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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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3895712 No.3895712[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This is me cooking a large batch of pasta sauce. Feel free to comment and come with suggestions on how I can improve my cooking. This is sort of a Danish version of bolognese sauce but there are some differences.

These are my ingredients.

1.1kg of minced beef (10-14% fat)

Chopped tomatoes
Tomato paste
Green pesto
Red wine
Alot of herbs and spices.

>> No.3895718
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I wash all the vege carefully and peel the onions. Then I chop it finely. Its very important that its finely chopped otherwise it wont be nice to chew.

>> No.3895722
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Put some olive oil in a pot and heat it up. You can check how hot it is by testing the oil with a small piece of onion. If it sizzles you can throw in all the vegetables.

Fry them in the pot for a bit until the onions begin to turn clear and then a bit more. Dont burn them or let them turn brown though.

>> No.3895723

Jeg håber ikke, at du har tænkt dig at bruge alle tre dåser tomatpure.

>> No.3895724

>large batch
are you planning on freezing some, feeding the masses or eating it like a gluttonous fatty.

also I'd like to reccommend that you pour yourself a glass of wine at the begining of the cooking process

>> No.3895728

add a bayleaf motherfucker

>> No.3895727
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Do the same with the meat. Fry it either in a little bit of butter or some olive oil. You dont need much.

>> No.3895732
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Start browning the meat. Here its important that you dont add too much meat. You want to brown and sear the meat a little go get out the taste. If you add too much meat too quickly, the whole thing might become too wet and you end up boiling the meat instead.

>> No.3895734

Slice your onions... did you just throw them in a wood-chipper?

>> No.3895740
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I will be using all those cans yes.


I freeze it. Its like 6-8 servings depending on how many vegetables and you add in the sauce.


Not yet.

I start out by browning half of the meat and then adding the second. Remember to spice it well with salt and pepper at this state.

>> No.3895741

>>Then I chop it finely
>>pic fucking related

In what universe?

>> No.3895742
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I usually add some paprika at this point as well.

>> No.3895744
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this thread is fucking wonderful.
its just wonderful.
I'm going to be watching it till the very end.

good job op.

it already looks delicious.

you could bake some of the sauce into a bread..I would :3

>> No.3895745
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Keep and eye on both pots. Make sure nothing burns but dont stirr too often either.

>> No.3895748
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When the meat is almost completely browned you can add some red wine for extra taste. Dont add too much.

Stir and wait until the red wine has mostly evaporated.

>> No.3895751
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Add the vegetables and stir

>> No.3895754
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Im adding two cans of chopped tomatoes and two cans of skinned tomatoes. If you are a real badass you can boil some water and skin your own tomatoes but it takes a bit more effort.

>> No.3895756
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Stir it very well. You now have the basis of your sauce. But its not done yet...

>> No.3895759
File: 1.69 MB, 3648x2736, IMG_6213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dump some pesto in there. Doesnt matter if its green or red. You can even use both. Its a bit expensive but it adds extra flavour and blends well with the rest of the sauce.

I also added some tabasco and some worschestershire sauce. (did i spel lthat correctly?)

>> No.3895760

i think i will do something similar with the next stuff i cook.

makes me want to eat something

>> No.3895761

I'm not proud to be Danish at the moment. At least it's OC.

>> No.3895762
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Added bayleaves as well. The green stuff is the pesto.

>> No.3895764

i am pretty slow no matter what i cook.

if i were in your position i would have cooked one thing and then the other thing.
not both at the same time.

i know my way is the stupid way but that's just how i would do it.

>> No.3895765

How do you get anything done?

>> No.3895767
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I forgot to say that in this pic I also added 3 small cans of concentrated tomato pure. You can see them in my OP.

I added a stock cube. It helps to create some richness. If you have real stock its obviously better but most people usually dont.

>> No.3895770

you're missing Madkulør op

>> No.3895774
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I wish I had fresh herbs but they are quite expensive over here. A plant is like 6-7 dollars and its usually just enough for one of these batches. It makes it a lot more expensive but also better to have fresh herbs.

I added oregano and bassilikum.

>> No.3895775
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Just to show you how my kitchen looks now. Heheh.

Still. We arent done yet.

>> No.3895779
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I added some garlic.

>> No.3895781
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At this point I let the sauce sit for about 2-3 hours on low simmer. I stirr every 20 minutes or so. Its important to let it sit and simmer as it develops the taste. If you have a taste of it at this point and it seems a little bland then dont worry. It will get better by simmering. Dont panic and start adding spices just yet.

>> No.3895782
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shit reggie. clean as you go!

>> No.3895787
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scene ciesaerd

After a couple of hours I chop some mushrooms and add them. I used to add them in the beginning with the vegetable but I have since found out that it tastes better to add them later so they maintain some of their delicious mushroomy texture.

Add them, stir well and let it sit for another 1-2 hours. The longer you have the better.

>> No.3895788

it takes me several hours.
but only when i cook stuff.
i listen to music and carfully reread the recipe and check if everything is correct.

>> No.3895789

what's up with all the weed?

>> No.3895791
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This is what it looks like after simmering for awhile with no stirring. At this point you can start tasting it and see if you need to add more spices. I like mine spicy but not to the point where you cannot taste the ingredients. At the end you just gotta try for yourself.

>> No.3895795
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At this point the sauce has cooked for 4 hours. I put it outside in the cold to chill over night. If its not cold enough where you live put it in the fridge but wait until it has cooled a bit otherwise you will heat the fridge up a lot.

Letting it sit over the night again enhances flavour. A sauce has spent the night in the cold tastes a lot better when reheated. I pack them into portion sized bags and freeze it all for later.

Usually I also eat this the night that I cook it. I didnt take a picture of it though.

>> No.3895797
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Thats about it for this thread.

I also made this quite delicious homemade burger yesterday. I am not sure anyone wants to see how I did though.

>> No.3895799
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The end

>> No.3895800
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nice thread, OP. props for OC.

>> No.3895801

>I am not sure anyone wants to see how I did though.

post it

>> No.3895803
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thanks op

>> No.3895805
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Alright here is a bit more.

My burger ingredients.

200g of minced beef
Cheddar cheese
Burger buns
HP sauce

>> No.3895812


He didn't even post a pic of the final product...

>> No.3895813
File: 1.98 MB, 3648x2736, IMG_6115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start out by forming your burger patty into the same shape as whatever bun you are using. Make sure its slightly larger than the bun as it might shrink a bit as it gets heated.

Dont work the meat too much. I like to maintain the "minced" structure of the meat as much as possible as I prefer a fluffy patty over a dense patty. Scratch the surface of the meat and then spice it well with salt and pepper.

>> No.3895815
File: 217 KB, 928x1148, veggi burger recipe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

while you are at it i will post this screencap of a burger recipe that i wrote down.

it's vegetarian and tastes fucking awesome

>> No.3895816
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Final product is in the pot. Do you want to see a pic of the frozen package or did you want to see it on top of some spaghetti? I didnt take a picture of that I am afraid.

Chop your vegetables and make sure you slice them rather thinly so your burger doesnt become too fat. I like to add many ingredients so if I am not careful its impossible to eat the burger.

>> No.3895823
File: 1.76 MB, 3648x2736, IMG_6131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slice your cheese. I like cheddar but it doesnt really matter.

>> No.3895820

>I didnt take a picture of that I am afraid.

That's the problem. The thread is worthless without the product. Dumb fuck.

>> No.3895836
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Woah there take it easy tough guy. If you dont have the imagination to picture that sauce on some pasta then I am afraid you arent intelligent enough to cook it in the first place.

Why are you posting on this board again?

Anyway: After slicing your vegetables and preparing the patty start out by putting the bacon on a pan. I dont use anything when I fry bacon, it is greasy enough on its own.

Then I add a little bit of putter and fry the patty in it. Dont add too much butter as you want the patty to sear a little bit. Since I live in an apartment I cannot use a grill. Dont burn it though.

>> No.3895838
File: 1.77 MB, 3648x2736, IMG_6141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fry the bacon and the patty.

I had a corn cob so I decided to boil that as well and have it on the side.

>> No.3895842
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Flip the patty after 3-4 minutes

>> No.3895847
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The bacon is just about done. I prepare some paper towels on a plate to put the bacon on so the fat can drain. I also pour the rest of the bacon fat away so the pan becomes dry. The patty is almost done at this point.

>> No.3895852
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I add some mushrooms as the patty is almost done. I like to have them fried in the remains of the sauce from the patty. I push them close and wait a couple of minutes.

You can check if the patty is done by poking it with a fork. If the juices that flow out are clear its done. However remember that it keeps cooking for a little bit after you take it off the heat. You dont want it to become dry either.

>> No.3895855

Not sure if you are going for italian sauce, but if you are, you are failing. Very Amerifat.

>> No.3895856
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Now its time to assemble the burger.

Take your heated burger bun and slice in in two. Add some ketchup or whatever dressing you are using and then add the patty. On top you add cheese and bacon. I would have added the cheese while it was still on the heat but I forgot.

>> No.3895860
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Add letuce, onion, tomato, pickles and cucumber. I put some pesto on the top bun.

>> No.3895862
File: 1.78 MB, 3648x2736, IMG_6167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot to add the mushrooms. I also added some more ketchup and some HP sauce.

>> No.3895865
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>> No.3895866
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Check out this pic as well.

>> No.3895868
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Also yes I eat with knife and fork as I am a cultured and european.

>> No.3895874

Your patty looks like crap because you manhandled it far too much

Your bun is too soft, boring, fuck you didn't even toast it!

You never eat a burger with a fork and a knife, and if you are, it better neccesitate it, unlike this flat crap

You crowded your bacon far too much, they didn't properly cook

You used a non stick pan that doesn't caramelize meats properly

The list goes on and on...

>> No.3895873

I want your life

>> No.3895883

fuck off you shit-tier, autistic cunt.
op provided some OC and I for one apreciated it.
if you got a problem make your own thread .
show how to do it "properly"


>> No.3895884

you are so very cultured that you failed to remove your pot paraphernalia before shooting your picture. okay dokie tokie

>> No.3895885

lol'd at your miserable attempt at criticism

Don't be so transparently jelly bro.

>> No.3895886

Is that your reflection on the tv screen?

>> No.3895889
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1) I almost didnt touch the patty

2) Burger bun might look a bit boring but thats the best that is available here. It a wholegrain bun and it was actually pretty decent. I didnt bake my own because its just one burger so I couldnt be bothered. The bun is also TOASTED but I just didnt show it.

3) I didnt want to get my fingers greasy

4) Bacon is fine

5) Point taken, but thats what I own. I am a bachelor living alone I dont have a massive kitchen with room for several different pans.

>> No.3895891

>King-size Rizla Silvers

I like this guy.

>> No.3895897

Deal. Next time I do burgers, I will show you plebs how to do it right.

You fucking turned it into a beef paste.

That bun doesn't look toasted at all. It didn't even change in color.

If you do it right, you fucking won't. Manchild.

No, you're bacon is shit tear. Learn to cook bacon, faggot.

>> No.3895898

Then why did you post a pic of the burger final product? Shouldn't we have just imagined that too?

Just accept the fact that you fucked up and posted a pointless process with no product.

On this board to see nice pics of plated food, among other reasons. You can't even get that right though.

>> No.3895900


Whatever smartass. You are a douchebag and other posters think so too.

>> No.3895904

Your post screamed mad jelly, and the sage just topped it off.

>> No.3895905


Why do you keep following the thread if you dont like it?

>> No.3895903

>That bun doesn't look toasted at all. It didn't even change in color.
Only children require a toasted bun. Why are you stuck on this?

>> No.3895907

No, toasted bread on sandwiches is superior. Not toasting your bread is pleb.


>> No.3895908
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>> No.3895911

>Not toasting your bread is pleb.


>> No.3895913

This picture is really really lame compared to the original one. It's not even funny.

To be honest, this guy is right.

>> No.3895914

Jelly that he can't take a photo of the meal after posting 8+ giant images of him making it? Yeah, no.

I was replying to you...

Hidden. Fucking failure OC.

>> No.3895921

>sages and hides thread
hahaha most butthurt poster on /ck/ today

good stuff

>> No.3895924

that weed pipe

>> No.3895957

This board used to have so much OC, why are you guys bitching and moaning when someone goes to all the effort of actually creating something?

Post something better, turbonerd.

>> No.3895988

>buying pre-made pesto
>adding pesto to spaghetti sauce


>> No.3896003 [DELETED] 

no offence to black people, but you're a fucking nigger

>> No.3896027

drink that red wine then take your vegtables chop them up good and mix it all together with the hamburger then pan fry it. take the tobasco sauce and mix it with the tomatoe sace then pour over burgers and enjoy

>> No.3896414

Will summer never end? I'm actually quite happy we're starting to get more OC.

>> No.3897339


>> No.3897389

Who gives a fuck about OC if it is sheer shit?

>> No.3897390

Good thread, OP. Post shots of the hot slut who sucks your dick on a regular basis.

>> No.3897397
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never thought I would see food from Bilka


>> No.3897567

You're the only tripcode user I've ever disliked. Take it easy once in a while.

>> No.3898444

Because time is limited.

>> No.3899094

Makes me sad...

>> No.3899097

this motivated me to make something like this myself.

next week probably, i mean taking pics of my food while making it and then uploading it to 4chan.
we need more stuff like this