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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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3925922 No.3925922[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Alright /ck/,
Dick move or reasonable reaction?

I don't care about the arguments for or against people's dietary choices.
I'm asking, if a veg expects non-veg folks to provide special dish just for them, is it reasonable for a non-veg to request the same in return?

>> No.3925926

she sounds like a cunt and you don't know how to spell "definitely"

>> No.3925929

Dicks acting like dicks to other fellow dicks.

>> No.3925930

If she's the only vegan in the group, she should bring her own food instead of having someone spend money making a dish that she might not finish.

>> No.3925935


>> No.3925939

The professor was in the wrong.

I'm not by any means a vegetarian --Actually I just ate some ribs and bacon mashed potatoes a few minutes ago, but if someone's bringing food in then you really shouldn't complain.

That being said, if the others were required to bring a "vegetarian option," then I can understand the angst and can reasonably see why the professor wanted to stick it to them.

>> No.3925942

It's not my status, so I dunno, try to find the guy and bitch at him?

>> No.3925962

he shouldn't be no professor.

>> No.3925970

He's both a douche AND kinda right.

>> No.3925975

Veg-fag here, and nothing drives me crazier than this. I hate having any sort of social, meal-time, bullshit have to center on me. When I bring a sort of dish-to-pass thing, I usually cater to the crowd, and if a majority of them eat meat, I'll make meat. I really don't have time to force my own bullshit on others.

>> No.3925976


If she knew she was the only vegan in the class, and she has (on probably multiple occasions) requested that her dietary choices be accommodated, she was in the wrong for not affording the same right to her fellow students. The class obviously respected her choices enough to make a special dish for her, so she should have been a decent enough person to do the same.

>> No.3925980

Well in this case the professor was being defiant. So... ya know.

>> No.3925981

And eating vegetables is a choice, too. Nothing pisses me off more than zealous vegantards.

>> No.3925982


>fuckwits general

>> No.3925983

this, so much.

>> No.3925986


>fuckwits general

Gee, it's so fucking easy to be a moron, isn't it?

>> No.3925989

Eh, it was a dick response to a dick comment made at him. No big deal, though entertaining.

>he should not be no professor
Does your school not teach grammar?

>> No.3925997

It's not about that and you know it. It's about treating others as equals. If I am to provide a vegan dietary options, than I also expect to be provided an option. Your choice is no better than mine. I have canines and I like using them.

>> No.3926001

Right, because if you aren't a vege everything you eat has to have meat? All vegan food is also omnivore food. Or do you need some bacon on your apples?

>> No.3926005

Never had grilled apple slices wrapped in bacon.
I'm so sorry.

>> No.3926010

>not eating bacon apples

Fucking pleb.

>> No.3926013

>All vegan food is also omnivore food.
All meat is omnivore food also.

>> No.3926016

That's a fair point, but this is a vegan bitch he's defending. Not an omnivore by definition. ie, she's a fucking dimwitted fuck in all likelihood.

>> No.3926021

If everyone else made special vegan portions for her the whole time, it seems sort of fair in principle, even if that is pretty dickish.

Bigger question to me is, what sort of class is this where you have to make everyone food like that? I think I'd rather just, never eat anything, and then not be obligated to bring anything. If I have some kinda project to present, I'd rather work on that shit than worry about fucking catering.

>> No.3926022

It's not about needing meat.
It's about having the same respect paid in return.
OP picture says she requested vegan dishes for all other presentations, implying that it was expected. The she puts up an all vegan spread without even considering the other students.

The other students accommodated her diet choice, and she didn't even bother to consider accommodating their diets.

>> No.3926027
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>mfw I would coat all her "vegan" portions in animal grease

Probably fair to say she'd notice though, considering it would actually have flavour.

>> No.3926028


>> No.3926030

dick move, fuck that guy.

>> No.3926031


>> No.3926035

Totally missing the point. It's not even about the food you twats.

>> No.3926042

Here's the thing. Every vegan I know follows that path for some ethical reason or another, be it cruelty to animals, environmental, etc. Asking a person to violate their ethics (in this case) is just a dick move. The other side of the coin doesn't come up because... well, there's really no good way to ethically justify being anti-vegan. You may not like it, but that's not the same.

So, yeah. Dick move. Also, it's entirely possible to make vegan food that tastes great. The rest of the class isn't exactly suffering because meat isn't involved.

>> No.3926044

No it really is. If the veg brought dog food or something it would be valid, but the veg food she brought works for them AS well as the veg.

>> No.3926051

if someone had a diet that required meat they should have told her

>> No.3926054

a better example would be if the veg food had peanuts and someone had a peanut allergy

>> No.3926055

If no one specifically asked her to bring meat then I'm on her side, she doesn't have to add meat to the meal. If it was a meal that went fine without meat then it doesn't need meat.

The only reason she should have had to have brought meat is if someone specifically asked, just like she had.

I'm sure there was at least one other person who wasn't a vegetarian that brought a meat-less dish. I had a burger for lunch, but my dinner had no meat in it at all.

On a side note though, I'd have laughed my ass off if I was there.

>> No.3926058


Addendum: I generally expect vegans to understand that vegan-substitute food, like vegan cheese and meat-likes, is generally an acquired taste and not to be inflicted on others.

On top of everything, having a vegan bring a vegan spread should be considered a chance to try something different, not as a chance to make a petty point. I'd be excited to try it.

>> No.3926063

The point is the vegan thought she should be paid special treatment and, when it was her turn to prepare food, thought that she didn't have to accommodate the meat eaters like they did to her. It doesn't matter that she has an all-inclusive vegan diet and they don't exclusively eat meat, it was a rude-ass decision on her part.

>> No.3926064

>implying something bad will happen to a vegan if they eat meat


>> No.3926066

My sister is a vegetarian because she doesn't like the thought of eating flesh. If she's BBQing some veggies and I want a steak she'll cook it too if its her night to cook. So it might not be an ethical thing.

As for the other side of the coin - what if I love meat and everything I cook has some form of meat in it (vegan route it could be eggs, milk, gelatin, etc). Why should I have to go out of my way to buy special ingredients to make a one person dish if she won't do the same in return?

>> No.3926067

Ok, I can understand that. I guess it all depends on what exactly she brought. If she was doing some nasty substitute shit then the professor was well within his rights, but a nice vegetarian spread that includes dairy and egg doesn't warrant that kind of behavior.

>> No.3926072

So... did all her food taste bad?

Or did everyone just ignore every dish because no meat.

>> No.3926074

I'd ignore every dish if pizza was the alternative, regardless of what she made.

>> No.3926076


That's a preference, not an ethical choice (re: you and meat in every dish).

As for your sister, then yeah. If the girl took that position, then maybe bring a meat dish. But your sister is the exception to the rule.

And to add (not specifically to you) respecting the non-harmful ethics of others is just basic human decency. Me? I'd be down to bring the vegan dish just to learn how to make it and to be cool to another person.

Yes, I know I'm on 4chan.

>> No.3926077

Exactly, it's all about considering others and not being a self-absorbed piece of shit. I really don't care if you're a vegetarian but be considerate if you expect the same in return.

>> No.3926080

The thing is most vegans are so fucking hypocritical that it's hilarious to laugh at their misguided attempts to do things for ethical reasons when there are so many things they do that promote cruelty either directly or indirectly.

>> No.3926081


Man, what part of ethical grounds do you people not get? What kind of ass asks a person who objects to eating meat on animal cruelty/environmental grounds to purchase and cook meat?

There's no indication that she asked the others in the class to not eat meat at these things in general.

>> No.3926084


The complexities of veganism as an ethical position is irrelevant to this argument, and possibly doesn't apply to this girl. Don't paint an entire diet based on whatever perceptions you already carry.

>> No.3926095


The point is that everyone else should not not have to completely alter their shit to accommodate a small minority that chooses not to follow a norm.

>> No.3926097
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i'm with the prof. nothing has pissed me off more than the wedding i went to a few years ago where the food was vegetarian but 95% of the guests were omnivores. way to push your ~food choices~ on everyone you know. in return, i made a donation to a nonprofit instead of getting them an actual gift. :D

>> No.3926100

No dairy or eggs, the OP says vegan food, so no animal products at all.

>> No.3926101

Again, you're only considering this from their point of view. Yeah, it is kind of fucked up to ask someone to do that, but the people who don't eat meat don't share the same viewpoints. Refusing to even include an option for them makes it seem like their viewpoints are less valid than hers, even if that wasn't her intention, and that's where a lot of people get this whole "vegans are hypocritical douches" idea from.

>> No.3926158

Absolutely reasonable. That bitch demands everybody make an extra dish for her every time and then she forces everybody to eat meat?

If she politely decline the food everytime I would be fine with it, but if she forces them to bend over for her, she damn well better do the same. Fuck her, hopefully she paid for all that pizza.

>> No.3926222

> she forces everybody to eat meat?

Obvious typo, should have said eat vegan.

>> No.3926232


I'm considering it from my point of view, which is that of an omnivore who fucking loves meat. My point of view just has room to respect theirs.

>> No.3926235

Precisely. She is in the wrong if she expects another choice for herself. However, no person should expect anything in regards to food. They should only be expected to accurately detail what is in the food that is being served.

>> No.3926236


Are you seriously upset that their wedding was about them?

>> No.3926245

>Dick move.
see thing of it is, after a certain number of years as a vegan, it becomes a dietary restriction as your body loses it's ability to digest animal products
an omnitarian however can eat a full vegan meal with no issue.
now if what she brought was like
uncooked tofu on unseasoned rice and peas then that would be an acceptable option however if she prepared a vegan meal that was fully flavorful and edible, there's no reason for the professor to whine and bitch just because he didn't get his meat fix.
consider if she had brought curried lentils, pita, hummus, and mixed olives
this is a fully vegan meal, but anyone who would turn their nose up at it is an autist.

>> No.3926252

it's possible she could simply ask that atleast one part of the meal have no cheese, egg, meat, butter, or lard. it would be as simple as bringing roast vegetables with your mashed potatos and chicken. etc etc.

>> No.3926277

It was bitchy of her to make the other students cook extra meals for her. She could have just declined or brought a damn PB&J for herself.

However, no one actually requested that she cook an extra meal for them. When she didn't do something that no one asked her to do, the professor acted like a huge asshole just because.

How is this hard for you guys to get?

>> No.3926287


Everyone accomidates her dietry needs, she makes zero effort to reciprocate.

Professor is in the right for calling her on the bullshit move. "Eating meat is a choice" that she made for everyone, thus removing the "choice". A choice that no one else forced upon her. Both a pretentious and discourteous choice she made for others.

I'd be just as upset. If I were presenting at the next meeting I would make/bring only meat dishes.

>> No.3926304

I'm gonna suggest a possible scenario for this.

The professor has likely heard from her multiple times about being a vegan and people needing to accommodate her diet. He's probably spent all semester watching her focus entirely on her own desires and ignore those of her fellow students, putting herself above others.
He's likely acting like a dick to point out to her how insipid she is being by assuming everyone is okay with meatless meals. She possibly made a huge fuss about no vegan option the first time food was provided, and he's merely responding in kind, making a huge fuss when the meal lacks a meat dish.

Sometimes people need to encounter an asshole before they realize they're being a pain in the ass.

>> No.3926308

I'll give a meh on the dickery but as for providing a meat options and her getting overly defensive to the point of ;what do you want me to do about it' I'm going to call her a bitch
She did not have to even cook a meat dish, simply buying a party platter or a pepperoni pizza would have sufficed

>> No.3926318

This is me
And this is how I also perceive the most likely scenario of events.

>> No.3926337

dominoes is fucking disgusting

prof was kind of a dick for the phone part but so was the girl. however it was her presentation and her money spent. she had every right to tell every single other person there to fuck off if they didnt like it.

>> No.3926361

She can eat vegan food, so can the professor. I don't get why a sixty seven year old person is still so picky.

>> No.3926369

I don't have enough empathy to care

>> No.3926375

Sounds like a dick move by the vegan, not the professor

>> No.3926377

>do you need some bacon on your apples
sounds good

>> No.3926398


>your body loses it's (Correction: "its") ability to digest animal products

WHAT the fuck am I reading? Has not eating meat made you retarded?

>> No.3926405

What kind of retarded school requires the students to cater for the class?

Seriously OP, what piece of shit dropkick junior college do you attend?

>> No.3926406

Didn't bother to fully read the post you're responding to, but I think they're referring to the fact that you have to very slowly introduce meat back into your diet.

I know plenty of vegetarians/non read meat eaters and if they have something like beef/chicken they get diarrhea and generally feel ill.

>> No.3926407

She can also eat meat yet refused to every other time someone brought in food.

Are you actually retarded or just incredibly stupid?

>> No.3926428

Some of you would actually complain if there's no meat in your meal?

>> No.3926440

Dick move, no need to be rude about it like that most vegans I know wouldn't behave like that if there was meat in a dish, they would inform the person cooking ahead of time, just wouldn't eat it or kindly ask if there was anything they could eat. I'd never do that to someone.
It's not reasonable for a non-veg to behave like that because there is no meat in the meal, if it tastes good then what does it matter?

>> No.3926445

>It's not reasonable for a non-veg to behave like that because there is no meat in the meal, if it tastes good then what does it matter?

I think everyone could agree with this, and I personally can understand that of course someone who is against eating meat and animal products in general, isn't going to support those industries by buying meat products. Even if she doesn't directly consume them, she'd still be giving her money to something she doesn't support.

>> No.3926471

>>Vegan spread
>>Taste good
Pick one.

Theres a reason that shit is always left over at catering events where the caterer has to waste money because of some body who will bitch because of their moral principles when they are being given free food.

>> No.3926472

I wish this were the case, but in my experience every vegan/vegetarian I've ever known has been very outspoken in insisting that there's a special option available to them if the standard catering isn't fit to their diet.

Keeping that in mind, they should be expected to provide a meat option to everyone who wishes it when they are responsible for providing food.

>> No.3926473


It's about the principle, vaginal belch

>> No.3926479
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>If no one specifically asked her to bring meat then I'm on her side, she doesn't have to add meat to the meal. If it was a meal that went fine without meat then it doesn't need meat.

Its just common courtesy to bring meat if you, as a vegan, have been asking others of the group to bring Vegan food to you...

You may call it Reciprocity... Most people of that "Status" won't even know what that means, fucking self-loving, liberal douchebags

>> No.3926480


Personally, I refuse to eat anything made via non-traditional means, including using "vegan substitutes" for animal products.

The vast majority of vegan dishes do not conform to my diet, and I expect those people to bend over backwords to accomodate my moronic dietary choices, because that's how they treat everyone else.

>> No.3926481

I will tolerate living vegans near me but only if they are not under the illusion that their diet is healthier than a proper one that includes meat and animal products, and do it only for "moral" reasons

>> No.3926482

The scenario described is the highest level of bullshit. The vegan should have thrown the cellphone against the nearest wall with full force and spit in the professor's face, and left.

Yes, everyone prepared a vegan option for the vegan, however: They could have agreed on a solution for this in advance, asking the vegan whether they would be okay preparing something that has meat in it. They clearly did not do that and the vegan had no way of guessing that they would insist on meat, seeing as it is pants-on-head retarded: The vegan will not eat food that has animal products in it, but a vegan meal is a PERFECTLY FINE CONTRIBUTION TO A NONVEGAN DIET.

>> No.3926483


Not if it tastes vegan, i.e. bad.

>> No.3926484

How far do you go back to define "traditional"?

And what about ingredients that didn't even exist, traditionally? Such as extremely domesticated grains.

>> No.3926485

Why not just fucking serve dirt if you're going to serve vegan meals.

>> No.3926486

What if I only eat meat? Or what if I'm >>3926480 and won't eat heavily processed vegan frakenfood?

>> No.3926487


I define traditional in the most irritating way possible, to cause as much inconvenience possible to everyone, because I'm a fucking retarded vega- I mean, traditionalist.

>> No.3926491
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Lets put it this way then:

Lets say by some form of fucking magical phenomenon i only ate Tofu with steamed veggies, which most you of you whom has tasted this shit can agree; it tastes like bloated, dead ass.

If i everytime expected others of a certain group to meet my needs on every meetning to bring this kind of food, would it then be correct for me to only bring this fucking abomination of a dish to meetings, which i can also conclude with that 1 out of 30 people will find tasty?

Of course fucking not... Its not about the food anymore, its the principle

>> No.3926494

What if I'm an aghori indian and I eat rotten human flesh smeared with shit, and wash it down piss?

Would you accept that as a reasonable meal if I served it to you?


>> No.3926501

He did his job, gave her a lesson on life "the world isn't all about you, walk around with that attitude and expect to be shit on"

>> No.3926502

That's against the law

>> No.3926503

>>tastes vegan

Yes, the fifth flavour, salty, sweet, sour, bitter and fucking vegan... how retarded are you?

[disclaimer: the flavours used in this post serve purely to illustrate my point and in no way reflect my beliefs about the way we taste food]

>> No.3926504

>What if I only eat meat?

You probably die.

>Or what if I'm >>3926480

A troll?

>> No.3926506

'It's not about food, it's about the principle'? What principle?

No one indicated to the vegan that they want to have animal products in every single meal they eat, ever.

>> No.3926507

What if I'm someone who does not eat "whatever vegan meal was served" and does not want to eat it, so it's therefore not a part of my diet?

>> No.3926511

>You probably die.

>> No.3926513

I don't think we can make a judgment without seeing the food in question.

>> No.3926516

I went to a birthday party for a vegan, yes the people throwing it were elitist and rude, they only provided vegan options and are the same people who complained when they came over my house for a bbq and I didn't have anything special for them.
I ate a veggieburger, vegan chicken wings, vegan pizza, vegan icecream. I did not over indulge, this was over the course of hours. Anyway #1 all the food was like a queer parody of what the actual items taste like, just plastic fake food, and #2 gastric distress does not begin to describe what that garbage did to me.

>> No.3926517

Well, that can happen with a non-vegan dish as well. What if someone brings a dish you don't like? Would you also tell them to order you a pizza? How childish are you?

I would argue that the food is not super important, mostly because of what I wrote above. The problem seems to be that it is vegan, not that it is disgusting, because that can also happen with non-vegan food and would be a different discussion altogther.

Well, the more you know, I guess.

>> No.3926519

Can anyone think of a common dinner dish that is not specifically vegan, but nonetheless fits vegan meal requirements?

>> No.3926520



>> No.3926524

Fat helps with shitting. You don't need to shove fistfuls of indigestible plant matter down to be able to shit, despite modern belief.

>> No.3926527

Salad with crutons oil and vinegar? potato salad can be done, I guess you could do stuffed peppers. Problem is all those things can be enhanced with animal products.

>> No.3926528


I want to try this then.

For this purpose, is animal fat more useful than vegetable fat?

>> No.3926530

It's reasonable.

If the vegan is going to request that people make extra food to accommodate her, then when it's her turn to cook she should make special food to accommodate the non-vegans. It's only fair.

>> No.3926531

Like any restrictive diet, you can end up in serious health trouble by not getting all your nutrients.
Vegans often hit this issue because they don't get all they need from their diet (mostly because 15 year old girls cannot into nutrition).

So, be careful if you go on an all meat diet.

>> No.3926532

The professor has a good point but a grade-school-level way of getting it across. They are both childish cunts.

>> No.3926534

I don't know. But if you wanted to try this, I would do some research and make sure to consume organ meats, and lots of fat from meat. Not just lean muscle meat, you'll get rabbit starvation.

Don't want to fall short on important nutrients, but keep in mind that 99% of people (not a statistic pulled out my ass, either) don't get their RDI.

>> No.3926536


Are you dumb?

It's about reciprocity and mutual respect...
To be fair, i wouldn't have gone mad if a vegan just brought grass and tofu, and since i already know that it tastes like ass, i'd order a pizza instead...

But when this Vegan bitch starts telling the others to bring vegan food to satisfy her needs, its clearly states that it should also be the other way around

>> No.3926540


The common person eats meat... that is all

>> No.3926549

What I'm wondering is if this can be changed somewhat by the fact that it's highly irregular for a non-vegan person to eat a dinner fitting vegan standards. Breakfast is very possible if it's just toast and spreads, but if it's cereal milk is usually involved. Lunch can be done with sandwiches among other things. But dinner seems questionable.

>> No.3926553

vegans can't eat everything someone who eats meat can therefore making a special dish for a vegan makes sense

but a person who eats meat can eat anything a vegan eats and should be willing to give it a try for the experience

that professor was a complete asshole

>> No.3926562


Are you 5 ?

>> No.3926569

I generally eat butter on my toast and meat on my sandwiches.

I don't remember the last time I ate a vegan meal. I'm certain it didn't taste nice though.

I consider myself an omnivore, not just in that I can eat meat and plants, but that I eat some variety of both animal and plant produce with every single meal.

>> No.3926570

Eating period is a choice. You don't need to eat if you don't want to.

We are, after all, the only species in existence that can rationally choose to an hero.

I'm not even trolling. The vegan fag is an idiot, but the professor sounds like he/she was trolling.

>> No.3926577

Vegan and Vegetarian are choices, retard. No human is incapable of eating meat.

>> No.3926588

Not true, watch a meat eater consume a meal entirely of plant matter to the point they are full, they will spend the rest of the night on the toilet with painful gas cramps.

>> No.3926590

if they can't handle fiber then that's their own damn fault

girl was a bitch, prof was a dick, the end

>> No.3926592

My aunt was in a vegan raw foods phase, nothing could be cooked, you could warm things to a certain temperature but not cook, no added salt or sugar either.
She made quinoa, a 3 bean and corn mixture, and an "Apple crisp" which was just raw Apple with lemon juice, almonds, and dates on top.

Well the Apple thing was good, just fruit and nuts which Im perfectly happy shoving into my face but its not really cooking at that point and its not really a meal one would sit down to eat, that's more like something you snack on through out the day

>> No.3926617


And if vegans choose not to eat meat its THEIR own fault... Get some fucking perspective, dipshit

>> No.3926667

Reminds me of that 'vegetarian dog' YouTube video. Holy shit, that drove me insane. Not just the idea of it, but the way the dog owner presented it.

The professor had a point, although it's a different circumstance having an option for someone who doesn't eat meat, as opposed to having no meat dishes. The 'meat eaters' can still eat the vegan food. Discourteous to not provide a meat option when others have provided vegan options; since vegan options are much harder to make.

>> No.3926670

Everyone saying she should have cooked meat isn't being very realistic.

She has no meat, and if she did she wouldn't know how to cook it.

It's like going to a Muslims house and saying "Comon bro where's the alcohol? I didn't give you alcohol when you came round my house, WHY DON'T YOU HAVE A FULLY STOCKED LIQUOR CABINET???

>> No.3926681

the issue is with anyone who expects a fucking vegan to make meat

they don't want to cook meat, unless their veganism is a recent choice they probably can't cook meat, and no one is a fucking carnivore. you can eat nothing but vegetables for one fucking meal. alternatively, you can expect that a vegan will not cater meat, and bring your own.

this whole 'respect dietary preferences' bullshit is so disingenuous. it isn't fucking gracious of a meat eater to put some vegetables on a spread. it's the action of someone who knows how to put together a half decent meal.

>> No.3926684


>vegan options are much harder to make

not really. it just depends on what you're planning on making. obviously a vegan omelette is an order of magnitude harder to make than a bowl of tarka daal. it would also be far less satisfying.

>> No.3926685

Tossing the phone was a dick move. I laughed so hard, I sent it to my vegan ex.

That being said, student is a student. Their job is learn the profession, do the work. Once you're established, you can cook whatever you want, but learn the basics first.

>> No.3926687


>Their job is learn the profession, do the work. Once you're established, you can cook whatever you want, but learn the basics first.

unless the course is on events catering i fail to understand how this is pertinent.

>> No.3926690

Maybe not harder, but definitely less well-known. You need to put more thought into a vegan dish since so many ingredients are off limits. The average omnivore needs to research that shit.

>> No.3926693

I think it was perfectly acceptable for the vegan to bring vegan food. A non-vegetarian almost certainly eats non-meat, but a vegetarian doesn't any any kind of meat. So if you serve a vegan option a non-vegetarian can eat it, but if you serve meat a vegetarian can't eat it at all. The situation is clearly different.

>> No.3926696
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Do you really think most people who eat meat have a pound of Tofu or Walnutsteaks in their freezers?

>> No.3926695

He's right.

If they have to provide a vegan option, she should provide an omnivore option.

/end of discussion.

>> No.3926697

Omnivores can eat vegetarian options moron.

>> No.3926698

My point was, you dumbfuck, she shouldn't force them to eat her vegan food.

They don't force her to eat meat, do they? No. They provide an option for her. She should do the same.

>> No.3926699

You're not getting it. She doesn't eat meat at all. They eat non-meat. They should suck it up and eat the vegan food.

>> No.3926701


vegetables man. fucking vegetables. they should be providing that shit anyway.

>> No.3926702 [DELETED] 

Did anyone request beforehand that the student provide non-vegan options for the meeting?

>> No.3926705


vegan food is anything not containing animal products. she isn't catering a party held by fucking mufasa at pride rock.

>> No.3926706
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>Bigger question to me is, what sort of class is this where you have to make everyone food like that?

Agreed. That was my first thought reading that bullshit than the point the guy was trying to make. Why the fuck should one person be expected to bring food for everyone? I mean fucking seriously?

>> No.3926703
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Its not about the fucking food anymore! Its the principle...

If you expect the majority to take a vegans lifechoice in consideration when bringing food, then the vegan should definately do the same thing to meat-eaters...

"Hurr durr carnivores can eat veganfood"

They can, but vegan food taste like shit, and most carnivores choose not to eat it... Just like the vegan choose not to eat meat... How is this so difficult to comprehend?

She doesn't have to bring meat options, but out of Reciprocity and mutual respect, she should.

>> No.3926708


i doubt the story is true.

>> No.3926711

We're going to have to agree to disagree here. I think she should have provided a meateater option. Not everyone likes vegan food (you forget that means no eggs, cheese, etc as well as meat) and I think she should have provided something, even if it just was a pizza takeout.

Food without any animal products (dairy etc) is bland and unppetising, personally.

>> No.3926712 [DELETED] 

I sort of agree with the professor, but the way he handled the situation was rude and creepy.

It seems like more than anything he wanted a power trip over the girl, to make her feel like shit. I bet he went home and jerked off to the thought of her crying in the bathroom afterwards.

>> No.3926713


out of mutual respect, we should not expect her to bring meat options.

you are expecting her to violate her life choice by making meat. unless it is your lifechoice to never put something into your mouth that didn't come from an animal, you are not violating anything by eating her food.

>> No.3926715

>They can, but vegan food taste like shit, and most carnivores choose not to eat it... Just like the vegan choose not to eat meat... How is this so difficult to comprehend?

Vegan food can taste perfectly fine. If your complaint is that they should not be forced to eat food that tastes bad, then I guess she just needs to make sure that she brings something that is tasty. That doesn't mean she needs to bring meat.

>> No.3926716


you are factually incorrect.

>> No.3926717

If your complaint is that you don't like the taste, then I have to say I find your argument to be very weak. A vegan cannot eat meat because of a moral commitment. A non-vegan might not love vegan food, but they can easily it. The situation isn't the same at all.

>> No.3926719 [DELETED] 

If she was a Muslim, and I was the professor, I'd tell her to order a pork belly. It's my dietary need.

Agreed. If I don't add some hamburger to hummus, I can't stomach it. Way too bland and 'unnppetising'.

>> No.3926720


Jesus titfucking christ!

Who said anything about making the meat?... Did you even read the post?...

Order pizza, hamburgers etc. is also an option you know

>> No.3926723 [DELETED] 

Uh...do you mean omnivores? Humans aren't carnivores, FYI.

>> No.3926725

Its not taste, thats just my opinion. Its the principle.

She expects special treatment because of her diet, but then forces others to eat vegan food because of her own /personal/ choice.

If people didn't bring vegan food for her, she'd kick up a shitfit, but its okay for her to force everyone else to eat her food because "they can just suck it up".

Its a two way street. If she expects special treatment, she should return the favour and provide an appetising meal for the people that had previously gone out of their way to do so for her.

>> No.3926726


I didn't say she "has" or "needs" to do anything...
And no.. most people who are not Vegans despise vegan food (Specifically "hardcore" vegan food like tofu, walnutsteaks and that sort of bullshit)

Im simply saying that if she demands that the rest of the group make a special portion of vegan food for her everytime, i don't see why she should get pissed or surprised when the others would like her to bring some meat-based food... or basically something that isn't pure vegan food

>> No.3926728


same deal. she shouldn't even have to pay for it/order it. she should cook what she likes to cook and you should not turn your nose up at it because of your stupid hang-ups about the fact that it didn't come from an animal.

>> No.3926729


Bah, i meant omnivores... my bad

>> No.3926730

>Its not taste, thats just my opinion. Its the principle.

But it's not the principle. There is nothing that stops ordinary omnivores from eating non-meat, there is not principle that says they cannot eat meat. As I said, I don't think the situation is comparable at all. Saying that it's a two way street won't make the two situations equivalent.

>> No.3926731

I wonder what she even made.

That being said, yes it was a dick move. Instead of being a massive cunt to her, he could have fucking pulled her aside and discussed it with her like a fucking adult instead of pulling that kind of bullshit. I mean fucking really.

>> No.3926733


>(Specifically "hardcore" vegan food like tofu, walnutsteaks and that sort of bullshit)

i.e: meat substitutions. yes they are shit, and they only get made because of idiots like you who can't be truly satisfied with a vegetable-based meal.

>> No.3926735


Then why should the rest spend money on a fucking tofu steak for her? Do you really think a person who despises Veganfood has a Tofuchunk in his/her fridge?
Why shouldn't they be able to cook anything they want without taking her preferences into account?

>> No.3926739

Jesus, are you all like fussy five year olds or something? Do you refuse to eat food that's green or not covered in ketchup or not cut up by your mommy? So why is meat so very precious to you?

The Prof was being a huge dickwad by demanding meat while the vegan student was mostly just thoughtless. If he said "This doesn't have eggs in it?!?" would that be any more reasonable?

>> No.3926740


Why would anyone be satisifed with something that taste like shit?

>> No.3926742


no one goes out of their way to do a fucking vegetable option

why do you keep comparing these acts

a fucking bowl of rice, some potatoes, that you are free to taste for doneness, versus a foreign lump of bloody matter you don't even want to touch that you have to cook to unfamiliar tastes

i mean, just tweaking a potato salad for no mayonnaise, and that's fucking it, tthat is a vegan option

>> No.3926743


they don't have to make a tofu steak. no one said they have to make a tofu steak. just something that does not have animal product in it. it is not difficult.

>> No.3926745


they wouldn't but that's another issue entirely

just do curry, all the best curries are veg

>> No.3926746 [DELETED] 

I don't see any indication that anyone requested that she provide meat options BEFORE preparing the lunch. It would be a different story if she refused to provide non-vegan options when asked before the meeting. Sounds like the professor needed a self esteem boost by making her feel like shit.

>> No.3926751

>This is what no-one actually believes

>> No.3926750


Curry is da bomb, even without meat...

The issue here is that she demands vegan options from them, but gets mad when others expect meat-options from her

>> No.3926752

...and people have explained that this is not an issue at all

>> No.3926754


Maybe not, but its still extra work for whomever has to cater the meeting if she demands a vegan dish...

So, taking that in consideration, i think she should do the exact same, bring non-vegan foods, unless they prefer vegan of course

>> No.3926758


So... tell me then, what is the issue?

>> No.3926760

there is no issue, the professor was a jerk

>> No.3926761

Only people being whingy jerks.

>> No.3926762


i have no idea if she 'gets mad' but i think it's retarded to expect her to cook meat. she just doesn't do it. i don't want her to do it. i don't want food served to me by someone who wouldn't eat it.

conversely, meat eaters do tend to eat vegetables. it is trivial to just make sure you cook some vegetables in non-dairy fats or stocks. make a bean soup or something. use a vinaigrette instead of mayo in a slaw. it is simple, and if you're worth a damn in the kitchen either way you can make a good vegan dish.

>> No.3926763


It may have been a tad contradictive way of telling her he didn't want vegan food... other than that, i still thinks she's the jerk for demanding, and not carry up the demands of others

>> No.3926764

Stories like this just make me feel horrible for most of the world. I have a small, tight group of friends and we all meet up weekly for a game night. We cycle houses, and like OP, whoever hosts provides food. I provide a vegan option for the one guy who is, and when we're at his place, he has a non-vegan option for us.

It's basic tit-for-tat, golden rule bullshit.

>> No.3926768


it isn't extra work at all. in fact it's usually less work than making something with meat in it.

boil potatoes. rub off skins. roast with cauliflower florets, oil, lime juice, chilli powder, mustard seeds, turmeric. leave to cool and dress with chopped spring onions and coriander. BOOM. vegan food.

>> No.3926771


Of course, i dont mind eating Vegetables or bean soup... the thing that gets to me is that she demands special treatment from them, but is not willing to return the favor of cooking/ordering something else than her somewhat "controversial" food preferences...

You know she doesn't have to cook it herself..

>> No.3926772 [DELETED] 

The real issue is that the professor has such shitty taste in pizza.

This is probably a fake story written by a Facebook kiddie fishing for likes.

>> No.3926776


Of course it is...

If the person in charge of catering decides to make meatloaf or a stew with meat in it, it is indeed extra work...

The way you describe it sounds like you want every person making vegan food because she refuses to eat meat...

>> No.3926778


look, at the end of the day, if she doesn't have a specific ethical restriction from purchasing or preparing meat, she could do it. i wouldn't give a shit either way. if she doesn't wanna do it, why should we make her? are we such delicate flowers that we can't eat someone else's preferred type of food for a change? for me that's the essence of hospitality. not outright pandering to frivolous demands.

once again. a vegetable option is only very rarely going to be special treatment. also you don't even know if she did demand it.

>> No.3926779

This. I'd rather fucking eat a nice vegan meal than fucking dominoes. I mean what the fuck.

This is the REAL issue here.

>> No.3926780
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Fake or not... Still a subject for discussion

>> No.3926781

This. Eating vegan for one night won't fucking kill you. Jesus christ.

>> No.3926782


ok if they were only going to make one dish, and it was going to consist solely of meat, sure. but it really isn't extra work to just put together a meat component and a vegetable component. it just means being considerate. and having two tupperware containers.

>> No.3926784 [DELETED] 

Next time the student should bring a few pounds of overcooked, completely burned steaks and a bottle of generic brand ketchup. And plastic forks and knives.

>> No.3926787
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>> No.3926789


If everyone makes a vegan dish for her everytime, i'll conclude the idea that she is, of not directly demanding it, she is passively demanding it.

Also, it's not about making her do anything, yes, the professor makes a dick move on her part. But being in her situation i'd say it would just be common courtesy to atleast bring some meat-options to the table instead of just twigs and grass..

>> No.3926791


and i'm saying that courtesy would be misplaced as i resent the notion that she has to suppress what is presumably an ethical preference in order to honour a frivolous social custom. not only that, but i'd be more curious about the kind of food she prefers to cook rather than a pack of ham or whatever she comes up with for the meat eaters.

>> No.3926799 [DELETED] 

Not saying I disagree with you, but to say that anything that is not meat, eggs, cheese, or milk is twigs and grass, is a very ignorant thing to say.

>> No.3926812


Yeah, i know.

Was mainly just a figure of speech, but i get your point.

>> No.3926818


I would too be somewhat curious what kind of Vegan options she'd have to offer. I love food, and to be honest, other than a Tofumeal i once ate, which tasted like boiled anus, i would still be curious... But the fact of the matter is that there are certain people who do not have the same approach when it comes to trying out new things, especially when it comes too, which in some cases is taboo, vegan food, and therefore i still mean that she should have atleast some meat-options

>> No.3926844
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Hi Guys. I love meat, but to be honest there is tons of great dishes you can make in a vegan way. I cooked that with some friends in a lefty bar, years ago and i learned quite alot from the main cook who was a Straight Edge certifiable cook. Right now i am having some chicken wings marinating, but if some vegan came over i could dish out stuff that she would be delighted to eat.
I do however see the problem in that group in this way:
1. It is the sometimes general undertone of vegans that they are right and everyone else is a moral and incompetent fool who just needs to see the light. I hate religious people, vegans make no exceptions for me here.
2. If she is thoughtless and doesnt care about the opinion of others, how does she expect others to follow her ideas? I do agree with many arguments brought forth by vegans, especially the environmental impact meat has is enormous. If all people in the world would start eating meat in the scale as it is being done in the USA, the consequences would be disastrous. We can see those problems in the fishing industry as we speak. This is the reason i mostly eat meat they reduce in price before it goes bad. I do think that your life choices affect this world at large and if you do not choose in a civilised manner that it is unethicly.
3. What we do not know here is the fact if someone asked her beforehand to make a meat option or not. If she asked before others cooked and everyone obliged, then i don't think this entitles you to anything, if you do not ask, really. I for once would have demanded either some damn fine vegan cooking, which many are not able to do, or something i would like to eat as an omnivour.

Se non è vero, è molto ben trovato.

>> No.3926845
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A white heteronormative cisgendered CEO professor and Baptist preacher was teaching a class on Karl Rove, known Christian.

"Before the class begins, you must get on your knees and worship Jesus Christ and accept that you too can become straight through daily prayer, self-flagellation, and eating Chik-Fil-A every day!"

At this moment, a brave, trans-Asian, self-diagnosed pansexual demiromantic vegan multisouled person who had been free of all animal products and only bought products at the local transgender co-op boldly stood up, holding a glass filled with some white liquid.

"Hey, Professor, what is this?"

The arrogant professor smirked like a rapist and smugly replied "It's clearly milk, you crazy faggot. What the fuck does milk have to do with political science?"

"Wrong. It's an all natural vegan soy almond kombucha latte. No animals or transpeople were harmed or raped in the making of this product."The professor was visibly shaken, and dropped his chalk and copy of the Wall Street Journal. He stormed out of the room, clearly planning some kind of rape. The professor realized that he had been playing into the hands of the kyriarchy of CEOs, investment bankers, the Religious Right, and psychiatrists. He then killed himself. The proper term for this is "trans-dead".The students checked their privilege, all diagnosed themselves with autism and gender identity disorder and joined the Gay-Straight Alliance.

An obese trans-eagle furry otherkin waddled into the room and tried to perch upon the American Flag, bending the flagpole in the process. All parties involved gave up meat, Christianity, and the right to bear arms.The students all lifted their glasses of soy fluid in a toast."That beverage's name? Harvey "The One Percent" Milk." said the vegan trans-autistic Korean.

>> No.3926871

She was being inconsiderate but at the same time the Professor went about it in the wrong way.

>> No.3926876

No, but you don't have to prepare a 'meat' substitute. Unless you are a fucking retard, you can just make some kind of curry, for example, and a fruit salad.

>> No.3926878

>They can, but vegan food taste like shit, and most carnivores choose not to eat it

That is bullshit, you are an uncultured redneck, aren't you?

>> No.3926883

So really, this is all just about spite?

>> No.3926885

Man there is some hardcore trolling going on here. All vegans are pretentious pricks and all meat eaters are retarded assholes, end of discussion.

>> No.3926892

That's not how biology works, it's psychosomatic.
I guarantee if they don't know it has meat in it then they will be fine.

>> No.3926896

flawless reasoning

>> No.3926899

You don't have to really prepare meat either unless you're a fucking retard. All you need is a pan and some oil if you just want to cook meat.

>> No.3926902

Try it.

>> No.3926908

>Specifically "hardcore" vegan food like tofu, walnutsteaks and that sort of bullshit

You are so dumb. How is that 'hardcore'?

>> No.3926926


it wouldn't prove shit even if i did. i want you to tell me why 'that's not how biology works'

>> No.3926934

Because it's not?
It's not how biology works, it's that simple. There's not really any way to say it except that you're just wrong.

>> No.3926941


>Doesn't understand the concept of Metaphors
>You are so dumb


Meat-substitute then... are you able to understand what i mean now ?

>> No.3926943
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The fact that you come to the conclusion that i am an uncultured redneck based on my views on Vegan food makes you as dumb as a sack of bricks...

>> No.3926944


what's not how biology works? what biological claim is being made? can you qualify your statement at least a tiny bit?

>> No.3926953

Vegans don't eat any animal products. So no dairy, eggs, or honey.

>> No.3926959

That professor is badass.
I'm a-drippin'

>> No.3926982

god bless you

>> No.3926985


Well fuck...

This is a vegan i can live with
internets to you, sir

>> No.3926989

I think that it should be both ways. It's the same shit with feminism, they expect to be treated equal with equal pay but don't want to work as much and do the same dangerous job. and btw, how is dominoes carrying meatlovers pizza? that's pizza hut, bro. TL;DR yeah, but also story is false.

>> No.3926990

>function F
>21 dicks

>> No.3926992

i'm not even vegan/vegetarian.
being vegan/vegetarian for 2+ years changes the natural 'flora' in your colon. you lose the flora necessary to digest meat properly. you can switch back but it must be gradually and over time. one cannot simply wake up one day after 3+ years of being completely vegan and be like "i'm gonna have me a double bacon whopper with pulled pork" and think that's going to go over with your system well.

also good job on being polite and arguing your case reasonably and scientifically.

>> No.3927004

lol ppl that cant eat one whole meal that is meatless. priceless.

>> No.3927017


Yeah, reminds me of the bacon kid.

>> No.3927018


Omnivore here. Fuck, there's nothing wrong with veggie dishes. The problem is the expectation and the attitude. Everyone else went out of their way to prepare meatless dishes for the vegan...but the vegan doesn't extend the same courtesy back when it is his/her turn to cook? THAT is what bothers me. I've got no problem eating a vegetarian meal. But if I extended the courtesy of cooking a special dish just for the vegan, then why is he/she not extending me the same courtesy when the roles are switched?

>> No.3927021

>Fuck the duck until exploded

>> No.3927030

It's called communication. Obviously there wasn't any. If everyone had known what to expect, it would have been understood beforehand that she was going to bring a meatless dish. The attitude in her answer was wrong, but nothing before that was. Omnivores don't have special requirements, and don't need the "option" of it being meat. We're able to do fine with either kind of dish, and where the attitude comes in is when we pretend every person should bring both a meat dish and a vegetable one. There were clearly other meat dishes at the gathering, and the fucking immature prof didn't need to have one specifically from HER - think about that.

lol with that guy loling at people who can't eat one meatless meal.

>> No.3927033
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>> No.3927034


the story is a clear fabrication.

>> No.3927036


Reading comprehension bro. There are multiple gatherings, and ONE person (the presenter) brings the food for each gathering. At every previous gathering the "presenter" made food for everyone, including a special vegan meal for the vegan. When it was the vegan's turn to present, she only brought vegan food for everyone. There were not other meat dishes present--the other meat dishes were brought by different presenters on OTHER DAYS--DIFFERENT GATHERINGS.

>> No.3927045

what the fuck did i just read

>> No.3927048


It seems to me that you have no idea what this thread is about...

>> No.3927059

If there were a celiac there that needed a special food, would the celiac also be expected to make special food for everyone else too?

Doesn't really make sense does it. Omnivores don't need special foods.

>> No.3927065

I wouldn't toss a vegan my phone, their bodies are so ruined by their horrible unhealthy diet that they'd either drop it or the impact would shatter their brittle bones

>> No.3927069

Something tells me the OP is butthurt that people don't agree with his stupid professor.

>> No.3927073


You guys are so fucking stupid its amazing...

This has gone way out of Proportion and is now almost a case they could discuss in kindergarten....

A vegan or celiac isn't expected to do anything, but the fact that the omnivores takes their food preferences in consideration everytime, makes the other to groups look very selfish and arrogant when they only the kind of food THEY like...

And no, im not saying they should only bring meat-based food, but atleast bring a small meat-option along with the chosen Celiac- or Vegan food, in case there is a person, whom for some reason do not like salads or Tofu...

Just order a fucking Pizza...

>> No.3927084

I agree. It's ridiculous how some people can't get this.

>> No.3927100

Eating meat if you haven't your entire life can seriously fuck you up. You are exposing your body to things it hasn't seen before, and can and will make you sick to your stomach. Even if you weren't raised vegan/vegetarian, it will still affect you in a similar manner, even if the effect is placebic in nature.

>> No.3927104


it isn't the kind of food they 'like' it's the kind they 'eat'. i *get* that you think the courtesy of cooking a vegetarian dish is equivalent to the courtesy of a vegetarian cooking a meat dish, but it isn't. it isn't selfish to refuse to cook something due to some sort of ethical preference. it's courteous of them to provide food at all. anyone who refuses to eat it because 'hurr twigs and leaves' is the cunt in the situation.

>> No.3927107

Not really. Why didn't she call domino's herself? She didn't have to go through the cooking herself, she should of just bought something already prepared.

>> No.3927113

>not making the next lunch 100% MEAT
>not telling her that eating vegetables is a choice and you don't need vegetables to live (unlike meat, which is the only natural source of vitamin b12, insect shit asaide)

>> No.3927114


her reasons are irrelevant. vegans don't eat meat for ethical reasons - on what distinct ethical grounds would they justify buying it?

>> No.3927117

>animal already dead
>vegfag doesn't eat it
>animal died for nothing

>> No.3927118

>the only natural source of vitamin b12

Confirmed for retard.

>> No.3927119

>person eats meat because 'it's already dead'
>more demand for meat
>more animals bred and slaughtered

Great argument.

>> No.3927125

Would you eat human meat if someone had already killed the human for you?

>> No.3927126

Nobody is asking her to slaughter animals and then cook them. She just has to buy something that includes meat (as in, already dead animals).
It's not like she has to eat it, after all.

>> No.3927128


No, human meat is a major disease risk.

>> No.3927129

That's like the most retarded argument ever. First off, it's illegal. Secondly, eating human flesh is not good for your health.

>> No.3927130

if i didn't get in trouble for it, and wasn't looked down upon in society, i'd give it a try, but my bet would be that it'd taste ridiculously lean and nasty.

>> No.3927131

Vegans are so fucking selfish with food it hurts "I DON'T EAT IT YOU SHOULDN'T EITHER BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWHHHHH!!!!" and they wonder why nobody likes them or takes them serious

>> No.3927133

It tastes sort of like chicken, a cannibal said (can't remember his name). The bad thing is that it's bad for your health.

>> No.3927134

I'd say it was meant from a purely ethical standpoint.

>> No.3927135

>in case there is a person, whom for some reason do not like salads or Tofu...

Because it if it doesn't have meat, it's a salad or tofu.

Spectacular argument, fuckwit. Ah but yes, everyone but you is just so stupid it's amazing.

>> No.3927139

Meatless, cheeseless, creamlesss, eggless, butterless.

>> No.3927142

The girl wasn't saying, "DON'T EAT MEAT." She just didn't want to buy the meat herself because it was against her ethical beliefs. So she provided an alternative that she didn't expect people to bitch about, since it didn't violate their diets.

Fucking whiners, I don't see why the professor couldn't forego his precious steak for one meal.

>> No.3927154

If it tasted good and was legal.

>> No.3927155

She should have prepared meat dishes for the others. Its a sign if respect for those who thought of her when it was their turn to bring food.

>> No.3927158


I saw it more of an example, not trying to say that it had to be tofu or salad.

>> No.3927161


Fucking whiners indeed. I don't see how the girl couldn't have made the extra effort to return the favor to her classmates. Fuck, they accommodated her dietary choice for every previous meeting. Why can't she reciprocate?

>> No.3927173

Nobody high-fives after eating tofu.

>> No.3927176

She may well have gone to great effort to provide them with good-tasting food. Why it HAD to contain meat is beyond me (and the hurr durr why did her meal have to not contain meat argument is irrelevant, because it's clearly different circumstances).
I'm also unsure as to why making vegan food apparently requires so much more effort than making food for meat-eaters. If it was that much of a bother for them, couldn't they just buy her a shitty pre-made salad or warm up some soup?

>> No.3927182

No it ain't. I eat meat, respect that and treat me like you want to be treated, if you aren't gonna make dishes that takes into account that I eat meat then I won't make dishes that doesn't contain meat for your ass.

>> No.3927189

Nice straw man, how about actually finding a valid argument?

>> No.3927191

Oh, my fuck. Yes, you eat meat. But WHY DO YOU HAVE TO EAT IT FOR EVERY MEAL? It's your choice not to give a shit about eating dead animals, but that doesn't mean that just because you bought a girl some greens when you were buying everyone else pizza, you should get all butthurt when she doesn't get you a Meatlover's in return.

And to anyone who may suggest it, vegan food =/= tofu and spinach.

>> No.3927197

BECAUSE I CHOSE TO! Like some of you chose not to eat meat, I chose to eat meat at 2 of my 3 meals a day, being lunch and dinner. I've grown up with this since I was 3 and I'm 39 now and I ain't changing it for some person who thinks their belief is more important than mine.

>> No.3927199
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Well, consider my privilege checked.

>> No.3927201

So you eat meat because you believe it to be the morally right choice?

>> No.3927206

I'd have called the professor a fat baby and if he so much as raised an eyebrow I'd have said he'd given up his right to fair discussion.

>> No.3927209

No, but I don't force you to eat it or not eat it, have the same decency.

>> No.3927214

>implying they were FORCED to NOT eat meat.

Dude, if you skip lunch because you don't like the options around you, you're not being forced into anything.

>> No.3927216


Awesome post haha

>> No.3927218

Why can't the vegan just show some fucking decency instead of acting like a stuck up cunt?

>> No.3927220


yeah the 'already dead' thing doesn't quite cut it

i mean, i'm cool with my marginal direct responsibility for the breeding+ slaughter of these animals as a consumer, but i also see why there's no difference between eating it and buying it from an ethical perspective.

>> No.3927221


no one should pander to someone who refuses to eat any vegetable based dish for a meal. that's just being an enabler.

>> No.3927222

Not that guy but the reasons don't matter, its the persons choice to eat what they want. Also there are "valid" reasons to feel morally tied to stating meat, god put us here and animals below us for us to enjoy eatting ... etc. (I don't believe this myself). For you to tell them they're wrong would be a religious hate crime.

>> No.3927226


from an ethical vegan standpoint, they are showing decency. that's the point. it overrides a frivolous aversion to vegetarian food.

>> No.3927227

You insult someone instead of discussing it like an adult, and think you're the right one... right. Go back to highschool kid.

>> No.3927230


if he's not using an insult as part of an argument, it isn't fallacious.

>> No.3927235

As if having a phone thrown at you with a flippant remark merits discussing it like an adult. Unfortunately 'discussing it like adults' is sometimes the armour that cowardly faggots hide behind and it is both refreshing and fun to refuse to engage with it on their terms once they've crossed a line.

If someone tosses a phone at me they better be prepared to have it tossed back. Also as such a 'distinguished adult' the professor should know better. I don't even like veganism yet I appreciate 'wannabe alphas' even fucking less.

>> No.3927234

I would totally call out the professor. What a little bitch, doesn't belong in academia.

>> No.3927251

You revoke his right to a discussion if he doesn't accept your insult. There IS no argument, you can't even make it that far.

>> No.3927258


Vegan diet is a subset of Omnivorous diet.

If I want a big piece of Feldspar with all my meals should I expect everyone to bring one when they cook for me?

>> No.3927264

You're discrediting the professor without even thinking about how child like it is to put your opinions ahead of others like the girl. They were both at fault by this point, no more insults were needed doing so would just be immature.

>> No.3927266

>most defiantly

Reasonable. Fuck Vegans. Pretentious, self-concerned cunts.

>> No.3927280

>Unfortunately 'discussing it like adults' is sometimes the armour that cowardly faggots hide behind


>> No.3927291

>applauding a spoiled brat who threw a hissy fit because he didn't get his favourite food
Well done.

>> No.3927292
File: 103 KB, 249x249, hahawhat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you think insults like "ur a fat baby" are more legitimate than having a mature debate?

Go take a nap, there'll be juice and crackers waiting for you when you get up.

>> No.3927304

The amount of fallacies surrounding vegans in this thread is hilarious and horrific.

>> No.3927305


what? that was incoherent.

yes, insults can obfuscate arguments. you can still make one while being insulting though. and you have a high opinion of academics if you think they pay no attention to insults.

>> No.3927308

Maybe if they didn't perpetuate the stereotype of being hypocritical and whiny children who resort to insults rather than engage in discussion, then there wouldn't be a problem.

>> No.3927311

I was taking that particular quotation out of context. I apologize that I didn't make that more apparent. I will continue to justify this though. There are three kinds of people: People who will have intellectual debates, people who won't, and people who PRETEND THAT THEY ARE, BUT REALLY HAVE NO INTEREST IN DOING SO.

For instance, take the "pigeon and chess" example. No matter how well you play, no matter how eloquent your approach, they'll still just shit on the board and kick pieces over. Those are the people that insults are the only reasonable approach. Because you've arrived on their level of dipshittery and are preparing to utterly destroy them, they will then attempt to hide behind maturity to cover up that they are just fuckin' clueless.

Anyway, how does that apply to this situation? The Vegan's being a cunt. It's one thing to stand up for what you believe in; it's another to just be inconsiderate and socially retarded. The Vegan was probably the type of person that buys her friends gifts that SHE, PERSONALLY, would want.

>> No.3927315


critical thinking skills should ideally make stereotyping irrelevant.

>> No.3927321

All the whiny vegans I've met, far from resorting to insults, present informed arguments that piss meat-eaters off in their apparent preachiness.

>> No.3927324

And then there are the ones that just accept other people being fixed in their views.

>> No.3927332

All the whiny vegans I've met compared eating meat to rape.

So I guess it's just a matter of who you know.

>> No.3927347

What the fuck kind of comparison is that?
Surely comparing it to murder (though that would annoy people too, of course) would be somewhat more accurate...

>> No.3927352

Nope, apparently they got tired of saying it was like murder and started out their arguments with comparing it to rape. They eventually got around to the whole murdering part, but eating meat = sexual assault was the main gist of their argument.

>> No.3927361

Wow. I'm kinda worrying about farmers sticking their dicks in the produce now.

>> No.3927399
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You are lying. Such a vegan does not exist.

>> No.3927404

Look, I fucking LOVE meat. But I have to side with the bitch here. Eating veggies for a day won't fucking kill you. And i ate a t a friend of mine's who's a vegetarian AND a fuckin' A cook. The shit he makes is glorious, though I always make cracks at him and say shit like "Would be better with bacon though"

If my friend would come over with food I wouldn't bitch for meat, fuck that shit. Someone cooked for you, you cunt. EAT IT

>> No.3927418

so if I cook meat for a vegan he should eat it because fuck him

k bro

>> No.3927425

And for some reason the exact reasons you said don't work the other way around? Talk about double standards.

>> No.3927432


it doesn't work the other way round for a very obvious reason you're deliberately ignoring.

>> No.3927439

hurrrrrrr i dont want to eat meat cuz animals die and i liek animalz :(((


>> No.3927443

Now you're just being a dick. How is not wanting animals to die for their meal not a legitimate reason?

>> No.3927444

Then its completely reasonable for someone to eat meat for a day. It's not going to kill them either. Moot point.

>> No.3927446

Marry me, you flaming faggot.

>> No.3927449


It's no different than not liking the veggie dish but eating it anyway. It's called putting aside your personal preferences for the benefit of others in a social situation.

>> No.3927456

>It's called putting aside your personal preferences for the benefit of others in a social situation.

Sure, because that isn't the spineless thing to do.

>well, I am against this but I'll go with the crowd because got forbid I pleasantly decline the meal and leave it at that

Do you guys have social skills, or is everything 'all or nothing'?

>> No.3927458

Nothing is wrong with it, it's your own choice. But it is being a hypocrit. They still slaughter/inslave animals for the food they produce. And I think that's way worse. (Chickens, cows, etc..)
Second thing, even if you don't eat any animal products at all. At the place where animals live, you plant tofu, or other products, and what happens, they kill plants for it. So the difference is.
Would you rather have it a plant dies, or an animal dies.
They're both living things. The only difference is your moral value for them.
I'm not mad or raging, this is just purely my thought, (PS: I just joined the thread, so I'm nobody in here)

>> No.3927460

That's an opinion not a moral truth.

>> No.3927461

There's a clear distinction between saying, "I just don't like this, give me something else" and saying, "I don't want to eat this because I believe it contributes to murder and other cruel practices".

Although, I don't eat meat myself, and personally I never demand that people make me special food. I accept it if people offer it, otherwise I just buy my own food or go without.

>> No.3927462

>Would you rather have it a plant dies, or an animal dies.
Oh look, this argument.

>> No.3927464

'Animals die to make meat' is an opinion?

>> No.3927467

It's not an argument, it's a fact. We human begins, care less for plants and lesser creatures. Then for bigger creatures, like cows, chickens, wales and so on. So we have some sort of empathy for them. We treat flowers, tree's as things. :)
The right thing to do.. what I think. Is just live balanced. Just eat what you need to eat and not more. But ofcourse the corporation overproduce that so you can't really control that..

>> No.3927469

Sorry for my bad english btw

>> No.3927470


No, but the "conclusion" that this means the food is inedible is an opinion.

Unless you have a legitimate medical problem (like peanut allergy, Celiac, etc.), then any other factor you use to restrict what you eat is your personal choice--an opinion--not a rule etched in stone. Saying "Waaah, I don't like brussels sprouts" is no different than "waah I won't eat that poor chicken".

>> No.3927472

They enslave chickens? What the fuck are you talking about? Vegans don't eat eggs or milk, if that's what you're referring to.

And animals are sentient, plants aren't. It's not difficult.

>> No.3927475

*dairy, rather, not milk.

>> No.3927476

The meat option? Not every meal requires meat, so why did he need to ask that? I'll tell you why, it's because he already knew she was vegan and wanted to make a scene. This is what caused any kind ordeal here.

And a vegan option? Is that implying that the entirety of every meal was going to be 100% meat and/or animal products if she hadn't been present. I SERIOUSLY doubt that. I'm pretty sure plenty of the meals had "vegan options" by default, not through some painful effort on the cook. Many side dishes are vegetarian or vegan, naturally. Her dumb flaw was requesting them to cater to her, which it seems she did so.

The whole ordeal was taken where it got to because the professor wanted to make a scene about it. I don't approve of her approach, nor do I approve of his drama skit.

Finally, if I had been in her situation (never will be, as my diet is omnivorous) I wouldn't have said anything about my dietary choices. Just eat what's available for this little occasion, bring something of my own, eat beforehand or after.

>> No.3927478

I wasn't talkning only about vegans.. I never refered to ONLY vegans, once..
I was busy about vegetarians and vegans.

>> No.3927488

Fuck that, yes, it is. It's a dick move for someone to give you sprouts if they know that you don't like the taste, but you're a lot more of a dick if you expect someone to eat meat when they're against it for moral reasons.

Morality is a lot stronger than just personal taste.

>> No.3927490

Best post itt. I totally agree with you (I'm not a vegan).

>> No.3927493

Morality IS personal (dis)taste.

>> No.3927494

That and I'm a manipulative asshole so I make everything sound good even if it's not.
But thank you :)

>> No.3927497

This is very good common sense. I'm glad not everyone in this post is just full of hate and emptied of sense.

>> No.3927509

Boohoo my opinions are objectively right and yours are wrong because I know so!

>> No.3927517

How is a double standard commonsense?

>> No.3927521

As usual the veganfags expect every one else to live their choices and adapt to them but heaven forbid they do the same for others. I'm not surprised though, vegans are the biggest cunts when it comes to life.

>> No.3927531

I think the same of any morality, even those that conflict with my own...

inb4 'meat-eating is part of my moral beliefs'. While it's within the realms of possibility, I doubt that you eat meat because you believe it to be more ethically sound that not eating it.

>> No.3927538
File: 112 KB, 453x297, Abortion-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I don't want to eat this because I believe it contributes to murder and other cruel practices".
This is a bullshit pernicious meme that somehow has been given the same special treatment that religion gets.
Its fucking bullshit and needs to be challenged openly.

You want to say meat is murder? You are a cunt just like the anti abortion twats that want to call me a murderer as well.
Go fuck yourselves.

>> No.3927547

The thing is, many - I'd say most, but that's up for debate - vegans don't scream at you for eating meat. They just don't do it themselves (or buy it for you).

Are you going to hate me for not having an abortion because I believe that it would be wrong? As long as I don't try to force someone else to have a baby they don't want, I don't see what the problem with not condoning it is.

>> No.3927552

I m not saying you can't think what you want but you stated that it was a moral truth rather than an opinion which is just wrong. Also if you can really accept and believe a moral TRUTH even if it conflicts with your own I don't think you understand the word.

>> No.3927560

I didn't say it was a moral truth, you fucking idiot. I said that someone's morality (e.g. that the person BELIEVES that meat is wrong) is stronger than their personal tastes (e.g. that the person doesn't like broccoli and would prefer a steak).

>> No.3927564

Just by saying you dont eat meat because you believe its murder , you are already being a cunt. Being a pain in the ass vegan at work is a very passive aggressive thing to do.Even if you dont call me a murderer directly , you are implying it. Not as bad but still fucking offensive.

>> No.3927567

What cunt mod put this thread on autosage?
fuck you mod we are having a conversation here.

>> No.3927571

So because I think that meat is cruel and choose not to eat it, I'm offending you?

Then you're just a pussy, and I'm not going to bother trying to please such a little princess.

>> No.3927588

I will attack your rancid ideas every chance I get you fucking smug fuck.
There is no self righteousness worse than the one you pretend to hide away.

>> No.3927606

The /thread came a while ago a few times after eachother and everyone still naggs against eachother. That's why.

>> No.3927608

I only eat meat and got seriously sick from a vegan pizza once :(

>> No.3927615

I believe that I am right (who disagrees with their own beliefs?), but I fully accept that you believe that others believe that they are right, and I leave them to it. However, you being a little bitch and whining because I have different ethics that I keep to myself just makes you retarded.

>> No.3927622

I believe that I am right (who disagrees with their own beliefs?), but I fully accept that others believe that they are right, and I leave them to it. However, you being a little bitch and whining because I have different ethics that I keep to myself just makes you retarded.

>> No.3927624

I've been using the term "moral truth" from way back, if you've had a problem with that term this is the first I've heard of it.

Also I believe its fine and in fact good to eat meat since many amino acids and vitamins can only be obtained through meat aside from supplements which is not "natural" but thats a whole other thing I don't want to get into. Then I assume this counts as morality since I believe something is good the same way you believe it is wrong. Which by the way is still a matter of OPINION at the end of the day, morality is just a way of making your opinions sound important.

Also >you fucking idiot
You seem upset, maybe you should go have a rest.

>> No.3927634

This is why children should not be mods

>> No.3927635

I've always wondered why do vegans think meat is cruel? Because animals feel pain? Then why not be ok with eatting fish? They've already determined almost all species of fish that we consume lack nerve endings for pain.

>> No.3927646

I'm not even the mod that did it.
I'm just saying what his oppinion was probally.

>> No.3927649

You used it once with me before I called it out. The first time, I figured you were using the term incorrectly, and so ignored it; it's not like this thread is devoid of retards.

And no, that's not a *moral* belief. You seem to be confused on the term. But let me assure you, while you're free to eat meat if you think that it provides you with better nutrients (that whole 'vegans can only get the amino acids and vitamins they need through supplements' thing is bullshit, by the way) - it may indeed be an easier way for you to get them - that reasoning isn't related to your morals.

>> No.3927669

Not to mention the fact that farming grops kills thousands of small animals worldwide anyway.

>> No.3927676

You have to farm crops to feed livestock anyway.
That's also why vegans tend to prefer organic farming, to minimise the loss of life.

>> No.3927683

Actually many side dished are naturally vegetarian, but rarely will side dishes be naturally vegan. Even in restaurants it can sometimes be difficult to find things that don't involve butter in their production for example.

>> No.3927689

So if I say something is a moral reason then that makes it more important does it? Everyone's morals are varied, and claiming you don't think it's moral because you don't relate to it would be wrong and intolerant.

I am morally opposed to there being no meat option.

>> No.3927714

I doubt that the girl was morally opposed to there being no vegan option, she just possibly liked to be included. I also doubt that the other people were morally opposed to providing her with a vegan option.

However, if it comes down to it, and Person A is morally opposed to there being no [insert food here] option, while Person B is morally opposed to providing said option, then Person A is just going to have to provide their own food.

>> No.3928706

>anyone who refuses to eat it because 'hurr twigs and leaves' is the cunt in the situation.

So.. based on your statement, all vegans are Cunts?

>> No.3928707


I have no idea what Vegan cuisine consists of, except for these things... Come up with a solid argument for calling me stupid instead... Dumbfuck

>> No.3928712


Those are examples, you assclown...

Do you really expect anyone to sum up every object/dish in the Vegan cuisine?

Brainless scum

>> No.3928833

How is this thread still alive? lol

>> No.3929882

It's probably dependent on the type of meeting it is; if it were a long one and deserves a large meal, she should've called a place. If it were just a small little shindig that doesn't take very long, she probably could've gotten away with minestrone, cheese, crackers, and wine with a load of chips and salsa. (yes, I know I said cheese but it doesn't fucking hurt the animal)

Let's say everyone just ordered party trays for their presentations that they had to do so usually there'd be a rice/noodle tray, a vegetable tray, and maybe 1-3 meats unless the vegetable tray is a stir fry with meats/seafood. That left the vegan with one or no option for the evening so the host had to get an extra order of something off the menu for them specifically if in the latter situation.

The vegan here probably ordered all vegan food that the omnivores might not have been familiar with, I'm talking about shit like tofu/bean curd dishes, vegan pastries, and beany type things. Not everyone likes vegetables for a meal if they don't recognize it so she should've provided an option of meat/cheese/egg product or just made/called for vegan/vegetarian pizza to be served (pizza is a great equalizer - Michael Scott) since a majority of people like it and it can be made. I've made some pizzas with pestos and vegetables, they were pretty good.

So if the omnivore presenters had to go out of their way and order something for her that wasn't in party platters, they paid extra just for her and in a class of even 15 at $7 for her dish, that's about $105 that she only had to repay with maybe 1-2 options that didn't go against her belief (pizza and pasta).

What's so wrong in calling for pizza for your GUESTS anyways? The cheese and meat is already there sitting in the freezer, as long as you're not eating it it does not mean you told on Jesus.