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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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3897521 No.3897521 [Reply] [Original]

>ITT:worst lunch your mother/father/guardian ever packed you while going through elementary school

>> No.3897526
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My dad used to make my packed sandwiches like a boss, cutting the crust off, putting in either peanut butter or peanut butter+jam.

One day my mother made them, and she left the crust on, didn't even cut them, and put butter in the sandwhich which had both peanut butter and jam.

Never again.

>> No.3897531


>> No.3897538

Did your parents not love you or something?

>> No.3897539
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when i was too young to realize eating butter daily was bad, my mom used to pack me butter sandwiches, when i look back at this i go "why the fuck would i eat that much butter?!"

>> No.3897546
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Those taco bell lunchables.

>> No.3897551

>ITT: Ungrateful spoiled fucks

>> No.3897552

My mother was too busy to make me lunch.
So I got Lunchables all day every day.

>> No.3897553
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what's up with the american cutting the crust off?
are we talking about sandwich bread like the one in the pic?
why would you cut that off?

>> No.3897556

none. got free lunch from the cafeteria because we were poor.

>> No.3897558
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You ever eaten a taco bell lunchable?

>> No.3897579
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Submit your own LOL pictures right here right now!

>> No.3897587

Lettuce and mustard sandwiches. The lettuce was wilted and slimy due to the probably half cup of yellow mustard dripping out of the sandwich.

With tangerine juice or shitty apple pear juice and rubbery carrot sticks.

I started stockpiling them in my locker and buying school lunch instead. I never removed the old lunches from my locker and it became nearly too full to fit my backpack inside of it. There was a cloud of fruit flies outside my locker. I had to hide them because my teacher would reprimand me if she caught me throwing away my lunch.

>> No.3897591
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A processed nacho cheese dip sandwich.

>> No.3897594

A cheese sandwich made with grated cheddar mixed with cheese triangles.

>> No.3897605

Kids are picky little fucks, that's why.

also neophobia or whatever. There's a lot of literature about this online.

>> No.3897617

My mom didn't make me lunch very often. I usually bought lunch from school or didn't eat until I got home. One time she accidentally used spoiled roast beef, though. I picked it off and ate the bread.

>> No.3897621

No, they are only picky when parents cater to every need and treat them like special angels.

>> No.3897628

My dad once put crab paste sandwiches in.

>> No.3897630

I can't remember a single time she made lunch for me.

>> No.3897640

My grandma took cheese and jam sandwiches too literally.

Fucking cheese and jam in one sandwich.

>> No.3897642

seriously i would somewhat understand it if it was the crust from normal bread but that sandwich crust is soft in the first place

>> No.3897644
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Lunch? Why, I can't remember being given a packed lunch ever in my life. But that's because I live in a country with a high standard of school dinners provided through judicial and fruitful use of public funding not subjected to free market abuses.

>> No.3897650

I'll be making packed lunches for my little sibling to help out. What would thrill you guys to find in a lunch box?

>> No.3897656

who in gods name puts butter on a sandwich?
>excluding the makings of a grilled cheese

>> No.3897665
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My mum used to send me to school with sandwiches with Milk Roll; this shitty, small, round bread that was processed 10 times more than any other white bread in existence.

Bread should not taste like the love child of rubber and paper.

>> No.3897670

Butter with ham is good, I think, and sometimes good with tuna.

>> No.3897673

>butter with tuna

You monster

>> No.3897674

My school had hotdogs every Wednesday.

Eventually I stopped eating lunch and just had a coffee in the library. I figured it had about the same nutritional value.

>> No.3897675

My parents never packed me lunch, and when i went to middle school they stoped paying for my school lunches. Problem was, they made way too much money for me to qualify for the free lunches like the poorfags. Never had breakfast either. And dinner came whenever they brought me back hot wings from the bar late at night. Be thankful fags. Good part is, now my parents are fun drinking pals and pay my tab.
Always look on the bright side of life.

>> No.3897677

Sweden? Or a country in the north?

Fucking knäckebröd man.

>> No.3897692

Fruit by the foot will make them <3 u 5ever

>> No.3897712

FRUIT GUSHERS, MAN. It's a snack that bleeds when you bite into it, how can any kid resist that?

>> No.3897750

My mother forced me to learn how to make my own lunch at a young age because she didn't want to make it or get up early to make in that morning. This applied to everything including dinner. There's only so much a five year old can do in the kitchen thanks to being short.

>> No.3897791


But that IS a sandwich. Fucking tasty too.

>> No.3897793

We where poor growing up so I never took any food to school. Instead I got the reduced price lunches and breakfasts

>> No.3897831

>doesn't coat both pieces of bread, jelly seeps into top half making it disgusting
>not to mention its fucking disgusting APPLE JELLY
I've had some good apple jelly, but home made not fucking disgusting smuckers

>> No.3897843
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bologna, miracle whip, and american cheese. still eat em, obviously prefer real everythings instead but.. oh whale. mondo's and dunkaroos were where it was at though man.

>> No.3897847

my dad once made me a hotdog (sliced in half) and ketchup sandwich. cold and soggy... was not down

>> No.3897848

When my mom did make me lunches to take they were typically pretty good. Though, I remember one day she packed two slices of kraft cheese, a red apple, a slice of white bread, and some grapes. It wasn't an awful lunch by any means, but it was really weird to open up my lunch box and just see that when she normally packed sandwiches, fruit, and a drink.

That being said, I normally got lunch from the school cafeteria.

>> No.3897906

Who the fuck are you?

>> No.3897912

In elementary school, my dad would give me nutella sandwiches. They would be alright, only I didn't really like nutella all that much and he spread it on herb-y, salty Italian bread.
In middle school, I either ate Ramen or a cheeseburger from the cafeteria. Then I started getting into cooking healthy, now my parents and I enjoy more homemade, healthy meals!

>> No.3897921
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Soggy tuna fish sandwiches on white bread, with wilted lettuce.

>> No.3897958

That's really sad dude, was she an alcoholic?

>> No.3897966

Same here, no breakfasts but the lunches were something like $30-40 a month. I lived in a very poor area of town, a bunch of kids didn't even bring in the $40.

The lunches were usually kinda crappy but on fridays they were always awesome. 1ce a month on a friday we'd get pizza and ice cream, fuck yeah!

Shit started to go sour when I went to high school and they didn't have a lunch program. Oh god the awful awful lunches. Usually sandwiches but these were really bad disgusting sandwiches. Oh how awful they were.

>> No.3898011


>> No.3898044

My mom made me home cooked meals every day until I graduated from highschool. I loved them all.
I'm spoiled, no fucks given.

>> No.3898045

Cinnamon Roll lunchables. Literally turned me off breakfast sweets for years.

Also, my mom would always make me peanut butter and jelly, then arrange my lunch box so that the apple would ALWAYS fall on top of the sandwich, forcing the jelly to soak through the bread. The results were horrible. My only choices were to trick another kid into trading (flip the sandwich so they never see that revolting, soggy bread) or sneaking it into the garbage can.

Doing the former put me on some shit lists, and you had to be careful doing the latter. If the lunch aides caught you throwing out uneaten food, they would either yell at you to not do that, or, assuming it still had the plastic wrapper on it, would fish it out and make you eat it.

In retrospect, that's really weird. By third grade, I started making my own lunch so I didn't have to put up with that shit.

>> No.3898049
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>mfw your school made you eat trash

I'm guessing this was a public school.

>> No.3898069

My packed lunches were always good. It was the school lunches that sucked.

I had a bad habit of keeping my lunch ticket in my pants pocket, and when they got washed the paper ticket would disintegrate. So they'd make you wait to eat last in the cafeteria. This happened once, they served me a cheese sandwich with that orange government processed cheese. It was absolutely horrible.

I never lost my lunch ticket again.

>> No.3898117

>I'm guessing this was an american school.


>> No.3898120

No she was just a lazy cunt who didn't want to do anything at all.She couldn't even make my dad dinner. Poor guy was forced to fend for himself most times and the few times I tried to cook him dinner ( which all I knew at the time was bacon and eggs) my mother made a huge deal about and would throw it out. Thank god I got out of there but my father hasn't yet.

>> No.3898125

left over fastfood, from jack in the box too.
worst lunch ever.

>> No.3898140
File: 73 KB, 180x217, 86444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My mom made me a sandwich with this shit a few times. Fucking nasty shit...like canned dog food. It went straight in the trash once I got to school.

>> No.3898158

Worst lunch? A bag of chips because we had run out of money and the food pantry was the next day.

Got interrogated by the lunch ladies because that was all I had and I didn't want to admit I was poor as fuck and couldn't afford anything else.`

>> No.3898163

I hated peanut butter and jelly so that.

>> No.3898340

Mayo and Oscar Meyer "ham" on untoasted wonder bread, wrapped in tinfoil without an ice pack, with regular (not chocolate) Parmalat. She'd always put the sandwich in the bottom of the bag and the parmalat would smush it all up.

>> No.3898342

chicken bones and a picture of them eating chicken

>> No.3898664

Cereal. I am a REALLY slow eater, so it ends up being nasty soggy shit when I'm half way finished. It's even worse when the only cereal you're allowed to eat is Frosted Mini Wheats, which is a nightmare to eat when the wheat fibers break down and mix in with the milk, making a disgustingly thick concoction.

>eating white bread with the crust cut off
Confirmed for spoiled fucks. My mom forced me to eat whole wheat bread growing up, despite me vocally liking white bread much more. Despite constantly comparing it to cardboard, she would make me it anyways because it's better for you. Flash forward to when I have a job and car. My mom is letting me buy my own groceries and I can finally be a white bread eating faggot. After getting home and spreading some Nuttela on a slice, I felt something unexpected. White bread, as it turns out, tastes like cheap air filled candy and cant fill you up for shit. I actually can enjoy the taste of whole wheat now. Thank you Mom, for putting me on the path of true enlightenment. I still hate you for making me eat Frosted Mini Wheats, though.

>> No.3898683
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>Eating butter is bad
>Mfw amerifats actually believe this

>> No.3898691

Actually, it was a charter school. My parents wouldn't let me go to public schools for the longest time.

Public school was one of the most enjoyable times of my life. Apparently the key is to go to ones in rich neighborhoods.

>> No.3898728

I'm Vietnamese so when I was about 7, my grandma packed me some Vietnamese food. It wasn't anything special. Just a banh mi(it was just the bread) with some Vietnamese ham with fish sauce. Kids made fun of my lunch and me. I never brought pack lunch to school again.

>> No.3898740
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>mum wasn't home
>dad didn't feel like making anything
>packs me a mustard sandwich

>> No.3898758

My parents were poor and neglectful, I rarely I had lunch let alone a shitty one

>> No.3898761

My dad once had to send me out to school on his own with no preparation of food by way of my mother. He made me a roast beef sandwich and tied it up so tightly in plastic that he turned the whole thing to paste.

I threw it out when I made it to school. Didn't eat anything until I got home.

Funny thing was my father is a competent cook. Just in a rush and did not give a shit.

>> No.3898775

jesus christ either you people had some fucked up parents or are exaggerating shit

i could probably count the number of times i had a packed lunch, mostly just ate the cafeteria food....mexican pizza or turkey gravy being my two favorites

>> No.3898778


count the number of times on one hand*

>> No.3898782
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I never got to experience bagged lunch.
I just got 5 bucks a day and went on my merry way.

I miss school breakfast ;_;

>> No.3898790

I also miss chicken nugget day.
Rubber Nuggets
Instant mash with instant gravy
Canned corn
Gubment malk
Chilled Canned fruit

but goddamn if it wasn't the best, most filling day of the week.

>> No.3898797
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Sort of related,
my mom would sometimes pack my lunch with a juice squeeze in a brown paper bag. Once on a field trip, I started swinging it around until the bag ripped open and the bottle flung and knocked some kid in the head. I don't remember if I got in serious trouble or not, I think my school just told me not to pack those anymore.
Pic related, mango juice squeeze is a motherfucking god tier drink.

>> No.3898816

At least your parents gave you money. I starved in the mornings.

>> No.3898821
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>3rd grade
>hungry as fuck
>open lunch box
>the contents are a slice of balogna (a single slice), no bread, no mustard, nothing to go with the balogna, and a straw
>a balogna and a straw

What the fuck am I supposed to do with that, mom?

>> No.3898831

When I was in 8th grade, some kid had his mom pick up McDonalds for him every day. I don't even know why he wasn't fat.

>> No.3898849
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>> No.3898884

Butter with peanut butter is pretty nice, but adding jam to the whole mix? That's just wrong.

>> No.3898899

We had kids whose parents would occasionally bring them fast food, but not everyday

>> No.3898900

that was me. Mom would drop off fast food at the office for me to pick up. Cycled around McDonalds, burger king and subway. Once had dimsum.
>faggots in my class always asking for fries. fuck off

>> No.3898904


Because despite common lore, McDonald's doesn't cause people to get fat. Overeating causes people to get fat, despite the source of the food.

This seems to be a very difficult concept for some people to understand.

>> No.3898909
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>Mom is always busy, she works double time
>Somehow she makes herself time to make me luch
>Even when it was not the greatest lunch I can't remember a single bad one
>Mom had a "eat healthy" mindset so whenever she gave us lunchables or frozen pizza as lunch instead of boiled broccoli or the common meals it felt like a treat and it was awesome
>One time she didn't packed me lunch...
>She came to y school by recess and gave me a happy meal
>So much jelly on the other kids

>I love my mom

>> No.3898910


> Overeating causes people to get fat, despite the source of the food.

No, shitty refined carbs which most people eat are what cause people to get fat.

>> No.3898918

In my school, boxed lunches were considered for the poor kids. All the rich kids got to get food in a paper bag from the canteen.

I was so poor.

>> No.3898926
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My mother always made great lunch, even if it was just a sandwich it always tasted good. My dad on the other hand was a fucking manchild who didn't knew how to take care of himself much less a child, the one time he gave me lunch was because mom was out of town, I was about to go to school when I asked him for something to take

>Oh shi- yeah ummm... why don't you take what I was going to have as breakfast?
>Eggs with dried beef flakes (something like sawdust made of beef jerky) and some liquid beans
>Pic fucking related but 50% more disgusting

>He proceeds to drop the food it right off his plate and into a container

There! have a nice day anon!

>> No.3898937

Fucking moron.

>> No.3898960

No, no, back up. It's the shitty carbs that cause you to not feel full and end up over eating that make people fat. Then it snowballs until you don't feel hungry or full at all, you just eat to try and feel that good taste feel.

Anyway, being low end middle class, my single mother packed me a freezer burnt steak and a thermos of milk. I was lucky I had money to get a back up because I had to leave before lunch a few days earlier.

>> No.3898974

>Fucking moron

Convincing argument.

>> No.3898975

He gave up his breakfast for you. That's more than what my dad has ever done.

Ever since I found out cooking was easy, I somehow managed to cook better than my mom can (hate to brag, but it's actually true). Ever since my dad found out, I've become the resident kitchen bitch. He devolves into a whining manchild who throws tantrums.

>mom is about to cook dinner
>dad whines
>"Noooooooo! I want [my name] to cook! I want [my name] to cook!"
Imagine Michael McDonald's "Stuart" character from MADtv, except that he's actually an adult, as opposed to an adult playing a child. That's my dad.

>mom is away from home for a week to visit my sister on the opposite side of the country
>suddenly, I've become the parent, and my dad's become the child
>"I'm hungryyyyyyyyy, hurry up with the fooooooood!"
>"Noooooo, I don't wanna eat artichokes!"

This childishness escalates beyond food/cooking.
>"I made a mess, you need to clean it up"
>I shit you not, he spilled grape juice on the carpet.

>> No.3899039

My dad once made me take a huge half-gallon tupperware container of some bland, watery, disgusting vegetable stock soup he made. It had potatoes the size of my fist in there.

He terrified me with the food he made so I was scared of wasting it. To this day I remember sitting down in elementary school and trying hard to chug down half a gallon of that shit, while other students watched in amazement.

>> No.3899120

my dad really enjoyed packing my lunch on mornings he took me to school. But he is semi germophobic, so he always put several ice packs in my lunchbox to make sure everything stayed cold. It just made everything ice cold and unpleasant to eat.
My mom on the otherhand didn't pack as good of lunches. She often gave me fluffernutter sandwiches or leftovers from the night before

>> No.3899124
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>She often gave me fluffernutter sandwiches
>not good

>> No.3899166

meh, the usual. pb&j, fruit cups, yogurt, some little debbie bullshit or whatever. bunch of processed bullshit but back then we actually had recess and gym

>> No.3899790

Honestly, I... I'm apalled. Do children in the richest nation in the world eat these kind of things for lunch? Peanut butter sandwhiches? Lunchables?
Wow. I understand why Americans are so short.

>> No.3900626

my friend got sleeves of saltines