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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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3888727 No.3888727 [Reply] [Original]

I need a list of foods that would be good to eat in the shower, preferably ones that dont get ruined by water

>> No.3888738

Depending on how your water is heated, it may sit in a tank for over a day and contain all kinds of microbes and metal and mineral deposits. Do you really want to drink it?

For cold showers, try berries?

>> No.3888740

Cold beer

>> No.3888743

Why would you eat something in the shower OP?

>> No.3888745

why not?

>> No.3888742

i had more complex things in mind like things that are cooked and can be eaten in the shower maybe some kind of ramen

>> No.3888747

i should also clarify thats cooked but not in the shower, that would be ridiculous

>> No.3888748

I'm just trying to imagine how fat you must be to not be able to stop eating for at least 5 minutes to cleanse the dick cheese from your body OP.

Unless its some kinky shit like shoving apples up your ass while masturbating, im cool with that.

>> No.3888752

why do you want me to QQ

>> No.3888758
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OP, is this you?

>> No.3888763

no fuck salad

>> No.3888768

This is the most ridiculous thread I've ever seen on /ck/.

Why would anyone want to eat something in the shower?

>> No.3888771

Because you enjoy things better after a nice shower.

>> No.3888772

i came here for answers /ck/ but all im getting is strange looks

>> No.3888778

please help

>> No.3888805

pears or any fruit and ice cold fruit punch in a bottle with ice inside

chinese powder crackers

turn the water and drink some so its as warm as piss first

then eat fruit and drink the water

chinese bakery savory buns

these are the only things ive eaten

dont try it if you're bathrooms dirty, waters not safe to drink or you're fat

>> No.3888807

or eat some partially raw chicken and rice (like pink bones and lil pink meat)

hot foods hot and colds food cold etc but dont follow it

then eat a 3rd of it and go for a jog in the cold

you'll probably have salmonella poisoning go drink the bath water

it tastes good

>> No.3888815

finally a good response thank you

>> No.3888825

Funny how you have nothing against assapples, but the slightest hint at someone being fat has you rustled.

>> No.3888839


>> No.3888843

Figs, apples.

>> No.3888853

if beef jerkey was good, you could probably eat that. But it aint good, so you should'nt eat it.

>> No.3888856

definitely watermelon op

I often take full watermelon into the shower and spend ~15 minutes opening it with my bare hands and nails by pounding and scraping at it, then eat it like I'm a predator in the wild eating a fresh kill or scavenging a carcass

this is the only way to be as wild as I want and eat it on all fours without making a mess, plus when I really get my head up in there I can wash the juice and any bits of watermelon meat out of my hair

>> No.3888862

Food? Fresh fruit.

Drinks? Anything in a bottle or can. Some narrow opening to prevent water getting in easily.

>> No.3888869

I would think raw meat would be appealing.

>> No.3888876


>> No.3888877

How about cold udon? You're meant to dip the udons into ice cold dashi stock during the process of eating so I imagine it would be appropriate for the shower.

>> No.3888879

Maybe sashimi!

>> No.3888882
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Oh my fucking god.

Now I have to try this.

>> No.3888898
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>> No.3888907
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>> No.3888913


>> No.3888914


>> No.3888959
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OP. Smooties or soup in a hamster water bottle (get a clean,unused one from the store and install it in the shower). You could sip while you suds up.

>> No.3888970

Great if you arre a homosexual man who likes sucking on things in the shower

>> No.3888976

what if OP is a chick?

>> No.3888983
File: 27 KB, 285x156, fudge-brownies.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True story:

woman who works in local bar told me she had a roommate that ate in the shower. The one she remembers is that she went to take a shower and there was a half eated brownie on the shappo self in the shower stall.

feels bad man.

>> No.3889285

thank you these are really helpful

>> No.3889353

>implying it was a brownie

>> No.3889393

I have shower beers often. I predrink and then shower before going out and taking a beer in there is just natural.

Eating in the shower, haven't tried and don't really feel a need to.

>> No.3889418

She's still a faggot.

>> No.3889422

A really really fat faggot

>> No.3889439

op is male and weighs 140 thank you

>> No.3889456
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>> No.3889612
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I love this idea. I think it would go well with this to keep it on the wall:

>> No.3890382

I once ate a turkey sandwich in the shower because I just woke up from a 10 hour long "nap" and was starving.

But smelled awful because I didn't pull the covers off when the AC turned off mid way through the nap.

The key is to shoot the stream towards the front of the shower and stand towards the back until food consumption is complete,

>> No.3890403

You are a nigger/10 my friend. Seriously top quality answer.

>> No.3891264

I do this all the time. I don't have/want/need and excuse. Get home, grab a beer, drink in the shower, pop another after, etc.

That said, I HAD to do this

Fun, but I don't know if I'll repeat the experience. Opening it was easier than anon made out, I just brought doubled fists down on it with a bad judo scream. The handfuls of watermelon, juice everywhere, face right inside, awesome.
Sitting outside of the shower, scraping up seeds, little pieces of rind, then washing away errant juice (no hose attachment), not so much.
And then I wondered - how often did he do this BEFORE he hit on doing it in the shower?
Keep being a freak anon.