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3914663 No.3914663[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why is it still socially acceptable and legal to discriminate against and treat obese people like second class citizens?

Should the American government make weight discrimination a hate crime?
People do not get to choose their natural body weight, intolerance against them is bigotry, backwards and unacceptable.

>> No.3914665

Babbys first troll?

>> No.3914666
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>People do not get to choose their natural body weight

>> No.3914675


>People do not get to choose their natural body weight

I can see saying this about people who are, say, 180 pounds naturally, vs. people who are 150 pounds naturally.

But there's no good excuse for being over 200 pounds, barring a rare medical disorder. And I'm not talking about all the faggots who pretend to have a medical disorder to excuse being fat.

>> No.3914678

If minorities can use this argument about all the problems they create, OP can not be wrong.
It would be a double standard.

>> No.3914682

I'm 240 lbs, but I'm 6'3". I'll admit to being chubby, but I am nowhere near obese

>> No.3914684

Sorry, point being, if I weighed less than 200 lbs I would look emaciated.

>> No.3914685

No you idiot.

However, I still think fat people should be looked down upon form a society as a whole.

It's your fault you got fat in the first place.

>> No.3914689

>People do not get to choose their natural body weight

You will get many replies.

>> No.3914691


Yeah, people over 6' can be another exception.

>> No.3914721
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>> No.3914735
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>treat obese people like second class citizens
Because they are. Malnutrition is a sign of poverty. And poor people need to be looked down upon. It's how society or any kind of basic social structure works. Pecking orders will always establish themselves. Being fat was once seen as a sign of health. You know, because fattening food was a luxury back then. So really it's not about
>he doesn't have the self-restraint to be thin and beautiful
it's rather about
>he doesn't have the time and money to take care of his body

>> No.3914737

You shouldn't be able to discriminate because someone is fat. Why do you? Why would it be any different? You should never be allowed to actively discriminate against people just because they are different from you. With that said do you have the full legal right to make fun of them? Yes.

>> No.3914742


Obesity isn't like a skin color or a nationality. Stop treating it like it is.

Obesity means you have no discipline, and no dignity, or self-respect, or self-control.

It means you stuff your disgusting fat face with whatever you can get your hands on, and you don't care who knows it.

>> No.3914748

>Obesity means you have no discipline, and no dignity, or self-respect, or self-control.

>Just describes the behavior of most blacks
You fucking discriminators sicken me.

>> No.3914751


God damn you are retarded. Should we throw our shit and piss and trash in the street too just because you don't REALLY have to pay your water bill or trash bill? This is 2012, not the 1400s for fucks sake.

>> No.3914753

>fat people are impoverished
Not really.
Gabe Newell among others is pretty hefty, yet runs a pretty successful corp.

>Obesity means you have no discipline, and no dignity, or self-respect, or self-control.
It's not implausible for a disease to exist which keeps you or makes you fat (typ-2 dabeetus).

>Obesity isn't like a skin color or a nationality. Stop treating it like it is.
Try telling that to feminists or "gay pride" activists.

>> No.3914754

You don't even get the point of the post, do you?

>> No.3914755


It isn't like being a woman or a homosexual, either. You don't choose either of those things.

Being obese is largely (heh) the product of a person's own conscious choices. As such, they open themselves up to judgment by being obese.

>> No.3914756

non-fat people, time to get your privilege checked

Everyday as an average sized person …

I can be sure that people aren’t embarrassed to be seen with me because of the size of my body.

If I pick up a magazine or watch T.V. I will see bodies that look like mine that aren’t being lampooned, desexualized, or used to signify laziness, ignorance, or lack of self-control.

I do not have to be afraid that when I talk to my friends or family they will mention the size of my body in a critical manner, or suggest unsolicited diet products and exercise programs.

I will not be accused of being emotionally troubled or in psychological denial because of the size of my body.

I can be sure that when I go to a class, or movie, or restaurant that I will find a place to sit in which I am relatively comfortable.

I will never have to sit quietly and listen while other people talk about the ways in which they avoid being my size.

>> No.3914758
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>I will never have to sit quietly and listen while other people talk about the ways in which they avoid being my size.

Sounds like you aren't listening hard enough.

>> No.3914759

When I talk about the size of my body I can be certain that few other people will hope they are never the same size.

I can go home from meetings, classes, and conversations and not feel excluded, fearful, attacked, isolated, outnumbered, unheard, held at a distance, stereotyped, or feared because of the size of my body.

I never have to speak for size acceptance as a movement. My thoughts about my body can be my own with no need for political alliance relative to size.

I don't have to worry that if I am talking about feeling of sexual attraction people are repelled or disgusted by the size of my body. People can imagine me in sexual circumstances.

People won't ask me why I don't change the size of my body.

My masculinity or femininity will not be challenged because of the size of my body.

I can be sure that if I need medical or legal help my size will not work against me.

I am not identified by the size of my body.

I can walk in public with my significant other and not have people double take or stare.

I can go for months without thinking about or being spoken to about the size of my body.

I am not grouped because of the size of my body.

I don't have to worry that won't be hired for a job that I can do because of the size of my body.

>> No.3914760

I'm not saying fat people are poor. I'm saying poor people are generally fat. At least in 1st World countries.

>> No.3914761


Only the richest and most successful niggers can attempt to become white.

Nearly any fat person can attempt to become slim.

>> No.3914764

The blame lies more with the parents that formed ones eating habits over the first 10 years of their lives

>> No.3914766


The blame lies with the thinking, reasoning human being that can't put down its fork.

There are all kinds of mindhacks that can be used to break the psychological compulsion to eat. Use them.

>> No.3914768

By then its often too late

Habits are hard things to break

>> No.3914770


Sounds like a cop-out excuse to not bother trying.

>> No.3914902
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>It isn't like being a woman or a homosexual, either. You don't choose either of those things

>can't choose to be a homosexual

>> No.3915524

It's not specifically about obese people I think.
Society has always thrived on hating or mocking the other. Now that we can't be racist, sexist or tell "stupid Irish" jokes anymore, the obese are one of the last things in society that humour and hatred can target. We haven't become more sensitive or understanding as a society, we've just shifted the targets as what is acceptable has changed.

>> No.3915568


You've got the order wrong. Being fat can increase the likelihood of developing type 2, but having diabetes doesn't magically make you/keep you fat.

>> No.3915596

I just realised that fat people are the only thing that rustles my jimmies.

>> No.3915611


>> No.3915614

Respect fatties who look like they're making an effort to change themselves. Encourage them. They're good people for it.

But fuck the walking heart attack who doesn't lift a finger to change themselves.

>> No.3915620


>> No.3915635

Fat people should all be killed and used to feed cattle.

>> No.3915647

You are a complete faggot OP. I am currently getting my weight down from 320 pounds. I am down to roughly 280 since the beginning of June. It ain't hard to lose weight. Anybody who says they can't lose weight deserves to be made fun of. The only thing stopping them is themselves.

>> No.3915674
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>> No.3915694

being overweight is considered a disability so yes it would be a hate crime if you discriminated against someone for that.
whether the disability is self inflicted or not makes no difference, you just cant do it.

>> No.3915753

How do you differentiate between the lazy fat people and the people who have a legitimate excuse for being overweight?

My aunt really does have a thyroid condition, to the point where 2 years ago she had to have surgery for it and now has to take pills for the rest of her life. In the past she used to be able to not eat anything for 2 days, just drinking water and still gain weight. Of course people have made fun of her because they don't care if it's a legit health issue or not. Would you treat her differently because she's overweight?

>> No.3915756

If obesity wasn't so widespread, people would just assume that those who are fat have a condition that causes them to be fat, and therefore they wouldn't be discriminated against

>> No.3915762

I was walking behind a fat family today and one of them had calf flesh literally spilling out through the opening between her pants and shoe where her sock would be. it was like liquid wax, only I knew it was flesh. I was horrified and quickened my pace to get past them.

in my opinion, fat people should be ground up and fed to... actually scratch that, just mix them with glass and bury them like so much radioactive waste. I don't want their germs polluting anything that humankind would use in the future, their very presence defiles everything associated with them even in the smallest way.

>> No.3915767

if your eating 20 thousand calories a day just to get fat to get on disability you should be made to go on a diet and be observed for a month or two just to see if you gain weight eating nothing at all.

>> No.3915779

fatties should be made to poop in a bag at the doctors office to see how much stuff is going through their digestive track

>> No.3915791


Why don't we just cut out the middleman and eat fat people?

>> No.3915823


I've had a couple of friends who were pretty big hambeasts when we were teenagers.

Now at 24, both have 25 inch waist lines with no surgery whatsoever.

Just some tough love and a lot less eating. They weren't even going to the gym.

>> No.3915838

Disabled are already protected from discrimination.

>> No.3915841

I am 6'2" and weigh between 150-160 lbs and I don't look emaciated.

>> No.3915846


>> No.3915857

The government is currently making teachers inspect packed lunches for too much meat and fat.

If anything they're training the next generation to be even more hateful since it suits their purposes. In this respect obesity is exactly like being black or Jewish or French or whatever you're supposed to hate so you vote how they like. If you're smart you'll look beyond these impulses and see things rationally.

>> No.3915872

>looking through lunches for too much meat and fat
Gotta give links to this because it sounds like a whole lot of malarkey.

>> No.3915886



>> No.3915913

Cannibalism with fat people would result to heart-attack inducing steaks because of all the juices included.

Oh god, I'm in.

>> No.3915960


You belong in jail.

>> No.3916050

>>People do not get to choose their natural body weight, intolerance against them is bigotry, backwards and unacceptable.

You can fix being fat, you can't fix being black.

>> No.3916060
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It's really too bad, isn't it?

>> No.3916068



>> No.3916074

>>3916050If I hate the fatness away like a good liberal Michelle Obama will let me suck her husbands big black cock.

>> No.3916092

are all fat people as dumb as this?>>3914663

>> No.3916093

Your body your choice.

As much as I dislike fatties, it's one of my fundamentals on life so I cannot do against it.

>> No.3916094

we need a fat tax to cover their extra healthcare costs

>> No.3916095


But they kind of forfeit their right to complain when none of the seats at the movie theater are wide enough for their gargantuan ass.

>> No.3916104

I swear there's nothing funnier than thin privilege posts on tumblr. What, so now I'm 'privileged' just because I'm not fat?

>> No.3916108


Check your privilege exilis scum

>> No.3916114

I'm 6ft tall ans 165lbs. I felt a deep shame after I broke a chair when sitting on it. I don't know how really fat people can live with themselves.

>> No.3916116

>>3916095thinks rights should be meted out to people based on their body types

Live and let live.

>> No.3916122

I really don't understand thin privilege, because I'm not thin at all. 5'0, 120lbs - if anything, that's chubby.

>> No.3916132

>>3916114mental trauma from fateful ass/chair encounter

Probably better than you by far.

>> No.3916135

I can't sympathise with obese people, all my life I have been skinny. My self esteem sucks though, I don't even attribute this to my body. There are plenty of other factors for this. Obese people are just that, obese. Not being fat doesn't mean you will be happy.

>> No.3916139

>Not being fat doesn't mean you will be happy.
Of course it doesn't. But these fat people claiming they're being discriminated against are obviously unhappy about it. Being discriminated against is a major factor that lowers your self-esteem. If these fat people don't like being discriminated against and having low self-esteem, there are plenty of options out there to help them lose weight, in addition to using will power to eat healthy, exercising and sticking to your decisions.

>> No.3916149


Exactly. I'm thin, intelligent, I'm told I'm good looking, hell, I even have a large cock, I just don't have any self esteem or confidence.

I laugh at posts on other boards that say I'd be more confident abut my life if I had...

Having that thing won't make you confident. Letting go of the conditional 'if' will. There will always be something. Unfortunately I still agent learnt the lesson myself.

Most of the really hot girls I know are really insecure, because that's all thy have and they know their looks will fade with age and someone better looking will come along.

>> No.3916151



>> No.3916156


That just enforces the belief that you are worth nothing unless you conform physically to what people who despise you would have you look like. It makes things worse for everyone who is non-standard.

>> No.3916163

The fact is, there will always be a group in society that is discriminated against. It used to be based on race, gender and sexuality, and now it's based on body weight. Your body weight is much easier to change than the other factors, for most people it really is a case of if you don't like it, do something about it.

>> No.3916166


That's not a good reason for not being fat at all.

You could've said because people will think of themselves as unattractive or unhealthy.

The most socially responsible solution to being discriminated against unfairly isn't to remove the source of the discrimination but to counter societal attitudes that lead to unfair discrimination.

>> No.3916188


There are many somethings one could do when subjected to such fascist bullshit. Like ask why it's happening in the first place and who's benefiting from such misery.

>> No.3916192

>The fact is, there will always be a group in society that is discriminated against.


I go thru life being a reasonable and loving individual who does their best to judge others on the basis of the full set of their individual merits. I don't fool myself when someone has shortcomings but when I pass judgement I generally don't make assumptions based on "this trait correlates with such and such trait".

I certainly don't see why just because it was that way in the past, and the situation has improved a bit, that we can't improve further.

>> No.3916201

Shouldn't we look down on drug users then? they are addicted to drugs just like fat people have an addiction for unhealthy foods.

>> No.3916205

>attempt to remove human born rights of obese people and generally treat them like shit
>god this is shit says the fat people
>well fatty alright we'll give you back your humanity and maybe love you a little but you gotta follow MY rules first and not be fat.

So the next time somebody takes your shit and extorts you and makes you suffer to get it back remember it's just how society works.

>> No.3916211


They're often children whose parents did not want them, grown up and with weird coping behavior.

So if you want to continue to murder their souls slowly like dear old step-dad did sure, shit on any kind of addict you want.

>> No.3916212

1. Fat people are ugly.
2. Fatness is a sign that a person does not have good physical health regarding an issue they can control; they are lazy and unwilling to do so.

What I really hate is how people have to tiptoe around the issue of another person being fat, so as to not "offend" them. I'm a naturally slender person, but over this summer, I went on a diet, and lost a lot of weight. I went from 170 to 130, and intend to lose more weight. If I bring this up around people, they get mad at ME because I'm making them feel insecure about THEIR weight. Fat people actually have the balls to criticize other people for improving their health, just because they don't have the willpower to change themselves. I personally wouldn't be able to look at myself in the mirror if I was 200 pounds or something ridiculous like that. Why? Because my body is an extension of my appearance. If I had yellow teeth, I'd brush and do whatever I could to make my teeth white again. If I had terrible acne, I'd wash my face until it cleared up. Why? Because I want to be able to take pride in my appearance. Good hair, good skin, good teeth, good body image.

Also, I've got news for fat people: losing weight really is not that hard. Next time you go to get food, buy some vegetables instead of getting a double bacon cheeseburger, large fries, soda, and a milkshake. Next time you've got nothing to do, instead of watching TV and eating an entire bag of potato chips with sour cream dip, and chasing it with beer, go for a 15 minute jog. That's literally the only exercising I did to lose weight. I jogged for 15 minutes a day, 5 days a week, and just didn't eat so god damn much, and in less than 4 months, I lost 40 pounds.

>> No.3916216

Your body is telling you to eat large amounts of food and you feel extremely unwell if you don't. That's not as much a "choice" as it is a hormonal issue. Add that to being born into the toxic food culture of America and you're pretty much fucked unless you're motivated enough to fight your body into losing that extra 100 lbs. I lost 80 and have maintained a normal weight for 3 years. It was HARD AS FUCK and I can understand perfectly why most fat people will never be able to do it.

>> No.3916217


You really ought to go try this thread out on /fit/ and /cgl/ and see the responses

>> No.3916222


Because there's not much meat on them.

I say we render fatties down into candles

>> No.3916350
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>intend to lose more weight

no dude, its time to lift and add on the muscle mass. unless youre a manlet, you'll look emaciated if you drop any more pounds

>> No.3916364

We don't discriminate - it's just ridiculously unsafe to let you do things which normal people can do.

Stop eating shit

>> No.3916365

>non-crackheads, time to get your privilege checked

>Everyday as an straightedge person …

>I can be sure that people aren’t embarrassed to be seen with me because of the condition of my body.

>If I pick up a magazine or watch T.V. I will see bodies that look like mine that aren’t being lampooned, desexualized, or used to signify laziness, ignorance, or lack of self-control.

>I do not have to be afraid that when I talk to my friends or family they will mention the drug habits in a critical manner, or suggest unsolicited recovery products and programs.

>I will not be accused of being emotionally troubled or in psychological denial because of the state of my body.

>I can be sure that when I go to a class, or movie, or restaurant that I will find a place to sit in which I am relatively comfortable.

>I will never have to sit quietly and listen while other people talk about the ways in which they avoid being in my condition.


>> No.3916369

Someone has lowered the bar again.

So, who's watched the South Park episode this week?

>> No.3916371

>Shouldn't we look down on drug users then?

I don't know where you live but we do.

>> No.3916376

and when you say manlet it would have to be real manlet, like 5'5. Not /fit/ manlet which is anything less than 6'

>> No.3916377

Depends on the drugs they're using. If they're killing themselves and inconveniencing others in the process then yes. If it's something harmless like recreational marijuana usage in private then I don't see why it's even anyone else's business.

>> No.3916384

You're 5'11, aren't you?

>> No.3916395


pick one OP, pick one...

>> No.3916401 [DELETED] 

get some $ to spend on dunkin donuts, hurry up fags

>> No.3916402 [DELETED] 


>> No.3916414

i am currently trying to sue the government for limiting my calories to a "normal persons" and making me deathly anorexic looking

>> No.3916416

Well, I can say that being fat is avoidable. It is an unhealthy lifestyle choice and it does cost other people money by the overweight having more health problems and causing insurance rates for all to go up. Smokers do the same thing, as do drug addicts and alcoholics. That being said, it IS difficult to lose weight. Having the whole world against you doesn't help. I had a bad couple of years with illness and sever depression, I tried to eat myself happy and when that didn't work I tried to kill myself with food. I had something happen in my life that changed my outlook, and I decided that I didn't want to be a fucking tub-o anymore. So I got on track and stopped ALL junk food and started to exercise. I have worked really hard to lose a good amount of weight (78 lbs and counting) and I am still fat. I have hit some sort of standstill in my weightloss journey that I have to figure out how to combat, otherwise known as a plateau, and I find it incredibly discouraging to hear the amount of violent hate and animosity toward the fatties. I am struggling already, as I am sure other people are too, to finally get to a healthy and more physically pleasing weight. I can understand hating the people that fight for "fat acceptance", but why not encourage the hamplanets that are really trying instead of taunting them to the point of them giving up?

>> No.3916424

the government can be such a peice of shit sometimes. instead of inspecting lunches and making sure a skinny fit 5'9 130 pound kid eats the same amount of calories as an anorexic twig 70 pound 4 foot 9 inch twig girl. maybe the government should make the kids have exercise. but nah then that would bust the governments scam and might show that an 8 hour school day could actually be condensed into 2 hours or less if the teachers wouldnt take forever to teach

>> No.3916429

This thread is prima facie evidence that legislation needs to be enacted to protect the plus size members of society.
You are the worst bigots I've ever had the displeasure to acquaint myself with and should be embarrassed.

>> No.3916432

>people do not get to choose their natural body weight

u so silly, uhhmericans

I loved the last South Park episode, by the way. Where is your sense of shame, people? Where is your self-control? Why is it so bad to admit your appetite is out of control and maybe you should just eat less? Why is it so hard to understand that if you just start eating a little less, you get used to it?

>> No.3916441

Because we don't have to. But enjoy your newspaper salad, poorfag.

>> No.3916442

im going to change my life and eat healthy today and have a bunch of low calorie veggies. its still healthy pouring a pound of cheese on the veggies and adding a stick of butter to them right?

>> No.3916445

They are fat so that we can instantly know who to stay away from. Let them get fat and die off, hopefully before they breed. The only good they do is spending money.

>> No.3916461

>newspaper salad
>/ck/ - cooking

I know this is trolling. Still, it's ridiculous - I've never denied myself anything and I'm 123 lbs. I eat an occasional McD's burger when I feel like it. I'll just never wrap my head around eating past the point of feeling satisfied. How could you guzzle down sodas and boxed meals everyday, can't you feel that fake, manufactured, flat taste? It's like your disabling your own taste buds. I shrug at the taste of fries but I get an imaginary boner thinking about fresh cherry tomatoes, chickpea, mango etc. The foods that are best for you always taste the greatest, I never understand people who say they're 'boring' or 'taste awful'.

>> No.3916467

Used to be chubby guy here.

It's not like you snap your fingers and then you don't have craves, everyone isn't offering things, there are no temptations, and the weight instantly drops. It sucks to diet and get into shape, if it was as simple as snapping your fingers, alot of people would be snapping their fingers.

Fat is flavor, no one can deny that. You body wants fat, so fatty things taste the best. Just the same why salt tastes good and sweet tastes good.

>> No.3916469


Of course there are temptations, but there are temptations all over the place. You might see something you want in a store, but you don't go and steal it. You might see an attractive woman walking around, but you don't go and rape her. You might have a "worst enemy" but you don't go and murder him. You might want to say "fuck work", and sleep in one morning--but you go to work anyway. Likewise just because you crave an unhealthy meal doesn't mean you should give in and eat it.

>> No.3916478

Cool, those things taste good but it doesn't immediately equal having to gorge yourself on that shit. It's as if moderation became a forgotten word these days. People just can't say 'no' to themselves because everything is handed to them so easily, everything is so easily accessible.

Everyone has cravings dude, but if you don't give into it it goes away and you move on with your life. It really IS simple, but people are always bitching, believing misconceptions and having excuses, making it into something more difficult than it is. Eat less/eat things less caloric/eat smarter = weight loss. I know several people who used to be fat/chubs, who also confirmed it's easier than they thought after all, it seemed much harder before when they were trying. You don't have to slave away in the gym and eat only salad all day to have a normal weight. inb4 hurr durr thyroid problems and diseases, I'm not talking about the small percentage of people who have them. Also lol 'diet', I hope you mean just the sum of food consumed by a person, not 'I'm going to eat this and that for some time and hope it sticks!!!!'.

>> No.3916487

The rest of you having to pay for my obese ass is hardly payment enough for all of the abuse I have been a victim too. So I'll keep getting fatter and you'll keep paying more.

>> No.3916498

I was chubs as a child. Merciless ridicule at the hands of my parents cured me of my fatness.

That's how Asians stay slim. Nonstop shaming. Tough love, man.

>> No.3916526


>equating eating food to serial rape

>> No.3916537

no more like cereal rape

>> No.3916558

Who is stealing the food? Who said anything about breaking a law? None of this matches up to what I'm talking about.

Look at smokers.
Look at alcoholics.
Look at gamblers.
Look at compulsive shoppers.
Look at serious hobbyists.
Tell them not to give in to it and it will go away, I'm sure it's as easy for them as snapping your fingers to ignore it.

You're clearly lying about "I know people", because it's not snap your fingers easy as you want to make it. If it so "Oh that was simple", why is obesity so hard to kick for so many. Good luck if you think eating a bit less and not working out is going to get you anywhere near a normal weight anytime soon.

>> No.3916575


You misunderstand.

My point is that all day every day people face temptations, but we RESIST them. You might want something at a store, but just because you want it doesn't mean you're going to steal it. You resist the temptation to steal because you know you shouldn't do it. Likewise you might want to slack off from work, but you resist the temptation because you know it's only going to get you fired. Likewise a person should be able to resist stuffing their face because they know there is consequences to do doing so. My point is that people resist their base impulses every day--we don't steal objects we want. We don't rape people we find sexually desirable. We don't dodge our responsibilities. Likewise it should be no big deal to resist the temptation to stuff one's face.

>> No.3916582


>thinks there need to be four-foot-wide movie theater seats for people who can barely walk into the theater

>> No.3916593

It still stands. Who said anything about breaking a law. I don't go to a store, see a shirt I like and instantly say "I like this shirt, I WANT TO LEGIT STEAL IT." I don't walk by a beautiful woman and go "She's hot, I WANT TO RAPE HER." If you're thinking like this, you might want to seek some help.

I don't see a connection with going to work and wanting a sandwich. Work is something you do to get money. Eating is something you're body wants to do if you want to or not, you have no choice if you want to live.

>> No.3916600


>Eating is something you're body wants to do if you want to or not, you have no choice if you want to live.

Being fat is specifically caused by eating more than you need to live. That's what fat is. Way too many fucking calories.

>> No.3916602

>serial hobbyists

Because, as you pointed out by comparing it to smoking/drinking etc., it's an 'addiction' made easy by the accessibility and acceptability of your 'drug of choice'. You won't kick it until you work on yourself and your control of your own choices and cravings. When you can stop giving into cravings it starts being easy, but to do that you have to admit to yourself that you have a problem you could work on (the inability to resist temptation, the childlike entitlement to a shitload of food). Anyway I wouldn't say most people are addicts to food in the truest sense just like alcoholics, that's only some portion of them - most are just in denial and can't comprehend that they're eating more than they should. Saying that fat people are just like alcoholics is, again, making excuses for getting off their ass and eating less. Put down the burger, done. You won't get food deprivation symptoms, it's not food detox. It's not as hard as you're making it to be, just own up to it.

You've never met anyone who stopped smoking by going cold turkey? Jesus, my father did this after more than 20 years of doing it, was majorly pissed off for some time but got over it. He says he has cravings sometimes but just ignores them. One of my best friends was chubby since she was a kid, kept saying she "tried everything" (but then consumed a big bag of chips errryday) - she got to uni, finally admitted to her bullshit, got smarter, dropped junk food/ate less and she's been slim for three years now no problem. You know those programs where they follow someone fat, note what he eats and then show it all to him in a big reveal? Usually the fat person is SHOCKED and doesn't believe he ate this much, is in denial - that's the problem. Afterwards cutting food is easy because they get over the lies.

>> No.3916616

Stop being dramatic, you know what he meant. You're focusing on the crime aspect as if that was his point. His point was that daily you think about doing stuff but you ignore it, like the shirt thing - you might like some shirt in a store, but you won't steal it (because that's wrong) or buy it (because you'd prefer to spend cash on something better, etc.), or try it on immediately, you can go your merry way. You can resist getting it, even if you like it. Same with food - you see a donut, you like the taste of donuts but that doesn't mean you have to get your grubby paws on them, you can resist the temptation without withering away.

>Eating is something you're body wants to do if you want to or not, you have no choice if you want to live.

If your body tells you YES EAT THOSE THREE GIGANTIC BURGERS WITH TWO LITERS OF SODA, OVEREAT YUM, you might be the one who might want to seek some help. Your body tells you to eat to sustain yourself, not to develop unnecessary fat rolls. You won't fucking die if you eat something small or shockingly, ignore it. Fucking fatties with their being dramatic.

>> No.3916646

I didn't say anything about bad eating and healthy eating, I said eating. You can read, right?

Saying alcoholics are addicts is just making excuses for them not closing the bottle then. I guess once they admit they are alcoholics, and just simply stop wanting to drink, it will be easy to avoid and they will instantly stop drinking then. Put the bottle down. You won't get alcohol deprivation symptoms. It's not as hard as they make it out to be, just own up.

I've doubt you've actually met someone that has a food problem or is very overweight, because it's not "I'm fat and I just ignore it." They know their fat, they know its the food, you aren't shining new light on it.

You should write to scientific journals and tell them you've found the smoking gun to the obesity problem, It's just everyone is pretending not to be fat, and that if they own up to being fat, JUST get over the cravings, and they will have no problem and will be at a normal weight.

>> No.3916650

Not the anon you're arguing with, but quitting cold turkey from smoking isn't that common of a feat. Your dad did it, that doesn't mean everyone can. You're acting as if there is an overall universal way of fixing everything for every person. If this person can do it, then everyone can. But that's fucking wrong. Every person is different physically and mentally. Not everyone has the mental fortitude to do something like your father did. A majority of the population can't and that's why there's quitting products, twelve step programs. Also
> serial hobbyists
If you call alcoholism a hobby, you're a fucked up person. That is an illness. A hobby is something like video games or sewing.

>> No.3916663

Dramatic? He clearly said stealing and raping, I'm not putting words in his mouth.

He said you ignore the want to steal, meaning you think you want to steal it, that thought is present, and you ignore it then. Not, "I already morally know stealing is wrong so I don't even think about it."

You mean when you see the donut your thought process isn't instantly "I like donuts, I want to steal the donut"?! (lolololol)

You didn't see my recent reply, so I'll re-write it here: "I didn't say anything about bad eating and healthy eating, I said eating."

So you're body tells you "Go out and find some carrots and eat that"? No, it says "You're hungry, you need food, eat." From there, you see some pizza or a salad, both the same amount in size it takes up in your stomach. Knowing that fact, I hope you agree that the pizza is higher calorie then the salad (still taking up the same space in the stomach). You're body wants the fatty tasty thing over the salad because your body is tuned to wanting that fatty tasty carb item. It's not that complex to understand, I don't know why you guys want to ignore the fact that your body prefers the fatty, salty, sweet carb items over lettuce.

>> No.3916665

Naw man, you misunderstand - I mentioned my father because the fatty implied that it's not possible to just "snap your fingers and do it" (in other words, cold turkey).

That went over your head, goddamn. You know that I wrote "you won't get food deprivation symptoms" et al because it isn't a thing and you actually GET alcohol deprivation symptoms, and that's why you shouldn't really compare alcoholism to being a fatty - I was mocking you.

Also, I didn't write that they ignore that they're fat or they don't realize it - I wrote that they don't realize how much food they ACTUALLY consume, hence the mentioning of those TV programs. They're delusional of what's really wrong with their diets because it's normalized in their heads. They think they're making an effort or 'trying', when in reality they're consuming 3x what a person their height should, but it just doesn't seem to them that they're eating THAT much. They know they're eating more than they should but they don't realize HOW much more.

>> No.3916668

Just to clarify, when I originally said "serial hobbyists", I meant people who collect to an extremely, like someone who might be crazy about birds so they buy anything they see with birds on it. Even things like serious video gamers or serious movie collectors.

>> No.3916671


I didn't say anything about bad eating or healthy eating either.

It doesn't matter what you eat. Just don't eat twice as much of it as you actually need.

No wonder you're fat. You're too stupid to understand something as simple as calorie intake.

>> No.3916672


>> No.3916680

Stop arguing semantics for fuck's sake. You're focusing too much on the goddamn examples instead of the point.

Your body prefers something so it's a goddess who should be worshipped? Why are you slaving so much to what ~your body~ wants, you're not an animal, you're capable of conscious thinking. Just take the goddamn salad and problem solved. That's your problem - you're thinking like a bratty child, "mommy body wants fatty foods, stomp stomp". Ignore what your precious body 'wants'. I half suspect this is again a goddamn excuse and it's really you justifying to yourself why you'd stuff yourself with fatty foods all the time, that it's not you, it's what MAH BADY wanted, you needed to appease it! I don't know, I never get those mystic "I'm hungry so OF COURSE I need to eat something unhealthy!" feelings, maybe only when I'm high as a kite. Also lol at implying that salads can't be tasty apparently? To be honest, my ~body~ prefers salads so don't generalize so much. Fresh lettuce is amazing.

>> No.3916681

You getting mad? "Fatty". Oh boy, here comes the baby slinging some playground sand. Your father was lucky. Most can't just cold quit.

Once again, you are wrong. People who have been consuming high fat/high sugar diets feel a withdrawal. It's usually strong headaches, cramps, and generally overall feeling like shit. P.S. I don't know if you notice, but it was me mocking you.

Yeah, they must assume that they are still fat because of the air, right? No. They know food makes you fat. There really isn't any other way to cut it like you are trying to do. I don't think anyone says "Well, my body just generates fat from thin air."

>> No.3916683

9/10 times its a own persons fault they are a fat ass through poor diet and lack of exorcise. then they have the balls to demand special treatment for being said fat ass. god bless america

>> No.3916684

So you're getting hung up on the thought process? It doesn't matter. It's irrelevant.

All human beings have basic desires: eat food, sleep, acquire wealth, sex, etc, etc. They're basic human wants and needs. But we learn to control them just the same.

It doesn't matter if you say "I want to steal that, but it's wrong" versus "I already know stealing is morally wrong so I'm not even going to think about it" The conclusion is the same in either case: You have a raw desire, but you resist that desire and don't act upon it. How and why is irrelevant. The point is that you don't steal. You don't act upon that basic impulse. If we humans can resist the drive for wealth, sex, laziness, etc, etc, then likewise we can resist the urge to stuff our faces to excess.

You might say, "gosh, that triple cheeseburger meal looks great, but logically I know that I've already eaten enough for the day so I won't eat it", or you might think "that food is unhealthy so I will eat a salad instead". What logic you happen to use to arrive at that conclusion doesn't matter--in the end you still make the appropriate decision.

>> No.3916688


Fuck you. Quitting is not luck. It's willpower. MAN THE FUCK UP.

>> No.3916693

>feel a withdrawal
>potentially life-threatening, seizure and delirium inducing like alcohol withdrawal in alcoholics?
Nope, get over 'feeling like shit bawww' you big baby.

>> No.3916706

You imply bad eating to what I said. Once again, here comes another baby throwing playground sand because they are looking bad.

More compulsive buyers I would say. I wouldn't say hoarding is a hobby.

You're a bullshitter. You're body doesn't prefer salads. That's like saying "My body prefers that I walk on my hands and knees, when my legs work fine." Sure, you can move around on your hands and knees, but your body wants you to walk upright.

So everyone, don't eat any kind of fat, salt, and sugar that your body needs and wants. When you are thirsty, don't drink because your body want to. What are you a baby? Don't you have any conscious thinking? Are you a bratty child?!

>> No.3916709


Man, do you even English?

>> No.3916712


>don't eat any kind of fat, salt, and sugar that your body needs and wants.

>When you are thirsty, don't drink because your body want to.

There's a difference between 'not eating what your body needs' and 'eating three times what a human your height needs to survive'. You need to learn that difference. You might lose some weight if you did.

>> No.3916716

They know food makes them fat. They just don't realize how much food they're actually consuming as it's normalized in their head and seems less, so they know they're eating too much but they don't realize how much. Do you understand what I'm saying now, after the third post about it? I wish I had a link to that study because I think it has actually been proved how fat people's perception of their consumed food is skewed as fuck.

Right now I can find only stuff like this:
>how even average sized people over report how much they ate fruit etc., and under report how much fats, oils and sweets they are - think how more skewed the reality must be of fat people

>> No.3916722

You said (or he, I don't know who I'm talking to) said nothing was going to happen and you'd feel fine. And you wouldn't.

Get those demons out! THE POWER OF CHRIST!

I didn't mean luck like lottery luck.

I'm not getting hung up, I'm saying the feeling of wanting to steal is shirt isn't the same as your body being hungry and wanting fatty/salty/sugary foods. You don't have to have the shirt, but you need to eat. From needing to eat comes cravings and the body wants/needs.

>> No.3916730

Is that what you'd tell a compulsive gambler?

>> No.3916734


No, I'd tell them that they're a slave to their compulsions and can never do anything to change it. They're doomed to waste their paycheck at a slot machine for the remainder of their natural life.


>> No.3916736

Yes, -I- prefer salads because I am not only a moving glob called a 'body'. I love salads so I eat them. Believe me, my body doesn't want to eat something full of bad fats, my body would want healthy omega fatty acids if it had a voice, thank you very much. I prefer eating something that makes me feel light and fresh afterwards. I apply rational thought in my life so I don't just grab every shit I see like an animal. You really might want to seek help if you internally only scream for bad food and bad food only when you're hungry, if you can't fucking satisfy your hunger with something normal. I had a craving for a cherry tomato today, imagine that.

>So everyone, don't eat any kind of fat, salt, and sugar that your body needs and wants. When you are thirsty, don't drink because your body want to.

Where the fuck did you pull that thing from, I don't know. Who said you should never eat fats/salt/sugar? You need that to survive but you don't need fucking tons of it, retard. Moderation. You need to be light on that shit so no "PIZZA WEEK!!!!" but a balanced meal. You can get fat even from nuts, salt from olives, sugar from bananas. When you're thirsty, drink a shitload of WATER instead of soda.

>> No.3916737

You don't.

I've lost the weight a while back. Just because I'm telling the truth doesn't mean you need to start getting mad.

I can't imagine people think that the cheeseburger are the same calories as the same weight in carrots.

People don't want to report the truth because they are embarrassed. If someone has a 6 inch penis and the doctor just flat out asked how long it is, he might be inclined to say 6.5 or 7 inches.
I've got to go out, but if this thread is alive later I'll reply to whatever everyone wants.

>> No.3916743

Oh the irony.

You're bullshitting about the salad. I hope you didn't give into that cherry tomato, that would be doing what your body wants.

Well, your body doesn't prefer it so you wouldn't eat fats/sugar/salts. Because you are a mature person who doesn't grab everything, right?

Being thirsty is what your body wants. Don't give in, as you would say.

>> No.3916750

It doesn't work. This is a typically American response to something that isn't their business to begin with. I mean there are entire industries that exist just for people who know better for others, but that's not the point here if you're trying to change someone's behavior. In fact, it only becomes the point when you're trying to give the appearance of expertise or "worldly advice" aka give the appearance of concern while simultaneously passing judgement (this is a way of self-validation, you aren't doing it out of altruism. Dispute it all you like but that's the truth). It's a problem in someone else's life, not yours. No, don't piss and moan about insurance premiums like you actually care or can affect that.

There are plenty of people who are "addicted" to things and know it is detrimental to their health and lifestyle. They often torture themselves with the same reasoning, in fact. Nothing from the outside "works" beyond outright coercion. There are no jedi mind tricks, magic words or reliable formulas for curing addictions. The commands and delcarations for fat people to just bootstrap their way out of obesity are for YOUR sake, not theirs.

>> No.3916759

>being an overdramatic bitch again
shiggy diggy

When I'm craving for a nutrient, I go for the healthier, natural option like mother nature intended, instead of artificial shit dripping in fat that apparently is the obvious choice according to you. Or I just ignore the feeling if I know I already ate a lot that day and would be unnecessarily overeating. U so jelly of my self-control to the point that you have to twist my words repeatedly?

When you're craving for example for something sweet most of the time your body just needs a certain nutrient, always try to go for the healthy option instead of stuffing yourself with Oreos.

>> No.3916770
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I got fat when I went to college. Then I started working out and now I'm a lean, respectable human being.

Sucks that people prefer to just blame everyone but themselves for everything.

>> No.3916773

>Coffee and Tea on the bad side.
Beware of that 4 calorie cup of tea.

>> No.3916775

You got more then 70 pounds overweight in college?

>> No.3916778

Nah, it's not a 'bad side', it's more the 'the thing you need is hiding under this general thing'. Wouldn't say cool drinks are a bad thing, haha.

And nobody can insult tea in my presence, green-tea-no-sugar-master race reporting.

>> No.3916779

I lost 30lbs in my final year of Uni (all my excess weight) by eating nothing but:

+ Oatmeal, greek yoghurt, fruit all mixed together.
+ Meat/Eggs, lots of vegetables stir fried
+ Fruit whenever I wanted.

I just ate till I was full and ate again when I was hungry. No exercise or anything. It doesn't seem to be how much you eat, but what you eat.

All the obese people I know eat junk food/fastfood/cheap filler crap.

>> No.3916784

30 pounds overweight isn't really seriously overweight.

>> No.3916785

Yes. I was in pre-med, then med. and it was stressful as hell. I'm a stress eater, or I used to be. not anymore

I never make fun of fat doctors any more because watching people bleed out and gurgle their own organs is traumatic as fuck.

>> No.3916789

True, but I did it in 6-7 months with alcohol.

You just have to stick to it for a few years I guess?

But I do think the approach of choosing a few healthy meals and repeating them is the way to go.

>> No.3916807

You cannot choose race
You cannot choose height

You can choose to eat like a pig and not exercise.

>> No.3916864

What, and you think that means you won? No sir, they won, they got exactly what they wanted. They wanted to prove that they're better than you, more morally responsible, and they got exactly what they wanted.

>> No.3916871


No, it means he fucked us over out of spite.

>> No.3916880

The whole "I will take my anger out on mankind because of some people" is kind of, you know... just sad, really. And stupidly flawed besides.

>> No.3916895

Well, I called it (>>3914689).

>> No.3916947
File: 5 KB, 220x146, Manwholookslikeathumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, we can all agree that fatties are fat, right? This means they take up more space than average people. So, when I get on the train, or am trying to get through a doorway or an aisle or something, they make me move more slowly.
Also, fat people use more resources by breaking chairs, flushing toilets multiple times, and throwing away thousands of fast-food wrappers.
How about a fat tax?

>> No.3916952

Fat people already eat more food, they already pay a tax in effect.

>> No.3916976

Every Time i see a morbidly obese person ( im not talking pudgy or chunky im talking about the fucking whales) I pray for the day that every person is required to serve a few years in the military and everyone has to go through bootcamp. Maybe then you fat ass code red drinking twinky loving motherfuckers will get alittle more respect for life and quit making us look bad to the rest of the world.

>> No.3917006

hey so im a tubby and want to loose weight by eating healthy and adding vegetables to my diet... eating a side of candied yams covered in a stick of butter and a pound of sugar in addition to my normal 80,000 calorie diet will be ok right?

>> No.3917014

i am a lard butt but i exercise every day what am i doing wrong? my exercise consists of my lifting my 2 ton arm up 5000 times a day to put food in my mouth... what am i doing wrong

>> No.3917025

Cardio bromigo... Cardio... you must run.

>> No.3917026

hello i have a ten ton booty but i eat healthy. i tried eating a bunch of fruit but i just gained more weight and all i had extra i with my fruit 10 times a day was just a small tiny 1 gallon carton of ice cream and not even half a can of whipped cream with every bowl of fruit. people lie when they say fruit is healthy

>> No.3917044


There is a huge difference between a thin-framed (talking about bones here), moderately muscled person's natural weight, and the natural weight of someone who is broad-framed, and has above-average muscle mass.

I am 6'2'', weigh 200 pounds, have a 44-inch chest, and have average body fat. I would guess you are just of a completely different build.

>> No.3917052

The difference is that weight is something that everyone can gain or lose through exercise and discipline.

>> No.3917060

but the weight of the 80 gallons of fat in my calfs would snap my ankles if i tried to run. besides i already do cardio!!! i do it by stirring extra fast when i am making kool aid with 10 extra cups of sugar. you think its easy to desolve that much sugar in a half gallon of water? try it and tell me that dosnt count as cardio!!!!

>> No.3917080

Because fat people are lazy and a burden to society. They are also disgusting in several ways to regular human beings.

>> No.3917081

So are blacks, but they get special treatment.

>> No.3917084

Is that your argument to give some special treatment to fatasses?

>> No.3917087

Why not? Why not see how worthless of a society we can become? We are well on our way already if you hadn't noticed.

>> No.3917094

Im glad I dont live in the States. Its filled with insanity. These discussions are not even taking place where I live, nor do I see this type of stupidity to take place in any possible future.

>> No.3917096

i used to not have time to exercise because my daily 15 mile bicyle ride to work and i was a skinny 187 pound person. now the place i live sucks because all the stop signs make it impossible to get my heart rate up and now if i eat to much food i gain weight instead of losing weight. city life sucks

>> No.3917165


Which is grosser: fats or blacks?

I gotta say fats are disgusting, whilst blacks are merely irksome. Hence, blacks get special treatment.

>inb4 fat blacks

>> No.3917205

somebody watched south park this week huh

>> No.3917227

The government needs to equally redistribute bodyfat percentages.

>> No.3917267
File: 1.09 MB, 1332x2029, jd33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you need a wheel to help you (like the League of Fatties in the Judge Dredd comics), you should be persecuted and discriminated against.