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3908395 No.3908395[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT post the weirdest thing you've eaten, ever.
I was in china and me and my family had fried pigeon heads and pigs feet.

>> No.3908400

Fucking barbarians

>> No.3908412

You shoulda seen the street carts. Fuckers would take an egg with a live chick in it and dump it in a pan and fry it alive

>> No.3908416

that's not a meal. It should have had something more substantial with it than lettuce . Like rice or beans.. How was the pigeon head?

>> No.3908418

It was odd. Little gross. Not surprisingly, it tasted like chicken, but if it was rubbed on the sidewalk.

>> No.3908422

>eating anything in china
you win. runner up will be the guy who ate anything in mexico

>> No.3908426

oh man i had a beer half a chicken rice beans and lettuce for $4 in Mexico shit was good too.

>> No.3908433
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talks shit on Mexico

>never even been there or seen some of the god tier food they serve

>> No.3908434

i ate a ham form a wild hog me and my friend killed when we were 16 it was weird because we were horrible butchers and the cuts of meat had bristles and jagged edges from our handy work.

>> No.3908436

ate some rooster testicle and some sand worms while in china

>> No.3908438

we cooked it in a pit it was very cave man.

>> No.3908532

I have eaten several pieces of candy ranging in age from roughly 5 to 10 years.

I have learnt that even sweets can go bad, no matter how sterile-looking they appear.

>> No.3908736

I can't think of anything weird I've had, but I went to a party where one guy shot a woodpecker with a pellet gun, cleaned it, cooked it, and stuck it in a hamburger bun.

But we're all kinda weird in Maine...

>> No.3908779

If I think something is weird, I don't eat it.

>> No.3908806

Salmon mousse.

Or black pudding/blood sausage with jam on it. That was actually delicious though.

>> No.3908810

>god tier food they serve
>in mexico

the only good mexican food is the mexican food served in other countries

>> No.3909468
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because you have assburgers.

>> No.3909475
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>> No.3909491

probably silkworms or dog soup. i had both in korea.

>> No.3909495

whats so weird about tacos and burritos?

>> No.3909504


wtf is wrong with you?

That's like a french toast club sandwich with two kinds of bacon, some mystery meat/sausage and runny eggs in it? That looks totally awesome.

>> No.3909507

Wasabi Ice Cream

It was much better than expected.

>> No.3909512

I'm with that guy, it looks horrendous. Would not eat. Also is that powdered sugar on it? and.. honey?

>> No.3909514

Missionary Position with the sole purpose of procreation

>doin' it right guise?

>> No.3909554 [DELETED] 
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its 3 pieces of french toast, half a log of jimmy dean sausage flattened into a patty, thick cut bacon from the deli, 2 fried eggs, syrup and powdered sugar

>> No.3909563
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its 3 pieces of freedom toast, half a log of jimmy dean sausage flattened into a patty, thick cut bacon from the deli, 2 fried eggs, syrup and powdered sugar

>> No.3909610

stop saying freedom _____

>> No.3909617

I guess the weirdest things I've eaten have been braised duck feet and fried bugs (crickets and mealworms). The bugs tasted like popcorn to me, and the duck feet tasted like...chewy duck? They didn't have much flavor really, and I kept laughing when I looked in the bowl because of the little claws on the ends were sticking up at me. (I'd had a few beers, lol.) Whole baby octopus in black bean sauce was considered weird by my friends when I ordered it, but it's not really weird at all and tastes delicious.

>> No.3909639

Chinese are known to recycle oil that they get from the sewer

>> No.3909646


>> No.3909698
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inb4 fetus soup

>> No.3909712
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Was in Turkey, had what they call Paça (pronounced Pacha)
It's basically a boiled lamb's head served as stew!
Shit was surprisingly good!
I loved the tongue

>> No.3909713

So how did all those barbed hairs feel going down?

>> No.3909715

yeah no I wouldn't touch that.

>> No.3909717
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Just like Americans are known to do pic related.

Stop being a generalizing, sheltered white bread retard.

>> No.3909719

Snake in Vietnam. Came in the form of pancakes and a stir fry. Decent enough.

>> No.3909726

This is a relatively common cause of CJD-related illnesses. Avoid ingesting brain/spinal/nerve tissue under all circumstances.

>> No.3909733

As if the memory doesn't bring up gag reflexes on it's own!

>> No.3909756


>> No.3909764
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In China, I had sea slug soup. The broth tasted like chicken. The sea slug was rubbery, like a gummi candy. Also ate jelly fish salad, which was much the same.

>> No.3909765

none of my friends believe me when I say bugs tasted like grassy popcorn. My favorite were the little crickets. I can think of some awesome recipes for them if I had access to a good source here

>> No.3909771

hahaha lol'd so much

>> No.3911028
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Hmm, well I eat almost anything I can get my hands into, I think you people might find these strange

>Whale meat
Not sure what type of a whale though. A friend brought it from Norway, the whale was killed for "scientific reasons." Tasted pretty bad, very fatty, and kinda like a mix of badly cooked fish and reindeer meat.
Tongues of cow, pig and reindeer. All taste pretty good and I sometimes even buy a tongue from the butcher myself.
>Bear meat
Very strong, very gamey. I personally don't like the taste.
>Various insects
I've eaten ants, worms and grasshoppers. I ate ants in the army when I ran out of food at a training camp. They tasted pretty strong but kinda nice, then again I was extremely hungry. I buy and cook grasshoppers and worms about twice a year myself and I like them, a lot. They're also cheap and a very good source of protein.
I ate a lot of this in southern europe. Very tasty if prepared right.

I've also had a lot of weird shit from plants like leaves and sap from birch trees etc but that stuff is considered pretty normal around here. Oh and tar. Tar is a very common and extremely tasty flavor in some dishes and candies around here.
IMO too many people are way, way too picky about their foods these days.

>> No.3911036


yeah dude, you should try cockroaches. you'de love 'em.

>> No.3911081

I personally like Jelly Fish salad.

>> No.3911088

I wanna try whale meat, do you know how expensive it in in Norway?

>> No.3911118

When I was young my grandparents made me eat beaver meat as part of some cultural thing. I was 4, so I don't remember too much about how it was served, but it tasted kind of like pork fried rice that's been sitting out in the sun. Consequently, I'm not terribly fond of fried rice.

>> No.3911148

>be western european
>only eat western european food
>potatoes, meat and vegetables
>sometimes i go crazy with pasta
>pasta with tomato sauce

then suddenly
>go on vacation to malaysia for 2 months
>eat fish fried whole
>eat some insects
>eat cow brain
the brain tasted good, though i'm still worried about it, i heard that some cells in brains are bad if you eat them.

>> No.3911147

Very expensive because it is illegal to fish (or hunt) whales. I've been to Norway a few times and I've never seen whale meat for sale there, even though I searched for it back then.

I'm pretty sure the only way you can legally get the meat is if the whale is killed for scientific reasons, whatever those might actually be, and finding people who do this might prove to be a challenge as well.

>> No.3911238

Tongue is pretty damn popular in certain parts of china.

>> No.3911249

You and your family are retarded then. That looks like absolute shit.

>> No.3911254

sure is sheltered suburban white people in here

>> No.3911259

AKA: good people who don't have to eat garbage to survive.

>> No.3911267

Obviously. I mean who in their right minds doesn't eat bull dick and horse asshole.

Damned sheltered white people not eating animal cock.

>> No.3911301

Wow. You know there are foods that taste good and have way better nutritional values than your mac&cheese and big mac meals. Enjoy.

>> No.3911303

wow. enjoy the spoiled garbage you call food

>> No.3911310


>> No.3911312

Wild birds are easily hunted with an airgun, easy to clean and they taste quite good(ofc there'll be little meat on them). Shame it was a woodpecker though, I don't hunt them because I like them and they're kind of rare around here.

>> No.3911328

They are also a federally protected species.

>> No.3911329

Sadly I haven't had a lot of wierd food, the wierdest I've ever had was a big boar or wild pig or whatever it's called in english. Fucker got hit by a truck when he crossed the road, and the local Italians I was staying with tried picking him up(three big guys). Sadly they couldn't lift it, so apparently they pulled the thing into the pickup with some rope(no idea how, but they got the thing back home where I was staying). it was still alive, sort of, which was quickly fixed with a knife. A friend butchered the thing like a pro, and about three days later we had a nice barbeque with all kinds of wild boar. We had so much, the family of four we stayed with ate boar for two weeks after that.

>> No.3911389

>your mac&cheese and big mac meals

You couldn't have been more irrelevant toward my diet.

Enjoy ur donkey balls in foot soup.

>> No.3911948

Donkey balls are tastey

>> No.3912197

I know, right? I live in San Antonio, and there are tons of Mexican/Tex-Mex places around. But when I went to Mexico for a trip... you eat in SA again after that, and you might as well go to Taco Bell.
I seriously need to go back some time.

>> No.3912215
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>> No.3912605


OP is fucking liar. It's obvious just a leftover pigeon head from the deep fried whole pigeon... most of the time people don't eat it. No one just eat pigeon head alone and you cannot just order pigeon head.

Fucking bunch of gullible fucks in 4chan to believe this shit.

>> No.3912654

OP, if you're white they probably assumed you were gullible enough to buy it. Pigeon heads are never eaten. You should have gotten fried wings. The head is to show that you got a full bird.

>> No.3912659

>>eat fish fried whole

>> No.3912985

> durian
> Basically a creamy paste with somewhat more rigid skin. A bit sweet, a bit bitter.

What's so bad about it?

>> No.3912992

I grew up with it, whenever I smell something decaying it transports me back to my childhood.

It tastes okay but stinks like shit you'd scrape off the bottom of a dumpster.

>> No.3912995
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I would make love to that sandwich...

>> No.3913009

It smells like poop. If the person eating it puts the rest in the fridge, everything in there will smell and taste likedurian for the next month.

>> No.3913024

that's not tar.

>> No.3913028

its an appetizer

>> No.3913153
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it's often eaten frozen