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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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3930156 No.3930156[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I love Indian food, especially chicken vindaloo, but when I make it at home it never comes close to what I get at a restaurant. What is their secret? I meticulously follow recipe directions but to no avail. Any help or tips would be much appreciated.

>> No.3930179

are you using curry leaves and cinnamon?

my boyfriend's Indian mother always uses that shit in her curry. she also doesn't remove them when she serves it, so you get a nice bite of disgusting shit.
remember to remove them when it's finished cooking.

>> No.3930181

You're white
You are also white

>> No.3930187

are you initially using ghee when frying the dry spices, onions, garlic and ginger? Its actually make a huge difference. Also, cook gravy/sauce; drown cold meat in it and marinate for 2 days- then cook the meat and sauce together - this is how you get the sauce to permeate through completely.

>> No.3930188

No curry leaves or cinnamon, just curry powder. I will try them next time.

>> No.3930189

Nope, not doing any of that....obviously the recipe I was using was no good. Thanks for the tips.

>> No.3930190

also, it may sound counter-intuitive and won't be in most recipe book, but i've had great results when adding controlled amounts of both brown sugar and msg. Your not trying to make it sickly sweet or chinese-like; just a little, and keep tasting it - ideally you'll give it a fuller falvour

>> No.3930196

fuck your curry powder: if you want decent results, buy a motar & pestle and get whole spice (no ground/powdered shit). Spice powder is already slightly oxidised and you have lost most of your aromatics before you even open the bottle. Whole cummin; corriander seeds; fenugreek seeds; green & black cardomoms; cinnamon quill or cassia bark; and bay and curry leaves - and whatever else your type of curry requires. Fry the dry spices in ghee and rice bran oil very carefully (its very easy to get the oil too hot and practically carbonize the spices). After careful frying for 5 minutes then do the onion, garlic and ginger; and then the rest.

>> No.3930209

rice bran oil is good because it has one of the highest smoke points. Note that if your oil gets too hot it will start to smoke acrolein vapour and make cause a fire - as well as fucking your spices. Have some chopped onion beside you and drop it in occasionally to gauge the heat - the water in the onion will boil and cause it to bubble and spit. If the pieces of onion immediately go brown around their edges when they are dropped in then the oil is too hot - remove the saucepan from the stove and gently dip the bottom in half a sink of water.

>> No.3930223

The secret to your average westernised Indian restaurant food is cream, lots and lots of cream

>> No.3930743


Not op but feel his pain. Have tried all these things, ghee, grinding spices, marinating, etc doesn't come close to restaurant curry.

The best I've made is after using shit loads of coconut cream.

Any other tips appreciated.

Also, yoghurt or CC cream? My traditional Indian cookbooks tell me to add yoghurt and bring to the boil but I worry it will curdle..?

>> No.3930749

Do you have the required amount of cockroaches and rats in you kitchen?
Also, never use meat that isn't horribly spoiled

>> No.3930762

how come all the Indians I see on tv and in the movies look white and all the ones I see IRL look like niggas?

>> No.3930772


The Indian restaurants want to appeal to Westernized palates, so they add fucktons of cream, ghee, coconut cream, etc.

I make Indian food at home all the time, and it's delicious, but it's not the same as what you get at a typical restaurant. The only exception I've had to that is Khorma. Khorma recipes are pretty much the same, whether at home or in a restaurant - they use coconut milk or cream and ground cashews. Damn....now I want Khorma so bad. Anyway, I made a killer Vegetable Khorma the other day, that tasted exactly like what I get at my favorite Indian place.

If you want to try some recipes, I recommend this guy. He knows his shit.

>> No.3930774
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I'm white too and I make fucking awesome curries.

OP don't overlook the simple things like using a pestle and mortar to grind your shit up.

Way I do it is usually put in the things that need to be broken down (cloves, cardmon pods, coriander, preppercorns and mustard seeds) with some coarse sea salt to aid the grinding. Then I add the "wet" ingredients like fresh chillis, chopped garlic and ginger and grind. Then I add the dried ingredients (grated cinnamon, cumin, turmeric). Balance it out with a dash of white vinegar and sugar. Bit of oil to loosen it and you have a nice paste.

For vindaloo, you then take that paste, cover your meat in it to marinade it, and then pour white vinegar over the meat until it is fully submerged. Set it aside overnight then when you come to cook it, retrive the meat and fry that first, then gradually little by little pour in the vinegar marinade leftovers. Reduce that (the sharpness is cooked off a little but it should stay sour anyway). Balance the flavours with salt/sugar/vinegar as needed and serve.

Protip: 90% of "vindaloo" curries served in takeaways and restaurants are not authentic recipes. Most curry houses are run by Sri Lankan, Nepalese, Bangla and Pakistani these days, so they use an Anglicised approximation.

>> No.3930785

The media as a whole as a self-fulfilling ideology that light skin is attractive, so they show it more, which then makes lighter-skinned people in the media become idols and role models of sorts, which then makes people believe that pale skin = most attractive.

I don't think it is necessarily a consciously-planned thing, but by accident or design that is the way it happens. And people like yourself are then influenced by what you see in the media and you start to think what you are seeing are also your own thoughts.

saging for grossly off-topic post.

>> No.3930793

Made the mistake of buying east Indian porn once. All but one of the women were almost as white as I am, and my heritage is Alp German...

Love that Indian chick on TV though, show's name is Mindy? I don't watch it, but she makes me want to breed.

>> No.3930797
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>buying porn

Just how old are you, gramps?

>> No.3930800

Old enough to have been a member of pureTNA and cheggit before they went under...

I miss good torrent sites.

>> No.3930822



don't remind me bro...and to keep it off topic: whiter Indian chicks are hotter so they're the ones in Bollywood.

>> No.3930844
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You have no idea how many new HDD's I had to buy.

>> No.3930870
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same. webop just isn't as good yet.

>> No.3930899

Indian food in restaurants is shit-tier and doesn't taste like anything you'd get at home.

The only time I ever eat Indian outside of home is when getting south Indian food.

>> No.3930906
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>mfw Philadelphia has no south Indian restaurants
>mfw Philly burbs have a few "south Indian restaurants" but they're all run by north Indians and aren't good
>mfw the "south Indian restaurants" just add coconut milk to north Indian dishes and label them as something else

>> No.3930919

I'm in Vancouver, and we have about 4 south Indian joints that I know of, with one serving dosas 24 hours.

I wouldn't recommend Vancouver, though.

>> No.3930925

I've been to Vancouver and I liked it. Went to a number of good restaurants and the prices were reasonable. The people were pleasant, the streets clean and the neighbourhoods [seemingly] safe.
Why wouldn't you recommend it?