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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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3923060 No.3923060 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /ck/,

I've recently decided I would like to try to learn how to cook/bake/etc. a bit more, because I love food and I think it would be nice to be able to prepare my own.

Unfortunately, I have food allergies. I have severe food allergies to eggs and fish (on a "Trace amounts/cross contamination could be lethal" level) that makes my life very difficult when it comes to cooking certain stuff (baking in particular is VERY punishing, there's eggs in almost everything)

I'd like to start compiling recipes that I can eat, especially baked goods. I was hoping you guys can make some suggestions of recipes you either personally know of or places to get them (cookbook or online).

Pic related, I found a good egg-free cornbread recipe yesterday, made it, and very much enjoyed it.

>> No.3923076

I feel sorry for you and want you to die from food allergies so as not to pollute the gene pool any further both at the same time.
Enjoy your shitty life, bubble boy.

>> No.3923078
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Allergies are not entirely hereditary, they're thought to be at least partially environmental. I am an anomaly in my family, pretty much the only person on either side with food allergies of significance.

Still, thanks for the bump.

>> No.3923080

there's a couple of blogs that I know of that don't use eggs. warning: they're vegan (i'm not one myself)

chockohlawtay.blogspot.com: i have not tried her recipes, but some look really decadent

chocolatecoveredkatie.com: i've tried the "cookie dough batter dip" made with chickpeas. doesn't necessarily taste like ACTUAL cookie dough, but I personally like it. she has a bunch recipes.

>> No.3923082


Thanks for the suggestions!

Obviously other ingredients like milk and butter are not an issue for me, but as someone with allergies I'm not going to look a gift horse in the mouth when it comes to vegan recipes.

>> No.3923083

hmm nevermind, disregard that one. she uses eggs.

but here:

>> No.3923085

I feel for you, because eggs are so versatile in cooking. But do not dispear there are plenty of recipes without them.
But I do not suffer from allergies, so I'm not aware how you choose you ingredients. Is it limited to just eggs and fish?
For eggs you could look at vegan alternatives. They might give you solutions to baking without eggs.

>> No.3923087

It is only eggs and fish. Milk/nuts and such are fine.

Vegan recipes are a good idea, but a select few of these recipes account only for the allergy in question.

The cornbread from the OP is an example- it still uses milk, but not eggs.

Not that I would really pass up vegan recipes, as I state above.

>> No.3923109

I'm not vegan, but I did a lot of vegan baking for a while. most recipes that don't use eggs substitute ground flax or bananas for the leavening factor. The fat content and moisture content are going to be something else you'll need to account for if you start trying to alter recipes to be eggless. Not impossible, just something to be aware of. Have you checked out vegan egg substitutes? They are not something I'm personally a fan of, but might make things easier for baking.

I'll post my fav chocolate cake recipe as well.

>> No.3923113

Using substitutes in an existing recipe never really works the same as finding a recipe that is fully designed around the eggs' absence.

I've tried, trust me.

>> No.3923114
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>food allergies

>> No.3923119
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It's not a matter of choice like being a vegetarian.

I don't eat the shit, or I die.

If it were "eat a couple pounds and you might get a bit itchy" crap, I'd definitely just take some Zyrtec.

>> No.3923121

If you like cake, check out Vegan Cupcakes Take Over The World. I've used these recipes a lot for people who have egg or dairy allergies, and as an omnivore, I've thought they make some pretty delicious cupcakes. There's some very interesting recipes and for the most part, they don't use any weird products to replace the egg.

>> No.3923125

Vegan chocolate cake:
1 1/4 c flour
1 c sugar
1/3 c unsweetened cocoa powder
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
1 c warm water or weak coffee (you could probly sub in milk here for a richer flavor)
1 tsp vanilla
1/3 c veggie oil
1 tsp vinegar
mix all dry ingredients together, add all wet ingredients and mix well. Pour into WELL GREASED or PARCHMENT PAPER lined 8" or 9" pan- strongly recommend flat bottomed pans, no bundts. let stand for up to 5 minutes before baking at 350 to allow optimal bubble formation. Bake about 30 min, test with toothpick, touch tests don't work as well on eggless recipes.

This recipe can be doubled for a 9x13 or two 9" pans.

>> No.3923128

Yeah, I toothpick test a lot.

Thanks for the cake recipe!

I'll go take a look at it now, some cupcake recipes would be sweet.

>> No.3923132

One day I didn't use egg in corn bread because I didn't have any eggs and didn't want to go buy them.

The result was exactly. the fucking. same.

Now it's been 2 years and putting egg is pointless.

>> No.3923138

Vegan Banana Bread

½ cup vegan margarine softened ( or just use butter in your case, much better flavor)
1 1/3 cups sugar
3 mashed bananas
1 tsp vanilla
1/3 cup soy milk mixed with 1 tsp apple cider vinegar (or use 1/3 cup buttermilk)
1 tsp cinnamon or 1/4 tsp nutmeg
½ tsp salt
1 tsp baking soda
2 cups flour

Mix margarine (butter) and sugar, add mashed bananas, vanilla and soy milk(buttermilk). Add blended dry ingredients and mix well and pour into two greased bread pans and bake for about an hour at 350. use a toothpick to test.

>> No.3923145

glaze recipe that goes very well with the cake: Chocolate Glaze
1/2 cup sugar
4 tbsp margarine (or real butter)
2 tbsp soy milk (or reg milk)
2 tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder
2 tsp vanilla extract
For the glaze, in a small saucepan, bring sugar, margarine, milk, and cocoa to a boil. Stir frequently; then reduce heat to a simmer for 2 minutes, stirring constantly. Remove from heat and stir for another 5 minutes.

Add vanilla, stir, and immediately pour onto cake. Glaze dries really quickly, so spread it immediately and add any sprinkles now. Let this cool for an 1 hour, if you can wait that long!

>> No.3923148

That's interesting, but I';ve seen a lot of recipes go horribly wrong even if you try to substitute the egg.

Banana bread? Awesome! Thanks for the recipe.

Sounds like a good glaze! I'll have to give it a try.

>> No.3923149

That blows. I used to be allergic to eggs and poultry but I outgrew it (was only a vomitting/hives/headache level). Luckily for me, baking hte eggs into a bread changed it enough to be okay to eat. I still can't eat nuts or shellfish though.

Me: What does X taste like?
Them: Sorta like chicken.
Me: Wtf does chicken taste like?
Years Later... Trying chicken for the first time ever
Them: what does it taste like?
Me: Tastes like pork (the white meat)
Them: Noooooo (as if my opinion is wrong)

>> No.3923153


I've also started playing with a praline layer baked into the cake. not as pretty yet, but very tasty.
amount is for a doubled cake recipe.
1/2 c butter
1/4 c cream
1 c packed brown sugar
3/4 c pecans
heat butter, cream and sugar in a saucepan till butter melts, stirring occasionally. pour into lined or VERY well greased pans (two 8 or 9" rounds) and sprinkle evenly with pecans. carefully pour the cake batter over the top, trying to keep the caramel as even as possible. you could try chilling it to solidify it, haven't had the chance to try that yet. bake normally (350, 30 min, toothpick test) but turn out onto plates or you'll loose the caramel topping off the sides of the cooling racks. top with whipped cream.

>> No.3923155

>baking in particular is VERY punishing, there's eggs in almost everything

Except good bread. Learn how to bake good bread. Baking (I'm not just taking about cakes and shit) is not difficult but it requires a lot of practice to truly master it. The funny thing about baking is you get so much pleasure from a good result compared to ordinary cooking.

>> No.3923158

I use a bread machine for that, actually.

I make some damn good bread.

>> No.3923159

Beer Bread, make you some.

>> No.3923162

Beer bread?

Sounds amazing!

Do you have a recipe you prefer?

>> No.3923168

ah ha! I did remember right- this english muffin recipe doesn't use eggs. super tasty too.
