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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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3897345 No.3897345[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is Subway 'good' for you /ck/?

I want to lose 10-15 kg, and have no idea about healthy food apart from basic vegetables and fruit, but I doubt I can stay away from subway to fill in some gaps in my diet which I don't know how to fill otherwise.

Should I try and learn to cook more healthy meals, or will having a few Subs a week not matter?

>> No.3897348

Learn to cook. It will be much better for you in the long run.

>> No.3897351

For the 6" sandwiches, yes. Extra condiments will bit you in the ass though.

Also you've been warned, a lot of /ck/ hates the idea of subway and will turn this into an anti-chain restaurant thread and tell you to go eat at your "local deli." It's best if you try to ignore them.

>> No.3897357

Alright then, I will try and do this... I can't make any promises that I wont be having subway here and there for the first couple of weeks though while I do some learnins.

A couple ideas I had, would like criticisms:

-no more bread; to be replaced with wraps
-no more cheese
-no more crumbed/skin/pre-cooked chicken
-no more soda at all, or small snack food (maybe some nuts or some shit)

I was thinking of getting footlong skinless chicken subs with no cheese or sauces, then have one for lunch + one for tomorrow's lunch.

Every board has their elitists, thanks for keeping it real.

>> No.3897361

you can do better
bake your own bread so you know exactly what's in it - it honestly doesn't take that long. in a short few days you can have a loaf for your sandwich and you know it's fresh
grow a garden and you have free fresh, healthy, pesticide free foods
for the meat i recommend becoming friends with your local delicatessen so you can get the high quality cuts, don't hesitate to nibble his balls - they like that

>> No.3897367

why cant you just eat less? retard

too many retards who wanna lose weight. get a fucking life you boring twat

>> No.3897377


Obviously I understand I need to eat less, I never even questioned that you colossal fartknocker.

Too many retards don't even read the OP post before posting, and it shits up boards.


I will be learning to bake bread and grow my own stuff soon, I'm moving out in a few weeks and don't want to buy more stuff to have to transport.

I understand delicatessens are seen to be higher quality than supermarket meats, will look into local ones when I move.


>> No.3897392

I tried the so called Subway Diet once. I couldn't make it past day four. Subway gets DISGUSTING after repeatedly eating it.

>> No.3897394

If you are serious about losing weight, exercise.

"dieting" Is what you do to not gain anymore weight / gain a shitload of weight

People seem to think that If you start heating healthy you will magically drop your pounds, but it doesn't work like that, you have to get your body breaking down its fat to lose it, otherwise you're just being overweight and eating regular amounts, with maybe an extremely slow loss of fat.

Sitting on your ass eating a salad is no better than sitting on your ass eating a bucket of fried chicken.

>> No.3897395

When compared with other fast food, yes. But do remember that subway is a franchise and that the quality of the food used differs depending on the country you live in. In the UK, subway is probably the healthiest of the fast food restaurants but that might be different for where you live.

I did read a news article about some chap losing weight after eating turkey subs from subway for a while. I wouldn't be dependent on subway to get healthy foods but if you get turkey/chicken with some veg and a wholegrain sub then I wouldn't call it bad.

>> No.3897399

Subway is bland as fuck and like someone else said, you won't be able to eat it often. Of course, your own food might be bland too if you're giving up heavy sauces and other stuff to put on it, but at least it's your own food and it will taste fresh and all that. The important thing is to not drink fucking soda. Water with every meal. Snack on trail mix.

>> No.3897400


All over it hombre.
I already started walking 20mins+ a day and doing some more push ups and all that.
But I was under the impression that you had to both exercise and eat healthily to lose weight, otherwise the exercise wont do much.

If I'm wrong on that, I'm guessing i'll just be getting a double dose of health with changing my diet.

>> No.3897405

If you go the jarred route with a sub with only turkey and veg then you should lose weight.

The thing is, though, subway is fucking disgusting. Why not just go to the grocery store and get some fresh baked bread, sliced turkey from the deli, and fresh veggies?

>> No.3897409

Guys, I'm trying to become a fatass and then die from being such a fucking fatass. I've heard Quiznos is good for this. I want to gain thirty pounds every two weeks and ultimately die. Should I go to Quiznos on a regular basis or just funnel cream cheese into me at home?

>> No.3897412

>But I was under the impression that you had to both exercise and eat healthily to lose weight, otherwise the exercise wont do much.

You'll gain muscle and keep your fat, becoming bear mode.

Take a look at the guys at worlds strongest man tournaments, they look fat but thats because they eat a shitload and workout a shitload, the fat they have supports their muscle build.

But even then they are eating healthy foods, just in massive quantities, no exceptions, put down the maccy d's bro.

>> No.3897427

Some of the 6 inch subs have pretty reasonable nutritional stats. The turkey breast and black forest ham subs have 280-290 calories, the Veggie Delight has only 230 calories. But, all of these calorie counts are before adding cheese and condiments. I skip the condiments or ask for red wine vinaigrette. To compensate for the lack of sauce, I ask for loads of banana peppers and pickle slices to add vinegary flavor. Subway has been pretty great for my weight loss.

>> No.3897429

>Sitting on your ass eating a salad is no better than sitting on your ass eating a bucket of fried chicken.
A salad has fiber, fried chicken does not.

>> No.3897433

Their bread is really not good for you.

>> No.3897435

You'll start feeling unsatisfied after a few days and want to shovel everything else you could find into your face. The bread and meats are that low quality. Deli meat is not all that great for you overall anyway. Plus it's cheaper to buy a baguette/some kaiser rolls and a half pound of whatever you want at a deli and some lettuce and tomatoes - you actually get a bit more choice that way.

Basically, everything in moderation. A full-on Subway diet is no good.

>> No.3897436
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> no more bread; to be replaced with wraps.
Dude, there's nothing wrong with bread. Heck, there are a lot of carb/bread based things that are fine for you if you want to lose weight.

>> No.3897438

check out some non-ketogenic low carb diets. eat smaller portions. eat chicken breasts (only one!) supplemented with lots of veggies. learn to make good sauces and how to season and you can have a good variety. don't go crazy on the fruits. try to cut down on cheese and milk. i don't know how fat you are, but walking isn't enough for real results. if you're super fat, yeah, work up to running. if you're not fat you have no excuse not to run.

>> No.3897439

>want to lose weight
>asking about it on /ck/ instead of /fit/

Take DNP btw. That feel when losing 1 lbs a day with no side effect.

>> No.3897441

Hello OP, /fit/izen here. Good to see you're keen on losing weight.

In my experience, losing weight is 2/3 dependent on your diet, and 1/3 dependent on exercising.

For diet, i highly recommend counting your calories for a week so you get a feel for what you are actually taking in. Take your body weight in lbs, multiply that by around 10-12 and that is the range of calories you want to be taking in each day to be losing weight. Eg if you weigh 165lbs, you want to be eating 1650-1980 calories per day.

You'll get hungry. I recommend drinking green tea between meals since it is super healthy and an appetite supressant. All the best

>> No.3897442

Did you even read the OP?
He said he wants to lose 10-15 kilos.

>> No.3897445

>take an ECA stack
>eat at below maintenance calories
>more protein is good because it fill you up better
>do starting strength and couch to 5k

Do that for at least 6 months and not only will you lose the weight, you'll come out looking like a god.

>> No.3897450


I often get this from people it's always "DOMINOS! What a digusting creature you are. Go to a local place" or whatever thing it is they have decided is better at a local place.

I went to my local deli. I got an incredibly crusty baguette with a tiny amount of filling and it was twice as much as subway.

>> No.3897454


Actually you are wrong. You will lose weight if you take in less calories than you use. If you just ate salad you should lose weight. There is some evidence that exercise actually makes you eat more and may not even be that great for weight loss.

>> No.3897459

You are correct but exercise is helpful in expending more calories in a day than sitting on your ass. Also a person who exercises with weightlifting and cardio will look infinitely better than someone who just cut.

>> No.3897471

I think most people would feel like shit though. Exercise makes you feel good. I just went a week without and I almost killed someone.