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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 24 KB, 424x297, beef jerky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3915293 No.3915293 [Reply] [Original]

>buy grocery store brand beef jerky because I'm a cheap bastard
>try some, kind of sweet
>look at ingredients on package
>sugar is third ingredient after beef and water

Why the FUCK would you add sugar to something like beef jerky? What kind of shithead buys beef jerky because they have a sweet tooth? This isn't Teriyaki flavor or some shit either, it's Peppered so there's absolutely no excuse. Seems like there's absolutely no escape from excess amounts of sugar being shoved into everything in America, they put it in absolutely everything.

Anyways, anyone here ever made their own beef jerky, or jerky of any kind for that matter? Any tips/"recipes"/etc?

Jerky general I suppose.

>> No.3915300

This entire thread made me laugh do fucking hard. MURRICA

>> No.3915298

There is an assload of sugar ina lot of store-brand foods. It's so it tastes mildly appealing to the tongue and keeps you coming back for more.

>> No.3915301

This. Tons of people are addicted to sugar and don't even realize it.

>> No.3915305


>> No.3915308

That's a fact. 1. 90% of people don't check what they eat. 2. Almost everything that's processed has a shit ton of sugar in it. There's a reason I eat more veggies than anything. But then again im probably eating hormone packed shit as opposed to sugar.

>> No.3915322

Then why not use salt, how about some garlic or cayenne or black pepper? Salt tastes way fucking better, especially on something that's actually supposed to be, holy shit, SALTY.

Then again, I'm sure in reality it comes down to >>3915301

>> No.3915327

I love me some jerky but this is the reason I never buy the stuff. I think even the butcher shop near me uses sugar in theirs. Never understood why they do this.

>> No.3915336

I don't have a huge problem with it. A tiny bit of sugar often enhances flavors in savory foods. Check how many grams of sugar per serving--I doubt it's over 1-2 grams.

>> No.3915340

I personally have never made jerky, but as I understand it, the process isn't all that different (at least in the beginning) from making smoked salmon. You slice your meat that you want to cure thin, put your flavor/cure on it, and then dehydrate it/possibly smoke it (as I stated, I've never actually made it before, so def google the steps).

>> No.3915348

I shit you not it's 6 god damn grams, these people are out of their minds. I can deal with it if it's under a gram, but this is just ridiculous.

>> No.3915352

Yeah I definitely will, I was just curious what /ck/ has done if they've ever made it... Come to think of it though, I've never had smoked salmon...

>> No.3915368

The Sugar is there it enhance the flavor, as well as to prevent the beef jerky from becoming to dry and brittle. Since sugar is hygroscopic (water loving) it will store some moisture in the jerky to keep it from being brittle.

I have made my own. I would suggest using flank steak or another cut that is very low in fat content (marbling) and has a good grain to it. Parcilly freeze the meat and cut it into strips. Then place it in your brine:
2/3 cup Worcestershire sauce
2/3 cup soy sauce
1 tablespoon honey
2 teaspoons freshly ground black pepper
2 teaspoons onion powder
1 teaspoon liquid smoke
1 teaspoon red pepper flakes

I used the Box fan method to dehydrate. (look it up)

>> No.3915375

That sounds good. How much meat is this covering?

>> No.3916021


I just learned a new word.

>> No.3916064


Hrm with that amount of marinade and given a 24 hour marinade time, you could probably marinade at least 2lbs of meat, probably 3 depending on how thin you cut the strips. If you're willing to splurge and don't want to kitbash, I'm a fan of the Nesco dehydrators. The entry level ones are fairly reasonable and as long as you go with the model that has at least 500 watts of power, it'll serve you well. Average dry time for 2lbs of jerky is about 3-5 hours depending on how dry you want your jerky.

Here's the newer model of the one I have. It works great and with about 9 trays you can dry about 10lbs of meat at a time.


>> No.3916110

Teriyaki is the worst flavor.

God damn.

>> No.3916152

Thank you OP, I have been saying this since I was like 10 years old. WHY DOES ALL MY JERKY HAVE TO BE SWEET

>> No.3916153
File: 37 KB, 492x320, biltong_2_gallery--gt_full_width_landscape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biltong master race