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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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3907620 No.3907620[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


substitutions for diversity
more kale <___<

Want to lose weight? Want to poop? Want to feel full? Get a fucking blender and down that fiber, dawg!

>> No.3907651

babby's first green drink

>> No.3907655
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no thanks, sounds gross.

Fiber is really important, though. I buy this really cheap fiber supplement at the vitamin store. Its essentially a big plastic tub of ground up and dried apple cores. I mix that with a smoothie or with apple juice.

>> No.3907661

Hey Joe Rogan!

>> No.3907675
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For clarification, I'm the asshole who posted "babby's first green drink". Because, like I say, I'm an asshole.
HOWEVER, that's a really good combination and I make one very very similar at least three days a week but I add one beet and about 1/2 cup of frozen strawberries. Believe me, you can't even taste the beet at all, but it makes it this beautiful bright magenta color, and beets are damn well good for you.
apple or pear
fresh mint (if you have it, it's a good addition)
a bit of parsley

sometimes, if I need to add some liquid for ease of blending, I'll add cooled green tea or yerba mate.

>> No.3907683


>> No.3907704

Hey, how about eating them rather than fucking blending everything together?

>> No.3907709

Because it's babby's first taste of greens.

Although I blend mine because I sometimes use it on meals. Taste's good yo.

>> No.3907716

>can't eat vegetables as they are

>> No.3907730

Haven't tried it but slamming down a shake seems much easier than chewing on celery and kale for an hour.

>> No.3907737

My green drank:

Lime juice
Pea shoots

Looks like I blended 1 million dollah, I feel like 1 million dollah after drinking it.

>> No.3907739

>an hour
What are you even doing?

>> No.3907740


Why chew when I can get a machine to chew for me?

>> No.3907744

How many calories are in a drink like that?

>> No.3907745

How much time do you spend eating 8 stalks of celery and 10 leaves of kale?

>> No.3907800

Where's the yogurt?

>> No.3907817

Pretty negligible for the vegetables, but I would count the fruit calories. Wikipedia can help you there.

>> No.3907819

>Want to lose weight?
>Want to poop?
not really
>Want to feel full?
if i do i'll eat something

i prefer fruit smoothies anyway

>> No.3907867

How could you "not want to poop"???
I mean, really. You like having full bowels?
That was just dumb, you should have just skipped that.

>> No.3907884

What would happen if I just drank like 3-6 of these a day instead of eating? Would I lose a lot of weight fast?

>> No.3907895

>instead of eating

it's still food

>> No.3907898

Exactly, that's what I'm thinking. This is like a miracle diet type of thing. You'd probably feel even more energized with all the vitamins in these drinks.

>> No.3907931
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>not drinking wheatgrass

>> No.3907974

Using it as a condiment does not mean I don't eat them raw.

I like salads but why should I eat it as every single meal?

>> No.3907993

>very little carbs
>close to 0 protein
>no fats

You would feel like shit, not "energized" and you'd most likely fuck your liver

>> No.3907998

I know a guy who went on one of those fucked up cleansing dealios where he first only ate fruits and vegetables for a week, then just drank water for 4 weeks(no food at all) and then ate fruits and vegetables for another week at the end. He seems to be fine and alive right now years later.

I think you'd be surprised what the human body is capable of doing.

>> No.3908122
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>just drank water for 4 weeks(no food at all)
>4 weeks

>> No.3908336

Pooping is gross and tedious. I hate having to poop.

>> No.3908342

But you die after 3 weeks without food moron

>> No.3908384

Actually that's wrong. It depends on body composition. Some people can live up to 6 weeks without food.

>> No.3908415

>not enjoying every poop

>> No.3908428

Dandelion Greens
Wheat/Barely Grass
Melon or Mango

>> No.3908430

This. I don't want pig slop thanks, I'm not so old that my teeth no longer work.

>> No.3908440

>not feeding off solar rays

>> No.3908441

That looks terrible and I would imagine it tastes even worse unless you're a whore for vegetables.

>Want to lose weight?
I already am with a diet that is almost exclusively meat and grains
>Want to poop?
I have solid, easy sliding bowel movements every morning, only need to wipe once (dat protein)
>Want to feel full?
Well that would be nice, but I'd rather be hungry than drink blender vomit

>> No.3908444

>not understanding the concept and benefits of balancing (and slightly increasing alkalinity,) the ph of your body

>> No.3908453

>almost exclusively meat and grains
Go eat some vegetables.

>> No.3908470

>exclusively meat and grains

lol swap out those grains for vegetables

>> No.3908484

no, i just don't have a particularly pronounced desire to poop.

>> No.3908489


>> No.3908500

>not wanting to push poop out to placate your prostate

>> No.3908506

>reported for linking to 420chan

Enjoy your ban

>> No.3908510

i have better ways of stimulating my prostate

>> No.3908515

Well, for those of us who refuse to accept items into our anuses, this is the next best thing.

>> No.3908533

okay then, i understand.
if you ever want to stimulate my prostate and find yourself in brentwood/oakley hit me up

>> No.3908537

>>reported for linking to 420chan


>> No.3908593

>that feel when i eat a bowl of fiber one and a half a cup of chia seeds with 2 cups of almond milk every morning along with exercising twice a day and still have trouble pooping every day ;_______;

i wish i could find something that works

>> No.3908627

>you should drink one of these everyday
If I had a nickel etc etc

so kawaii uguu omgossshhh froyo girl power riiight

>Want to lose weight?
A bunch of empty calories and chlorophyll is hardly the answer

>Want to poop?
I do that already

>Want to feel full?
>Eating Vegetables
>Felling full
Pick one.

>Get a fucking blender
I don't think celery is a good friend to blenders

>down that fiber, dawg!
I'll stick to just eating wheat and juicing carrots every so often and making smoothies.

I have heard it all when it comes to all these Dr Oz magic drinks and such, I have my diet set and I just simply ignore any girl suggesting these to me, with a smile and nod, of course.

>> No.3908839


Yeah, you can survive up to 3 months on just water. You're body will just start cannibalizing your own body. Fat is the first thing to go, then your muscles and when they are all but gone it's time for the organs and you'll die because something starts failing.

Now if you were to stop eating and drinking, that's a different story as you'll die in about 2-4 days from dehydration depending on how hot it is and how much you move/sweat. Maybe even within one day if you're in the dessert.

4 weeks is totally safe though if your body fat is above 10%. Most people just can't imagine it because they are so used to stuffing their faces that they'll get hunger pangs if they don't eat all day and think that means they are starting to starve. That's not the case though, it's just your body overproducing stomach acid in anticipation of food.

>> No.3908867

But I've been drinking at least 100oz of water a day for two months and eating above recommended fiber intake and I haven't had a shit in three days! It's starting to annoy me because I'm eating clean and dieting and nothing I put in is coming out!

Just smelly, smelly gas.

>> No.3908883


>that feel

it's the worst, i wish i could find something to fix it too

>> No.3908894

I was thinking of trying laxatives. Do you ever use those? I've even gone for long, long walks and it does nothing..

>> No.3908908


no, i've tried them but i haven't had any luck, i don't want to have to rely on something like that anyways

i tried drinking a bottle of magnesium citrate (the carbonated stuff, not milk of magnesia), and i didn't have anything happen for 2 days :(

>> No.3908936

Try warm apple juice.

>> No.3909072


isn't apple juice only a diuretic? i would pay money to find something that i could do in the morning to make me poop every single day without fail until i can get health insurance and go to the doctor that is

>> No.3909076


ok spoilers dont work on ck, oops

>> No.3909102

Have you tried Activia? I think that's the name of that yogurt that makes you poop

>> No.3909106


no, i haven't tried that, but i've tried a supplement like psyllium husk, but that doesn't do anything either

>> No.3909112

Activia is just normal yoghurt, but they advertise it like it is the only live culture one out there.

>> No.3909472


You might be clogged inside with a few pounds of rotting shit.

>> No.3909497

1 cup of uncooked rolled oats every morning with a bit of cold milk (just enough to make everything wet), and maybe a tiny bit of fruit for some sweetness, will get you pooping on a regular schedule. That did it for me when I changed my diet back at the beginning of the year (and going for jogs in the morning).

>> No.3909520

another sucker falls for marketing. Activia is literally the exact same fucking thing as any other yogurt.

>> No.3909534


Psyllium Husks are the SHIT.

From what I've been told, the fiber in Psyllium helps wit diarrhea in addition to constipation. I take a tablespoon erry day, in a glass of orange juice. Hydration, VitaC, and fiber all in one chug.

They do seems to keeps me regulateds; I've noticed more stressful shits on the days I forget to take my husks.

>> No.3909544

>in a smoothie

I want a smoothie, not applesauce, thank you. I do put shitloads of spinach in my smoothies though. I like the texture it adds and it has a very subtle taste that enhances the flavors of the other ingredients.