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File: 16 KB, 300x300, jamaican-beef-patties-09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3892330 No.3892330[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What do you guys think of beef patties.
most famous in Toronto too be honest, but they are fucking great.
i'm pretty sure i'm eating cow rectums and all that nasty stuff from the beef but it's fucking delicious.

>> No.3892334

They're called pates dumb fucks

>> No.3892338
File: 20 KB, 250x250, 1308504337410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3892347

I bought a huge box of Jamaican Patties the first time I got a Costco card in Uni. Box lasted a long ass time, didn't find them spicy enough

>> No.3892398

I like them as spicy as possible with Crystal hot sauce. If anyone ever tries making their own, the yellow color comes from a tiny bit of turmeric kneaded into the dough.

>> No.3892410

Why do you feel the need to do this in every thread?

Miss them, but can't find any in Vancouver so far. Even if I do, not sure how spicy they'll be.

>> No.3892413

Why do you feel the need to start so many threads about pates?

>> No.3892428

Im not too big a fan of them, because most of the time it either tastes too boring or I have the feeling the meat inside isnt really meat..

>> No.3892465
File: 528 KB, 1200x900, patty-islandspice-lg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have them in new york. You get them from jamaicans, they're not a toronto based thing.

Also if you've never tried it, try them on coco bread. That's more of a traditional way of eating them.


>> No.3892478

Had a beef patty from a food truck in TO and it was the driest, crustiest, miserabliest experience I've had. A sad affair of meat filling and flaky pastry. Are they mostly street food or are there good jamacian shops around?

>> No.3892486

>beef patties
>Pictures of beef filled pasties

C'mon, Canada...

>> No.3892492

Those are fine I guess, I had an empanada for the first time yesterday, got it from an old woman selling em on the street, shit was terrible. Heavy dry pastry with bland dry beef in the middle. I don't know why I still believe people when they say authentic south American food tastes good.

>> No.3892499

Why don't you spell pâté properly?

>> No.3892504

This. Except for one place in Sydney, all Latin American food joints I've been to (even the ones frequented by latinos) have been complete shit. I really expected spicy, flavourful food, but got blandness instead.

>> No.3892505

there's your problem

>> No.3892509


Beef patties are awesome. I grew up around Toronto and assumed they were known everywhere.

Good stuff!

>> No.3892511

Also got an arepa for the first time too which may have been even worse, it was so dense and oily with no flavor, one bite felt like a swallowed a truck tire.

>> No.3892512


I bet they are tasty. They're just not beef patties. A hamburger is a beef patty. Jamaicans need to get with the program.

>> No.3892519


>Not pâté en croûte

do you even French

>> No.3892530

"patty" is patois for "pastry". It's an accent thing, much like the Welsh and their "pasties".

>> No.3892567


Toronto fag here and we do have a lot of shops that sell patties. Treats and Tasties and NonNisa have the best ones.

They taste god their but their flaky crust gets everywhere and the filling doesnt look that appetising (looks like grey sludge) but they are god tier budget foods.

where do you live in toronto? north york fag here on yonge street.

>> No.3892577

Most pizzerias sell them too.

>> No.3892582

thats how the Tasties place in Toronto sells them.

NYC and Toronto are infested with Jamaicans so you find them in a lot of places here. Some coffee shops even sell samosas.

>> No.3892600

Is Canadians referring to all meat pies as patties kind of like how Australians refer to all sandwiches as burgers?

>> No.3892619

no... jamaican beef patties are a very distinct breed of patty.

>> No.3892626

I wasn't aware that was a thing. How tarded

>> No.3892682

so the answer is yes.

>> No.3892855

In this city they're a French public school staple.

>> No.3893468

I made my own Jamaican patties using a few recipes (like this one: http://allrecipes.com/recipe/jamaican-beef-patties/))

They were AMAZING. I miss being in Toronto though.

>> No.3893512

They look like empanadas.

That's a tremendously skewed ratio of dough to filling there.

>> No.3893546

meh patties are ok I rather the vegan or chicken ones
I like my roti more tho when I lived in parkdale for awhile ate dem fuckers a lot

>> No.3895127


Coco bread's interesting because it's made with coconut milk and oil.