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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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3898143 No.3898143[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I had a peach, a pear, 6 chicken kabobs
A bagel with vegan cream cheese
chocolate covered almonds
and one pound of french fries.

>> No.3898147

>stating your gender online


>> No.3898154

You're pregnant. It's called hormones. You're eating for two. You need the extra nutrition.

Pull Cosmo out of your ass and quit focusing on your fucking figure. Enjoy eating good food, and a healthy pregnancy. Seriously, it's a-o-fucking-kay to eat...

>> No.3898164

>look at me I'm pregnant! let's talk about it!

every fucking time

>> No.3898432

Oranges. Unless you want your kid to have a clef palate.

>> No.3898442

you are pregnant and eating soy based foods, are you fucking stupid?

>> No.3898445

Why the vegan cream cheese, after the chicken? I can't wrap my head around that...

>> No.3898451

Doesn't stop the Asians.

>> No.3898459

asians rarely if ever eat soy that is not fermented which removes the bad qualities from it, soy consumption in the west is several times higher than it is in asia.
a woman who eats non fermented soy products while pregnant raises the risk of a serious birth defect by 5x

>> No.3898471
File: 124 KB, 300x249, heuaheu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just going through PMS and being a Dugong because it feels good to eat like a piggy sometimes.
I lift and run. One or two days out of the month I go way over allowed calories.

>> No.3898478

>soy consumption in the west is several times higher than it is in asia.


>> No.3898491

you just outed yourself as someone who has no idea about food

>> No.3898497

So am I the only one who doesn't crave sweets when menstruating? It's usually beef or liver for me. It's also weird that I usually eat steak medium, but during that time of the month I prefer it to be nearly blue rare.

>> No.3898505


>> No.3898507

are you a werewolf?

>> No.3898513

All women are werewolves, that should be no surprise. I am a little disturbed at how much I crave iron-rich foods during that time, though.

>> No.3898515

soo....chilis later?

>I have no idea why this conversation is arousing me

>> No.3898523
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Don't touch me.

>> No.3898530

I had a whole head of broccoli with dinner today. I feel so uncomfortably full but broccoli hardly has any calories in it so there are far worse things I could have binged on.

>> No.3898541

[citation needed]

>> No.3898538

but, unlimited chips and margeritas, then we can go to the motel next door for some anal sex and if things are going well take a walk down the block for some mini golf and air hockey

>> No.3898539

it only seems to matter when the gender is female

>> No.3898545
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>> No.3898546

>I crave iron-rich foods during that time
you crave them because you're 'losing' blood which contains a lot iron

>> No.3898549


Anal after Chili's? No way, I hate messy poo dick.

>> No.3898552

not if you do it shortly after

>> No.3898553

when things are already medically proven facts there is no need to cite them.

>> No.3898556

Fried chicken
Black beans with onions and jalapenos
Mashed potatoes

I basically just want salt when I'm PMS-y

>> No.3898566

>whatever delusional pseudo-science I read on blogs written by housewives must be true


Just saying "IT'S TRUE CUZ I SAID ITS TRUE!!!1" isn't how it works, kiddo.

>> No.3898581

let me rephrase this, if you are unaware of the overwhelming soy product consumption in the US and the health concerned linked to it then I have no reason to talk to you, your understanding of the topic is too limited to even waste my time educating. read a book.

>> No.3898585

Pretzels and grapes are my weekness durning that time of the month... Sometimes I just rince the whole bunch when I get back from the grocery store and snack for hours ;-;

>> No.3898603

If by soy, you mean corn.

>> No.3898620
File: 52 KB, 720x588, 1347498734883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him but soy is added to everything just like corn products are. The majority of soybeans in the world are GMO and guess who does that shit the most (USA).
>hydrogenated soybean oil
Is in fucking everything. Also OP is a faggot.

>> No.3898621

go into your kitchen if you have any pre-packaged foods, you will find there is soy in pretty much everything, corn too but corn isnt riddled with goitragens and trypsin inhibitors

>> No.3898632

I wish I was as happy as the guy in that picture, he looks like hes having a great time

>> No.3898637

I did as you said and picked up a pack of cookies. Corn something or other is in there but no soy.

>> No.3898660

I read my cookies and there is soy lecithin in both the chips and the cookie itself, the cookie is also made with soybean oil

>> No.3898673

Ice cream and beef jerky, I will eat a whole package of beef jerky in one sitting.

>> No.3898689

>I will eat a whole package of beef jerky in one sitting.
If that is something not a lot of people do then I feel bad about myself

>> No.3898714

I love beef jerky. And slim jims and anything like those spicy meat sticks.

>> No.3898720

are you a pretty girl? my boner is deciding what to do

>> No.3898722

1 mug of whoopie pie ice cream.
1 bean burrito with the inside blended so it's soft
1 cup broccoli with cheddar cheese sauce
1 shitty burger from the hospital
1 vanilla soy milk

>> No.3898724

Just popping in this thread to say I am pretty, skinny, have huge boobs, and love jerky/slim jims/any kind of spicy meat sticks.


>> No.3898730

>big boobs
Plastic surgery, do not want.

>> No.3898735

we should go on a date, Il make you lamb chops or something, maybe veal, definitely a baby animal of some kind though

>> No.3898742
File: 53 KB, 465x604, 1269243614168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw no periods for the last year due to pregnancy/nursing
...except lochia. man, why do they not tell you about that one in health class??
anyways, cravings are cravings. I don't think hormones made them more or less for me personally. they just happen sometimes at random....

>> No.3898751

>money for plastic surgery, lol
>spent it all on game subscribes and computer parts
>implying I'd need it wit deez 34DD at 116lbs

>> No.3898757
File: 55 KB, 164x192, 1337225158094.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mfw I get my periods every other month

>> No.3898770

you should post a picture of your torso, I need it...for things

>> No.3898768

Sure you are.

>> No.3898771


/ck/ =/= pics o' tits. In fact I'm pretty sure that would result in a ban for me. Lotsa crap going down on /soc/ right now, though, I'll bet!

>> No.3898780

well I didnt say nipples, just wear a tight shirt

>> No.3898781

You can make a thread on /soc/ and post a link here, but that would require you to be able to produce a time stamped pic.

>> No.3898802
File: 73 KB, 355x293, rage1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw my periods are impossible to predict because of anovulation

>> No.3898807
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Tight shirt granted. In the chance this results in a ban, I could use a break from 4chan anyhow.

That is a thread I certainly don't want to begin lol

>> No.3898817
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>> No.3898820

Proof given! This worked out well!

>> No.3898844

I'm breastfeeding and the cravings are WAY MORE INTENSE than when I was pregnant. Apparently that's normal, but no one tells you shit like that. When I was pregnant I craved broccoli, apples, and sometimes donuts. But once I started breast-feeding I could not get enough sweets. Brownies, cupcakes, cookies, ice cream, is all I wanted All. Fucking. Day. Long. Breast milk is very sweet so I think that had something to do with it. The cravings for sweets have calmed down a lot, but between like 10pm and 3am (when my boobs are completely empty) I am super non-stop starving for everything.

>> No.3898868

Torso pics or gtfo.

>> No.3898879

you missed it

>> No.3898885
File: 32 KB, 512x384, ckboobs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3898889

Bountiful breasts. I would say 23-29 Years old

>> No.3898898


>> No.3898903

Not really, it is still some chicks pcture. admiring it is nothing but advantageous.

>> No.3898906

I just made a nutella and teriyaki beef jerky sandwich

Im not pregnant, Im just a fat man who eats like I am. my nipples do get kind of sensitive sometimes though

>> No.3898912
File: 61 KB, 360x360, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm on my period right now and I haven't been craving anything.

I must not be a true woman.

>> No.3898935

Feels so fucking good not not have to put up with this shit myself.

>wake up at 2am, gf not in bed
>get up to pee
>drop by kitchen
>she is in there
>eating crunchy peanut butter
>with a spoon
>a fucking soup spoon
>she stares back
>minutes pass
>only the sound of her swallowing spoonfuls of peanut butter
>she finishes the jar
>stands up
>all is explained
>go back to bed and cuddle

Also, I lol'd uncontrollably at op.
>1 pound of french fries
Confirmed for fat, not pregnant.

>> No.3898961

Trolled how exactly?

>> No.3899042
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>> No.3899058

>you're eating for two

I always laugh when women eat lig pigs during pregnancy and complain about the weight gain afterwards.

You don't eat for 2. You eat for 1 and 1 tiny organism that doesn't nead a fourth of the calories as a full grown human needs.

>> No.3899061

This guy knows what's up

>> No.3899065

Nah plenty of women don't crave sweets.

>I am a little disturbed at how much I crave iron-rich foods during that time, though.
Fucking really?
You're gushing out blood rich uterine lining from your crotch and you can figure out why you crave iron rich food?

>> No.3899098

Not that anon but, is that why i can't stop craving spinach?

>> No.3899218

Spinach has iron. But you also lose iron.
Solution: Also eat some meat.


>> No.3899227

I have eaten crap over the last year because I feel bad about myself and now I am overweight by almost 100lbs and I have high insulin in my blood (70). I crave more now then I ever did when I was pregnant. I ate extremly healthy durring my "confinement" and gained about thirty lbs while pregnant. This last year I feel like shit and don't care anything about myself, I feel so embarrassed and disgusting that I don't even want to go out in public. I love the kiddo, I dote on him and pay attention to him. I feed him fairly well and balanced when he decides to cooperate. I however, want salty and greasy or sugar drenched foods all the time. I told myself if I gained more than five more pounds I was going to post pics on /fit/ and let them tear me a new one as an incentive to lose some weight.

>> No.3899241

Honestly, get a gun, shoot the kid in the face and then yourself in the head.

>> No.3899243

dude I would never harm my kid. he is really not at fault here. I understand railing on me, I deserve it for being such a hambeast, but leave the kid out of it.

>> No.3899365

>Telling someone to kill their kid
So edgy.

Kind of sounds like you have depression.

>> No.3899570

in fact, when "eating for 2" that shouldnt be interpreted as porking out, it should be interpreted as "I am now responsible for the health of another person who is in a fragile vulnerable state, I better eat healthy nutritious foods and lay off the shit for a while"

>> No.3899617

THIS. While the cravings are real and you are being affected by hormones, pigging out should be a once in a while treat, not every meal.

>> No.3899639
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>tfw you'll never feed a five course feast, which you've spent days preparing, to a naked pregnant woman, and watch as she gorges, uncontrollably like a piglet.

Any takers?

I can make juicy fried chicken, with cheddar cheese mashed potatoes, topped with the richest brown gravy you've ever tasted, and a side of jalapeno poppers.

For dessert, I would serve you a warm a butter cake, topped with freshly turned vanilla ice bean ice cream.

>> No.3899648

>Kind of sounds like you have depression.

>> No.3899673

Damn it, I somehow feel this thread was somehow caused by that thread a couple days ago with some guy bitching about how his woman or some such was smoking but wouldn't eat cheese cause it was bad for the kid.