, might not need it depending on preference and cheese