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File: 3.94 MB, 1920x1080, ReBoot_pub_still-0003-03212017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.38316[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>After playing the multiplayer Cyber Guardians video game together, four teenagers are recruited by V.E.R.A (Hannah Vandenbygaart, Bruno & Boots: Go Jump in the Pool!), the Virtual Evolutionary Recombinant Avatar, to fulfill their mandate to mend and defend cyberspace. Austin (Ty Wood, The Haunting in Connecticut), Tamra (Sydney Scotia, Some Assembly Required), Parker (Ajay Parikh-Friese, Mr. Young), and Trey (Gabriel Darku, Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments) now must protect cyberspace from threats that pose true consequences to both the virtual and real world. It’s more than these kids expected when they started at Alan Turing High. Way more.

Live action/CG hybrid
kill me


>> No.38339

>Iron Man HUD
Every time

>> No.38343

It's clearly an April Fool's prank.

>> No.38431

It's not

>> No.38440
File: 950 KB, 1024x576, ReBoot_pub_still-0001-03212017-1024x576.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38469

There was a thread like a week ago

It's fucking real

>> No.38471
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>> No.38506
File: 1.06 MB, 1024x576, ReBoot_pub_still-0004-03212017-1024x576.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38566
File: 1.42 MB, 1339x384, guardians.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38726

Who asked for this?

>> No.38808

How does this connect in any way to Reboot?

>> No.38812

>Iron Man visuals
Well DC you had a good run with your "Superfriends" but now Marvel is here to take over the superhero cultural icon position from now on

enjoy eventually being forgotten

>> No.38857

This is blasphemy.

>> No.38879

Thats funny, I thought you said Reboot, but this is clearly a live action Code Lyoko show. I'm sure you're just confused, anon.

>> No.38954

It's not. It's a TRON series with the serial numbers filed off.

>> No.39033


>> No.39071

Apparently Canada.

>> No.39112
File: 153 KB, 606x423, dont call it a grave.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

State funding was a mistake

>> No.39162

Are these the teenagers with attitude that everyone talks about?

>> No.39721

Just think, we could've had a CG animated movie trilogy instead of this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zscrv7OJ3TU

>> No.39877

No, the live action Code Lyoko was filmed in France, so there were more white people. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jNdfj99YKW4

>> No.39960

>Virtual Evolutionary Recombinant Avatar
That sounds villainous as fuck for some reason

>> No.40086

>VERA: Female. ASIAN. 15 years old. Talent may be older but we’re seeking talent that must look 15 years of age. Attractive. V.E.R.A. (Virtual Evolutionary Recombinant Avatar) was designed as an adaptive construct with one purpose – to train and mentor the Next Generation Guardians. Her programmer didn’t want her getting distracted, so he programmed her to be focused and determined. But once she’s 3-D bioprinted as a 15-year-old girl, some of her programming is altered, and she becomes more easily distracted. But Vera is a multitasking marvel, exploring all the fascinating aspects of this world and figuring out who she wants to be, while making sure the Guardians fulfill their mandate to protect and defend cyberspace. As an odd duck new human, Vera will provide a lot of comedic relief. Please make a note of your client’s age with submission (feel free to suggest talent that is older than this description but for the purpose of this series, production would like to stick close to the age in breakdown)… SERIES LEAD


Looking to cast "attractive" 15 year olds. Where is Chris Hanson?

>> No.40112

It's time to invade.

>> No.40123

We did fucking not

>> No.40279

Fuck Rainmaker.

>> No.40306


All the replies are negative lol

>> No.40358

I'm going to tell you guys something I never told anyone.
The little girl from reboot was my first ever waifu
Whatever was her name

>> No.40408


>> No.40467
File: 34 KB, 500x248, 1350288905015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every time I see news about this I hope the project will end up stuck in development hell.

We have actors and footage now though, so even that hope has become lost. Rest in RIP, ReBoot.

>> No.40474

Code Lyoko?

>> No.40524
File: 1.83 MB, 2500x2001, 4028620-andraia11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't seen her face in a fucking long time, but holy shit now I understand why I got a thing for /fit/ girls now.
First time I had a boner too.

>> No.40552
File: 45 KB, 600x600, 1486980318641.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No we fucking didn't. We've been asking for a proper ReBoot reboot for decades, the original voice cast have been eager to do one for decades, and I believe even some of the original animators have always been on board.

Nobody, literally fucking nobody, asked for this.

>> No.40569

Unfortunately she's gay - ohhh, wait, you aren't caught up in the Gen 13 storytimes being posted lately. Carry on.

>> No.40680

How do I ensure this bombs?

>> No.40791

You sit back and watch the fire while trying to find some satisfaction in watching it destroy itself. It won't be like Johnny Test whose sheer cheapness allowed it to thrive despite dying every week in the ratings.

>> No.40809

That's like asking how you ensure a train going 100 mph that's gone off the rails gets destroyed

>> No.40881
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>even the CG world designs look bland, uninspired and nothing at all like the original

One fucking job

>> No.40882


>> No.40930

Zixx, Code Lyoko: Evolution, VR Troopers and Superhuman Samurai Syber Squad weren't exactly big success stories.

>> No.40991
File: 93 KB, 506x632, f u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just remember, tired to one track are all your beloved childhood memories and tied to the other is the hope of ever getting a real, sincere Reboot revival.

>> No.41177

five bucks says there won't be any long, winding flyby shots of virtual environments

>> No.41215

>Casting call specifies ASIAN
>Still cast a white girl

What does it mean?

>> No.41231


I remember liking that show
And now that you reminding me that this existed it looks like a fucking Zixx ripoff

>> No.41254

The last two had a Power Rangers cheese that I enjoyed. Fuck the big headed fauxnime and what ever Zixx was.

>> No.41257

Fuck off with your company wars, /tv/.

>> No.41271

She identifies as trans-asian so it's okay.

>> No.41273

rainmaker made 2/3 of zixx!

>> No.41404

So will this show the aftermath of our "heroes" adventures? City blocks destroyed, Sprites nulified, binomes smashing at the ash which used to be their children, etc

>> No.41619

The live action characters aren't playing Users, they're playing Guardians. Which for some reason are humans now.

>> No.41654

As much as Reboot might have been heavily ripping off Tron, this shit is unforgivable. It isn't fucking Reboot.

Sadly, no. They've been doing press releases for this bucket of diseased sewage for a good long while now.

>> No.41691


>> No.41717

I will only forgive this if the characters still go into different games and "ReBoot" into different outfits

>> No.41753

Fuck you that's not real

>> No.41975

Wait for it to air?

I mean just look at it. If it succeeds, there's nothing good and right in this world.
Also, unless an American station picks it up, it's probably doomed from the start. Only cheap Canadian shows get to live, because Corus are cheap useless assholes.

>> No.42108

So what the hell was that leaked Guardian from years back that was like a Hollywoodised Bob? Even that would have been better.

>> No.42263
File: 71 KB, 450x425, 1481176914087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw people are banding together to call this shit out as the terrible cash grab it is

>> No.42438

It's honestly kind of depressing to see Woolie be completely broken by this.

>> No.42634
File: 239 KB, 1200x900, eurasian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What does it mean?

It means they couldn't find any "attractive" (don't come at me FBI!) 15 year old Asians in Canada.

Seriously though, she looks mixed.

>> No.42647

He's aparently gone to complete apathy for the series since the reveal and his breakdown

>> No.42661

FUCK! Stop. Just stop. I liked Zixx, but this is NOT Zixx. This is NOT Tron. This is NOT another Nu-Saban era Power Rangers Season. & this is NOT Reboot. Fuck. Why. Just, Why? What the fuck was the point?!
Fuck you Rainmaker.

>> No.42745
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>> No.42807
File: 119 KB, 620x775, reboot-guardian-code.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one? This is from an early concept pitch for The Guardian Code.

>> No.42818
File: 265 KB, 480x360, We Wuz Virtual Reality.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>VR Troopers
My nigga

>> No.43258
File: 252 KB, 720x306, Maybe-rebootmovie_character.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There's this one that's allegedly Bob from the cancelled movie trilogy, but I don't think we ever got confirmation of that. Might have been another Guardian like Turbo.

>> No.43372

Yeah, I could see that as Turbo...

>> No.43416


That is megabyte.

>> No.43549

>Julian Combs as Professor Not-into-this-shit

>> No.43565


That's the only silver lining in this whole shitty mess is that it would never have been a fitting revival without Tony Jay anyway.

>> No.43690



>> No.43783

Care to give the details on this?

>> No.43851


>> No.44123
File: 41 KB, 660x490, Guardian_Code-Poll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cast your vote: http://www.strawpoll.me/12644553/

Posted on ReBootRevival.com http://www.rebootrevival.com/?p=1764

>> No.44211
File: 51 KB, 473x590, Canadian Protest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are responsible for a lot of bad decisions but I assure you this is not one of them

>> No.44363

>Woolie from TBFP really likes Reboot
>This trash is announced
>Woolie tweets a bunch of overly "positive" comments that are obviously just him masking the pain
>YTV blocks him because they know he's basically just shitposting

>> No.44825

Checking his twitter, the dude is a massive weeb and 90sfag.

>> No.44927

Someone with a monkey paw apparently

>> No.44993

>all the social media posts about this are negative
>literally all of them
>use of an established property instead of making it a new IP backfired spectacularly
>not original or flashy enough to be able to pick up new fans

This thing is dead as fuck on arrival. I'll be surprised if it even ends up airing.

>> No.45010


>have to insert 14 year old kids into FUCKING EVERYTHING
>can't stay close to the source material

>> No.45100


Who the fuck are they marketing this too? What was the point in calling it ReBoot? Most of the people they are trying to appeal too weren't even alive when the show ran.

>> No.45157

>Alan Turing High
For some reason, this angers me the most.

>> No.45234

>Who the fuck are they marketing this too?
Tweens and teens.

>What was the point in calling it ReBoot?
Because Rainmaker needs the brand recognition (that Guardian icon triggers memories) otherwise this wouldn't have had funding most likely.

>> No.45308

Do kids even watch TV anymore?

>> No.45317

The first time a saw that shit in Iron Man one I knew it was going to be dissimulated into every fucking thing, how the fuck did Marvel or Disney not trademark that shit?

>> No.45484

>how the fuck did Marvel or Disney not trademark that shit?

Because fuck giving Warren Ellis royalties?

>> No.45486

>Do kids even watch TV anymore?
I assume so. Otherwise YTV, CN, Nick, and Disney wouldn't have channels.

>> No.46156

Teletoon Retro died too soon.

>> No.47373

We haven't seen it yet! I'm sure it'll WOW us all. Yep, any moment now. Johnny Test 2.0 incoming, /co/s new favorite show!

>> No.47434


>> No.47894

It hasn't been announced yet, but Johnny Test is totally get a reboot.

>> No.48348

It deserves it!

Oh wait, you said reboot not just the boot. nevermind.

>> No.49600

Do you not know how casting works? Race, age , and attractiveness are bluntly stated

>> No.49608

No, no, no, NO.

NO! WTF is this shit?

God dammit. Let Reboot stay dead. Having the show end on one hell of a cliffhanger is far preferable to this public broadcast Ghostwriter bullshit.

>> No.49737

so, it's Rebutt meets 5head?