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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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3934444 No.3934444[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Greetings /ck/,

I'lll get straight to the point, I weigh about 110kg (242.5lb). I'm addicted to fast food, I'm currently looking to lose weight so I can avoid issues such as diabetes and heart disease.

It was suggested that i come here from /fit/ and ask for some recipes that will be healthy, fun and ultimately help me lose weight.

Anything that will also make vegetables desirable would be much appreciated as well.

If you would also like to view the thread in /fit/ check it out here >>>/fit/15212650


>> No.3934450

just read the stupid stickey and go on a home made keto diet.

>> No.3934451

Meaning Veggies, Meat, and Fruit only with water or juice maker juice.

>> No.3934464


Ok so after doing some research into the Keto diet it sounds rather interesting, i will be trying it. But for the time being is there anything that can make my vegetables more desirable? :)

Thank you for your posts

>> No.3934466

>making the same thread on 2 boards

fuck, /fit/ is like /ck/'s annoying retard friend that is always running behind after being ditched saying "hold on guys!!"

>> No.3934470

I'd say stop eating grains, seed oils, and added sugar. Don't eat too few calories. Now you've got meats, butter, eggs, vegetables, fruits, and legumes. Eat some nuts and cheese for a snack, but don't go crazy with them. Play around with your macronutrient ratios until you find what's best for you. Also, steam your vegetables like any good hipster would. It makes them taste fucking great, especially drizzled with quality olive oil.

>> No.3934473


I lol'd because it's true

>> No.3934476

your tastebuds are used to being overloaded with sodium and sugar, so you can't really appreciate the natural flavours in anything right now. you're going to be disappointed with pretty much any recipe we give you.

forget about overloading on the veg for a bit. that can wait until the junk-addiction passes. just concentrate on getting traditionally-prepared food instead of crap.
like, next time you want a burger, go eat a steak, that kind of thing. you'll swiftly notice it's actually way fucking more satisfying than any junk food you ever tasted.

>> No.3934478

The biggest thing is how much you eat.

Honestly if you're just trying to lose weight.....you can keep eating fast food, won't be healthy but you will lose weight, instead of ten mc doubles and three large fries with three large cokes a day only eat a mc double a meal with water.

About amount not type, look at sumo wrestlers

>> No.3934481

Oh I forgot, sage.

Just stick around you'll see recipes.

>> No.3934482


More like /fit/ is /ck/'s athletic and succesful brother. Have you ever compared what the different groups of people do? Fit is in rather high prestige educations, while Ck cooks ramen in their parents basement while attending community college.

Also, blatent samefagging.

>> No.3934483


Oh wow, look at how butthurt this /fit/fag got.

>> No.3934484

me too op

I'm skinnyfat, but trying to lose weight so I can start bulking.

I don't really have a high BMR so I can only eat a little food. Eating chicken breast everyday is really making me stray from a proper diet. I need easy delicious recipes to stay committed

>> No.3934485

it's easier to eat less with better food, though. makes you feel more full with the same amount of food for less calories

>> No.3934489

hey buddy, there is nothing wrong with community college.

>> No.3934492

>I'm addicted to fast food
>addicted to fast food
>addicted to food

I cold turkey quit cocaine and smoking the same day. Grow some fucking balls. Start respecting yourself you fat sack of shit and maybe others will start to respect you as well instead of laugh at how disgusting you are behind your back.

Food doesn't have to be desirable or tasty. It is fuel for your body so get used to that. Steam your veggies or make a stir fry with olive oil. Chicken, eggs, and baby leaf spinach are your new best friends.

>> No.3934494

Never understood how people could see food in such a desirable light. I've always seen food as something I need to consume to survive. I wish I could just plug myself into an electrical outlet for energy and nutrients.

>> No.3934500
File: 144 KB, 877x670, nope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What car do you drive, do you even shift?

>not using Gordon's broccoli soup recipe..

>> No.3934501

What pisses me off is people that get "addicted" to food or are "adult picky eaters". Grow the fuck up, seriously.

Fuckers don't know what addiction is they just can't stop stuffing their faces. I find their lack of self control sickening.

>> No.3934513

OP, I know what you mean by "addicted" to fast food.

For whatever reasons, I had a couple periods of my life where I ate fast food 1-3 times a day. After a while, it was the only thing I craved, but I would become pretty depressed after I ate it. Wasn't even fat or anything either.

Anyway, if you just STOP eating fast food TODAY things will change. Write a list of simple, healthy meals for the next 7 days and buy the ingredients at the grocery store.

The food won't relieve the craving, but in 2 weeks you won't want fast food. When you eventually do have some, it won't be half as good as you remember.

Trust me, just PLAN your meals for the week and don't go to a fast food place. Ignore the dicks, I know what you mean.

>> No.3934529

actually you can be addicted to food. It is terribly hard to overcome if you are truly addicted because you encounter food everyday and can not live with out it.

>> No.3934531

Making your own of tacos and burgers should be easy. Eat more fish though less fish & chips and just steamed fish. You're going to have to learn to use spices to cut down on the salt intake.

>> No.3934544

When I stopped eating potato chips, I felt ill and fatigued. Seriously. Food addiction is legit.

>> No.3934545

/fit/ is Gordon Ramsay before his injury and end of his sporting career.

/ck/ is Gordon Ramsay after his injury and the start of his cooking career.

And in response to OP, since you posted a picture of Broccoli, do you like Broccoli?

>> No.3934547

What "sports career"? He's a lying sack of shit.


>> No.3934550

When I stopped drinking coffee I had headaches for a few days.

Obviously it is the caffeine, but how come people think other foods don't have unidentified compounds that can cause withdrawal or other effects?

>> No.3934553

OP probably just likes salt and sugar.

>> No.3934556 [DELETED] 


I can't really help much with making food desirable (I keep my weight down by not eating or eating tiny amounts.) but I find a lot of Asian food utilises vegetables in a number of delicious ways. There's a bunch of ways to cook things; remember, not all carrots are the gross, overcooked boiled mush you were fed by a relative who hasn't a clue about food.

I do have this piece of advice for you though.
When you're bored (A lot of people eat when they're bored.) or craving food, resist the desire to eat. Instead, drink water or black, sugarless tea. Lots of water. Hardly any calories and it fills you up. You can also try eating apples or celery; I think they both negative calories (I might be wrong.) so you can pretty much eat as much of those as you like. Don't use any dips with them though. Celery sticks aren't healthy once you've slathered them in peanut butter.

Don't grab a bag of potato chips. Don't "reward" yourself for eating healthily the rest of the day, just stay away from junk food completely.

>> No.3934561

1 bag frozen peas
1 bag frozen broccoli (or fresh, whatever)
2 cups water
Olive oil
Salt, pepper
Crusty bread

Boil the vegetables until soft. Then puree that shit. Add water to the puree until desired consistency is reached. Add salt + pepper + olive oil for taste. Eat with crusty-ass bread.

Also, baked chickpeas with a bit of olive oil, brown sugar, and spice (either cumin or cayenne) is fucking great.

>> No.3934573


And smithski is the main backer of introducing the /fag/ board.


Using news.com.au as a reliable source for anything other than 24/7 Kardashaian news. LOL.

>> No.3934589
File: 429 KB, 1126x1001, fit diet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There, now fuck off

>> No.3934591
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it's shit like this that confirms /fit/ as a board of subnormals

>> No.3934593

I think in my case it was simply that I was addicted to the effect of eating mass amounts of easily digestible starch with a little salt and oil added to make it tastier. The regular chips were so salty that it actually limited how much I could eat of them. I gained a shitload of weight switching to "healthier" Baked Lays and started eating a whole large bag daily. Now I don't fuck with potatoes or rice in any form and stick with fruit and beans as my carb sources.

>> No.3934596

OP, I love soda pop. LOVE it. It makes me sick, I have high insulin levels in my blood, I have to take Metformin. I drink iced water with lemon. When I crave something fizzy I grab a lacroix, san pellegrino, or a perrier ( I love the grapefruit). It works to stave off my coke cravings.

>> No.3934610

You have diabetes.

>> No.3934613

Roasting vegetables usually makes them more desirable (to people who don't like them raw or boiled or who don't want to cook with a lot of oil) and doesn't add any extra calories. It can really add a lot of flavor by breaking them down and caramelizing the small amount of sugar they contain. Wash, cut into large chunks or in half, season if desired and roast at 375f for 30-60 minutes or until done.

>> No.3934635

no, not yet. I am able to correct my insulin resistance with meds and diet. I won't have to be on the Metformin for long.

>> No.3934657

Eating healthily and losing weight is easy if you cook your own food.

two reasons:
1) you can't just pig out on food that requires prep. Let's say you take out a chicken breast to dethaw for a couple hours in preparation for dinner. You eat it, but being the gluttonous fatbody you are, you crave more and more. Too bad having seconds or thirds would require you to go through the whole cooking process again. So you end up toughing it out. Furthermore, you automatically portion control when cooking for yourself because you want to have more food for later. you think "I could eat this entire box of spaghetti in one night, or I could just cook some of it and I'd then have enough for another meal or two or three later on"

2) it's easier to resist tempting food when you're buying everything yourself. Whenever I go back to my parents house for a weekend or a week or whatever, I end up pigging out. Why? Because they keep all this delicious food on hand. My mom is always baking terrific cakes and pies and such. I can't say no to it if its just sitting there tempting me in the fridge. Same goes with junk food. It's a hell of a lot easier to resist pigging out on donuts and ice cream and candy if I simply don't buy it in the first place. If it's not there to tempt me, it doesn't affect me whatsoever.

Now, you said your biggest vice is fast food, right? I can't help you there because I never eat it and I've never craved it. Personally I think it's fucking gross.

>> No.3934684

>is diabetic
>still drinks pop

>> No.3934735

I moved out 7 weeks ago, started doing my cooking. I don't live on regular shit students put in themselves, I lost 5 kilos so fare.

>> No.3934770

would you people quit spouting this shit advice

yes you can technically lose weight by just eating less fast food. but you see how that's retarded right? so why would you tell this fatty to do it?

>> No.3934786

by 'high prestige educations' do you mean sports science and sociology?

>> No.3934789

>Fit is in rather high prestige educations
Oh, you mean /fit/ has lots of undergrads?

lol okay bro. Welcome to 2012, where an undergraduate degree is obligatory.

>> No.3934831

OP, cut out shit loaded with starches and sugars. Yes, starches are not necessarily bad, but it is easy to consume a lot of calories by eating only starches.

As for sugar, just cut out all soft drinks, naturally OR artificially sweetened. drink only sparkling/flat water, and tea or decaf coffee (we don't need another addiction replacing the old one do we?).

Simple breakfast idea: Greek yogurt and fresh fruit. Ever since I started doing this, I simply cannot eat any store bought flavored yogurt (except for siggis skyr or this hipster goat yogurt). Chobani, yoplait, etc. are so sweet it makes me pucker.

Also, look at nutrition facts and picture how much sugar you are eating. IIRC 12g of sugar is 1 tablespoon. Most yogurts for example have 20g of sugar. Don't buy any cereal that is over 1/3 sugar by weight.

>> No.3934913


Another thing because you fucking love sodas:

Make your own. As in, make your own spiced syrups, buy a CO2 tank and a tube, carbonate your own water, and mix the two together. This is the only way you may drink soda from now on. Use only 15g of sugar per 12 fl oz.

Takes a little bit of time. And therefore, you will stop drinking a shit load of liquid diabetes and obesity. You will appreciate sodas a lot more, and realize they are a treat. I drink like 6 oz at a time because it is still so sweet.

I don't drink soda very often, because I don't have time to carbonate water and make my own syrups in addition to preparing a meal. Therefore I only consume it on special ocasions, like family gatherings. Plus you get to brag about your homemade sodas.

>> No.3934922

The most important thing you have to know, OP, is that this stuff happens very, very slowly

You aren't going to notice shit in a month, it'll take several months to a year before you're noticeably thinner. Most fat people give up after 2 weeks because they don't see a difference, but if you let yourself go for several years you can't expect to fix it all in a short amount of time

>> No.3934924

Only drink water. First day or two will be horrible, after that water will be the only thing you ever want to drink

>> No.3934926

I was perfectly happy without fag-land central that is known as /hm/. :3

I drank home-made lemonade sweetened with honey whenever I crave soda.

Also, staring at OP's image is making me crave some broccoli soup.

>> No.3934928


>sweetened with honey

You must realize that this is no better than just adding sugar

>> No.3934931


Correction: 15g of sugar per 8 fl oz. you can still do 12 though if you want it less sweet.

It is, as long as it's less sugar than is normally in soda. Although its true that people often add too much if they are not measuring.

>> No.3934932


Adding a bunch of honey or sugar is a step back though. If you're trying to lose weight just find something else to eat/drink. "Cheats" like this are for when you're already in shape and it's the reason why fat people tend to stay fat. They don't focus on actually losing the weight

>> No.3934935

Well, I don't want my drinks to be bland, the main point is that I can control how much sugar I'm having with my drinks as opposed to buying liquid sugar in a can that doesn't taste good anyway because it's loaded with sugar.

>> No.3934939


Drink some fucking water, it's the essence of life

>> No.3934945

I lost the 15 pounds I gained freshman year simply by quitting soda cold turkey. That goes for all sugary drinks. I basically only drink water, coffee, tea, and more water.

Another thing that really helped was skipping breakfast. There's all that bullshit pseudoscience about your metabolism slowing down if you don't eat breakfast and you'll overeat later in the day and blah blah blah. But seriously, it's all bullshit. When I used to eat breakfast, it set off a vicious cycle and I was constantly hungry. I'd eat at 9am and be hungry again by 9:30 or 10. By the time noon rolled around, I might've already eaten WAY more than I should've.

Now that don't bother with breakfast, I can go until much later in the day and still not feel hungry at all. And I actually get satisfied from my meals too, where before I had never ending hunger

>> No.3934946

Lemonade contains water.

>> No.3934949


As does soda. The point is you need to stop drinking like you're 7 years old and just have some plain water

>> No.3934959

Well, you go enjoy your water and I go enjoy lemonade when I want to.

>> No.3934964


Alright, just don't expect to lose weight

>> No.3934969

Hi, OP. As someone who has actually done what you are setting out to attempt (I weighed 100lbs more than I do right now a year ago and ate fast food for lunch and dinner 4-5 days a week, frozen pizza the rest), let me aid you.

You need to start off making things easier for yourself. Plan your meals in advance (this helps keep a budget too), make them easy and delicious. For recipes just use Google. Chicken breast recipes, tuna recipes, quick low-cal recipes, whatever. Tons of resources out there.

Make meals and freeze or portion in advance. I like to keep ziploc bags with a portion of oatmeal and the crap I like in it on hand so I don't have an excuse not to eat a healthy breakfast, and I can prepare 20 something breakfast burritos with a few eggs and a couple of potatoes and some turkey bacon. Stick with foods you like, and substitute for things you're craving. If broccoli is the only veg you'll eat, then find ways to prepare it. Bake it, steam it, slather it in cheese if you must - still better than fries. Set aside some money each week/month (however often you shop) to try new things and learn different ways to prepare them. I disliked Greek yogurt at first, so I worked it into smoothies and I found a good sauce for meat that uses it. Eventually I liked it enough to eat plain with fruit. Chocolate was my vice, but quite honestly nowadays I'd rather eat a handful of cherries than a handful of Hershey's. Your tastes change over time; the more you eat well, the more you will want to eat well.

You can work on eating really lean and counting calories a little bit later (not to say you shouldn't get a rough idea right now though). Right now it's your habits you need to fix. You know what healthy food is, you know how to use the Internet. Good luck Anon

>> No.3934976
File: 1.90 MB, 320x200, Cao Caos.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Losing weight

All of my Cao Caos