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3888695 No.3888695 [Reply] [Original]

Hi, ck. How do I make beer not taste so awful?

Alternatively, what store-bought beer doesn't taste awful?


>> No.3888711

natural ice

>> No.3888713

Clearly beer isn't for you. Have you tried whiskey?

>> No.3888717

theres this weird kid peter who was having a hard time drinking a beer, everyone was drinking one and he promised he would finish it so it wouldnt go to waste, he took a few sips and it was just a corona, he saw the lemon on the bottle but there was no lemon so he started stuffing cantaloupe into the bottle and sobbing to himself "I cant..I..I just cant OH GOD" forcing himself to drink it so he wouldnt be a disappointment.

it was funny

>> No.3888751
File: 116 KB, 398x500, 3281125945_5d7289b5ee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any type of alcohol is an acquired taste.
just drink it until you like it and become a babby alcoholic.
try some local micro brews, never drink anything with the word 'light' in the name, and stay the fuck away from any kind of fruity beer.
i also don't like canned beer unless i'm already drunk.

>> No.3888847

>mfw when I love beer, but absolutely adore belgian cherry beer!

>> No.3888852

<How do I make beer not taste so awful?

stupid question, depends on how you make it, and you didnt give any information about that now did you?

>> No.3888858

If it's unbearable, don't drink it.

OP, I can have any alcohol except beer. No idea why, it's just how it goes for some people.

Have an alternative. If you're at a pub, have cider, but not too much because its even worse for you than beer.

With your friends or at a club, do shots and if you want a regular drink have Cola or whatever you like with you.

>> No.3888859

try some mexican beers (corona, sol etc) with a slice of lime

>inb4 hurr durr piss water
this clearly isn't a craft beer thread

>> No.3888863

You can easily gaurintee yourself an enjoyable beer drinking experience by following a couple easy steps.

First, go out and get a good lager or lighter ale. Not a fucking lite beer, just something with a lower IBU(international bitterness unit). Bonus points if the IBU is listed on the package as it means the brewer is giving you information most big brew companies wouldn't. If it is, get something under 25 at a max. Closer to 10-15 will be better.

Next, stick 1-2 beers in the back of your fridge right next to the cooling thing where cold air enters. You're making sure that this is super cold so it is at an optimal refreshment level. Probably not the best temp for flavour but definitely the best for the mouth feel and your purpose of enjoying the thing.

Finally, do all of this on a hot ass day or mildly hot day, doesn't matter. The key it to totally deprive yourself of water. Seriously, get dehydrated, to the point of desperately wanting a cool and refreshing drink. Not just wanting, you have to need it. Then, instead of quenching your thirst with water, drink the beer. If it tastes bad, you haven't built up enough thirst and need to give yourself another hour of exercise in the sun. Put it in the fridge and do so. Once your truly thirsty as fuck that beer will taste as good as it can, and if you drink a lot of it then you'll begin to aquire a taste and enjoy it after a while.

>> No.3888864

that sounds like an awesome plan.

>> No.3888871


Dos Equis is the beer I first did this with. Didn't really enjoy beer when I was 18. Spent a month in Mexico with my uncle. We'd wake up at 9 and start working immediately without breakfast, food or water or coffee or anything. Then around noon we'd break for lunch and get a round of dos Equis. Cold ass beer with a wedge of lime on a hot ass day when your tired and hungry and thirsty is bliss. If you can't enjoy a beer like that even a little bit(or even tolorate it) then you probably won't ever like beer. If you can tolorate it then just do it repeatedly until you enjoy it. Shouldn't take long.

>> No.3888888

I believe you mean DRAFT beer.

>> No.3888890
File: 37 KB, 300x400, unibroue-trois-pistoles-21352811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know all that Budweiser and Kokanee and shit?

Well that's like the fast food of beer. It'll get you drunk, but it's not that good.

Pic related, it's a fucking amazing beer.

>> No.3888895

Firstly congratulations on the digits. Secondly, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Please refrain from spearding false fucking information. DRAFT beer is beer ether served out of a keg, or if its in a bottle/can then it contains a widget, like Guinness.

>> No.3888905

Drink malt liquor instead

>> No.3888918


Wow you are so fucking retarded.

OP just get some beer and get drunk. I don't even know why you made this thread. Fucking retards these days can't do a single thing until they ask the internet how. I hope you get AIDS.

>> No.3888930


glorious sexts - or hexts - what the fuck are they called?

>> No.3888933

1/10 got me to reply

>> No.3888942

Easy, don't buy shitty light beers that fratfags drink. Either that or make it yourself and tailor it to your tastes.

>> No.3888960

I live in Qubec and tried Trois Pistoles for the first time last month after seeing it posted here all the time.

Gotta say, wasn't that impressed.

>> No.3888969
File: 65 KB, 500x375, 1317783961156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


nice one

>> No.3889066

how do I get aids?

>> No.3889075


suck a bloody dick

>> No.3889096
File: 18 KB, 360x377, la blanche de chambly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I always liked La Blanche De Chambly, personally. La Fin Du Monde and Don De Dieu are pretty good, too.

Unfortunately, I'm now relegated to drinking gluten-free beer...

Glutenberg sucks ass, btw. Terrible aftertaste. La Messagere is far more tolerable.

>> No.3889114


I live in Quebec, but come on Unibroue is a beer for 12 years old girls that don't like taste of beer, that's fucking juice man

>> No.3889122
File: 59 KB, 325x507, kronen_packshots_pilsener.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3889149

as if someone who thinks beer tastes awful will like the taste of whiskey.

>> No.3889201


Fine, I'll bite. What do YOU drink, you big burly internet macho man?

You'd be hard pressed to find a 12 year old girl drinking alcohol that isn't Tornade, Poppers or something along those lines, though.

>> No.3889205

You're full of shit, dickweed.

>> No.3889613

Setting aside all the awful posts in this thread, OP, you really don't have to force yourself to enjoy beer. There isn't some kind of social obligation to do so. If you never find one you like, so be it.

Personally, Maudite was my "lightswitch" beer. From then on out I've been an absolute craft beer addict and I'm edging dangerously close to the 700 mark in things I've tried.

>> No.3889623

Beer's an acquired taste. You kind of have to teach yourself to pick up on the different flavors present. Also it depends on how you drink it, and which taste buds you're using.

For me, I only really got into it after trying Sam Adams Cream Stout. I always found I really liked their Blackberry Witbier and a few different pumpkin ales.

Most importantly, just find what you like. Don't let people tell you that you have shitty taste just because you like something.