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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 50 KB, 575x567, 1346724374524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3900478 No.3900478[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

my senior prank.
picture a nice bake sale

>> No.3900482

You're going to hell, if it exists.

>> No.3900488

My high school did this every year. The staff planned it with the seniors and it was encouraged. But instead of selling them, one freshman had to volunteer to try to finish an entire one. They also made onion cakes that were just chopped onions under cool whip and onion pies.

>> No.3900489
File: 5 KB, 158x152, slap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would slap you if I bought one of those at your bake sale, just be prepared for that.

Good prank, though.

>> No.3900495

How is this a prank? There's nothing odd about caramelized onions.

>> No.3900500

How many of those you got? I figure if they aren't mixed in with the apples the joke is up pretty fast. at any rate I'd lol

>> No.3900501


but i saw this and thought it would be hilarious. have some other ideas. i'll make a pic of one and put it here in a few

>> No.3900503

I was going to mix it in with the apples, and this is an old pic; my school doesn't do pranks until the last day or around there. simply planning...

>> No.3900516

Oh god,

I can't even stand a chunk of onion in my food. I would probably vomit if I bit into this.

>> No.3900517

my senior prank was at graduation we all would shake the principals hand, everybody had a marble, and everybody would hand him their marble during the hand shake until his pockets were full and had all these marbles and couldnt do anything with them.

>> No.3900521

Because that wouldn't be funny at all

>> No.3900523

apparently our senior prank was smearing shit on the walls, no one confessed to doing it so they cancelled prom

>> No.3900530
File: 363 KB, 388x961, pedn'cheese.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is my other idea. it's obviously impractical, but meh.
also, in order to not get in trouble for senior pranks, they have to be approved by the principal. pretty gay, because then it's not really a prank

>> No.3900532
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Okay, now that's going too far.

>> No.3900538
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Fuck, I'm screencapping this. You got me good.

>> No.3900555

The best senior prank was, is, and ever shall be the one where they got three pigs, painted the numbers 1, 2, and 4 on them, and turned them loose in the school.

Hours were spent looking for number 3.

>> No.3900558

Or you do them in such a way as they don't incriminate you. I, for instance, put a dead fish inside the computer lab's air conditioner.

>> No.3900559

you better be prepared to give back everyone's money

>> No.3900562

you sadistic animal

>> No.3900563

I remember hearing about this.. wasn't sure if it was just an idea or if someone actually did it.

>> No.3900567

well knowing the idiots in my school, i could tell them they're candied onions, and they'll be like "oh, you!" and bite right into it
lol, ya

>> No.3900570

swap those responses around to the correct post numbers...

>> No.3900572

people did it at my school with chickens a few years before I got there and somebody stepped on one of the chickens and killed it so animal control had to come in and there was an investigation for animal cruelty

>> No.3900573

What's wrong with raw onion?

>> No.3900575

i actually eat onions like a handfruit, but in this case, it's shocking and unexpected

>> No.3900578

>in b4 the nerd who's allergic to onions has a full blown anaphylactic attack from eating one

>> No.3900579
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>> No.3900582
File: 37 KB, 460x276, Dylan Kleibold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These high school pranks are small time

>pic related, its me

>> No.3900629

You either went to the same school as I did, or your school was equally lame as ours.

>> No.3900637

This is such an old prank that I'm surprised that they didn't catch on.

"Oh, this is an old prank and we couldn't find #3 for ages, that one must not exist!"

With enough common sense, it can easily fall through. But I'm not gonna lie, I wanted to do the same thing when I was in high school. Unfortunately, we didn't have any connections to chicken farms, so we tried asking the kid whose family owned a turkey farm.

Live turkeys cost $50-60 each. My friends and I gave up pretty quickly. In retrospect, it would be a lot freakier to see turkeys running around a school than chickens.

>> No.3900649

I'm pretty sure most bake sales have a disclaimer these days.

It's normal for people to be allergic to eggs, wheat, soy, nuts, etc. If OP put up a sign that says "WARNING: Product may contain, have been in contact with, or been made near nuts, soy, eggs, wheat, onions, etc.", he should be relatively safe.

>> No.3900659

I've heard this prank so many times that I cut people off and finish off the sentence. What you do is get 3 pigs with 1-3 painted on them. Then they will truly not be sure if there is a fourth. Or do it with snakes or something.

Another good prank: put clear plastic wrap under neath all the toilet seats.

>> No.3900660

God you guys are all so small minded. My classes senior prank was well planned and executed. We had a group of 5 climb onto the roof of the school in the early morning and break open the locks on the skylights above the main commons. During a group meeting for the choir class they proceeded to drop onto the heads of everyone below them the following: A giant paper mache dildo filled with rotten milk, 30 live mice, 200 live crickets, 5 stinkbombs and a large amount of pink water based paint. They then proceeded to rapell off the side of the building and ran to a getaway car and drove off. It was the most epic school prank our school had ever seen. I was only slightly involved involved in it (I bought the crickets from a pet store) but I was damn proud.

>> No.3900667

I lol'ed and then I felt bad about it.

>> No.3900675



Class of 1979.

>> No.3900677


>> No.3900693

I thought that you got 3 pigs and numbered them 1, 2, and 4 so that they look for the third pig aimlessly.

>> No.3900716

>have a slow classmate
>tell him about numbering livestock prank
>the version I told was chickens numbered 1, 2, 3, and 5, so everyone goes looking for #4
>he seriously asks, "What if you got about 90 lambs instead, numbered them 1-100, but left out a few numbers in between?"
Fucking dumbshit, if we had the means to obtain 90 lambs, that alone would be funny enough as it is, there's no need to number them!

>> No.3900718


>inb4 the allergic to onions kid eats one and dies

>> No.3900726


Use chocolate with peanut in it to increase the likelihood of hilarity.

>> No.3900736

>School does a free lunch for the Freshman
>Lunch is always beef stew
>Live in rural area
>Buy horse laxatives
>Saran wrap toilets
Y'all know how this went.

>> No.3900762
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Really fucked up yet amazing, sure they tore that Saran wrap off...hopefully they noticed it.

>> No.3900765


isn't horse laxative just mineral oil?

>> No.3900766

Mineral oil is still a laxative in humans.

>> No.3900769


didn't know that, thought it just kinda lubricated everything up like a regular oil would do.

>> No.3900777

It lubes up yer pipes, if you catch me drift.

>> No.3900798
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>this thread

>> No.3900854

Our senior pranks were of several people who basically just vandalized the school with eggs, toilet paper and someone claimed to have smeared shit on the walls and left condoms filled with white hand moisturizer untied and/or hanging on the door knobs...

Those involved were all banned from attending graduation and prom.

>> No.3900867

>dropping live animals from the roof into a building

>> No.3900870


>> No.3900909

If you were giving the onions away, pretending they were caramel apples, that would be a prank. Selling them as caramel apples would just piss me off.

>> No.3900910
File: 279 KB, 570x2636, tarantula-milkshake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tarantula milkshake!

>> No.3900920

Members of my dad's senior class stole a cow and walked it up to the roof of the school.
They had to get a crane to remove the cow. The guys only got in trouble with the farmer they stole from.

>> No.3900948


Oh, goddamnit. That is horrid.

>> No.3900951

I saw that pic awhile back and did it to my dad's friend.

Got bit in the process trying to keep the spider in after I added the milk.

>> No.3900954

>Got bit in the process
good you deserved it fuckface

>> No.3900955

>grinding a live animal in a blender

>> No.3900959

tarantula hair can really agitate the esophagus. you shouldn't feed tarantulas to people unless they have been cooked first and the hair scraped off.


>> No.3900961
File: 76 KB, 372x352, 1314064889915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being moralpussies on 4chan

My dad's friend is a prick and deserved the prank. And tarantulas are pests around here, you wouldn't have said shit if I'd have done it with a grasshopper. Why do you feel sorry for the spider, because it's bigger and has hair? Fuck off, puss-cake.

>> No.3900962

I would just lick the sweet stuff off and eat the onion.

>> No.3900965

Not really a "prank" more like a dick move. Feeding someone a raw animal is different than feeding them raw vegetables.

Inb4 you attempt to defend your douchebaggery.

>> No.3900966

I have a pet tarantula. Why do their pest status make it ok to blend them?

>> No.3900969

nah, man. it's because eating bugs is gross, grasshoppers included.

>> No.3900972

>using "inb4" in an attempt to create an air of superiority
I don't have to defend shit to you. When I do a prank, I do one that's gonna piss somebody off. Stick to giving people caramel-covered onions kthx.

>I have a pet tarantula.
That's not even a real pet.

>Why do their pest status make it ok to blend them?
Because anyone with a brain wouldn't give a fuck.

>> No.3900978

Can I put you in the blender?

>> No.3900982
File: 28 KB, 328x317, 1273734414048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My senior prank was fucking hilarious... not /ck/ related, but I'll tell you twats anyway.

We fucking filled, and I mean, at least a foot deep, the main hall, art building, and band hall full of orange paintballs.

Imagine like 1000-1300 kids slipping and falling on their asses, covered in orange paint.

my sides left the building before I was even done watching the lulz ensue

>> No.3900983

Why would you use a live spider when you could have used something laying around outside (like dog shit) instead?

>> No.3900985

He most likely has a family that cares for him and some ambitions in his life which isn't something you can say about terantulas.

On a non social level I don't have moral objections when it comes to blending humans though

>> No.3900987

>implying there aren't millions of cute bacteria in dog shit that would die in the stomach acid

>> No.3900988

Not legally, because I have rights. Tarantulas don't, in this jurisdiction anyway.

>> No.3900989

We took an old VW Käfer apart and rebuilt it in the teachers room. Without engine though

>> No.3900991

I actually know this alien guy and he blends humans in his alien blender because their lives are less important than his.

>> No.3901002

If an alien comes tonight and is able to physically best me and my weapons and put me in a blender, he has my consent.

>> No.3901003

And as I said, on an ultimate universal scale I have no objections towards blending humans.

I might get mad and sad if someone would tell me he is going to blend me but if I'm really honest I couldn't tell him that he is objectively wrong in what he is doing.

>> No.3901008

>being objective in a world of subjectivity
aint how it works bro

>> No.3901012


The idea of pranks is that they are funny. Something you laugh about later. The purpose of pranks is not to be an asshole. If you gave away spider milkshakes as some sort of senior prank, people would just think you are a weird asshole, not a clever, funny guy.

But I suppose you are used to being thought of as a social retard, aren't you?

>> No.3901015

Yeah. I accept that it might be wrong on another meta level and maybe in someone personal oppinion but you can't give me objective reasons why doing anything is wrong.

>> No.3901019

>mistaking being "used to" with "not giving a shit"
You're just trying to insult me because you can't come up with a real reason why I'm wrong other than "UR A DIK."

>> No.3901020

maybe i don't think blending something alive is funny? if you wanted to prank some douche(like yourself) there's literally thousands of other things that would actually be funny, you could have done.

>> No.3901025

>On a non social level I don't have moral objections when it comes to blending humans though
why is everyone on this site fucking nonsensical

>> No.3901027

No conscious being can give you an objective reason for anything.

>> No.3901030

stop feeding the troll, bro. everyone knows blending spiders is a dick thing to do. captain asshat probably never even did it in the first place.

>> No.3901033

You got it. I'm most likely the nicest guy you've ever met but people can't just tell me that something is "objectively wrong"

What's so nonsensical about not having moral objections about blending a bunch of carbon and water?

>> No.3901034


No, my reason is this; it is not socially acceptable or funny to trick someone into consuming a raw insect or animal.

This is not a debate. In our society, it is wrong to do something like that.

>> No.3901036

I didn't. I've had two pet tarantulas though, and a laugh.

Inb4 jokes_on_them_i_was_only_pretending.jpg, I was just having a laugh, people, and there's no real reason for me to even tell you this. Assholes like that exist, but luckily they only post on /b/ and make pictures of blending tarantulas.

>> No.3901039


>using "inb4" in an attempt to create an air of superiority

Nice save bro

>> No.3901040

Nobody ever said that it was objectively wrong, though.

>> No.3901043

I actually inb4 all the time, but it is sort of hypocritical.

>> No.3901045

Someone implied that their "pest status" doesn#t make it okay to blend them and I simply intervened saying that I don't think it would be wrong either way. At least not in a way that is worth discussing it

>> No.3901046

because that carbon and water has feelings and nerves and probably doesn't find being chopped up by a blade to be anything less of horrifyingly painful. so if I come over to your house and stick your hand in a blender you won't try to stop me? you don't care?

>> No.3901051

That's not what I said at all and I don't think you get the point, besides I don't think the terantula was horrified or had pain.

What is your moral benchmark? Do you think that there is a single entity that decides what's right and what's wrong? That's only possible if you're religious.

>> No.3901052

Society as a collective whole decides what is right and wrong. Why do you feel that it isn't wrong ether way?

>> No.3901057

Then it is wrong on the level of your society but my point of there being no ultimate moral objectivity still stands.

What if an alien life form collectively decided that killing terantulas is the good thing to do? It is wrong on your level of reason, right on their level of reason but there is still no grand ruler that dictates either way and you can't just derive morals from logic.

>> No.3901065

I already agree with you that there is no moral objectivity. Instead of shutting down all discussion by bringing up that there are no objective morals and saying that they can carry on with their tarantula blending even though I don't agree with it I would show them my points on why I don't think it is cool and assume that they would do the same. It is called conversion and helps people connect on a personal level and not automatons.

>> No.3901068

*not be automatons

>> No.3901076

I don't need to evaluate what I think about everything. I don't believe in god. How would you know that the tarantula didn't feel pain? It has nerves it can feel pain. This is fucking stupid. Bye.

>> No.3901079

It does have nerves but if you are blended in under tenth a second there is not much time to feel it. And it wasn't horrified either or do you think a terantula understands the concept of blenders?

>> No.3901081

>I don't need to evaluate what I think about everything.
But you do. How will you change as a person? Question everything. It is ok to not find anything the first time.

>> No.3901082

>I don't need to evaluate what I think about everything

That's a really ignorant and close minded thing to say. You might not be religious but you are just as stupuid

>> No.3901095

>grinding up one bug quickly to be consumed is bad
>creating a worldwide business based upon the mass extermination of bugs through the deployment of nerve toxins is ok

I'm not spiderfag, and I don't care either way, but your argument sucks bro...

>> No.3901101

Spider based prank that doesn't involve killing.
Get a quality fake spider.
Make a milk shake.
Put fake spider in the bottom of an opaque glass.
Pour in milkshake.
Give to victim.
They drink the shake until they get to the spider.
Enjoy freakout.

Fake spider can be replaced with rubber mice, cockroaches, centipedes, whatever.

>> No.3901392

That would actually be worse than the Spider Milkshake, which doesn't actually have any visual or even textural cues that you just drank a fucking spider. The prankee would only have the pranker's word for it. You could fucking do that with anything.
> How'd you like your burger? Pretty good, right? THAT WAS A SPIDER AND BEEF PATTY YOU DUMB SON OF A BITCH! HAHAHAHA!