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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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3910821 No.3910821[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey /ck/ i'm curious to know what your state/country's food choice is.

I'll start, I live in MD and we're all about crabs, stuffed ham, and green beans.

>> No.3910828


I guess it depends, since the "state" varies largely by how far north you are.

In South Florida, Latin food. A decade ago I'd say Cuban, but nowadays...

North Florida? Fuck, the panhandle is pretty much Alabama. I guess BBQ?

>> No.3910831

nevada, our food of choice is the tears of tourists losing their money

>> No.3910846

MS here, everything is fried and served with a huge cup of swate tayyyyyyyy with way too much fucking sugar. It's pig disgusting.

>> No.3910847
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Wisconsin. Yes, they really eat these here. Brats, cheese, washed down with beer. And fish on Friday.

>> No.3910864

I was in wisconsin the other day, I had a brat there just to say I did it. No where near bucket age, but one more bucket list item crossed off the list!

>> No.3910900

Upstate New York.

Depends on the weather, most people seem to like barbecue and grill, cookout fare. I'm in a more rural area, though, so it could be that.

>> No.3910904
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I live in Montreal, in Canada. We love poutine. Our blood is actually gravy.

>> No.3910906

You guys should export your cheeses to other states more so the rest of us won't have such a bad cheese rep.

>> No.3910975
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Cincinnati (southwest Ohio) here, we love brats and mets.

We also love Cincinnati style chili (pictured, tastes different, on spaghetti, cheese, onions, beans are optional), coneys (chilidog with cincinnati chili) and Goetta.

>> No.3910981


Could explain the palpitations I've been having since my last heroin overdose.

That was some strong Thai shit. I got up to go puke and I woke up in the bathtub with a trickle of water running from the faucet some hours later.

Sadly I got scared and dumped it but DAYUM!

>> No.3910983
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Here's some delicious Goetta.

>> No.3911009

>jimmy dean's

>> No.3911019
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Prairie oysters

>They're bull testicles

And no, I don't think anybody actually eats these.

...maybe way up north, but they're weird.

>> No.3912405

there is something about skyline that I cannot eat their chili.
I'm not sure how to fully explain it.
I take a few bites then it's like my body is forcing itself to keep me from eating it anymore.

Goldstar just fine though.

>> No.3912417


You can buy bison in grocery stores so I'm going to go with that. Nothing else comes to mind.

>> No.3912425

Okay, I just have to ask. This is a serious question, not trying to be a dick or anything:
Do people in Ohio (or Northern states in general) use cinnamon in their chili? I've heard that from someone who lives northward, but that might be just how he eats it.
I've just always wanted to know, and I never thought to ask /ck/ until now.

>> No.3912433
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I.. uhh.. I don't know, actually. Salmon maybe? Region I live in is known for wine though.

>> No.3912434

indiana here, we like corn, and uh, corn

>> No.3912440

>New Hampshire.

Um Clam chowder I guess. what do you guys think /ck/

>> No.3912443


>> No.3912446

Ottawa, Ontario

I think I can claim the Beaver Tail. Deep fried pastry of sorts, like a big flat doughnut with no hole. The top is covered with usually sweet toppings like brown sugar, maple butter, cinnamon, jam, etc.

Terrible for you, I'm sure, but delicious. At least they're not as big as a cinnabon.

>> No.3912453

Oh... well, that was refreshingly straightforward. I'll have to try it, I suppose. Thanks!

>> No.3912461

well unfortunately my state doesnt have a state recognized food (WY) which leads me to believe that our food is actually beer and whiskey.


>> No.3912463

this is me.>>3912461
i used to think this too, but im not sure anymore.

>> No.3912470

originally from Utah so maybe green jello and fry sauce? I can't remember ever eating that shit though Utah has some damn good Micro Breweries, passing sushi and amazing indian food. If you really want weird regional shit I'd say it's known for it's Honey, Raspberries in the northern part of the state, Pastrami Burgers and Aggie blue mint ice cream.

>> No.3912482

Jacksonville here.
It's pretty much just stoner food here. BBQ takes too much effort.
Unless you live in the ritzy parts, then it's all pretentious as fuck FOAMANDBEETZ shit.

>> No.3912487

I.. I have to ask..
Is there semen in those things?

>> No.3912504


Pastrami Burgers and fry sauce are some of the best things to happen to food. Whenever I am in SLC, I make it a point to go to Crown Burger.

>> No.3912525

What a stupid question.

There will be sperm of varying degrees of maturity. Semen only forms at the exact moment of ejaculation. Semen is a very complex, intact possible the most complex the body makes. Look it up it's pretty interesting.
I've personally never had testicles before but I hear they are very good.

>> No.3912539


I feel sorry for you. Except up near the beaches, on Atlantic? Right before the Intracoastal Waterway, there's a sushi place that's super cheap and awesome. Go there.

>> No.3912540

I do miss crown burger a lot. There was some other place in salt lake that also had lamb burgers that is a local chain that isn't bad. I just could never get into fry sauce, probably because in middle school and high school out there kids would drown their fucking pizza in it at lunch.

>> No.3912621

missouri i guess pork steaks i don't know

>> No.3912627

South Louisiana.

-fried boudin balls
-gator sausage
-shrimp Creole
-red beans

...typically what you would expect

>> No.3912647


mah nigga

>> No.3912672

Mah nigga. Glad I'm going back down there in a year.

>> No.3912681

>anything organic, free range, or mexican

>> No.3912682

SLC confirmed for nom tier burgers and microbrew. Go to Crown for that sloppy tasty Pastrami Burger, wash it down with some Epic Spiral Jetty. also try Salt City Burger in Bountiful or Sandy for dat hnnnng Smokehouse Bacon Bleu. Wash that bad boy down with a Wasatch Polygamy Porter. Utah loves da burgers and beers. As far as 'regional' fare goes, most Mormon housewives work their recipies around food storage, so expect a lot of rib-stickin' entrees that are a combination of things that come out of jars, cans, and boxes (Tuna noodle casserole, for example). Fry sauce is like our Balut, in the sense that folks from elsewhere are like "Mayo and Ketchup? Gross." Yet I've personally seen locals pull forward in a drive-through and go park to wait for the kid in the back of the joint to finish making the latest batch of fry-sauce because 'tastes better fresh'. Also, jello, jello, everywhere. even smelling jello, part of me begins idly wondering what ward I live in just in case someone asks.

>> No.3912697

Hey Maryland, Delaware here.

Scrapple and Blue Crabs.

>> No.3912720

Same for Oregon

>> No.3912766

Pensacola here.

Yes, we're a bunch of rednecks.

If you don't mix grits, bacon and runny eggs into some kind of stew for breakfast you're like a monster down here

If you don't have some kind of greens and ice tea for lunch you're like some fucking retard down here

>> No.3912885


Fava beans <3

>> No.3912907

Rhode Island.

Stuffed quahogs. You take a tough as hell, fist size clam, shuck and sautee it with enough chorizo, butter, and garlic so you can't taste the clam part, fold in cracker crumbs and pack it back into the shell.

We sometimes refer to it as "meatloaf in an ashtray"

>> No.3912920

>meatloaf in an ashtray

that made me laugh way more than it should have

>> No.3912927
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Southern california, California burrito, carne asada fries/chips fish tacos

>> No.3912951

Another marylander here, gotta love that fried lake trout.

>> No.3912962

>Vancouver, BC, Canada
Wild sockeye salmon is the standard-bearer here.

Japanese food here is the best in North America. Not just the sushi, you can also get izakaya, sukiyaki, okonomiyaki, takoyaki, etc in restaurants.

>> No.3912975
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Cheesesteaks, roast pork sandwiches w/ broccoli rabe and sharp provolone, pretzels, hoagies (with olive oil), stromboli, scrapple, Schmitters. Pic related, Termini's cannolis, best ever of all time.

>> No.3912983
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North Carolina here. Take a wild guess.

On the less fatty side, our state fruit is the scuppernong grape, and the state vegetable is the sweet potato (we're the leading producer apparently), so I guess those count too.

>> No.3912990
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Michigan reporting in.

>> No.3913002

Gross. I hate cannoli. I especially dislike Termini's cannoli. Have you ever noticed that their store sign at the original location is a fucking gun?

>> No.3913007
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-"ričet" (a rich barley soup)
-"jota" (a rich soup with beans, sauerkraut, potatos and bacon)
-"kranjska klobasa" (sausages, usually served with Sauerkraut)
-"potica" (a rolled pastry with nut filling)
-"gibanica" (a layered pastry with poppy seeds and cottage cheese)
-"ajdovi žganci" (similar to polenta but with buckwheat instead of corn flour, served with pork cracklings)

>> No.3913010
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You gotta get em fresh my man, they go bad real real fast. Eat em right at the counter, you need that shit in your life ma brotha. Also, make sure it's the cheese kind, I can't cosign the others.

>> No.3913017
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I'm originally from Italy and I hate them back home, too. I just don't like'em. Just not for me. Too sweet, like most of our desserts. I like our prepackaged, mass-produced snack cakes over every single one of our bakery-made by an actual person desserts (except chiocciola and zeppole napoletane; fuck yeah).
Pic related: one of my favourites.

>> No.3913025

Arkansas reporting for duty.

fried catfish
chicken fried steak
fried pies
fried everything
black-eyed peas
collard greens
pimento cheese sandwiches
barbecue (world champions)
dairy bars
"greek" food
Velveeta + Rotel

>> No.3913032

The cheese kind ain't even that sweet though, its just cheesy (I guess). The texture is christlike, especially when they're fresh cuz they got the crunch. I wish I could just sit there and eat like ten of em.

>> No.3913033

Oh, and Petit Jean ham.

>> No.3913037
File: 338 KB, 680x1024, chiocciola 6318187061_21a95720d4_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, you go get'em, then! I wish someplace in Philadelphia sold chiocciola, but they don't. It's the only bakery-made Italian cake I like. It makes me miss home.
Pic related: it's chiocciola.

>> No.3913043

Also, do you have an opinion on Marchiano's in Manayunk?

>> No.3913045

Washington state is known for excellent seafood, beer, wine and mushrooms. Im sure im leaving out a lot, but if you love seafood and beer, Seattle is a good place to be.

>> No.3913090
File: 121 KB, 1600x1200, chiocciola 04 febbraio 2010 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never been to Marchiano's, sorry.
As for description, it depends: the basic dough is sweet brioche, flattened, topped, rolled up into a long snake, then the snake itself rolled up into a snail shell shape, but after that, it's all fair game.
The one I have picture is layered with Neapolitan cream (similar to créme anglaise, but with far less milk: it's bright yellow in colour) and thinly sliced apples.
I s'pose you can say it's the meeting point between a jelly or cinnamon roll, potica and streudel. It's my absolute favourite cake.

>> No.3913092

Oh, and pine nuts. Can't forget the pine nuts.
Often, the cream is lemon-flavoured, which I prefer (I think it goes /very/ well with apples), but vanilla is most common.

>> No.3913094

From MD as well, tiny Rib Shacks that serve the best Ice Cream and Collard Greens I've ever had (Southern MD)

>> No.3913281
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Don't get me wrong. Many of the butchers here have god-tier brats, which is itself a god-tier sausage. But Jesus they eat a buttload of them.

Excellent idea. I'll broach it with the local Agro Dept guy. Maybe they'll form up some sort of council to promote the idea. I do know our cows deserve more recognition. Those "happy California cows" you keep hearing about? They're happy CAUSE THEY AIN'T FUCKIN' WORKIN' HARD ENOUGH!

Captcha: "The milkypr"

>> No.3913295

wtf? St. Louis style pizza on one end and KC bbq at the other? do you live in fucking columbia or something?

>> No.3913308

Not all chili, just the stuff meant for putting with other stuff. (4-ways, coneys)

>> No.3913315

West Lothian, Scotland
Beans on toast, stovies, or down to the chippie everynight

>> No.3913579

Hm... I've done stranger things, so maybe when I hit up the grocery store next time, I could try my some cinnamon-touched chili coneys.

I also realized I never put down my state food.
Officially speaking, Texas is known for chili con carne. But it really depends where in Texas you are. San Antonio (where I'm at) is really just Tex-Mex City. And a factor in deciding a restaurant's quality is the salsa.
If there is anything in the food world that causes passionate arguments in Texas, it's chili and salsa.

>> No.3913581

>Live In Colorado
>Have no real definite food identity

>> No.3913583

> I could try my some cinnamon-touched chili coneys.
Clearly I had a derp.

>> No.3913587

I freaking love Cincinnati Chili.

North Carolina here, I don't really think there's a state food, but apparently if you don't like sweet tea that's supersaturated with sugar, you are a demon spawn.

>> No.3913894

Central Florida, visit North and South a lot.

Here : Fried foods cause nignogs. If not, then fried foods.

South: Latin and a lot of Indian as well.

North: Redneck shit. BBQ was right.

>> No.3913908

>North Carolina here, I don't really think there's a state food

>don't know about Carolina BBQ

>> No.3913912

I live in New Orleans. You need to be able to do a few things: make a good gumbo, make a good jambalaya, and make a crawfish boil. That's only the tip of the iceberg.

Come at me, uncultured brethren.

>> No.3913914
File: 37 KB, 660x371, beefstate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in Nebraska, and we're all about beef. Country fried steak, runzas, steak, hamburger steak, etc. Beef in many shapes and forms (such as even preferring beef hot dogs). And of course that comes with traditional sides like mashed potatoes and corn, oh! Can't forget the "side salad" that every side-of-the-road diner serves with iceberg lettuce, Club crackers, and Dorothy Lynch salad dressing.

>> No.3913946
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I live in southern California. We got mexicans, chinese, japanese, korean, vietnamese, whities and towel heads.
I can have the best (at least what I have been exposed to) type of food from almost any region within a 15 minute drive.

Pho Tai mother fucker!

>> No.3914002


I can't speak for other Ohioans, but I tend to put a touch of cinnamon in most of the beef-based chilis I make. I also use a little bit of cocoa powder. It adds a nice richness. It's just one of those things that you add in small increments until it suits your taste.

If I'm making a white chicken chili or something that has a different overall basis, I follow a different format to suit the flavors.

>> No.3914052
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Cali-4-nie-aaa i love me some sushi

>> No.3914494
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Minnesota. It's this or hotdish or Somali food.

>> No.3914497

>no Thai/Lao/Hmong food
I grew up down there in SEA, mang, and the best SEA food I've had was on a visit to Minnesota (also Lowell, Massachusetts). Close second? Philadelphia and Fort Worth.
Worst? California and New York, but neither of them think their's is shit, even though it is.

>> No.3914499
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Shoofly pie

>> No.3914509
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This is a trend that has its deep black heart in the center of Cincinnati. As your distance from Cincinnati increases, the rate at which this vile substance is prevalent exponentially decreases. Unfortunately I live in Columbus, and since there's so much of the stuff down south, it's not far enough away to get out of its grasp.

A long long time ago, some crazy Greek guy founded Skyline Chili. He said that's how they made it back home, completely with loads of cinnamon.

So the backwards weirdos from Cincinnati went nuts for it and a host of other places that had similar recipes opened, like Gold Star, etc.

Now here's the weird thing: you can't actually get a cup/bowl/handfull of chili at any of these places. It's strictly a condiment. (actually, skyline has recently started selling bowls of the stuff). Want to barf? Check the skyline menu sometime. Pic related.

>> No.3914511

Actually, should say
>best SEA food I've had in the US
otherwise, the post implies that the food in MN is better than that in SEA; it's not because it's the same as SEA.

>> No.3914512
File: 370 KB, 2048x1365, Cooked_crayfish_with_dill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obviously meatballs but a more interesting and 100x more delicious national dish is crayfish.

>> No.3914532

Italian here.
Can't really say, a great thing about my country is that the food is different in each region.
The iconic food is pasta I guess.

>> No.3914609


another columbusfag here fuck you that shit it tasty

and they put nutmeg in their chili ,to answer that one questions

>> No.3914612

I love your country.
Pasta with parmesan is fucking delicious. And that orgasmic serrano ham.

>> No.3914626

Serrano ham is Spanish, not Italian.

>> No.3914659

Bad wording by me. I meant parmesan and pasta with serrano.

>> No.3914667

Keedoke. Never tried that combination, but sounds good! I recently bought a prosciutto-style ham from Germany. It tastes like safe-to-eat-yet-still-raw bacon. S'ok, I guess, but not what I was expecting. D'kno why I toldja that, but meh.

>> No.3914769

We just have more awesome beers than anywhere else in the US.

>> No.3914775

Lyon, France

considered as the world's capital city of gastronomy

too bad i can't list every awesome food of choice we have

>> No.3914838

I know that feel.
People have said pork, tatters, and beans...

Boulder County here...

>> No.3914855
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>>3912425 here.

I have heard of cocoa powder being used in some chilis, and I agree- it does add a certain something to an otherwise okay chili. It's almost like having a hint of mole sauce in it, which is appealing to the Mexican in me.


Thanks for the responses. I was honestly expecting something rude or troll-like. Y'all have proved me wrong.

>> No.3914861

>I've personally never had testicles before but I hear they are very good.
Pfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffft, you probably have.

>> No.3914907

I live in Colorado, and our regional food is everything. Except it's grown fresh in our state, not from bumfuck South America.

Including livestock. Shit's just better

>> No.3914916

You must be missing something.
Only when you go to the farmers market (which we have a lovely one, Isabelle Farms, at Baseline before 287...) will you find everything local.
Some things just can't grow out here, especially now, today is cold as shit.

>> No.3914923

I hear the Great American Beer Fest was some kind of Big Brew Suck Ass this year though? too bad, used to be an interesting event.
Got a buttload of Hmong over here too. What of theirs should I try?
Had lots of crawfish, nom. Besides the boiled w/ dill how do you prepare them?

>> No.3914949

bullshit nobody around here actually eats lutefisk, or somali food, or goes anywhere near the somali communties for that matter

>> No.3914952

minnesota has the most hmong people of any state in the u.s. just about everything they make is super spicy and delicious

>> No.3914988

Depends on what you like. For example, one of my favourite dishes is pork stir-fried with either pickled watermelon rind or pickled mustard greens, either served with sticky rice and with tirk or jeow (depending on whether the Hmong making it is from Cambodia or Laos), both being a type of dip served with SEA-style crudité.
You might not like pickled vegetables, though, so a fish, taro stems and water spinach soup with chilies, lemongrass, shallots, galangal and a buncha other stuff (too much to type up, sorry) might be more your style.
Some types of tirk/jeow include tamarind, roasted tomato, roasted eggplant, chilies with powdered pork rinds, soy bean paste with chilies and others. One of my favourites is a smoked fish relish style dip.
If you've ever watched Masterchef US, Christine, Season 3's winner, cooked a universally SEA (including to Hmongs) dish for her audition: caramelised X (catfish, in her case) in fish sauce broth with rice and pickles. She modernised it with the use of coconut soda. That's another thing I like a great deal, my favourite being make with pork hocks.
Think of Hmong food as the crossroads between SEA cooking and American soul food; lotsa similar things common to both, such as chicken fried in lard/shortening from soul food and stir-fries from SEA food.

>> No.3915430

Shit, I can't believe there are so many Ohiofags in this thread.

I hail from Cleveland, myself. We have a fairly heavy Polish/Eastern European influence. You'll find a lot of kielbasa (well, sausage in general; it's what we do), pierogis, stadium mustard on everything. Michael Symon is pretty much our local food hero.

Unfortunately, there's a real dearth of good local restaurants with varied cuisines. We basically drown in fast food, chains like T.G.I.McFugly's, and mediocre bar food.

>> No.3915483

Southern Illinois.
Corn and da cow.

>> No.3915498

As an out of towner, I have to big up Lucky's Cafe. One of the best breakfasts I've had anywhere.

>> No.3915527

I live in the Gulf area of Alabama. Cajun is god here.

>> No.3915670


Fucking Grape Pies.

I'd give anything for one

>> No.3916543

Northern KY
Goetta and Skyline Chilli(over spaghetti of course)

>> No.3916619

Missouri.... doesn't really have anything unique. SW Missouri I'd guess chicken fried steak or biscuits n' gravy. Or cashew chicken.

This is why I cook for myself typically.

>> No.3916649

Well, it's a melting pot.
There's Yemenites, there's Ashkenazis(Eastern European Jews) and other cultures aswell.
Rice is used often, and Felafel is counted as the national food, though it was invented by Coptic Christians in Egypt.

>> No.3916691

Thanks anon. c'n'p'd it and will try some next time i'm in the big city

literally grape pie? like cherry pie, but w/ grapes?

>> No.3916696
