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3902642 No.3902642[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>In Germany, the possession of open containers of alcohol is legal by persons of the legal drinking age (16 for beer/wine; 18 for distilled spirits; 14 under the supervision of a legal guardian).


God damnit man, why don't have we sweet ass laws like this here?

You know, one of the things I love about the united states is that generally, laws differ by state to state, giving you unparalleled variety...However

>Drinking in public is illegal in almost all jurisdictions in the United States

Is it really impossible to implement German style open container laws in a few states here?

Pick a random state - North Dakota - a state with like 600k people living in it...Would it really be that hard to implement German style open container laws there?


We have those German style open container laws in a few cities, though. In fact, 30 million people visit the las vegas strip every year - more than Canda's entire population. So while our laws suck, at least we have something

But anyway, even fucking England - one of the biggest nanny states on the planet - has similar German style public drinking laws

fucking ridiculous

>> No.3902648

In my state you can have alcohol at any age under the supervision of your parents

>> No.3902654

THe problem is evangelical southerners are too powerful nationally and try and repress any pro-drinking laws

Many states never wanted to increase the drinking age to 21 but heavy handed federal threats to remove all highway funding forced their hands

>> No.3902663

yeah i'm talking about drinking outside though, that's where it stops

>> No.3902665

Right. And sure, let the south get fucked. But That's what I don't understand...ALL states have this problem.

The funny thing is, is that it's not even a federal law to have it banned. It's just a hivemind of EVERY. SINGLE. STATE. to have it be banned outside

what in the actual fuck?

>> No.3902670

yeah, its a really dumb law.

Its fucking ridiculous that we let people smoke on public property but not drink. When smoking makes everything smell like shit and makes the experience less enjoyable for everyone while drinking does the opposite

>> No.3902676


What the fuck?

Howard Stern is a bro with 500 million dollars

Do you know how easy it'd be to get people to vote to change it to have be allowed to open carry?

I'm not even talking about trying to get a big state like California to do this, but there's a fuckton of small states where it wouldn't be that hard

god damnit

>> No.3902679
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>I'm not even talking about trying to get a big state like California to do this, but there's a fuckton of small states where it wouldn't be that hard
I say we focus on Wisconsin. They already have the best attitude towards alcohol in the country, it wouldn't be too hard if the federal government didn't get in the way

>> No.3902678

I miss the days when it was legal to drink and drive in Texas.

>> No.3902685

even where it was illegal the attitude towards drunk driving was completely different in the 80s and earlier. I know that back when my parents were my age people here basically just got a slap on the wrist and it wasn't uncommon for a cop to just say "make sure you go straight home"

also .08 isn't drunk

>> No.3902704
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>In some countries, such as the United States and the Muslim world, public drinking is almost universally condemned or outlawed

>The "land of the free/opportunity" is equivalent to ridiculously oppressed countries in terms of drinking laws

>> No.3902713

>In some countries, such as the United States and the Muslim world, public drinking is almost universally condemned or outlawed

but public drinking is not condemned or outlawed in the us, where are you getting your information?

>> No.3902714

>Dat feel when drinking in public is not only legal, but so encouraged that bars serve booze in to-go cups

FUCK YEAH I love living in New Orleans

>> No.3902720

it is illegal to drink on most public property in america, although there are a lot of exceptions like most beaches and some parks. Basically in most cities you cannot just go drink while walking down the sidewalk

>> No.3902724

Hey, I know. RIGHT

>> No.3902725

that's what the paper bags are for

>> No.3902737

America actually has some of the most liberal drug laws on the planet....like I said, it's why I love America because of it's unparalleled diversity...Which is why I'm perplexed by this

>> No.3902741


This right here

>> No.3902761


Does that drive-thru frozen daiquiri place still exist? I remember my mom would come home from work every Friday with one and I would steal a few drinks myself because it tasted so damn good.

>> No.3902787


German here, don't fret. I'd gladly exchange being able to do your pic related instead of drinking in public. It's a fucking pain in the ass to get a license for a gun here and you can fucking forget about open or concealed carry unless you actually for for security. No, self defense is not a valid reason.

I don't have freedom of speech either. I have freedom of opinion and even that is limited because there's certain things you can go to jail for if you say them as a German citizen.

So I'd gladly exchange some of my sweet as laws against some of your sweet ass laws. I'll even put the being able to fuck 16 years old (14 if the parents allow it) on top to sweeten the deal. You can have the no speed limit on the motorway too, if I'll be allowed to buy an AK or RPG.


>> No.3902796

"Theres a "New Orleans Daiquiris" or "Fat Tuesdays" on practically every major corner of the city, Jefferson, and St. Bernard Parishes...

...They're like MacDonalds for alcoholics. I love em.

>> No.3902799

The reason we don't have these laws is because the federal government basically threatens to remove all federal funding from states if they don't comply with whatever the federal government deems the law to be. See: marijuana, alcohol laws.

>> No.3902885

Yes please. Get out of my country and buy some guns, Nazi scum.

>> No.3903392


and how often would you actually need a gun here genius? Also, nobody in the US can legally buy an RPG and all the AKs are only semiautomatics. Americans use their guns mostly for shooting their own family members when they try to enter the house quietly in the small hours after a drinking binge.

>> No.3903397

as long as it doesn't show it's alcohol there's no problem.
You can drink beer put in an opaque soda can. However mineral water in clean beer can can get you trouble.

>> No.3903415

Oh I'll answer this one, OP. It's because you find the worst drinking culture in the WORLD in the UK, Norway (where I live), Sweden, Finland and I guess also the US.

Drinking alcohol is seen as a naughty way to act out here. "Look at me, I am getting outrageously drunk and attacking people, this means it's Friday and I'm really cool, even though I'm almost 30 years old..."

People in France, Spain and Germany etc, drink too, but they enjoy the flavors and the social aspect, it's not a competition to get fucked up the fastest and to vomit everywhere.

I lived in France for many years, people were drinking wine and talking at all hours of the day. We went out and had a glass of wine or two during lunch hours... In Norway, nobody DREAMS of having a beer at lunch. When Friday and Saturday comes though, it's all about consume as much beer as one possibly can.

It's not fun, it's not sensible, it's sad. It's so fucking sad to see adults (20+) act like teenagers, and society thinks it's natural behavior for an adult.

So the reason we can't have the same laws as in those countries, is.. we can't fucking handle it.

>> No.3903416

>open carry discussion on /ck/
I thought I was on the wrong board, I'm back to /k/ now.

>> No.3903437

Your alcohol is also expensive as hell

>> No.3903440

Oh man, I love New Orleans. I'd live there if I didn't need to work and didn't mind getting shot once in a while.

>> No.3903445

>even fucking England - one of the biggest nanny states on the planet - has similar German style public drinking laws

This is only the media propaganda that states this. Our law is common law, meaning we have no constitution and all things are outside of the legal framework until a precedent ruling is made.

I was told once that in some states in the USA you cannot serve alcohol in bars to people who are not sitting down. That cannot be true, right? You are not allowed to stand up and drink?

>> No.3903447

I think its an average of 18 in most places
America is just weird

>> No.3903457


New England is filled with old weird laws like that. I would not be surprised if there is somewhere with a law like this. However these laws are never enforced and mostly laughed upon

>> No.3903459


>why don't have we sweet ass laws like this here?

because america was founded by a bunch of religious zealots. some states STILL don't sell alcohol on sundays....

>> No.3903461

Drinking in public is legal in Nevada 24/7. (Of course, you have to be at least 21.)

>> No.3903482

But it's fucking Nevada, that's one of the last places I would ever want to live.

>> No.3903502

Some counties don't sell alcohol at all, doesn't matter what day of the week it is.

>redneck christians impeeding everyone else
Nothing new here, move along folks.

>> No.3903508

brit here

after reading this thread i'm going to crack open a bottle of budweiser and enjoy living in a country that has civil rights

>> No.3903546

Welp, yeah. For an alcoholic like me it's really a mixed blessing. I don't want to go to the bar and see a bunch of drunk-off-their-ass teens ruining my self-loathing and chicken wing gorging experience, but damn did I want to party when I was in my teens. We had to keep it close and low at house parties and shit like that. It was actually very fun and the drugs where plentiful.

As for the rest of the world? Well they seem to get along just fine by their way. I wish we had more French influence, then maybe things would be different. It's the puritanical british influence that got us to where we are though, so you have to take the good with the bad. If that means I can still wander the streets drunk as hell and talk to weird people before going into a show to get even more wasted, than I guess it's a fair compromise if I can keep my AK.

>> No.3903544
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>But anyway, even fucking England - one of the biggest nanny states on the planet - has similar German style public drinking laws

Not strictly true, now there are places which are designated as "no drinking zones" and if you're seen with an open container of alcohol it can be confiscated.

>mfw that happened to me while I was walking through The Mall in London and I finished my beer by the time the guy had finished explaining it was a no drinking area

>> No.3903554


Being around an obnoxious drunk while sober can be pretty unenjoyable.

>> No.3905518


How can you be a redneck without alcohol? Isn't that part of the package along with the mullet and red neck?

>> No.3905522

>Not strictly true, now there are places which are designated as "no drinking zones" and if you're seen with an open container of alcohol it can be confiscated.

Those are "opt-in" schemes devised by local councils. The police have no legal authority to confiscate your drink, but the street signs and their uniforms and their overbearing demeanour means that people will obey. If you insisted on excercising your civil rights and demand they take it to court then they would not make it worth your while to fight them.

>In certain public places, one may be required(requested) to stop drinking. It is not illegal to drink in these areas, contrary to popular misconception,[7] but, in these areas, if requested by police to stop drinking, one must (may) then stop drinking and surrender the alcohol, both open and closed containers

>> No.3905542

The rednecks are the ones who drink heavily and are usually too hung over to go to church. The more straight-laced family members (like wives) see that behavior and want Jesus to save them from alcoholism. That's where the problem comes from.

>> No.3905570

>But anyway, even fucking England - one of the biggest nanny states on the planet - has similar German style public drinking laws

I lol hard whenever people use the term "nanny state", enjoy your no alcohol until 21 but allowing 16 year olds to drive cars america.

>> No.3905573

I've always wanted to bludgeon a welshman for being welsh and in England and then point to the law that allows me to do so.

>> No.3905574

it can also be quite entertaining

>> No.3905575
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>How can you be a redneck without alcohol
rednecks drink the least in america, because they are all evangelicals

>> No.3905577
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>> No.3905583

>Pierce county
>Skagit county
>Yakima county
>"much more church"

Bull. Shit.

>> No.3905586

I don't think they made it up

>> No.3906405


Goes to show how wrong stereotypes can be. From watching American television I got the expression that rednecks are pretty much all alcoholics.

>> No.3906438

they downplay the whole religious zealot thing on tv. The attitude toward drinking is much different in the south. Its kind of frowned upon there in general, whereas here in the north it is basically expected that you drink. I really find it hard to comprehend that in some southern states less the 34% of adults have drank in the last month

>> No.3906599

This is slowly changing. The South seems to change quite bit slower than the rest of the country in regards to drinking. It seems to be remnant of the old folk who still have some power. My local grocery store didn't even sell beer/wine until about four years ago. There's also a push to repeal the whole "No alcohol on Sunday" crap. It just started this year in the larger towns and cities in SC, but it's progress.

>> No.3906603

The fact that it is illegal now almost certainly means the law will never be repealed. People go FUCKING crazy whenever they are allowed a new freedom here. When my state allowed the liquor stores to be on open on Sunday, the first Sunday was the single best day for liquor sales of all time in the state.

Can you imagine how that first weekend would be if open container laws were repealed?

>> No.3906610

That got repealed in my county recently.

The whole thing with those votes were they were set up like,"Do you not, ever not want to not consider it a terrible idea to not be able to not buy alcohol on sundays?"

So most of the time people didnt know WHAT they were voting for

>> No.3906611


>> No.3906619

>Orleans parish
> church>beer
>we call it MASS


>> No.3906621

Oh that shit? I'm glad I can vote now...but nothing's come up recently. Also kinda pissed I have to be 21 to guy buy anything, but I can drink stuff at home. Though I suppose it's irrelevant as I don't have much money and alcohol is kinda expensive.

>> No.3906622

In my hometown, in TX, it's legal to drink in public, on the sidewalk, but only on Main Street and two blocks to either side of it. (Because it's a tourist town and the main street area is lined with bars, restaurants, shops, etc.)

>> No.3906631

So much this; can I get a /thread?

>> No.3906642
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more beer maps?

>> No.3906646

Im from Virginia

>> No.3906650
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>> No.3906653

No thanks. I think you guys are really exaggerating the Evangelists' influence on Southern drinking culture. Sure, they have enough power to increase anti-drinking restrictions and laws, but people down here don't think it's wrong to drink. It's not "kind of frowned upon there," drinking is an everyday occurence. And as far as I can tell, rednecks drink the most.

tl;dr Nobody likes the drinking laws, the South approves of alcohol.

>> No.3906655
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how do you explain away the fact that so many fewer southerners drink?

>> No.3906671

It's not illegal in the UK. Just several towns and councils have their own rules about it.

>> No.3906672

Which of your maps shows that fewer southerners drink?

Shows that the South is primarily Baptist.

Shows that the NW and NE have many many breweries.

Shows that SE states have a higher alcohol tax. This is likely due to MORE people drinking; higher taxes due to higher demand. Which explains Alaska's high alcohol tax.

Stupid and unfounded.

This seems to support your theory, however, it's based on a small sample of people. People lie, too, as is discussed in >>3906438.

>> No.3906685

You can get a RPG in the US... you just have to have a fuckton of money and the proper NFA stamps. The hardest part is finding a transferable one and the rockets for it. They're not common in the states, but some NFA transferable ones exist.

>> No.3906692
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German here. Life here is boring. Would rather live in Colorado. That is all.

>> No.3906695

Is that a 4 in that grey section in Alaska or a 6? I find it bizarre that there's a significant Friends/Quaker population all the way out there! I wonder if they're conservative (no dancing, no singing, no swearing, hates gays, etc etc etc Nixon was a conservative Friend) or orthodox (celebrate diversity, welcomes gays, instrumental in civil rights movement, instrumental in underground railroad and abolitionism, antitemperence etc etc etc); any ideas?

>> No.3906700

>Which of your maps shows that fewer southerners drink
The one that specifically shows fewer southerners drink

>his is likely due to MORE people drinking; higher taxes due to higher demand

Thats awful logic, when well known beer states like Wisconsin, Massachusetts, Oregon and Colorado all have low beer taxes. southern states have high beer taxes as an attempt at social engineering, not because of demand.

Also note that as craft beer expands the south is the last place to benefit as their sales markets there are so much weaker

>> No.3906704

no you wouldnt...